Subscriber relation model used for deletion in multi-vendor
Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
First Name | Enter the end user first name. |
Display Name | This field appears for local end users as well as LDAP synchronized end users. You can specify a display name for the local end users. For LDAP synchronized end users, this field appears if Microsoft Active Directory is used as the corporate directory. It displays the display name of the end user as specified in Microsoft Active Directory. Note This field is supported on Administrative XML (AXL) and Bulk Administration Tool (BAT). |
Middle Name | Enter the end user middle name. |
Last Name * | Enter the end user last name. |
Em Max Login Time |
Userid * | Enter the unique end user identification name. You can enter any character, including alphanumeric and special characters. No character restrictions exist for this field. You can modify the user ID only for local users. For LDAP synchronized users, you can view the user ID, but you cannot modify it. Note We recommend that you do not use a slash (/) in the User ID field. Cisco User Data Services will not function properly for the user when the User ID contains a slash. |
Confirm Password | This field does not display for LDAP Synchronized users if LDAP Authentication is enabled. Enter the end user password again. |
Confirm PIN | Enter the PIN again. |
Mailid | Enter the end user e-mail address. |
Department | Enter the end user department information (for example, the department number or name). |
Manager | Enter the user ID of the end user manager ID. Tip The manager user ID that you enter does not have to exist in the same cluster as the end user; therefore, Unified CM does not require that you enter a user ID that already exists in the database. |
User Locale | From the drop-down list box, choose the locale that is associated with the end user. The user locale identifies a set of detailed information to support end users, including language and font. Unified Communications Manager uses this locale for extension mobility and the Cisco Unified Communications Self Care Portal. For Cisco Extension Mobility login, the locale that is specified takes precedence over the device and device profile settings. For Cisco Extension Mobility logout, Unified Communications Manager uses the end user locale that the default device profile specifies. Note If you do not choose an end user locale, the locale that is specified in the Cisco CallManager service parameters as Default User Locale applies. |
Associated Devices | Also known as controlled devices. |
Device | Name of device. |
Primary Extension | Only DNs associated with the associatedDevices of the User can be used as primary extension. |
Pattern * | DN or Pattern |
Route Partition Name * | Route Partition to which the DN is associated. |
Associated Pc | This required field applies for Cisco IP Softphone users. |
Associated Groups |
User Group |
Groups * | Name of User Group |
User Roles |
Roles | READ ONLY: Name of the User Role associated with the user group will be taken. |
Allow Control of Device from CTI | If this check box is checked, when the user logs in to a device, the AllowCTIControlFlag device property becomes active, which allows control of the device from CTI applications. Until the user logs in to a device, this setting has no effect. Note The Allow Control of Device from CTI setting in the end user configuration overrides the AllowCTIControlFlag device property of the device to which the user logs in. Default: True |
Confirm Digest Credentials | To confirm that you entered the digest credentials correctly, re-enter the credentials in this field. |
Phone Profiles |
Profile Name |
Default Profile | From the drop-down list box, choose a default extension mobility profile for this end user. |
BLF Presence Group * | Use this field to configure the BLF Presence feature. From the drop-down list box, choose a BLF presence group for the end user. The selected group specifies the destinations that the end user can monitor. The default value for BLF Presence Group specifies Standard Presence group, configured with installation. BLF Presence Groups that are configured in Cisco Unified Administration also appear in the drop-down list box. BLF Presence Group authorization works with BLF Presence Groups to allow or block presence requests between groups. |
SUBSCRIBE Calling Search Space | Supported with the BLF Presence feature, the SUBSCRIBE calling search space determines how Unified Communications Manager routes presence requests that come from the end user. This setting allows you to apply a calling search space separate from the call-processing search space for presence (SUBSCRIBE) requests for the end user. From the drop-down list box, choose the SUBSCRIBE calling search space to use for presence requests for the end user. All calling search spaces that you configure in Cisco Unified CM Administration appear in the SUBSCRIBE Calling Search Space drop-down list box. If you do not select a different calling search space for the end user from the drop-down list box, the SUBSCRIBE calling search space defaults to None. To configure a SUBSCRIBE calling search space specifically for this purpose, you configure a calling search space as you do all calling search spaces. |
Enable Mobility | Check this check box to activate Cisco Unified Mobility, which allows the user to manage calls by using a single phone number and to pick up in-progress calls on the desktop phone and cellular phone. Checking this check box triggers licensing to consume device license units for Cisco Unified Mobility. |
Enable Mobile Voice Access | Check this check box to allow the user to access the Mobile Voice Access integrated voice response (IVR) system to initiate Cisco Unified Mobility calls and activate or deactivate Cisco Unified Mobility capabilities. |
Maximum Wait Time for Desk Pickup | Enter the maximum time in milliseconds that is permitted to pass before the user must pick up a call that is transferred from the mobile phone to desktop phone. Default: 10000 |
Remote Destination Limit | Enter the maximum number of phones to which the user is permitted to transfer calls from the desktop phone. Default: 4 |
Password Credentials | Not Applicable for Add. Credential configuration for password. |
Pwd Cred Policy Name |
Pwd Cred User Cant Change |
Pwd Cred User Must Change |
Pwd Cred Does Not Expire |
Pwd Cred Time Changed |
Pwd Cred Time Admin Lockout |
Pwd Cred Locked By Administrator |
Pwd Reset Hack Count | The tag will be ignored in add, while update you can reset the hack count. |
Pin Credentials | Not Applicable for add. These groups get automatically added once an user is added. |
Pin Cred Policy Name |
Pin Cred User Cant Change |
Pin Cred User Must Change |
Pin Cred Does Not Expire |
Pin Cred Time Changed |
Pin Cred Time Admin Lockout |
Pin Cred Locked By Administrator |
Pin Reset Hack Count | The tag will be ignored in add, while update you can reset the hack count. |
Enable Extension Mobility Cross Cluster | Check this box to enable this end user to use the Cisco Extension Mobility Cross Cluster feature. For more information about the Cisco Extension Mobility Cross Cluster feature, see the Feature Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager. |
Cti Controlled Device Profiles |
Controlled Profiles | This drop-down list box displays the CTI-controlled profiles that are available for association with an end user who is configured for CTI. |
MLPP Precedence Authorization Level | Set the MLPP Precedence Authorization Level. The following precedence levels indicate the priority level that is associated with a call: 0: Flash Override (highest) 1: Flash 2: Immediate 3: Priority 4: Routine (lowest) You can set the Precedence Authorization Level to any standard precedence level from Routine to Executive Override. Calls of equal or lower precedence are authorized to be originated by the user. Default: Default |
MLPP User ID | This pane displays the Instance ID from the CAPF Profile that you configured for this user. To view or update the profile, double-click the Instance ID or click the Instance ID to highlight it; then, click View Details. The End User CAPF Profile Configuration window displays with the current settings. Note The MLPP User Identification number must comprise 6 - 20 numeric characters. For information on how to configure the End User CAPF Profile, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Security Guide. |
Confirm MLPP Password | Confirm the MLPP password. Note To confirm that you entered the MLPP Password correctly, re-enter the password in this field. |
Custom User Fields |
Custom User Field | This Tag is valid only for GetUser |
Name |
Value |
Home Cluster | Check this check box if the end user is homed to this cluster. The end user should only be homed to one cluster within the enterprise. Note After an upgrade to Unified Communications Manager Release 10.0(1), when new users are synced from LDAP, the home cluster is not enabled. You must modify your existing LDAP synchronization agreement and add a Feature Group Template which has the home cluster enabled. Default: True |
Enable User for Unified CM IM and Presence (Configure IM and Presence in the associated UC Service Profile) | Check this check box to enable the end user (on the home cluster) for IM and Presence. Configure IM and Presence in the associated service profile. Note IM and Presence does not function properly if an end user is assigned to more than one home cluster. Note You must install a Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence node along with this Unified Communications Manager cluster. Use the User Management > User Settings > UC Services menu to configure the IM and Presence service. |
UC Service Profile | To revert to the System Default Service Profile value, select any value from the drop-down, blank it (i.e. delete ALL text) and submit. |
Line Appearance Association For Presences | Applicable for Controlled Devices |
Line Appearance Association For Presence |
Laap Associate |
Laap Product Type |
Laap Device Name |
Laap Directory |
Laap Partition |
Laap Description |
Directory Uri | Enter the directory URI that you want to associate to this end user. A directory URI looks like an email address and follows the user@host format. For information about valid formats for directory URIs, see Directory URI formats in the "Intercluster Directory URI" chapter of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administrative Guide. Note If you enter a directory URI and also enter a directory number in the Primary Extension field, this directory URI automatically becomes the primary directory URI that is associated to that directory number. |
Telephone Number | Enter the end user work number. You may use the following special characters: (, ), and -. |
Title |
Mobile Number | Enter the end user mobile number. You may use the following special characters: (,), and -. |
Home Number | Enter the end user home number. You may use the following special characters: (,), and -. |
Pager Number | Enter the end user pager number. You may use the following special characters: (,), and -. |
Extensions Info | These tags are for Quick User/Phone Add page |
Extension | These tags are for Quick User/Phone Add page |
Sort Order |
Pattern * |
Route Partition |
Line Primary Uri |
Partition |
Self Service | The Meeting Number is generated automatically when the Self-Service User ID field is configured. |
User Profile |
Calendar Presence |
Ldap Directory Name |
User Identity | Value should be of of the format user@domain |
Name Dialing |
IPCC Extension | From the drop-down list box, choose an IPCC extension for this end user. Note This field appears only if the IPCC Express Installed enterprise parameter is set to True. |
Ipcc Route Partition | Applicable for Controlled Devices so this tag is appropriate for Get/UpdateUser APIs with ipccExtension tag only. |
Convert LDAP Synchronized User to Local User | This check box appears for LDAP synchronized end users. Check this check box then save changes to convert an LDAP synchronized user to a local user. |
Enable User To Host Conference Now | Check this check box to allow End User to host Conference Now. |
Attendees Access Code | Set the Attendees Access Code for a secure conference call. The access code can be modified in the Self Care Portal. For more information on how to modify the access code, see the Cisco Unified Communications Self Care Portal User Guide. |
Zero Hop | If zeroHop value is false pin will be synchronized with UCxN, if synchronization is enabled for Unity Connection server and if zeroHop is true pin will not be synchronized with UCxN. This tage is supported only for updateUser api |
Customer Name | This tag should only be used by Hosted Collaboration Solution Shared Architecture deployments. |
Associated Headsets | Contains headset that are associated to user. |
Headset | Name of headset. |
Associated Remote Destination Profiles | Read-Only.These groups automatically get added once the user is associated with a Remote Destination Profile. |
Remote Destination Profiles | This field lists the remote destination profiles that were created for this user. To view the details of a particular remote destination profile, choose a remote destination profile in the list and click the View Details link. |
Garbage Collection Status | Garbage Collection Status |
Subscriber Quick Add Group |
User ID of the CUCM User |
Subscriber Quick Add Group |
Web Ex User |
Time Zone With DST |
Remote Support |
Recording |
Type |
Enforce * |
Location |
Auto Request |
Enable * |
Request |
Sharing View |
Sharing Color |
Default Client |
Type * |
Single Sess Client |
Language ID |
Locale |
Phones |
Phone2 |
Pager |
Mobile Phone2 |
User Id | Default: -1 |
Web Ex Id * |
Personal Teleconf |
Join Before Host |
Account |
Account Index * |
Subscriber Access Code |
Auto Generate |
Participant Limited Access Code |
