Create a Customer

  1. Log in as provider or reseller administrator, depending on which organization manages the customer.

    Log in with the provider or reseller administrator’s email address, which is case-sensitive. The provider administrator can find the reseller administrator’s email address by choosing User Management > Local Admins and then clicking the reseller.

  2. If logged in as provider, and the customer is to be added under a reseller, set the hierarchy path to the reseller.

  3. Choose Customer Management > Customers.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Complete the following fields:

Field Description
Customer Name

The name of the customer. This field is mandatory.


Any spaces in the customer name are converted to underscores in the customer local administrator name and email, if the Create Local Admin check box is selected.

Description Customer description
Domain Name

Customer domain. This field is used to create email addresses for:

If the customer domain is omitted, the provider domain (or reseller domain, if the customer is under a reseller in the hierarchy and the reseller domain was provided) is used instead.

Public Sector Set the Customer as a Public Sector customer. Used for License Reporting.
Create Local Admin Controls whether a default local administrator is created for the customer.
Cloned Admin Role The Provider or Reseller role used to create a new role prefixed with the customer name. The created customer role, shown in the Default Admin Role field, is assigned to the default local administrator user. This field appears only if the Create Local Admin check box is selected.
Default Admin Role The created customer role that is assigned to the default local administrator. This field is read-only, and appears only if the Create Local Admin check box is selected.
Default Admin Password The password to assign to the default local administrator. This field appears and is mandatory only if the Create Local Admin check box is selected.
Repeat Default Admin Password Confirm the default local administrator password. This field appears and is mandatory only if the Create Local Admin check box is selected.
  1. Click Save.


When deleting a customer, remove any entities associated with the customer like LDAP, SSO providers, Devices, and NDLs.