This implements the relationship between a Webex App place and associated devices.
Model ref.: relation/WebexTeamsPlace
The full URL would include the host-proxy name: https://[host-proxy].
Variables are enclosed in square brackets.
{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-03/schema", "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "readonly": true, "title": "Id", "type": "string" }, "displayName": { "required": true, "title": "Name", "description": "A friendly name for the workspace.", "type": "string" }, "capacity": { "title": "Capacity", "description": "How many people the workspace is suitable for.", "type": "integer" }, "type": { "title": "Type", "description": "The workspace type.", "type": "string", "choices": [ { "value": "", "title": "No workspace type set" }, { "value": "desk", "title": "Desk - individual" }, { "value": "focus", "title": "Focus - high concentration" }, { "value": "huddle", "title": "Huddle - brainstorm/collaboration" }, { "value": "meetingRoom", "title": "Meeting Room - dedicated meeting space" }, { "value": "open", "title": "Open Space" }, { "value": "other", "title": "Other" } ] }, "orgId": { "title": "Organization ID", "type": "string" }, "sipAddress": { "readonly": true, "title": "SIP Address", "description": "SipUrl to call all the devices associated with the workspace.", "type": "string" }, "created": { "readonly": true, "title": "Date Created", "type": "string" }, "hotdeskingStatus": { "title": "Hot Desking Status", "type": "string", "choices": [ { "value": "on", "title": "On" }, { "value": "off", "title": "Off" } ] }, "supportedDevices": { "title": "Supported Devices", "type": "string", "choices": [ { "value": "collaborationDevices", "title": "Collaboration devices" }, { "value": "phones", "title": "MPP phones" } ] }, "floorId": { "title": "Floor", "type": "string" }, "notes": { "title": "Notes", "type": "string" }, "locationId": { "title": "Location", "type": "string", "format": "uri", "target_attr": "name", "target": "/api/device/spark/Location/choices/?field=name&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=[authtoken], "convert_to_primary_key": true, "target_model_type": "device/spark/Location", "choices": [] }, "associated_devices": { "readonly": true, "type": "string", "name": "associated_devices", "description": "The product type of the devices associated with this place.", "title": "Associated Devices", "cache_only": true }, "device_activation_code": { "readonly": true, "type": "string", "name": "device_activation_code", "description": "The activation code for registering and associating a device with this place.", "title": "Device Activation Code", "cache_only": true }, "device_activation_code_expiry_date": { "readonly": true, "type": "string", "name": "device_activation_code_expiry_date", "description": "The expiration date for the activation code.", "title": "Device Activation Code Expiration Date", "format": "date-time", "cache_only": true }, "workspace_hierarchy_node_type": { "readonly": true, "type": "string", "name": "workspace_hierarchy_node_type", "description": "The hierarchy node type where this workspace is located.", "title": "Workspace hierarchy node type", "cache_only": true }, "phoneNumbers": { "readonly": true, "type": "array", "title": "Phone Numbers", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "external": { "readonly": true, "type": "string", "title": "External" }, "extension": { "readonly": true, "type": "string", "title": "Extension" }, "primary": { "readonly": true, "type": "boolean", "title": "Primary" } } } }, "calling": { "title": "Calling", "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "name": "type", "default": "freeCalling", "description": "This determines how calls are made from this place.", "title": "Calling Behaviour", "choices": [ { "value": "none", "title": "No Calling" }, { "value": "freeCalling", "title": "Free Calling (default)" }, { "value": "webexCalling", "title": "Webex Calling" }, { "value": "thirdPartySipCalling", "title": "Third-party SIP URI" }, { "value": "webexEdgeForDevices", "title": "Webex Edge For Devices" } ] }, "webexCalling": { "title": "Webex Calling Settings", "type": "object", "properties": { "locationId": { "type": "string", "name": "locationId", "description": "Location ID when adding a Webex Calling workspace.", "title": "Location", "format": "uri", "target_attr": "name", "target": "/api/device/spark/Location/choices/?field=name&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=[authtoken], "convert_to_primary_key": true, "target_model_type": "device/spark/Location", "choices": [] }, "extension": { "type": "string", "name": "extension", "description": "Extension when adding a Webex Calling workspace.", "title": "Extension" }, "phoneNumber": { "type": "string", "name": "phoneNumber", "description": "Phone Numberwhen adding a Webex Calling workspace.", "title": "Phone Number" } } }, "hybridCalling": { "title": "Hybrid Calling Settings", "type": "object", "properties": { "emailAddress": { "type": "string", "pattern": "(^$|^([^.@]+)(\\.[^.@]+)*@([^.@]+\\.)+([^.