Participant Full Access Code |
Join Before Host |
Default Flag |
Delete |
Expiration Date |
Email2 |
Personal Url |
Comm Options |
Electronic Info |
Fax |
Phone |
Promos |
Training Info |
Press |
Prod Announce |
Meeting Types |
Meeting Type |
Title |
Session Options |
Auto Delete After Meeting End |
Display Quick Start Host |
Display Quick Start Attendees |
Default Service Type |
Default Session Type |
Supported Services |
Event Center |
Sales Center |
Support Center |
Meeting Center |
Training Center |
Privilege |
Is Enable CET |
Is Enable PMR |
Attendee Only |
Tele Conf Call Out |
Ro Site Admin |
Voice Over Ip |
Allow Ext Attendees |
Tele Conf Call Out International |
Meeting Assist |
Tele Conf Toll Free Call In |
H Dvideo |
Host |
Recording Editor |
Site Admin |
Tele Conf Call In |
Tele Conf Call In International |
Other Telephony | Default: True |
Lab Admin |
H Qvideo |
Email * |
Web ACD Prefs |
Manager Monitor All RS Queues |
Monitor All RS Agents |
Agent Monitor All RS Queues |
Num Agent Sessions |
Is Agent |
Is Mgr |
Time Zone ID | Default: -1 |
Description |
Personal Meeting Room |
Photo URL |
Sip URL |
Welcome Message |
Pilot Number |
Personal Meeting Room URL |
Host PIN |
Header Image Branding |
Apply PMR For Instant Meeting |
Access Code |
Header Image URL |
Company |
Office Greeting |
Tsp Account |
Tsp Account |
Toll Free Call In Number |
Participant Access Code |
Nbr Dial Out |
Create On Bridge |
Subscriber Access Code |
Toll Call In Data |
Custom1 |
Custom2 |
Custom3 |
Toll Call In Number |
Toll Free Call In Data |
Account Index |
Default Flag |
Delete |
Language |
Visit Count |
Address |
City |
Address Type | Default: PERSONAL |
Address1 |
Address2 |
Zip Code |
State |
Country |
Active * |
Password * |
Remote Access |
Recording |
Type |
Enforce * |
Location |
Sharing View |
Sharing Color |
Officeurl |
Tracking |
Tracking Code5 |
Tracking Code4 |
Tracking Code7 |
Tracking Code6 |
Tracking Code1 |
Tracking Code10 |
Tracking Code3 |
Tracking Code2 |
Tracking Code9 |
Tracking Code8 |
My Web Ex |
Is My Web Ex Pro |
Total Storage Size |
My Profile |
My Meetings |
My Computer |
My Folders |
Personal Meeting Room |
My Contact |
My Workspaces |
Additional Recording Storage |
My Partner Links |
Recorded Events |
My Reports |
Training Recordings |
Service |
First Name * |
Scheduling Permission |
Password Hint Answer |
Last Name * |
Category Id |
Support Center |
Service Desk |
Enable |
Order Tabs |
Tab |
Third Party Teleconf |
Account |
Moderator Code |
Conf Bridge Num |
Pause |
Name |
Account Index * |
Phone Name1 |
Access Code |
Phone Name2 |
Toll Free Num |
Default Flag |
Mp Profile Number |
Password Hint |
Time Zone |
Security |
Force Change Password |
Lock Account |
Reset Password |
Registration Date |
Options |
Notify On New Message |
Folder Read |
Subscription Office |
List In Category |
Picture Visible |
Notify On Link Request |
Support Meeting Record |
Title Visible |
Cell Phone Visible |
Office Url Visible |
Support Desktop Share |
Fax Visible |
Folder Write |
Support Desktop Share Remote |
Hold On Link Request |
Notify On Meeting |
Email Visible |
Is Enable CET |
Message Visible |
Icon Select2 |
Icon Select1 |
Work Phone Visible |
Support App |
Support Appshare Remote |
Accept Link Request |
First Name Visible |
Support File Share |
Support Web Tour Remote |
Follow Me Enable |
Address Visible |
Last Name Visible |
Support Video |
Pager Visible |
Ldap User |
LDAP Username * | The login attribute of the associated LDAP device model instance |
Data Username | The data username that is mapped to the associated LDAP device model instance. |
LDAP Server | A reference to the LDAP server which this user must authenticate against. |
Cuc User |
Exit Target Handler | The unique identifier of the specific object to send along to the target conversation. |
Title | The position or function of a user within an organization, such as 'Vice President.' |
Address Mode | The default method the subscriber will use to address messages to other subscribers. |
Ring Primary Phone First | A flag indicating whether a subscriber's primary phone should be rung before trying other destinations in a personal group. |
Command Digit Timeout | The amount of time (in milliseconds) between digits on a multiple digit menu command entry (i.e. different than the inter digit timeout that is used for strings of digits such as extensions and transfer strings). |
Voice Name | The name of the WAV file containing the recorded audio (voice name, greeting, etc.) for the parent object. |
En Alt Greet Dont Ring Phone | A flag indicating whether a caller is prevented from being transferred to the subscriber phone when the subscriber alternate greeting is turned on. |
Say Timestamp After | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection announces the timestamp after it plays back each message for the subscriber. |
Department | The name or number for the department or subdivision of an organization to which a person belongs. |
Greet By Name | A flag indicating whether the subscriber hears his/her name when they log into their mailbox over the phone. |
Address | The physical address such as a house number and street name where the user is located, or with which a user is associated. |
Retain Urgent Message Flag | A flag that indicates whether the urgent message flag on a message is retained for both reply and forward message actions. The default value is 0; the urgent message flag is NOT retained for both reply and forward message actions. |
Is Template | A flag indicating whether this instance of a User object is a "template" for creating new users. |
Dtmf Name Last First | The digits corresponding to the numeric keypad mapping on a standard touchtone phone representing the last name followed by the first name of the user. These digits are used for searching the user by name via the phone. |
Speech Sensitivity | A variable level of sound sensitivity that enables the speech engine to filter out background noise and not mistake it for speech. A higher value means higher sensitivity. |
Conversation Tui | The name of the conversation the subscriber uses to set up, send, and retrieve messages. |
Ccm Id | Id of associated EndUser, ApplicationUser, or DirectoryNumber in Call Manager |
Ldap Type | The LDAP configuration information for the user. |
External Service Accounts URI |
Save Message On Hangup | A flag indicating when hanging up while listening to a new message, whether the message is marked new again or is marked read. |
Enable Visual Message Locator | A flag indicating whether the visual message locator feature is enabled for the subscriber. The visual message locator feature presents a list of messages on the subscriber's IP phone display for the subscriber to select from visually. |
Repeat Menu | The number of times to repeat a menu in TUI. |
Building | The name of the building where the user is based (e.g., SJ-21). |
User Mailbox URI | The URI to change the mailbox settings. |
Conversation Vui | The VUI conversation assigned to the subscriber. |
Employee Id | The numeric or alphanumeric identifier assigned to a person, typically based on order of hire or association with an organization. |
Object Id | The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier for a User object. - template parameter [1] |
Creation Time | The date and time the user account was created. |
Jump To Messages On Login | A flag indicating whether the subscriber conversation jumps directly to the first message in the message stack after subscriber sign-in. |
Say Sender | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection announces the sender of a message during message playback for the subscriber. |
Message Locator Sort Order | The order in which Cisco Unity Connection will sort messages when the "Message Locator" feature is enabled. |
Mailbox Dn | The distinguished name of the mailbox. |
Phone Number | A phone number. |
Ccm Id Type | Type of CCM user/object this id refers to (end user, application user, or directory number) |
Synch Schedule URI |
Client Matter Code | The client matter code to transmit to Call Manger when a phone number is dialed on an outbound call. The CMC is entered after a phone number is dialed so that the customer can assigning account or billing codes to the call. Whether or not the CMC will be transmitted is dictated by a setting on outbound call. The subscriber's CMC is used only if the outbound call doesn't have its own CMC. |
Confirm Delete Deleted Message | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection will request confirmation from a subscriber before proceeding with a deletion of a single deleted message. |
Enable Save Draft | A flag indicating whether the save draft message feature is enabled for the subscriber. |
Alternate Names URI | The URI to get the alternate names of the user. |
Voice File URI |
Initials | The initial letters of some or all of the names of this user. |
Alt First Name | The alternate spelling of a user first name in an internationally recognizable format (i.e., ASCII only characters) used for TUI client name lookup and message addressing, and for VUI client name lookup. |
Exit Call Action | The unique identifier of the CallAction object that is taken when a caller exits the subscriber conversation by pressing the * key or timing out. |
Say Msg Number | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection announces the position of each message in the stack (i.e., 'Message 1', 'Message 2' ,etc.) during message playback for the subscriber. |
Say Total New Voice | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection announces the total number of new voice messages in the subscriber mailbox. |
Read Only | If set to 1 (true) user is read-only and cannot be modified. |
Say Sender Extension | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection during message playback, plays the primary extension information of the subscriber who sent the message after playing the sender's voice name. |
Saved Message Stack Order | The order in which Cisco Unity Connection plays the following types of "saved" messages: * Urgent voice messages * Non-urgent voice messages * Urgent fax messages * Non-urgent fax messages * Urgent e-mail messages * Non-urgent e-mail messages * Receipts and notices |
Say Sender Extension After | This flag works exactly the same as the SaySenderExtension flag on a user, except the conversation plays the sender's extension in the message footer. |
Display Name | The preferred text name of a person to be used when displaying entries such as in the administrative console, e.g. Cisco Unity Connection Administration. |
Inbox Auto Refresh | The rate (in minutes) at which Unity Inbox performs a refresh. |
Use Default Time Zone | Indicates if the default timezone is being used. |
Phone System URI |
State | The full name of the state or province where this user is located, or with which a user is associated. |
Alt Last Name | The alternate spelling of a user last name in an internationally recognizable format (i.e., ASCII only characters) used for TUI client name lookup and message addressing, and for VUI client name lookup. |
Announce Upcoming Meetings | The amount ahead of time, in minutes, that Connection will warn the subscriber of upcoming meetings when the subscriber calls into the system. |
Mailbox Store Name | The Mailbox store name of user. |
Say Ani | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection plays the Automatic Number Identification (ANI) information during message playback for voice messages from unidentified callers. |
New Message Sort Order | The order in which Cisco Unity Connection will sort new messages. |
Time Last Call | The date and time when the subscriber last accessed their mailbox by phone (last time they were offered messages). |
Dtmf Name Last | The digits corresponding to the numeric keypad mapping on a standard touchtone phone representing the last name of the user. These digits are used for searching the user by name via the phone. |
Fax Server | The unique identifier of the FaxServer object for the subscriber. |
Location | The name of the LocationVMS object to which this user belongs. |
Dtmf Name First | The digits corresponding to the numeric keypad mapping on a standard touchtone phone representing the first name of the user. These digits are used for searching the user by name via the phone. |
Prompt Speed | The audio speed Cisco Unity Connection uses to play back prompts to the subscriber. |
En Alt Greet Prevent Skip | A flag indicating whether callers can skip the greeting while it is playing when the alternate greeting is turned on. |
Continuous Add Mode | A flag indicating whether when addressing, after entering one recipient name, whether the subscriber is asked to enter another name or assume the subscriber is finished adding names and is ready to move on to recording the message or applying message options. |
Enhanced Security Alias | The unique text name used to idenitify and authenticate the user with an RSA SecurID security system. |
Private Lists URI |
Confirm Delete Multiple Messages | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection allows the subscriber to choose which message they want to delete or whether Cisco Unity Connection permanently deletes the specified type of messages. Changes what Cisco Unity Connection does when subscribers press 3 > 2 > 2 from the Main menu to permanently delete multiple deleted messages at once. |
Conversation Name | The name of the conversation the subscriber uses to set up, send, and retrieve messages. |
Enable Message Bookmark | A flag indicating whether Message Bookmark is enabled for the subscriber |
Inbox Messages Per Page | The number of messages Unity Inbox displays in a page. |
Pab Last Imported | The date and time when the personal address book was last imported from a groupware package into the personal groups for a user. |
Pca Home Page | The Home Page is the first page that is displayed after logging in to the PCA. |
