Configure Phones

Before You Begin

To ensure that the Add Phones work flows execute successfully, create and configure the following items first on Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM). Then import them into VOSS-4-UC:

  • Softkey templates and phone button templates
  • Service parameters and enterprise parameters that must be set for a subscriber service
  • Custom SIP profiles
  • Service profiles for Jabber
  • Phone services

During the end-to-end creation of providers, customers, and sites, default values are created (for example, Site ID). If the dial plan for the site specifies Device Pool, CSS, and Partition names, these are available for selection. To identify these site-related values, refer to the naming conventions used in Modify Site Defaults.

The Site Defaults Menu item populates certain default values for phones. To view and edit the menu (depending on your sign-in level), choose Site Management > Defaults and click the site name in the list view. For phone parameter information, use the fields on the General Defaults and Device Defaults tabs. Refer to Modify Site Defaults for additional information regarding the values to fill in for phone parameters such as partitions and CSSs.


If the Enable CSS filtering check box is selected at the customer dial plan, then the list of available calling search spaces includes only those that are marked as a Class of Service under Dial Plan Management > Site > Class of Service at the particular site. You can add a custom CSS in a CSS field if you know the exact syntax.

If the Enable CSS filtering check box is clear, then the list of available calling search spaces includes all CSSs that are configured on Unified CM.

Use this procedure as a high-level workflow to configure one or more phones and associated settings. If the Number Inventory feature is enabled, phone lines are not added. Instead, phones are selected from a drop-down list of available numbers.

The Phones screen is an integrated display to add, modify, or delete the following on the Unified CM device:

  • A line
  • Devices and device details related to the user
  • The association of a line with the user's device
  • For a Dual-Mode Phone, any provisioned mobile identity is added to the phone. You can add more remote destinations if necessary.
  • The User is updated. For a Dual-Mode Phone, the Mobility User ID Name must be set.

When adding a device for a subscriber, ensure that the following properties of the selected device are related correctly:

  • Product
  • Protocol
  • Security Profile Name
  • Phone Template Name. If a new phone is added to Unified CM using COP files, the phone and associated template are only available in VOSS-4-UC after it has been synchronized with Unified CM.


An Activate Phone Status Service setting is enabled by default and can be managed by system level administrators. Refer to the Advanced Configuration Guide for details.

When viewing a list of phones, the status/Fetch real-time phone status action can be carried out by an administrator who has been assigned a role that has an access profile to enable this action. Carrying out this operation fetches the Unified CM phone IP address and status directly from the Unified CM and displays the data on the Phones list view Registration Status (for example "None", "UnRegistered with CUCM-11-5-IP2", "Registered with CUCM-11-5-IP2") and IP Address columns, updating any existing data shown.

  • Since the result of the status/Fetch real-time phone status action is in real time, the current status of the list requires that the action carried out in order to see the latest values.
  • There is no cache of data resulting from this action. Any values shown in the columns would not be current, but are the cached values from the RIS data collector if it is enabled.
  • When carrying out the status/Fetch real-time phone status action, the data in the Registration Status and IP Address columns can only be viewed:
    • The latest data only shows for the current list of phones on the Admin Portal.
    • The data in these columns is not stored in the database and cannot be exported or filtered.


  1. Sign in as a provider, customer, or site level administrator. If you are signed in as the site administrator, you can see a subset of the fields that are available on the interface.
  2. Choose site from the hierarchy breadcrumb.
  3. Choose Subscriber Management > Phones.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Configure the phone and its associated settings using the following tabs.
Tab Description

Default values for Device Protocol, BAT Phone Template, Device Security Profile, and other fields are updated automatically based on the selected Product type. The Vendor Config area displays the configurable vendor features available for the selected phone type. Configure each field as required. The fields displayed vary depending on the selected Product (device type) and the Device Protocol (such as SIP or SCCP). The availability of the Vendor Config settings depends on the Field Display Policy.

The supported features available for each phone type are retrieved from the related Unified CM.

You can override the default Phone Button Template value by entering a custom value in the Phone Button Template field. The entered value will be applied on Unified CM if the Unified CM allows it for that phone type.


If you don't see a template that you are looking for in the drop-down list (for example, for Phone Button Template, Device Security Profile or SIP Profile), edit the template on Unified CM, and then sync the template into VOSS-4-UC to have it appear in the drop-down list.

Tip: If the Product type list does not contain the phone or endpoint you want, take the following steps. In Unified CM, install a COP file for the endpoint you want. Install the COP file only once for the Unified CM instance where the endpoint is added. Then in VOSS-4-UC, import the phone button template from Unified CM.


Follow these steps while creating a CTI Remote Device to enable Extend and Connect in VOSS-4-UC:

  1. Enter the Device Name. For example, CTIRD<USERID>.
  2. Choose the Product as CTI Remote Device.
  3. Choose the Owner User ID from the drop-down list.
  4. Choose the SUBSCRIBE Calling Search Space name from the drop-down list.
  5. Choose the Rerouting Calling Search Space name from the drop-down list.

This tab serves two purposes.

  1. To show all the lines that are associated with the device
  2. To associate lines with the device.

The Lines sections reflect the Lines object in Unified CM. You can add lines to this group and associate lines with the device. You can add custom lines by entering a line in the drop-down list (depending on the status of the Number Inventory feature).

Speed Dials Allows you to configure speed dials for the device. Available speed dials depend on the device's Phone Button Template. The order in which Speed Dial entries are added matches the slots that are available in Unified CM.
Services Used to set IP Phone services.
Busy Lamp Fields Allows you to configure busy lamps for the device. Available busy lamp fields depend on the device's Phone Button Template.
Blf Directed Call Parks Allows you to configure Busy Lamp Field directed call parks for the device. Available BLF-directed call parks depend on the device's Phone Button Template. Create BLF-directed call parks in Call Routing > Directed Call Parks on Unified CM before configuring them from this tab. The available BLF-directed call parks match those created for each specific Route Partition Name.
Tab Description
Dual Mode Settings Only applies to a Dual Mode Phone, Spark Remote Device, or CTI Remote Device, and allows you to enter the relevant Mobile Identity and Remote Destination (or CTI Remote Destination) parameters for the device. These parameters include Name, Destination Number, Owner User ID, Dual Mode Device Name (or CTI Remote Device), and Answer Too Soon and Too Late Timers.
  1. When you are finished adding phones and phone settings, click Save.
  2. To modify phone and phone settings, use the process described in Steps 1 to 6. When you modify a phone, the following workflow is executed (depending on what was modified):
    • When adding a line, a check is made to see if it exists. If the line does not exist, it is created.
    • When modifying a line, the Link to Line hyperlink on each Line form directs the user to the specific Line relation details. The details can then be modified and saved, after which the user will be returned to the base tab of the Phone form. The user can also navigate back to the Phone by using the back button. When a user's menu layout has more than one entry for relation/LineRelation and associated Field Display Policy, then the form opened by the Link to Line hyperlink will apply the first one (searching from top to bottom) found in the user's menu layout, if one is available.
    • The Phone and User Remote Destination are updated.


If the required Unified CM setting "Customer Support upload URL" is configured at the Enterprise, Profile, or Device level, then the Action menu option Generate Prt Phone can be used to send a Problem Report Tool (PRT) file to the upload URL.