@]+)$)", "name": "emailAddress", "description": "Enter the Mail ID below to connect this place to the existing Unified CM account. This Mail ID ensures that the correct user account is connected with this place for hybrid calling. A default domain must be configured on the Webex Teams account to dervice this email address.", "title": "End user email address in Cisco Unified CM" } } }, "site": { "type": "string", "name": "site", "description": "Select the Site where the associated Unifed CM user will be created. The Webex Teams places and devices will automatically be moved to this site.", "title": "Site", "cache_only": true }, "site_pkid": { "type": "string", "name": "site_pkid", "title": "Site Pkid", "cache_only": true }, "directory_number": { "type": "string", "name": "directory_number", "description": "Enter the DN to be used with the Unified CM account. This DN is used for hybrid calling.", "title": "Directory Number", "cache_only": true }, "subscriber_pkid": { "type": "string", "name": "subscriber_pkid", "description": "Internal field for the subscriber ID.", "title": "Subscriber PKID", "cache_only": true }, "subscriber_link": { "type": "string", "name": "subscriber_link", "format": "link", "description": "Jump to the associated subscriber page.", "title": "Link to Subscriber", "cache_only": true } } }, "calendar": { "title": "Calendar", "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "name": "type", "description": "Which calendar provider do you want to use?.", "title": "Calendar Type", "default": "none", "choices": [ { "value": "none", "title": "None" }, { "value": "microsoft", "title": "Microsoft Exchange / Office 365" }, { "value": "google", "title": "Google Calendar" } ] }, "emailAddress": { "type": "string", "name": "emailAddress", "description": "This is the email address that will be used to connect to the hybrid calendar service.", "title": "Workspace email address" } } }, "input_devices": { "title": "Devices", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "IP": { "required": true, "type": "string", "title": "IP Address" }, "Profile": { "required": true, "type": "string", "title": "Profile", "format": "uri", "target_attr": "name", "target": "/api/data/RoomosDeviceConfigurationProfile/choices/?field=name&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=[authtoken], "convert_to_primary_key": true, "target_model_type": "data/RoomosDeviceConfigurationProfile", "choices": [] }, "username": { "title": "Username", "type": "string", "description": "Defaults to admin" }, "password": { "title": "Password", "type": "string", "description": "Defaults to empty string", "is_password": true } } } }, "devices": { "title": "Devices", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "readonly": true, "title": "Id", "description": "A unique identifier for the device.", "type": "string" }, "link": { "readonly": true, "title": "Link", "description": "Link to jump to the device details.", "type": "string", "format": "link" }, "displayName": { "readonly": true, "title": "Name", "description": "A friendly name for the device.", "type": "string" }, "workspaceId": { "readonly": false, "title": "Workspace Id", "description": "The workspace ID associated with the device.", "type": "string" }, "workspaceName": { "readonly": true, "title": "Workspace", "description": "The workspace Name associated with the device.", "type": "string", "format": "uri", "target_attr": "displayName", "target": "/api/device/spark/Place/choices/?field=displayName&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=[authtoken], "convert_to_primary_key": true, "target_model_type": "device/spark/Place", "choices": [] }, "personId": { "readonly": false, "title": "Person Id", "description": "The person ID associated with the device.", "type": "string", "format": "uri", "target_attr": "email", "target": "/api/device/spark/User/choices/?field=email&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=[authtoken], "convert_to_primary_key": true, "target_model_type": "device/spark/User", "choices": [] }, "personEmail": { "readonly": true, "title": "Person", "description": "The person Email associated with the device.", "type": "string", "format": "uri", "target_attr": "email", "target": "/api/device/spark/User/choices/?field=email&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=[authtoken], "convert_to_primary_key": true, "target_model_type": "device/spark/User", "choices": [] }, "orgId": { "readonly": true, "title": "Organization ID", "description": "The organization associated with the device.", "type": "string" }, "locationId": { "title": "Location Name", "readonly": true, "type": "string", "format": "uri", "target_attr": "name", "target": "/api/device/spark/Location/choices/?field=name&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=[authtoken], "convert_to_primary_key": true, "target_model_type": "device/spark/Location", "choices": [] }, "errorCodes": { "readonly": true, "title": "Errors", "description": "This device has the following issues.", "type": "string" }, "capabilities": { "readonly": true, "title": "Capabilities", "description": "The capabilities of the device.", "type": "string" }, "permissions": { "readonly": true, "title": "Permissions", "description": "The