Update Broadcast Msg | A flag indicating whether the subscriber has the ability to update broadcast messages that are active or will be active in the future. |
Say Copied Names | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection announces the "copied" names during message playback for a subscriber. |
Inbox Auto Resolve Message Recipients | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection automatically resolves a recipient address entered in the To, Cc or Bcc fields to a subscriber or distribution list. Known as the "AutoResolve" feature. |
Mwis URI |
User Web Password URI | The URI to change the web application password. |
Video Service Accounts URI |
Skip Forward Time | Indicates the amount of time (in milliseconds) to jump forward when skipping ahead in a voice or TTS message using either DTMF or voice commands while reviewing messages. |
Say Message Length After | This flag works exactly the same as the SayMessageLength flag on a user, except the conversation plays the message length in the message footer. |
Use Vui | A flag indicating whether the speech recognition conversation is the default conversation for the subscriber. |
Speech Confidence Threshold | When the engine matches a spoken phrase, it associates a confidence level with that conclusion. This parameter determines what confidence level should be considered a successful match. A higher value means the engine is will report fewer successful matches, but it will be more confident in the matches that it reports. |
First Digit Timeout | The amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) for first digit when collecting touch tones. |
Address After Record | A flag indicating whether the subscriber will be prompted to address message before or after it is recorded. |
Phone System | The unique identifier of the MediaSwitch object Cisco Unity Connection uses for subscriber Telephone Record and Playback (TRAP) sessions and to dial MWI on or off requests when the Cisco Unity Connection system has a dual switch integration. |
Exit Target Conversation | The name of the conversation to which the caller is routed. |
Saved Message Sort Order | The order in which Cisco Unity Connection will sort saved messages. |
Partition URI |
First Name | The first name (i.e., givenName) of this user. Not their surname nor middle name. |
Use Brief Prompts | A flag indicating whether the subscriber hears brief or full phone menus when accessing Cisco Unity Connection over the phone. |
Skip Password For Known Device | A flag indicating whether the subscriber will be asked for his/her PIN when attempting to sign-in from a known device. |
Last Name | The last name (i.e., surname or family name) of this user, by which a user is commonly known. |
Message Type Menu | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection plays the message type menu when the subscriber logs on to Cisco Unity Connection over the phone. |
Skip Reverse Time | Indicates the amount of time (in milliseconds) to jump backward when skipping in reverse in a voice or TTS message using either DTMF or voice commands while reviewing messages. |
Route NDR To Sender | A flag indicating, for an undeliverable message, whether NDR messages will appear in the subscriber's mailbox or are deleted by the system. |
Voice Name URI |
Say Timestamp Before | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection announces the timestamp before it plays back each for the subscriber. |
Partition Name | The unique identifier of the Partition to which the DtmfAccessId is assigned. |
Say Msg Number After | This flag works exactly the same as the SayMsgNumber flag on a user, except the conversation plays the message number in the message footer. |
Speech Complete Timeout | Specifies the required length of silence (in milliseconds) following user speech before the recognizer finalizes a result (either accepting it or throwing a nomatch event). The SpeechCompleteTimeout property is used when the speech prior to the silence matches an active grammar. A long SpeechCompleteTimeout value delays the result completion and therefore makes the system's response slow. A short SpeechCompleteTimeout value may lead to the inappropriate break up of an utterance. Reasonable SpeechCompleteTimeout values are typically in the range of 0.3 seconds to 1.0 second. See Appendix D?Timing properties of the VoiceXML Specification for details. |
Forced Authorization Code | A valid authorization code that is entered prior to extending calls to classes of dialed numbers, for example, external, toll and international calls. |
En Alt Greet Prevent Msg | A flag indicating whether callers can leave a message after the greeting when the subscriber alternate greeting is turned on. |
Auto Advance Msgs | A flag indicating that the conversation will, during playback, advance to the next message in the playback stack automatically after it is done playing the after message menu. |
Assistant Rows Per Page | This controls the number of entries to display per page for all tables in the Unity Assistant, e.g. the Private List Members table. |
Template Alias | Query parameter |
Enable Message Locator | A flag indicating whether the message locator feature is enabled for the subscriber. |
Create Smtp Proxy From Corp | Flag indicating whether an SMTP proxy address matching the corporate e-mail address (column EmailAddress) should be created for this User. |
Is Set For Vm Enrollment | Temporary placeholder until IsVmEnrolled can be phased out. At that point, delete this column and rename tbl_UserSubscriber.IsVmEnrolled to IsSetForVmEnrollment. A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection plays the enrollment conversation (record a voice name, indicate if they are listed in the directory, etc.) for the subscriber when they login. |
Use Dynamic Name Search Weight | Use dynamic name search weight. When this user addresses objects, the name search weight for those objects will automatically be incremented. |
User Role URI | The URI to change the role of the user. |
Clock Mode | The time format used for the message timestamps that the subscriber hears when they listen to their messages over the phone. |
Class of Service | The name of the Class of Service object with which this user account is associated. |
Ldap Ccm User Id | The userid of associated end user in the sleeping SeaDragon database. |
Say Ani After | This flag works exactly the same as the SayAni flag on a user, except the conversation plays the ani in the message footer. |
Dtmf Name First Last | The digits corresponding to the numeric keypad mapping on a standard touchtone phone representing the first name followed by the last name of the user. These digits are used for searching the user by name via the phone. |
Postal Code | For users in the United States, the zip code where the user is located. For users in Canada, Mexico, and other countries, the postal code where the user is located. |
Xfer String | The cross-server transfer extension. If NULL, the user's primary extension is used. |
Confirmation Confidence Threshold | Voice Recognition Confirmation Confidence Threshold |
Undeletable | A flag indicating whether this subscriber can be deleted via an administrative application such as Cisco Unity Connection Administration. It is used to prevent deletion of factory defaults. |
Delay After Greeting | The amount of time (in milliseconds) Cisco Unity Connection will delay after playing greeting. |
Encrypt Private Messages | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection encrypts messages from the subscriber that are marked private. |
Say Total Receipts | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection announces the total number of new receipts in the subscriber mailbox. |
New Message Stack Order | The order in which Cisco Unity Connection plays the following types of "new" messages: * Urgent voice messages * Non-urgent voice messages * Urgent fax messages * Non-urgent fax messages * Urgent e-mail messages * Non-urgent e-mail messages * Receipts and notices |
Notification Devices URI |
Mailbox Store | Mailbox Store for the tenant. |
Is Vm Enrolled | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection plays the enrollment conversation (record a voice name, indicate if they are listed in the directory, etc.) for the subscriber when they login. |
Inactive | A flag indicating whether this subscriber is inactive or not. |
Email Address | The corporate email address of the user. |
Enable Tts | A flag indicating whether TTS is enabled for the subscriber. Only relevant if TTS enabled in User's COS also. |
Search By Extension Search Space | The unique identifier of the SearchSpace which is used to limit the visibility to dialable/addressable objects when searching by extension (dial string). |
Pca Address Book Rows Per Page | Controls the number of matching entries the Address Book displays per page, when a search is performed. The Address Book is used across multiple PCA applications and so this setting applies globally. |
Location URI |
Say Distribution List | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection announces the distribution list that sends a message, if applicable. |
City | The name of a locality, such as a city, county or other geographic region where the user is located, or with which a user is associated. |
Send Broadcast Msg | A flag indicating whether the subscriber may send broadcast messages. |
Exit Action | The type of call action to take, e.g., hang-up, goto another object, etc. |
Voice Name Required | A flag indicating whether a recorded voice name is required for this subscriber. |
Search By Extension Search Space URI |
Smtp Proxy Addresses URI | The URI to get the smtp proxy addresses of the user. |
Message Handlers URI |
Say Total New Fax | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection announces the total number of new fax messages in the subscriber mailbox. |
Call Handler | The unique identifier of the primary CallHandler object for the subscriber. |
Time Zone | The time zone to which this user account is associated. |
Say Sender After | This flag works exactly the same as the SaySender flag on a user, except the conversation plays the sender in the message footer. |
Name Confirmation | Indicates whether the voice name of the subscriber or distribution list added to an address list when a subscriber addresses a message to other subscribers is played. The default value for this is off (no voice name played) since the voice name was just played as part of the list of matches . To most users this sounds redundant when on, but some users prefer it. |
Search By Name Search Space URI |
Enable Personal Rules | A flag indicating whether a subscriber's personal rules are enabled. Subscribers can use this setting to disable all personal rules at once. |
Confirm Delete Message | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection will request confirmation from a subscriber before proceeding with a deletion of a single new or saved message. |
Synch Schedule | The unique identifier of the Schedule object to use for synchronization Calendar information from groupware (such as Exchange). |
Language | The preferred language of this user. For a user with a voice mailbox, it is the language in which the subscriber hears instructions played to them. If the subscriber has TTS enabled by their COS, it is the language used for TTS. |
Record Unknown Caller Name | A flag indicating whether a caller should be promoted to record his/her name if Unity does not receive caller id. |
Manager | The name of the person who is the manager or supervisor of the user. |
Call Answer Timeout | The number of rings to wait for a subscriber destination to answer before the call is forwarded to the subscriber's primary phone. |
Volume | The audio volume expressed as a percentage that Cisco Unity Connection uses to play back message. |
Say Total Saved | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection announces the total number of saved messages in the subscriber mailbox. |
Interdigit Delay | The amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) for input between touch tones when collecting digits in TUI. |
Cos URI |
Smtp Address | SMTP address The full SMTP address for this object. |
Localization Key | Localization Key. |
Country | The two-letter ISO 3166-1 country code where the user is located, or with which a user is associated. |
Say Message Length | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection announces the length of each message during message playback. |
List In Directory | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection should list the subscriber in the phone directory for outside callers. |
Callhandler URI |
Say Alt Greet Warning | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection notifies the subscriber when they login via the phone (plays conversation) or CPCA (displays a warning banner) if their alternate greeting is turned on. |
Alias * | The unique text name for either a user, distribution list, or personal group. |
Prompt Volume | The volume level for playback of system prompts. |
Tenant | The name of the tenant to which the user belongs. |
Say Total Draft Msg | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection announces the total number of draft messages in the subscriber mailbox |
Say Total New | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection announces the total number of new messages in the subscriber mailbox. |
Say Total New Email | A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection announces the total number of new e-mail messages in the subscriber mailbox. |
