Reset UC Passwords Overview¶
VOSS-4-UC maintains details of user credentials A VOSS-4-UC user can also be a corresponding user on a number of devices. In particular, users can have password (and PIN) credentials for:
- VOSS-4-UC user
- Unified CM (also PIN)
- Cisco Unity Connection (also PIN)
- LDAP user on Unified CM
- LDAP user on Cisco Unity Connection
- WebEx user
The Reset UC Passwords feature allows you to select a username for a user on Unified CM at a selected hierarchy and then, given the configured services for the user, you can select a check box to reset the user’s password and/or PIN for the services.
The feature can be used by an administrator at the provider, customer and site hierarchy. It will, given a selected username, also enable options to select other devices for password modification and also displays notices or warning messages to indicate available devices and exclusions.
For example, the password of a Unified CM user that is also an LDAP user, cannot be modified. Such a user is also not a VOSS-4-UC user. In other instances, the VOSS-4-UC password is also reset when a user’s device password is reset.
If a user is an LDAP user on either Unified CM or Cisco Unity Connection and they are selected, then only the PIN for the device will be reset.