permissions the user has for this device. For example, xapi means this user is entitled to using the xapi against this device.", "type": "string" }, "connectionStatus": { "readonly": true, "title": "Connection Status", "description": "The connection status of the device.", "type": "string" }, "product": { "readonly": true, "title": "Product", "description": "The product name.", "type": "string" }, "model": { "readonly": true, "title": "Model", "description": "The model name - e.g. DMS Cisco 8845", "type": "string" }, "tags": { "readonly": true, "title": "Tags", "description": "Tags assigned to the device.", "type": "string" }, "ip": { "readonly": true, "title": "IP Address", "description": "The current IP address of the device.", "type": "string" }, "activeInterface": { "readonly": true, "title": "Active Interface", "description": "The current network connectivty for the device.", "type": "string" }, "mac": { "readonly": false, "title": "MAC Address", "description": "The unique address for the network adapter.", "type": "string" }, "primarySipUrl": { "readonly": true, "title": "Primary SIP URL", "description": "The primary SIP address to dial this device.", "type": "string" }, "sipUrls": { "readonly": true, "title": "SIP URLs", "description": "All SIP addresses to dial this device.", "type": "string" }, "serial": { "readonly": true, "title": "Serial", "description": "Serial number for the device.", "type": "string" }, "password": { "readonly": false, "title": "password", "is_password": true, "description": "Password for third party device.", "type": "string" }, "software": { "readonly": true, "title": "Software", "description": "The operating system name data and version tag.", "type": "string" }, "upgradeChannel": { "readonly": true, "title": "Upgrade Channel", "description": "The upgrade channel the device is assigned to.", "type": "string" }, "created": { "readonly": true, "title": "Created", "description": "The date and time that the device was registered, in ISO8601 format.", "type": "string" }, "manufacturer": { "type": "string" } } } } }, "schema_version": "1.3.3" }
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Get the GUI Add form. | GET | /api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/add/ |
The GUI Add form of relation/WebexTeamsPlace as JSON |
The API call to the /add/ URL can only be made from a hierarchy that allows the model type to be added. The actions in the response shows the url for the POST API call to create an instance.
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Payload |
Create | POST | /api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace | hierarchy=[hierarchy] |
tool/Transaction/[trans pkid]to inspect the created resource and its instance pkid.
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Payload |
Bulk delete [pkid1],[pkid2]... | DELETE | /api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/ | hierarchy=[hierarchy] | {"hrefs":["/api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/[pkid1]", "/api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/[pkid2]", ...]} |
GET http://[host-proxy]/api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]&format=json
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Payload |
Get a selected [export_format] of the schema and instances [pkid1], [pkid2],... of relation/WebexTeamsPlace; optionally with tag_version at [version] and Configuration Template as [configtemplate]. | POST | /api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/export/ |
{ "hrefs":["/api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/[pkid1]", "/api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/[pkid2]",...]}} |
For export_format=json, the response is a time stamped zip file of data in JSON as in the system database. Item properties such as strings that are empty or Boolean values that are not set, are not included. The filename in the response is of the format as the example:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export_2013-05-17_14:20:19.186444.json.zip Content-Language:en Content-Type:application/x-zip
For export_format=raw_xlsx, the response is a MS Excel spreadsheet with columns corresponding to the JSON format export and a response filename format:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=<resource_type>_<resource_name>_exportedsheet_CCYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.xlsx Content-Language:en Content-Type:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
For export_format=xlsx, the response is a MS Excel spreadsheet, arranged by any Field Display Policies that apply. The columns correspond with those of a Bulk Load Template export sheet. The response filename format is:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=<resource_type>_<resource_name>_exportedsheet_formatted_CCYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.xlsx Content-Language:en Content-Type:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
The XLSX format can be used to bulk load instances of relation/WebexTeamsPlace and the JSON format can be used to import instances of relation/WebexTeamsPlace.