Speech Incomplete Timeout | Specifies the required length of silence (in milliseconds) from when the speech prior to the silence matches an active grammar, but where it is possible to speak further and still match the grammar. By contrast, the SpeechCompleteTimeout property is used when the speech prior to the silence matches an active grammar and no further words can be spoken. A long SpeechIncompleteTimeout value delays the result completion and therefore makes the system's response slow. A short SpeechIncompleteTimeout value may lead to the inappropriate break up of an utterance. The SpeechIncompleteTimeout value is usually longer than the completetimeout value to allow users to pause mid-utterance (for example, to breathe). Note that values set for the completetimeout property are only supported if they are less than the incompletetimeout property. See Appendix D?Timing properties of the VoiceXML Specification for details. |
User Voice Pin URI | The URI to change the voice mail pin of the user. |
Ldap Ccm Pkid | The pkid of associated end user in the sleeping SeaDragon database. |
Send Message On Hangup | An enum indicating when hanging up while addressing a message that has a recording and at least one recipient, whether the message is discarded, sent or saved as a draft message if the subscriber explicitly issues the command to send the message either via DTMF or voice input. |
Alternate Extensions URI |
Dialable Phone Number | A dialable version of the PhoneNumber column. |
Is Clock Mode24Hour | The time format used for the message timestamps that the subscriber hears when they listen to their messages over the phone. |
Use Short Poll For Cache | A flag indicating whether the user's polling cycle for retrieving calendar information will be the shorter "power user" polling cycle. |
Dtmf Access Id * | The DTMF access id (i.e., extension) of the subscriber. The dialable number. |
Fax Server URI |
Billing Id | Accounting information or project code associated with this user. |
Search By Name Search Space | The unique identifier of the SearchSpace which is used to limit the visibility to dialable/addressable objects when searching by name (character string). |
Deleted Message Sort Order | The order in which Cisco Unity Connection presents deleted messages to the subscriber. |
Speech Speed Vs Accuracy | Tunes the engine towards Performance or Accuracy. A higher value for this setting means faster matches that may be less accurate. A lower value for this setting means more accurate matches along with more processing and higher CPU utilization. |
Use Default Language | Set to true (1) if call handler is using default language from the location it belongs to. |
Speed | The audio speed Cisco Unity Connection uses to play back messages to the subscriber. |
Cuc Password |
Credential Policy URI |
User Object Id * | The unique identifier of the User object to which this credential belongs. - template parameter [1] |
Locked | A flag indicating whether access to the user account associated with this set of credentials is locked. |
Time Hacked | The date and time that the credential was locked due to too many hacks. The date and time is recorded in this column whenever a user credential is locked due to too many hacks based on the credential policy. |
Time Changed | The date and time when the credentials were last changed. The date and time is recorded in this column whenever a user credential is created or changed. |
Cant Change | A flag indicating whether the user can set this credential. |
Password | The PIN or password, for a user. The credentials are stored in an encrypted format. |
Time Last Hack | The date and time of the last logon attempt with an invalid user credential. |
Credential Policy Object Id | The unique identifier of the CredentialPolicy object that is associated with this credential. |
User URI |
Credential Type | The type of credential such as password, PIN, Windows or Domino credential. |
Alias | The unique text name for either a user, distribution list, or personal group. |
Hacked | A flag indicating whether access to the user account associated with this set of credentials is locked due too many hack attempts. |
Hack Count | The number of logons attempted that failed due to invalid credentials. The Unity system or external authentication provider determined that the credentials supplied as part of a user logon attempt were invalid. |
Doesnt Expire | A flag indicating whether this user credential will expire, and therefore the user must change the credential periodically. However, if the credential does not expire (value = "1"), the user still may change the credential (if allowed by CantChange). |
Is Primary | A flag indicating whether this credential is mapped to the user NT/AD domain account and as such is designated as the 'primary' credential for the user. This column is not currently used, but is retained from Unity 4.x in case it is needed in the future. |
Object Id | Surrogate key to support IMS |
Cred Must Change | A flag indicating whether the user must change their credentials (PIN or password) at the next login. |
Time Lockout | The date and time that the credential was locked by an administrator. |
Cuc Pin |
Credential Policy URI |
User Object Id * | The unique identifier of the User object to which this credential belongs. - template parameter [1] |
Locked | A flag indicating whether access to the user account associated with this set of credentials is locked. |
Time Hacked | The date and time that the credential was locked due to too many hacks. The date and time is recorded in this column whenever a user credential is locked due to too many hacks based on the credential policy. |
Time Changed | The date and time when the credentials were last changed. The date and time is recorded in this column whenever a user credential is created or changed. |
Cant Change | A flag indicating whether the user can set this credential. |
PIN | The PIN or password, for a user. The credentials are stored in an encrypted format. |
Time Last Hack | The date and time of the last logon attempt with an invalid user credential. |
Credential Policy Object Id | The unique identifier of the CredentialPolicy object that is associated with this credential. |
User URI |
Credential Type | The type of credential such as password, PIN, Windows or Domino credential. |
Alias | The unique text name for either a user, distribution list, or personal group. |
Hacked | A flag indicating whether access to the user account associated with this set of credentials is locked due too many hack attempts. |
Hack Count | The number of logons attempted that failed due to invalid credentials. The Unity system or external authentication provider determined that the credentials supplied as part of a user logon attempt were invalid. |
Doesnt Expire | A flag indicating whether this user credential will expire, and therefore the user must change the credential periodically. However, if the credential does not expire (value = "1"), the user still may change the credential (if allowed by CantChange). |
Is Primary | A flag indicating whether this credential is mapped to the user NT/AD domain account and as such is designated as the 'primary' credential for the user. This column is not currently used, but is retained from Unity 4.x in case it is needed in the future. |
Object Id | Surrogate key to support IMS |
Cred Must Change | A flag indicating whether the user must change their credentials (PIN or password) at the next login. |
Time Lockout | The date and time that the credential was locked by an administrator. |
Phone |
Device Name * | Enter a name to identify software-based telephones, H.323 clients, and CTI ports. For device names that are not based on a MAC address, as a general rule, you can enter 1 to 15 characters comprised of alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-D, 0-9). In most cases you can use dot (.), dash (-), and underscore (_) as well. Tip Because the rules for the device name field depend on the device type, Cisco recommends that you see the product documentation to determine which character set is valid for your device, as well as the number of characters allowed. For example, when you configure the device name for the Cisco Unified Personal Communicator, make sure that the name starts with UPC. Note Ensure that the device name of a Cisco Unified Mobile Communicator does not exceed 15 characters. If the device name of a Cisco Unified Mobile Communicator exceeds 15 characters, migration of this device will fail upon upgrade to a different release of Cisco Unified Communications Manager. If an existing Cisco Unified Mobile Communicator device name specifies a longer name, shorten the device name to 15 or fewer characters. Cisco Unified Mobile Communicator supports dual mode phones. The preceding limit of 15 characters also applies to Cisco Unified Mobile Communicator dual mode. When the MI for a dual mode phone is longer than 15 characters, the cellular network rejects the phone registration. |
Description | Identify the purpose of the device. You can enter the user name (such as John Smith) or the phone location (such as Lobby) in this field. For Cisco VG248 gateways, begin the description with VGC<mac address>. The description can include up to 128 characters in any language, but it cannot include double-quotes ("), percentage sign (%), ampersand (&), back-slash (\), or angle brackets (<>). |
Product * | Product ID string. read-only except when creating a device. |
Class * | Class ID string. Class information is read-only except when creating a device. Default: Phone |
Device Protocol * | Protocol option is read-only,except when creating a device. |
Protocol Side * | Side information is read-only except when creating a device Default: User |
Calling Search Space | From the drop-down list box, choose the appropriate calling search space (CSS). A calling search space comprises a collection of partitions that are searched to determine how a dialed number should be routed. The calling search space for the device and the calling search space for the directory number get used together. The directory number CSS takes precedence over the device CSS. Note When set to <none>, Unified CM uses the device mobility calling search space, which is configured on the device pool. |
Device Pool * | Choose the device pool to which you want this phone assigned. The device pool defines sets of common characteristics for devices, such as region, date/time group, and softkey template. |
Common Device Configuration | Choose the common device configuration to which you want this phone assigned. The common device configuration includes the attributes (services or features) that are associated with a particular user. Configure the common device in the Common Device Configuration window. To see the common device configuration settings, click the View Details link. |
Common Phone Profile * | From the drop-down list box, choose a common phone profile from the list of available common phone profiles. |
Network Location | The new Device Destination for Trunk to Trunk Transfer and Drop Conference Feature is required for most gateways ,except FXS gateways and phones.Not Nullable. Default: Use System Default |
Location * | Use locations to implement call admission control (CAC) in a centralized call-processing system. CAC enables you to regulate audio quality and video availability by limiting the amount of bandwidth that is available for audio and video calls over links between locations. The location specifies the total bandwidth that is available for calls to and from this location. From the drop-down list box, choose the appropriate location for this Cisco Unified IP Phone. A location setting of Hub_None means that the locations feature does not keep track of the bandwidth that this Cisco Unified IP Phone consumes. A location setting of Phantom specifies a location that enables successful CAC across intercluster trunks that use H.323 protocol or SIP. To configure a new location, use the System > Location menu option. |
Media Resource Group List | Choose the appropriate Media Resource Group List. A Media Resource Group List comprises a prioritized grouping of media resource groups. An application chooses the required media resource, such as a Music On Hold server, from the available media resources according to the priority order that is defined in a Media Resource Group List. If you choose <None>, Cisco Unified CM uses the Media Resource Group List that is defined in the device pool. |
Network Hold MOH Audio Source | To specify the audio source that is played when the network initiates a hold action, click the drop-down arrow and choose an audio source from the list that displays. If you do not choose an audio source, Cisco Unified CM uses the audio source that is defined in the device pool or the system default if the device pool does not specify an audio source ID. Note You define audio sources in the Music On Hold Audio Source Configuration window. For access, choose Media Resources > Music On Hold Audio Source. |
User Hold MOH Audio Source | To specify the audio source that plays when a user initiates a hold action, click the drop-down arrow and choose an audio source from the list that displays. If you do not choose an audio source, Cisco Unified CM uses the audio source that is defined in the device pool or the system default if the device pool does not specify an audio source ID. Note You define audio sources in the Music On Hold Audio Source Configuration window. For access, choose Media Resources > Music On Hold Audio Source. |
AAR Calling Search Space | Choose the appropriate calling search space for the device to use when it performs automated alternate routing (AAR). The AAR calling search space specifies the collection of route partitions that are searched to determine how to route a collected (originating) number that is otherwise blocked due to insufficient bandwidth. |
AAR Group | Choose the automated alternate routing (AAR) group for this device. The AAR group provides the prefix digits that are used to route calls that are otherwise blocked due to insufficient bandwidth. If no AAR group is specified, Cisco Unified CM uses the AAR group that is associated with Device Pool or Line. |
