
Model: tool/License

Manage License

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This topic covers the licensing of the VOSS Automate software product. License enforcement is enabled on all Automate deployments, including production and lab environments.

Starting with Automate 21.4, a 7-day temporary license is issued for new installs or upgrades to allow administrators to carry out the required licensing. You must replace the temporary license with your new license token (license key) within 7 days from install or upgrade.


You won't be able to log in to the system once the temporary license expires.

Each VOSS Automate deployment ships with a unique Deployment or Platform ID. The Platform ID is required to generate a license token. A license token is only valid for a deployment with the related Platform ID.

Licensing Workflow

  1. Obtain the license tokens (JSON Web Tokens) from VOSS. These tokens are used to license your product.

  2. Choose a licensing method:

    1. From the Administration menu on the GUI, as sysadmin user, follow the steps described in Manage Licenses on the GUI.


      This method is not available for license renewal when the existing license token has already expired.

    2. From the system Command License Interface (CLI), as platform user:

      To update a license token from the system CLI, the following commands are available:

      • license add token [<token string>]
      • license add file <token_file>

      Follow the steps in the Product Licensing topic in the Platform Guide. Follow this method for expired license renewal.

  3. When your license expires, follow the steps for your license type to renew it.

Add a License on Automate via the GUI

This procedure adds a new license token (license key) on Automate, via the GUI.


You can also add a license via the CLI. See the Platform Guide.

  1. Obtain your license token from VOSS.

  2. Log in as the system administrator user (sysadmin), then go to (default menus) Administration Menu > Licensing > Manage License.


    You won't be able to log in to the system once your license expires. It is recommended that you renew and apply your license prior to the expiry date.

  3. Review the Manage License form details. The table describes the fields on this form:


    Date format of <date-time> is localized to the browser locale.

    Field Description
    Platform ID <platform ID> - The ID to submit when renewing a license.
    Licensed Application Name The name of your application, for example, "Automate".
    License Status

    The status of your license. On install or upgrade, a 7-day temporary license is provided. It is important that you apply your new license before the expiry date.

    When a valid license exists, and is outside of the expiry alert period, the status is Licensed.

    Sync Status Last Changed <date-time>
    License Last Checked

    <date-time> - The last time the license was checked.

    Refer to the Product Licensing topic in the Platform Guide for details on the use of the voss check-license command, which is used to check your license with VOSS.

    License Sync Message The status messages of communication with the License service.
    License Token Identifier <token ID> - Used by VOSS Support.
    License Expiry <date-time>
    Current License Token The <token string> for your current license (the license that will expire or is due to expire).
    New License Token The <token string> for the new license that you obtain from VOSS. Once you paste the new license token into this field and save, it overwrites your current (expired) license.
    License Modes If the License Status is a temporary license, a list of modes are shown - matching product modes. For details on the available product modes, contact VOSS.
  4. At the New License Token field, paste your new license token (the license token obtained from VOSS).

  5. Click Save to apply your new license token.

License Expiry Alert Notifications

Automate sends alerts to Provider administrators in the Automate Admin Portal to notify these users that the system license will expire. The alert type depends on the number of days before the license expires:

Alert type When sent?
Info 120 days prior to license expiry
Info 90 days prior to license expiry
Warning 60 days prior to license expiry
Warning 30 days prior to license expiry
Warning Daily, from two weeks prior to license expiry

View your Product License Status

This topic describes the ways in which you can access and view the status of your product license.

View your Product License in the Automate GUI

You can access and view your product license in the Automate GUI via the Login screen, via alerts sent from the system, via the Licensing menu, and via the Dashboard link (as sysadmin user):

View your Product License in the Platform CLI

You can access your product license details via the Automate platform CLI:

Renew a License

You won't be able to log in to the system via the Admin Portal GUI once your license expires. It is recommended that you renew and apply your license before the current license expires.

Your system administrator will need to contact VOSS to renew the license. Provide the platform ID which is shown on the Manage License form.

Model Details: tool/License

Title Description Details