Add, Delete and Modify Internal Number Inventory Range

  1. Navigate to a required site hierarchy node, or select it from the Hierarchy drop-down popup screen when choosing Internal Number Inventory Management > Maintain Internal Number Inventory Range
  2. From the Operation drop-down, choose if an existing range will be deleted, modified or if a new range will be added. When adding, the range is Available by default. When modifiying, the Used and Available settings will be applied to the selected range. When deleting, lines cannot be marked as Used or Available, because these check boxes are hidden. A range can also be marked as Used when adding it.
  3. Enter the first number for the Directory Number (DN) range in the Start Number field.
  4. Enter the last number for the DN range in the End Number field. The maximum allowed range is 1000 for a single action. The start number should always be smaller than the end number. If you are adding or deleting a single DN, the ending number is the same as the starting number. If existing, used numbers are in the range, these will not be affected - only non-existing numbers will be added.
  5. When adding or modifying the Internal Number Inventory, use the following fields to input additional information for the range: Description, E164Number, Extra1 to Extra3. With the exception of the E164Number, these fields allow free text.
  6. Click Save to save the single DN or DN range you added, modified or deleted. If a number in a deleted range was set as Used, it will not be deleted.

The status of a Number Inventory for a site can be inspected by choosing Internal Number Inventory Management > Internal Number Inventory and inspecting the internal numbers for the site hierarchy.

Internal numbers are available when using Subscriber Management > Subscribers, Quick Add Subscriber or Smart Subscriber.