Phone Load Name | Enter the custom software for the Cisco Unified IP Phone. The value that you enter overrides the default value for the current model. For more information about Cisco Unified IP Phone software and configuration, see the Cisco Unified IP Phone Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager, which is specific to the phone model and Unified CM release. |
Vendor Config |
Key |
Value |
Version Stamp | UUID changed each time device is updated |
Trace Flag |
MLPP Domain ID | Choose an MLPP domain from the drop-down list box for the MLPP domain that is associated with this device. If you leave the None value, this device inherits its MLPP domain from the value that was set in the common device configuration. If the common device configuration does not have an MLPP domain setting, this device inherits its MLPP domain from the value that was set for the MLPP Domain Identifier enterprise parameter. |
MLPP Indication | If available, this setting specifies whether a device that can play precedence tones will use the capability when it places an MLPP precedence call. From the drop-down list box, choose a setting to assign to this device from the following options: Default—This device inherits its MLPP indication setting from the common device configuration. Off—This device does not handle nor process indication of an MLPP precedence call. On—This device does handle and process indication of an MLPP precedence call. Note Do not configure a device with the following combination of settings: MLPP Indication is set to Off or Default (when default is Off) while MLPP Preemption is set to Forceful. Turning on MLPP Indication (at the enterprise parameter or device level) disables normal Ring Setting behavior for the lines on a device, unless MLPP Indication is turned off (overridden) for the device. Default: Off |
MLPP Preemption | Be aware that this setting is not available on all devices. If available, this setting specifies whether a device that can preempt calls in progress will use the capability when it places an MLPP precedence call. From the drop-down list box, choose a setting to assign to this device from the following options: Default—This device inherits its MLPP preemption setting from the common device configuration. Disabled—This device does not allow preemption of lower precedence calls to take place when necessary for completion of higher precedence calls. Forceful—This device allows preemption of lower precedence calls to take place when necessary for completion of higher precedence calls. Note Do not configure a device with the following combination of settings: MLPP Indication is set to Off or Default (when default is Off) while MLPP Preemption is set to Forceful. Default: Default |
Use Trusted Relay Point * | From the drop-down list box, enable or disable whether Cisco Unified CM inserts a trusted relay point (TRP) device with this media endpoint. Choose one of the following values: Default—If you choose this value, the device uses the Use Trusted Relay Point setting from the common device configuration with which this device associates. Off—Choose this value to disable the use of a TRP with this device. This setting overrides the Use Trusted Relay Point setting in the common device configuration with which this device associates. On—Choose this value to enable the use of a TRP with this device. This setting overrides the Use Trusted Relay Point setting in the common device configuration with which this device associates. A Trusted Relay Point (TRP) device designates an MTP or transcoder device that is labeled as Trusted Relay Point. Cisco Unified CM places the TRP closest to the associated endpoint device if more than one resource is needed for the endpoint (for example, a transcoder or RSVPAgent). If both TRP and MTP are required for the endpoint, TRP gets used as the required MTP. If both TRP and RSVPAgent are needed for the endpoint, Cisco Unified CM first tries to find an RSVPAgent that can also be used as a TRP. If both TRP and transcoder are needed for the endpoint, Cisco Unified CM first tries to find a transcoder that is also designated as a TRP. Default: Default |
Retry Video Call as Audio | This check box applies only to video endpoints that receive a call. If this phone receives a call that does not connect as video, the call tries to connect as an audio call. By default, the system checks this check box to specify that this device should immediately retry a video call as an audio call (if it cannot connect as a video call) prior to sending the call to call control for rerouting. If you uncheck this check box, a video call that fails to connect as video does not try to establish as an audio call. The call then fails to call control, and call control routes the call via automatic alternate routing (AAR) and/or route/hunt list. Default: True |
Device Security Profile | Choose the security profile to apply to the device. You must apply a security profile to all phones that are configured in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. Installing Cisco Unified Communications Manager provides a set of predefined, nonsecure security profiles for auto-registration. To enable security features for a phone, you must configure a new security profile for the device type and protocol and apply it to the phone. If the phone does not support security, choose a nonsecure profile. To identify the settings that the profile contains, choose System > Security Profile > Phone Security Profile. Note The CAPF settings that are configured in the profile relate to the Certificate Authority Proxy Function settings that display in the Phone Configuration window. You must configure CAPF settings for certificate operations that involve manufacturer-installed certificates (MICs) or locally significant certificates (LSC). See the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Security Guide for more information about how CAPF settings that you update in the phone configuration window affect security profile CAPF settings. |
SIP Profile | Choose the default SIP profile or a specific profile that was previously created. SIP profiles provide specific SIP information for the phone such as registration and keepalive timers, media ports, and do not disturb control. |
Calling Party Transformation CSS | From the drop-down list box, choose the calling search space (CSS) that contains the calling party transformation pattern that you want to apply on the calling number when this phone initiates a call. Cisco Unified CM transforms the calling party using the digit transformations configured on the matching calling party transformation pattern when this phone initiates a call. This setting allows you to transform the calling party number before Cisco Unified CM routes the call. For example, a transformation pattern can change a phone extension to an E.164 number. This setting is generally configured when a user dials using a URI instead of digits. Cisco Unified CM allows calling party transformations on various patterns when dialing using digits, this setting provides similar transformation provision even when dialing using a URI. |
Use Device Pool Calling Party Transformation CSS (Device Mobility Related Information) | Default: True |
Geolocation | From the drop-down list box, choose a geolocation. You can choose the Unspecified geolocation, which designates that this device does not associate with a geolocation. You can also choose a geolocation that has been configured with the System > Geolocation Configuration menu option. |
Geo Location Filter Name |
Send Geo Location |
Lines |
Line | An XLine is an entry in the DeviceNumPlanMap table. The actual directory number is referenced inside the XLine object by the "dirn" or "dirnId" element. |
Index |
Label |
Display |
Dirn | Only uuid attribute is returned in response |
Pattern * |
Route Partition Name * |
Inventory Filter |
Ring Setting | Default: Ring |
Consecutive Ring Setting | Consecutive Rings Setting. Replaces the consective ring setting on IPPhone. Default: Use System Default |
Ring Setting Idle Pickup Alert | Applicable only for IP Phones Default: Use System Default |
Ring Setting Active Pickup Alert | Applicable only for IP Phones Default: Use System Default |
Display Ascii |
E164Mask |
Mwl Policy | Default: Use System Policy |
Max Num Calls | Default: 2 |
Busy Trigger | Default: 1 |
Call Info Display |
Caller Name | Default: True |
Caller Number |
Redirected Number |
Dialed Number | Default: True |
Recording Profile Name |
Monitoring Css Name |
Recording Flag | Default: Call Recording Disabled |
Audible Mwi | Not applicable for gatewayEndpointAnalogAccess and CiscoCatalyst600024PortFXSGateway Default: Default |
Speed Dial |
Partition Usage | This tag cannot be modified. It can only be specified in the add request. Default: General |
Associated Endusers |
Enduser |
User Id * |
Missed Call Logging | Default: True |
Recording Media Source | Default: Gateway Preferred |
Link To Line | Link to the line resource |
BAT Phone Template * | Choose the appropriate phone button template. The phone button template determines the configuration of buttons on a phone and identifies which feature (line, speed dial, and so on) is used for each button. Cisco Unified CM does not make this field available for H.323 clients or CTI ports. |
Speeddials |
Speeddial |
Dirn * |
Label |
Index |
Busy Lamp Fields |
Busy Lamp Field |
Blf Dest | Either blfDest or the combination of blfDirn and routePartition is to be mentioned in the add/update request, if both are mentioned AXL will read only the blfDest tag and ignore blfDirn and routePartition. |
Blf Dirn | Either blfDest or the combination of blfDirn and routePartition is to be mentioned in the add/update request, if both are mentioned AXL will read only the blfDest tag and ignore blfDirn and routePartition. |
Route Partition |
Label |
Index |
Call Pickup |
Primary Phone * | Choose the physical phone that will be associated with the application, such as IP communicator or Cisco Unified Personal Communicator. When you choose a primary phone, the application consumes fewer device license units and is considered an "adjunct" license (to the primary phone). |
BLF Audible Alert Setting (Phone Idle) | This setting determines the busy lamp field (BLF) audible alert setting when no current call exists on the BLF DN: On—An audible alert sounds. Off—No audible alert sounds. Default—The configuration in the Service Parameters Configuration window determines the alert option. Default: Default |
BLF Audible Alert Setting (Phone Busy) | This setting determines the BLF audible alert setting when at least one active call exists on the BLF DN, but no call pickup alerts exist: On—An audible alert sounds. Off—No audible alert sounds. Default—The configuration in the Service Parameters Configuration window determines the alert option. Default: Default |
Blf Directed Call Parks |
Blf Directed Call Park |
Label |
Directed Call Park Id | Only the uuid attribute is read |
Directed Call Park Dn And Partition |
Dn Pattern * |
Route Partition Name |
Index |
Add On Modules | Additional modules attached to the Phone.There can be 0,1, 2 or 3. |
Add On Module |
Module 3 Load Name * | Enter the custom software for the appropriate expansion module, if applicable. The value that you enter overrides the default value for the current model. Ensure the firmware load matches the module load. |
Model * | Model ID string. Default: 7914 14-Button Line Expansion Module |
Module 3 | Choose the appropriate expansion module or none. |
User Locale | From the drop-down list box, choose the locale that is associated with the phone user interface. The user locale identifies a set of detailed information to support users, including language and font. Cisco Unified CM makes this field available only for phone models that support localization. Note If no user locale is specified, Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses the user locale that is associated with the common device configurations. If the users require that information be displayed (on the phone) in any language other than English, verify that the locale installer is installed before configuring user locale. See the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Locale Installer documentation. |
Network Locale | From the drop-down list box, choose the locale that is associated with the phone. The network locale contains a definition of the tones and cadences that the phone in a specific geographic area uses. Cisco Unified CM makes this field available only for phone models that support localization. Note If no network locale is specified, Cisco Unified CM uses the network locale that is associated with the device pool. If users require that country-specific tones be played (on the phone), verify that the locale is installed before configuring the network locale. See the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Locale Installer documentation. |
Idle Timer (seconds) | Enter the time (in seconds) that you want to elapse before the URL that is specified in the Idle field displays. To accept the value of the Idle URL Timer enterprise parameter, leave this field blank. |
Authentication Server | Enter the URL that the phone uses to validate requests that are made to the phone web server. If you do not provide an authentication URL, the advanced features on the Cisco Unified IP Phone that require authentication will not function. By default, this URL accesses a Cisco Unified Communications Self Care Portal window that was configured during installation. Leave this field blank to accept the default setting. |
Directory | Enter the server from which the phone obtains directory information. Leave this field blank to accept the default setting. Note If you set a Secured Directory URL enterprise parameter in the Enterprise Parameters Configuration window, that value overwrites the value of this field. |
