Non-interactive Login

The following request, parameter and endpoint is available on the API:

  • Request:

    POST <hostname>/noninteractivelogin/
  • Payload:

    • Content-Type: application/json
    • JSON containing user credentials, for example:
  • Parameter:

    A request parameter to expose hierarchy and role related data is available: rbacinfo

With the user credentials payload as above, the following calls result in the same response:

POST <hostname>/noninteractivelogin/
POST <hostname>/noninteractivelogin/?rbacinfo=false
POST <hostname>/noninteractivelogin/?rbacinfo=False

If the request is successful:

  • the HTTP response is 200
  • the JSON body is for example:
 "is_externally_authenticated": false,
 "last_successful_login_time": "2017-06-12T13:28:55.785Z",
 "num_of_failed_login_attempts": 0
  • the X-CSRFToken value

When enabling the rbacinfo parameter and with the same user credentials payload as above, the following calls result in the same response:

POST <hostname>/noninteractivelogin/?rbacinfo
POST <hostname>/noninteractivelogin/?rbacinfo=true
POST <hostname>/noninteractivelogin/?rbacinfo=True
POST <hostname>/noninteractivelogin/?rbacinfo=

If the request is successful:

  • the HTTP response is 200
  • the JSON body is for example:
 "hierarchy_path": "sys.Prov",
 "language": "en-us",
 "is_externally_authenticated": false,
 "hierarchy_name": "Prov",
 "hierarchy_href": "/api/data/HierarchyNode/593e8fa28719cf00060a7011/",
 "role_name": "ProvRole",
 "role_href": "/api/data/Role/593e91098719cf00060a7029/",
 "role_pkid": "593e91098719cf00060a7029",
 "last_successful_login_time": "2017-06-12T13:28:38.390Z",
 "hierarchy_type": "TestHierarchyNodeType",
 "hierarchy_pkid": "593e8fa28719cf00060a7011",
 "num_of_failed_login_attempts": 0

If a data/PrivacyPolicy instance is found at or above the logged in user’s hierarchy, the data for the instance closest to that hierarchy will be included in the response JSON body:

 "privacy_policy": {
     "url": "<URL from data/PrivacyPolicy>",
     "name": "<Name from data/PrivacyPolicy>"
 "hierarchy_path": "sys.Prov",
 "language": "en-us",


  • Upon the first successful login, the last_successful_login_time is an empty string.
  • Upon a subsequent successful login, the last_successful_login_time is the login time prior to current session.
  • The num_of_failed_login_attempts value is reset to 0 after a successful login.
  • If the requests above fail:

    • the HTTP response is 403

    • the JSON body is:

       "error_message": "Please enter a valid username and password.",
       "error_code": 27009
    • the X-CSRFToken value