GET http://[host-proxy]/api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Get a compressed format of the Bulk Load spreadsheet template for relation/WebexTeamsPlace | POST | /api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/export_bulkload_template/ |
The response is an attachment of the format: filetype_bulkloadsheet.xlsx.gz |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Configuration Template | GET | /api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/configuration_template/ | hierarchy=[hierarchy] |
POST http://[host-proxy]/api/data/ConfigurationTemplate/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Field Display Policy | GET | /api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/field_display_policy/ | hierarchy=[hierarchy] |
POST http://[host-proxy]/api/data/FieldDisplayPolicy/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
List | GET | /api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/ |
The relation/WebexTeamsPlace schema and all instances as JSON. |
(The list will return 0 to 3 relation/WebexTeamsPlace instances)
{ "pagination": { "skip": 0, "limit": 3, "maximum_limit": 2000, "total": 0, "total_limit": null, "order_by": "displayName", "direction": "asc", "current": "/api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/?skip=0&limit=3&order_by=displayName&direction=asc&traversal=down" }, "operations": [ "export", "help", "update", "bulk_update", "get", "remove", "list", "configuration_template", "add", "export_bulkload_template", "field_display_policy" ], "meta": { "model_type": "relation/WebexTeamsPlace", "summary_attrs": [ { "name": "displayName", "title": "Name" }, { "name": "capacity", "title": "Capacity" }, { "name": "type", "title": "Type" }, { "name": "sipAddress", "title": "SIP Address" }, { "name": "associated_devices", "title": "Associated Devices" }, { "name": "calling.type", "title": "Calling Behaviour", "allow_ordering": false, "allow_filtering": true }, { "name": "calling.directory_number", "title": "Directory Number", "allow_ordering": false, "allow_filtering": true }, { "name": "calendar.type", "title": "Calendar Type", "allow_ordering": false, "allow_filtering": true }, { "name": "calendar.emailAddress", "title": "Workspace email address", "allow_ordering": false, "allow_filtering": true }, { "name": "locationId", "title": "Location" }, { "name": "hierarchy_friendly_name", "title": "Located At", "allow_filtering": true } ], "tagged_versions": [], "tags": [], "title": "", "business_key": {}, "api_version": "21.2", "cached": true, "references": { "children": [], "parent": [ { "href": "/api/data/HierarchyNode/6t0ggef2c0deab00hb595101", "pkid": "6t0ggef2c0deab00hb595101" } ], "device": [ { "href": "", "pkid": "" } ], "foreign_key": [], "self": [ { "href": "/api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/None/", "pkid": null } ] }, "model_specific_actions": [ "export", "help", "update", "get", "remove", "list", "configuration_template", "export_bulkload_template", "field_display_policy", "add" ], "schema_version": "1.3.3", "actions": [ { "add": { "method": "GET", "class": "add", "href": "/api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/add/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "support_async": false, "title": "Add" } }, { "remove": { "method": "DELETE", "class": "delete", "href": "/api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "support_async": true, "title": "Delete" } }, { "export": { "method": "POST", "class": "export", "href": "/api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/export/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "support_async": false, "title": "Export", "view": "/api/view/ExportData/add/?auth_token=[authtoken], "submit": "payload" } }, { "export_bulkload_template": { "method": "POST", "class": "bulkload_template", "href": "/api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/export_bulkload_template/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "support_async": false, "title": "Export Bulk Load Template" } }, { "configuration_template": { "method": "GET", "class": "config", "href": "/api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/configuration_template/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "support_async": false, "title": "Configuration Template" } }, { "field_display_policy": { "method": "GET", "class": "display_policy", "href": "/api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/field_display_policy/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "support_async": false, "title": "Field Display Policy" } }, { "list": { "method": "GET", "class": "list", "href": "/api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "support_async": false, "title": "List" } }, { "help": { "method": "GET", "class": "help", "href": "/api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/help?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "support_async": false, "title": "Help" } } ] }, "resources": [] }
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Get the on-line Help for relation/WebexTeamsPlace. | GET | /api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/help | hierarchy=[hierarchy] | On-line help of Model ref.: relation/WebexTeamsPlace as HTML |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Payload |
Modify | PUT | /api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/[pkid] | hierarchy=[hierarchy] | (For payload specification) |
For Bulk modification, refer to the Bulk Modify section.
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Delete | DELETE | /api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/[pkid] | hierarchy=[hierarchy] |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Get a selected [export_format] of the schema and a single instance with [pkid] of relation/WebexTeamsPlace; optionally with tag_version at [version] and Configuration Template as [configtemplate]. | GET | /api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/[pkid]/export |
The response is an attachment. Refer to the list below. |
For export_format=raw_xlsx, the response is a "raw" MS Excel spreadsheet with columns corresponding to the JSON format export and a response format:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=<resource_type>_<resource_name>_exportedsheet_CCYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.xlsx Content-Language:en Content-Type:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
For export_format=xlsx, the response is a MS Excel spreadsheet, formatted to show all columns and a response format:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=<resource_type>_<resource_name>_exportedsheet_formatted_CCYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.xlsx Content-Language:en Content-Type:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
For export_format=json, the response is a time stamped zip file of data in JSON and a response format:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export_2013-05-17_14:20:19.186444.json.zip Content-Language:en Content-Type:application/x-zip
The XLSX format can be used to bulk load instances of relation/WebexTeamsPlace and the JSON format can be used to import instances of relation/WebexTeamsPlace.
For Bulk Export, refer to the Bulk Export section.
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Get | GET | /api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/[pkid] | hierarchy=[hierarchy] | The relation/WebexTeamsPlace instance with [pkid]. |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Help | GET | /api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/[pkid]/help | hierarchy=[hierarchy] | The on-line Help for relation/WebexTeamsPlace. |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Payload |
Add Device | POST | /api/relation/WebexTeamsPlace/[pkid]/+AddDevice | hierarchy=[hierarchy] | If payload required: |