Idle | This setting determines the busy lamp field (BLF) audible alert setting when no current call exists on the BLF DN: On—An audible alert sounds. Off—No audible alert sounds. Default—The configuration in the Service Parameters Configuration window determines the alert option. |
Information | This field displays the name of the active firmware load if the Cisco Unified IP Phone has registered with Cisco Unified Communications Manager. In some cases, the Active Load ID field displays "Unknown." For example, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration might display "Unknown" in the Active Load ID field for any of the following circumstances: For SCCP phones, when the phone is a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940 (SCCP), 7960 (SCCP), or 7985 (SCCP), because these phone models do not support the necessary version of SCCP. For SCCP and SIP phones, when the phone is any third-party phone. When Cisco Unified Communications Manager cannot determine the status of the phone. |
Messages | Leave this field blank (not used by Cisco Unified Communications Manager). |
Proxy Server | Enter the host and port (for example, proxy.cisco.com:80) that are used to proxy HTTP requests for access to non-local host addresses from the phone HTTP client. The rule contains two parts for when to use the proxy server parameter: The hostname contains a "." The hostname specifies an IP address in any form. If you do not configure this URL, the phone attempts to connect directly to the URL. To accept the default setting, leave this field blank. |
Services | From the drop-down list box, choose how the phone will support the services: Internal—The phone uses the phone configuration file to support the service. Choose this option or Both for Cisco-provided default services where the Service URL has not been updated; that is, the service URL indicates Application:Cisco/<name of service>; for example, Application:Cisco/CorporateDirectory. Choose Internal or Both for Cisco-signed Java MIDlets because Cisco-signed Java MIDlets are provisioned in the configuration file. External URL—Choosing External URL indicates that the phone ignores the services in the phone configuration file and retrieves the services from a Service URL. If you configured a custom Service URL for a service, including a Cisco-provided default service, you must choose either External URL or Both; if you choose Internal in this case, the services that are associated with the custom URLs do not work on the phone. Both—Choosing Both indicates that the phone support both the services that are defined in the configuration file and external applications that are retrieved from service URLs. |
Services |
Service |
Telecaster Service Name * |
Name * |
Url |
Url Button Index |
Url Label |
Service Name Ascii |
Softkey Template | Choose the appropriate softkey template. The softkey template determines the configuration of the softkeys on Cisco Unified IP Phones. Leave this field blank if the common device configuration contains the assigned softkey template. |
EM Profile | The name of the default profile for this device.Not Nullable. |
Enable Extension Mobility | Check this check box if this phone supports extension mobility. |
Single Button Barge | From the drop-down list box, enable or disable the Single Button Barge/cBarge feature for this device or choose Default to use the service parameter setting. Off—This setting disables the Single Button Barge/cBarge feature; however, the regular Barge or cBarge features will still work. Barge—This setting enables the Single Button Barge feature. CBarge—This setting enables the Single Button cBarge feature. Default—Uses the Single Button Barge/cBarge setting that is in the service parameter. Default: Default |
Join Across Lines | From the drop-down list box, enable or disable the Join Across Lines feature for this device or choose Default to use the service parameter setting. Off—This setting disables the Join Across Lines feature. On—This setting enables the Join Across Lines feature. Default—This setting uses the Join Across Lines setting that is in the service parameter. Default: Default |
Built In Bridge * | Enable or disable the built-in conference bridge for the barge feature by using the Built In Bridge drop-down list box (choose On, Off, or Default). Note Cisco Unified IP Phones 7940 and 7960 cannot support two media stream encryptions or SRTP streams simultaneously. To prevent instability due to this condition, the system automatically disables the built-in bridge for 7940 and 7960 phones when the device security mode is set to encrypted. Default: Default |
Privacy | For each phone that wants Privacy, choose On in the Privacy drop-down list box. Default: Default |
Hlog Status |
Owner User ID | From the drop-down list box, choose the user ID of the assigned phone user. The user ID gets recorded in the call detail record (CDR) for all calls made from this device. Assigning a user ID to the device also moves the device from "Unassigned Devices" to "Users" in the License Usage Report. |
Ignore Presentation Indicators (internal calls only) | Check this check box to configure call display restrictions on a call-by-call basis. When this check box is checked, Cisco Unified CM ignores any presentation restriction that is received for internal calls. Use this configuration in combination with the calling line ID presentation and connected line ID presentation configuration at the translation pattern level. Together, these settings allow you to configure call display restrictions to selectively present or block calling and/or connected line display information for each call. See the translation configuration settings for more information about the calling line ID presentation and the connected line ID presentation parameters. |
Packet Capture Mode * | This setting exists for troubleshooting encryption only; packet capturing may cause high CPU usage or call-processing interruptions. Choose one of the following options from the drop-down list box: None—This option, which serves as the default setting, indicates that no packet capturing is occurring. After you complete packet capturing, configure this setting. Batch Processing Mode—Cisco Unified CM writes the decrypted or nonencrypted messages to a file, and the system encrypts each file. On a daily basis, the system creates a new file with a new encryption key. Cisco Unified CM, which stores the file for seven days, also stores the keys that encrypt the file in a secure location. Cisco Unified CM stores the file in the PktCap virtual directory. A single file contains the time stamp, source IP address, source IP port, destination IP address, packet protocol, message length, and the message. The TAC debugging tool uses HTTPS, administrator username and password, and the specified day to request a single encrypted file that contains the captured packets. Likewise, the tool requests the key information to decrypt the encrypted file. For more information on packet capturing, see the Troubleshooting Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager . Default: None |
Packet Capture Duration | This setting exists for troubleshooting encryption only; packet capturing may cause high CPU usage or call-processing interruptions. This field specifies the maximum number of minutes that is allotted for one session of packet capturing. The default setting equals 0, although the range exists from 0 to 300 minutes. To initiate packet capturing, enter a value other than 0 in the field. After packet capturing completes, the value, 0, displays. For more information on packet capturing, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Troubleshooting Guide . |
SUBSCRIBE Calling Search Space | Supported with the Presence feature, the SUBSCRIBE calling search space determines how Cisco Unified CM routes presence requests that come from the phone. This setting allows you to apply a calling search space separate from the call-processing search space for presence (SUBSCRIBE) requests for the phone. From the drop-down list box, choose the SUBSCRIBE calling search space to use for presence requests for the phone. All calling search spaces that you configure in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration display in the SUBSCRIBE Calling Search Space drop-down list box. If you do not select a different calling search space for the end user from the drop-down list, the SUBSCRIBE calling search space defaults to None. To configure a SUBSCRIBE calling search space specifically for this purpose, you configure a calling search space as you do all calling search spaces. |
Rerouting Calling Search Space | From the drop-down list box, choose a calling search space to use for rerouting. The rerouting calling search space of the referrer gets used to find the route to the refer-to target. When the Refer fails due to the rerouting calling search space, the Refer Primitive rejects the request with the "405 Method Not Allowed" message. The redirection (3xx) primitive and transfer feature also uses the rerouting calling search space to find the redirect-to or transfer-to target. |
Allow Control of Device from CTI | Check this check box to allow CTI to control and monitor this device. If the associated directory number specifies a shared line, the check box should be enabled as long as at least one associated device specifies a combination of device type and protocol that CTI supports. |
BLF Presence Group |
Unattended Port | Check this check box to indicate an unattended port on this device. |
Require DTMF Reception | For phones that are running SIP and SCCP, check this check box to require DTMF reception for this phone. Note In configuring Cisco Unified Mobility features, when using intercluster DNs as remote destinations for an IP phone via SIP trunk (either intercluster trunk [ICT] or gateway), check this check box so that DTMF digits can be received out of band, which is crucial for Enterprise Feature Access midcall features. |
RFC2833 Disabled | For phones that are running SCCP, check this check box to disable RFC2833 support. |
Certificate Operation * | From the drop-down list box, choose one of the following options: No Pending Operation—Displays when no certificate operation is occurring (default setting). Install/Upgrade—Installs a new or upgrades an existing locally significant certificate in the phone. Delete—Deletes the locally significant certificate that exists in the phone. Troubleshoot—Retrieves the locally significant certificate (LSC) or the manufacture installed certificate (MIC), so you can view the certificate credentials in the CAPF trace file. If both certificate types exist in the phone, Cisco Unified CM creates two trace files, one for each certificate type. By choosing the Troubleshooting option, you can verify that an LSC or MIC exists in the phone. For more information on CAPF operations, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Security Guide . Default: No Pending Operation |
Authentication Mode | This field allows you to choose the authentication method that the phone uses during the CAPF certificate operation. From the drop-down list box, choose one of the following options: By Authentication String—Installs/upgrades, deletes, or troubleshoots a locally significant certificate only when the user enters the CAPF authentication string on the phone. By Null String— Installs/upgrades, deletes, or troubleshoots a locally significant certificate without user intervention. This option provides no security; Cisco strongly recommends that you choose this option only for closed, secure environments. By Existing Certificate (Precedence to LSC)—Installs/upgrades, deletes, or troubleshoots a locally significant certificate if a manufacture-installed certificate (MIC) or locally significant certificate (LSC) exists in the phone. If a LSC exists in the phone, authentication occurs via the LSC, regardless whether a MIC exists in the phone. If a MIC and LSC exist in the phone, authentication occurs via the LSC. If a LSC does not exist in the phone, but a MIC does exist, authentication occurs via the MIC. Before you choose this option, verify that a certificate exists in the phone. If you choose this option and no certificate exists in the phone, the operation fails. At any time, the phone uses only one certificate to authenticate to CAPF even though a MIC and LSC can exist in the phone at the same time. If the primary certificate, which takes precedence, becomes compromised for any reason, or, if you want to authenticate via the other certificate, you must update the authentication mode. By Existing Certificate (Precedence to MIC)—Installs, upgrades, deletes, or troubleshoots a locally significant certificate if a LSC or MIC exists in the phone. If a MIC exists in the phone, authentication occurs via the MIC, regardless whether a LSC exists in the phone. If a LSC exists in the phone, but a MIC does not exist, authentication occurs via the LSC. Before you choose this option, verify that a certificate exists in the phone. If you choose this option and no certificate exists in the phone, the operation fails. Note The CAPF settings that are configured in the Phone Security Profile window interact with the CAPF parameters that are configured in the Phone Configuration window. Default: By Null String |
Key Size (Bits) | For this setting that is used for CAPF, choose the key size for the certificate from the drop-down list box. The default setting equals 1024. Other options include 512 and 2048. If you choose a higher key size than the default setting, the phones take longer to generate the entropy that is required to generate the keys. Key generation, which is set at low priority, allows the phone to function while the action occurs. Depending on the phone model, you may notice that key generation takes up to 30 or more minutes to complete. Note The CAPF settings that are configured in the Phone Security Profile window interact with the CAPF parameters that are configured in the Phone Configuration window. Default: 2048 |
