Automatic User Push to Cisco Unified CM¶
You can enable Automatic User Push to Cisco Unified Communications Manager by selecting the Auto Push Users to CUCM check box on the Site Management > Sites > Site Details page. Automatic User Push is cleared (disabled) by default.
Users are automatically pushed to a Unified CM in the following situations:
When users are moved to a site hierarchy level (either by filters, username, or usernames):
- If a Network Device List (NDL) is configured on that site and contains a Unified CM, the users are pushed to the Unified CM.
- If an NDL is configured on that site with no Unified CM, nothing happens.
- If an NDL is not configured on that site, nothing happens.
When an NDL is added to a site after the site was created:
- If the NDL is configured with a Unified CM, the users at the associated site are pushed.
- If the NDL is not configured with a Unified CM, nothing happens.
When a Unified CM is added to an NDL:
If the NDL is associated with a site, the users on that site are pushed to the new Unified CM.
When a new user is created at the site level:
- If an NDL is configured on that site and contains a Unified CM, the user is pushed to the Unified CM.
- If an NDL is configured on that site with no Unified CM, nothing happens.
- If an NDL is not configured on that site, nothing happens.