Key Order | keyOrder can be updated only if certificateOperation field is Install/Upgrade,Delete or Troubleshoot. Default: RSA Only |
Ec Key Size | ecKeySize can be updated only if certificateOperation field is Install/Upgrade,Delete or Troubleshoot. |
Authentication String | If you chose the By Authentication String option in the Authentication Mode drop-down list box, this field applies. Manually enter a string or generate a string by clicking the Generate String button. Ensure that the string contains 4 to 10 digits. To install, upgrade, delete, or troubleshoot a locally significant certificate, the phone user or administrator must enter the authentication string on the phone. |
Operation Completes By | The completion deadline for the operation (CCYY:MM:DD:HH:MM) |
Device Mobility Mode * | From the drop-down list box, turn the device mobility feature on or off for this device or choose Default to use the default device mobility mode. Default setting uses the value for the Device Mobility Mode service parameter for the device. Click View Current Device Mobility Settings to display the current values of these device mobility parameters: Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group Roaming Device Pool Location Region Network Locale AAR Group AAR Calling Search Space Device Calling Search Space Media Resource Group List SRST Default: Default |
Remote Device | If you are experiencing delayed connect times over SCCP pipes to remote sites, check the Remote Device check box in the Phone Configuration window. Checking this check box tells Cisco Unified CM to allocate a buffer for the phone device when it registers and to bundle SCCP messages to the phone. Tip Because this feature consumes resources, be sure to check this check box only when you are experiencing signaling delays for phones that are running SCCP. Most users do not require this option. Cisco Unified CM sends the bundled messages to the phone when the station buffer is full, as soon as it receives a media-related message, or when the Bundle Outbound SCCP Messages timer expires. To specify a setting other than the default setting (100 msec) for the Bundle Outbound SCCP Messages timer, configure a new value in the Service Parameters Configuration window for the Cisco CallManager service. Although 100 msec specifies the recommended setting, you may enter 15 msec to 500 msec. The phone must support SCCP version 9 to use this option. The following phones do not support SCCP message optimization: Cisco Unified IP Phone 7935/7936. This feature may require a phone reset after update. |
DND Option | When you enable DND on the phone, this parameter allows you to specify how the DND features handle incoming calls: Call Reject—This option specifies that no incoming call information gets presented to the user. Depending on how you configure the DND Incoming Call Alert parameter, the phone may play a beep or display a flash notification of the call. Ringer Off—This option turns off the ringer, but incoming call information gets presented to the device, so the user can accept the call. Use Common Phone Profile Setting—This option specifies that the DND Option setting from the Common Phone Profile window will get used for this device. Note For 7940/7960 phones that are running SCCP, you can only choose the Ringer Off option. For mobile devices and dual-mode phones, you can only choose the Call Reject option. When you activate DND Call Reject on a mobile device or dual-mode phone, no call information gets presented to the device. Default: Ringer Off |
DND Incoming Call Alert | When you enable the DND Ringer Off or Call Reject option, this parameter specifies how a call displays on a phone. From the drop-down list, choose one of the following options: None—This option specifies that the DND Incoming Call Alert setting from the Common Phone Profile window gets used for this device. Disable—This option disables both beep and flash notification of a call, but, for the DND Ringer Off option, incoming call information still gets displayed. For the DND Call Reject option, no call alerts display, and no information gets sent to the device. Beep Only—For an incoming call, this option causes the phone to play a beep tone only. Flash Only—For an incoming call, this option causes the phone to display a flash alert. |
Do Not Disturb | Check this check box to enable Do Not Disturb on the phone. |
Is Active | The Device Is Active message in the Phone Configuration window in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration displays when a phone consumes device license units and when a phone can register with Cisco Unified CM. For a phone that uses a real MAC address, not the dummy MAC address that is created via BAT, the Device Is Active message displays, which indicates that the phone uses device license units and can register with Cisco Unified Communications Manager. For a phone that uses the dummy MAC address that is created via BAT, the Device Is Active message does not display. If you manually convert the dummy MAC address to a real MAC address in the Phone Configuration window, the Device Is Active message displays after you save the configuration; this ensures that the phone can register with Cisco Unified Communications Manager and that licensing consumes device license units for the phone. Default: True |
Is Dual Mode | Read-only tag. |
Mobility User ID | From the drop-down list box, choose the user ID of the person to whom this dual-mode phone is assigned. Note The Mobility User ID configuration gets used for the Cisco Unified Mobility and Mobile Voice Access features for dual-mode phones. The Owner User ID and Mobility User ID can differ. |
Phone Personalization | The Phone Personalization setting allows you to enable a Cisco Unified IP Phone, so it works with Phone Designer, a Cisco Unified Communications widget that allows a phone user to customize the wallpaper and ring tones on the phone. From the Phone Personalization drop-down list box, choose one of the following options: Disabled-The user cannot customize the Cisco Unified IP Phone by using Phone Designer. Enabled-The user can use Phone Designer to customize the phone. Default-The phone uses the configuration from the Phone Personalization enterprise parameter if you choose Default in both the Phone Configuration and Common Phone Profile Configuration windows. If you choose Default in the Common Phone Profile Configuration window but not in the Phone Configuration window, the phone uses the configuration that you specify in the Phone Configuration window. You must install and configure Phone Designer, so the phone user can customize the phone. Before you install and configure Phone Designer, identify which Cisco Unified IP Phone models work with Phone Designer, as described in the Phone Designer documentation. For more information on Phone Designer, see the Phone Designer documentation. Default: Default |
Services Provisioning | From the drop-down list box, choose how the phone will support the services: Internal—The phone uses the phone configuration file to support the service. Choose this option or Both for Cisco-provided default services where the Service URL has not been updated; that is, the service URL indicates Application:Cisco/<name of service>; for example, Application:Cisco/CorporateDirectory. Choose Internal or Both for Cisco-signed Java MIDlets because Cisco-signed Java MIDlets are provisioned in the configuration file. External URL—Choosing External URL indicates that the phone ignores the services in the phone configuration file and retrieves the services from a Service URL. If you configured a custom Service URL for a service, including a Cisco-provided default service, you must choose either External URL or Both; if you choose Internal in this case, the services that are associated with the custom URLs do not work on the phone. Both—Choosing Both indicates that the phone support both the services that are defined in the configuration file and external applications that are retrieved from service URLs. Default: Default |
Protected Device | Check this check box to designate a phone as protected, which enables the phone to play a 2-second tone to notify the user when a call is encrypted and both phones are configured as protected devices. The tone plays for both parties when the call is answered. The tone does not play unless both phones are protected and the call occurs over encrypted media. Checking this check box represents only one of several configuration requirements for the secure indication tone to play. For a detailed description of the secure indication tone feature and the configuration requirements, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Security Guide . If you check this check box and the system determines that the call is not encrypted, the phone plays nonsecure indication tone to alert the user that the call is not protected. |
Mtp Required | This field is applicable only to SIP phones. |
MTP Preferred Originating Codec | From the drop-down list box, choose the codec to use if a media termination point is required for SIP calls. Default: 711ulaw |
SIP Dial Rules | If required, choose the appropriate SIP dial rule. SIP dial rules provide local dial plans for Cisco Unified IP Phones 7905, 7912, 7940, and 7960, so users do not have to press a key or wait for a timer before the call gets processed. Leave the SIP Dial Rules field set to <None> if you do not want dial rules to apply to the IP phone that is running SIP. This means that the user must use the Dial softkey or wait for the timer to expire before the call gets processed. |
Secure Shell User | Enter a user ID for the secure shell user. You can enter any alphanumeric or special characters up to 50 characters. Invalid characters include”, %, &, <, >, and \. This field displays when the phone device that you are configuring supports SSH access. Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) uses secure shell for troubleshooting and debugging. Contact TAC for further assistance. See the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Security Guide for this release for information about how to configure encrypted phone configuration files to ensure that Cisco Unified CM does not send SSH credentials to the phone in the clear. |
Secure Shell Password | This tag is applicable only to thosedevices that support ssh feature. |
Digest User | This field is applicable only to SIP phones. |
Outbound Call Rollover | Use this setting for the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931. No Rollover—Conference and transfer will not work in this mode. If a user attempts to use either of these features, the phone status displays as "Error Pass Limit." Choose this setting only if you need to support CTI applications. Rollover Within Same DN—Conferences and call transfers complete by using the same directory number (on different lines). For example, consider a phone that has directory number 1506 that is assigned to both Line 6 and 7. The user has an active call on Line 6 and decides to transfer the call. When the user presses the Transfer button, the call on Line 6 gets placed on hold, and a new call initiates on Line 7 to complete the transfer. Rollover to any line—Conferences and call transfers complete by using a different directory number and line than the original call. For example, consider a phone that has directory number 1507 assigned to Line 8 and directory number 1508 assigned to Line 9. The user has an active call on Line 8 and decides to transfer the call. When the user presses the Transfer button, the call on Line 8 gets placed on hold, and a new call initiates on Line 9 to complete the transfer. Default: No Rollover |
Hot line Device | This tag is applicable for PLAR-supporting SIP/SCCP phones only |
Secure Information URL | Enter the secure URL for the server location where the Cisco Unified IP Phone can find help text information. This information displays when the user presses the information (i) button or the question mark (?) button. Note If you do not provide a Secure Information URL, the device uses the nonsecure URL. If you provide both a secure URL and a nonsecure URL, the device chooses the appropriate URL, based on its capabilities. To accept the default setting, leave this field blank. Maximum length: 255 |
Secure Directory URL | Enter the secure URL for the server from which the phone obtains directory information. This parameter specifies the URL that secured Cisco Unified IP Phones use when you press the Directory button. Note If you do not provide a Secure Directory URL, the device uses the nonsecure URL. If you provide both a secure URL and a nonsecure URL, the device chooses the appropriate URL, based on its capabilities. Leave this field blank to accept the default setting. Maximum length: 255 |
Secure Messages URL | Enter the secure URL for the messages server. The Cisco Unified IP Phone contacts this URL when the user presses the Messages button. Note If you do not provide a Secure Messages URL, the device uses the nonsecure URL. If you provide both a secure URL and a nonsecure URL, the device chooses the appropriate URL, based on its capabilities. To accept the default setting, leave this field blank. Maximum length: 255 |
Secure Services URL | Enter the secure URL for Cisco Unified IP Phone services. The is the location that the secure Cisco Unified IP Phone contacts when the user presses the Services button. Note If you do not provide a Secure Services URL, the device uses the nonsecure URL. If you provide both a secure URL and a nonsecure URL, the device chooses the appropriate URL, based on its capabilities. To accept the default setting, leave this field blank. Maximum length: 255 |
Secure Authentication URL | Enter the secure URL that the phone uses to validate requests that are made to the phone web server. Note If you do not provide a Secure Authentication URL, the device uses the nonsecure URL. If you provide both a secure URL and a nonsecure URL, the device chooses the appropriate URL, based on its capabilities. By default, this URL accesses a Cisco Unified Communications Self Care Portal window that was configured during installation. Leave this field blank to accept the default setting. Maximum length: 255 |
Secure Idle URL | Enter the secure URL for the information that displays on the Cisco Unified IP Phone display when the phone is idle, as specified in Idle Timer field. For example, you can display a logo on the LCD when the phone has not been used for 5 minutes. Note If you do not provide a Secure Idle URL, the device uses the nonsecure URL. If you provide both a secure URL and a nonsecure URL, the device chooses the appropriate URL, based on its capabilities. To accept the default setting, leave this field blank. Maximum length: 255 |
Always Use Prime Line | From the drop-down list box, choose one of the following options: Off—When the phone is idle and receives a call on any line, the phone user answers the call from the line on which the call is received. On—When the phone is idle (off hook) and receives a call on any line, the primary line gets chosen for the call. Calls on other lines continue to ring, and the phone user must select those other lines to answer these calls. Default— Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses the configuration from the Always Use Prime Line service parameter, which supports the Cisco CallManager service. Default: Default |
Always Use Prime Line for Voice Message | From the drop-down list box, choose one of the following options: On—If the phone is idle, the primary line on the phone becomes the active line for retrieving voice messages when the phone user presses the Messages button on the phone. Off—If the phone is idle, pressing the Messages button on the phone automatically dials the voice-messaging system from the line that has a voice message. Cisco Unified CM always selects the first line that has a voice message. If no line has a voice message, the primary line gets used when the phone user presses the Messages button. Default—Cisco Unified CM uses the configuration from the Always Use Prime Line for Voice Message service parameter, which supports the Cisco CallManager service. Default: Default |
Feature Control Policy | From the drop-down list box, you can choose a feature control policy that has already been configured in the Feature Control Policy configuration window (Device > Device Settings > Feature Control Policy). |
Device Trust Mode | Select whether the device is trusted or not trusted. You can configure this setting for analog phones using SCCP, and for some third-party endpoints. Default: Not Trusted |
Early Offer support for voice and video calls (insert MTP if needed) | This field is applicable only for Third-party AS-SIP Endpoint. |
Third-party Registration Required |
Block Incoming Calls while Roaming |
Home Network ID | This tag is only valid when value of blockIncomingCallsWhenRoaming is true |
Allow Presentation Sharing using BFCP | This field is applicable only for Third-party AS-SIP Endpoint. |
Require off-premise location | Check this check box if the device inserted requires off-premise location update upon registration. Off-premise location update is required when the device location cannot be detected automatically by Cisco Emergency Responder. Check this check box only for remote or mobile devices that change locations frequently. |
Allow iX Applicable Media | This field is applicable only for Third-party AS-SIP Endpoint. |
Calling Party Transformation CSS | From the drop-down list box, choose the calling search space (CSS) that contains the calling party transformation pattern that you want to apply on the calling number when this phone initiates a call. Cisco Unified CM transforms the calling party using the digit transformations configured on the matching calling party transformation pattern when this phone initiates a call. This setting allows you to transform the calling party number before Cisco Unified CM routes the call. For example, a transformation pattern can change a phone extension to an E.164 number. This setting is generally configured when a user dials using a URI instead of digits. Cisco Unified CM allows calling party transformations on various patterns when dialing using digits, this setting provides similar transformation provision even when dialing using a URI. |
Use Device Pool Calling Party Transformation CSS (Caller ID For Calls From This Phone) | Default: True |
Msisdn | Mobile Subscriber ISDN |
Enable Call Routing To Rd When None Is Active | Determines whether calls should be routed to all remote destinations when the active remote destination is not set. Check this check box to receive calls during network connection outage or to use a third-party voicemail system. Note This field appears only on a CTI remote device type. |
Wifi Hotspot Profile |
Wireless Lan Profile Group | Select a wireless LAN profile group from the drop-down list box. You may also click View Details to display the settings for this wireless LAN profile group. Note You can specify the Wireless LAN Profile Group at the Device Pool level or the individual phone level. Note This field does not apply to all phone models. |
Elin Group |
Enable Activation ID | This boolean setting, when set to true, indicates that the phone should use activation code based registration |
MRA Service Domain |
Allow MRA Mode |
Phone Activation Code | The provisioning code which must be entered on the phone |
Phone Activation Code Expiry | The provisioning code expiry datetime |
Registration Status | Registration status of the phone |
IP Address | IP address of the phone |
Certificate Status |
Mobile Identity |
Name | Enter a name that identifies the remote destination or mobile identity. |
Destination Number * | Enter the PSTN telephone number for the destination. Include the area code and any additional digits that are required to obtain an outside line. Maximum field length equals 24 characters; individual characters can take the values 0-9, *, #, and +. Cisco recommends that you configure the caller ID of the remote destination. If the administrator configures the Incoming Calling Party settings in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager gateway, trunk, or device pool to globalize the incoming calling party number, configure the Destination Number of the remote destination in the E.164 format. Example: For a remote destination with US area code 408 and destination number 5552222, configure the Destination Number as +14085552222. Additionally, if globalized destination numbers are in use, set the Matching Caller ID with Remote Destination service parameter to Complete Match. Note Add the necessary translation pattern or route patterns to route the destination number. You can also enter a directory URI in this field. Keep in mind that if you enter a directory URI in this field, you must also configure a domain-based SIP route pattern. Note When you place a call from a remote destination, the caller ID of the destination phone displays the directory number that is associated with the calling directory URI rather than the directory URI. |
Answer Too Soon Timer * | Enter the minimum time in milliseconds that Cisco Unified Communications Manager requires the mobile phone to ring before answering the call. This setting accounts for situations where the mobile phone is switched off or is not reachable, in which case the network may immediately divert the call to the mobile phone voice mail. If the mobile phone is answered before this timer expires, Cisco Unified Communications Manager pulls the call back to the enterprise. Range: 0 - 10,000 milliseconds Default: 1,500 milliseconds Default: 1500 |
Answer Too Late Timer * | Enter the maximum time in milliseconds that Cisco Unified Communications Manager allows for the mobile phone to answer. If this value is reached, Cisco Unified Communications Manager stops ringing the mobile phone and pulls the call back to the enterprise. Range: 0 and 10,000 - 300,000 milliseconds Default: 19,000 milliseconds If the value is set to zero, the timer is not started. Default: 19000 |
Delay Before Ringing Timer * | Enter the time that elapses before the mobile phone rings when a call is extended to the remote destination. Range: 0 - 30,000 milliseconds Default: 4,000 milliseconds Tip When a hunt group is in use, the lines ring only for a short period of time. You may need to manipulate the Delay Before Ringing Timer setting and make it zero to allow a remote destination call to be established, ring, and answer, before the hunt list timer expires and pulls the call back. Default: 4000 |
Owner User Id | From 10.5, to get proper value of this tag in get handler's response it is required to have value of todaccess, in case if user does not give any value in todaccesss tag, axl will insert a random row so that get handler response can return proper value of Owner User id |
Enable Unified Mobility | While UPDATE set it to false if you want to delete enable Unified Mobility feature.Use only while update |
Remote Destination Profile | From the drop-down list box, choose the remote destination profile that you want to use for this remote destination. |
Enable Extend And Connect | While UPDATE set it to false if you want to delete Enable Extend and Connect.Use only while update |
Client Services Framework or CTI Remote Device | ctiRemoteDeviceName tag will be used to associate either CTI Remote Device or a Cisco Spark Remote Device with a Remote Destination |
Dual Mode Device Name |
Mobile Phone | Check the check box if you want calls that the desk phone answers to be sent to your mobile phone as the remote destination. Checking this check box ensures that, if Send Call to Mobile Phone is specified (by using the Mobility softkey for remote destination pickup), the call gets extended to this remote destination. Note This check box does not apply to dual-mode phones that are running SIP nor to dual-mode phones that are running SCCP, such as the Nokia S60. |
Enable Mobile Connect | Check the check box to allow an incoming call to ring your desk phone and remote destination at the same time. For detailed task information about Cisco Unified Mobility and Extend and Connect, see the Feature Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Default: True |
Line Associations | The line association for this remote destination. The line to be associated must already be added to the remote destination profile. All directory numbers specified must already exist in the database. |
Line Association |
Pattern | The directory number to be associated. This directory number must be already associated to remote destination profile. |
Route Partition Name |
Time Zone | From the drop-down list box, choose a time zone to use for this remote destination or mobile identity. Note The time-of-day access feature uses the time zone that you choose for this remote destination or mobile identity to allow or to block calls to this remote destination or mobile identity. Default: Etc/GMT |
Tod Access Name | From 11.0 this tag will not get the precedence if ringSchedule tag is present because ring schedule of the RD will be set based on ringSchedule tag |
Mobile Smart Client Name | This tag is not applicable for dualmode phones |
Mobility Profile | From the drop-down list box, choose the mobility profile that you want to use for this remote destination. To configure a mobility profile, use the Call Routing > Mobility > Mobility Profile menu option. |
Single Number Reach Voicemail Policy | Configures how mobile device users answer calls that terminate on a remote destination (RD). This feature provides users with a single enterprise voice mail box for their enterprise mobility if the RD call reaches an external voice mail system. Available options are as follows: Use System Default Timer Control User Control Note For User Control to work, you must set the Enable Enterprise Feature Access service parameter to TRUE. Default: Use System Default |
Dial Via Office Reverse Voicemail | Configures how dual mode device users answer Dial-via-Office Reverse (DVO-R) calls that terminate on the Mobile Identity (MI). This feature provides users with a single enterprise voicemail box for their enterprise mobility if the RD call reaches an external voice mail system. Available options are as follows: Use System Default Timer Control User Control Default: Use System Default |
Ring Schedule | This tag must be used for configuring RingSchedule of RD, this tag will get precendence over todaccess and accesslist tag. Passing a blank ringSchedule tag in updateRemoteDestination request will result in setting the time schedule to All the time. |
Member |
Start Time | Default: No Office Hours |
End Time | Default: No Office Hours |
Start Day | StartDay and EndDay value should be same Default: None |
End Day | Default: None |
Blocked Access List | Click this radio button to prevent incoming calls from ringing this remote destination if the caller belongs to the access list that is specified in the drop-down list box and according to the Ring Schedule that you specify in the Ring Schedule pane. This setting applies only if the Enable Cisco Unified Mobility check box is checked for this remote destination. From the drop-down list box, choose an access list that applies to this setting. If you want to view the details of an access list, click the View Details link. (To modify an access list, you must use the Call Routing > Class of Control > Access List menu option.) Choosing an access list that contains no members equates to choosing the Always ring this destination radio button. |
Remote Destination Phone |
Name | Enter a name that identifies the remote destination or mobile identity. |
Destination Number * | Enter the PSTN telephone number for the destination. Include the area code and any additional digits that are required to obtain an outside line. Maximum field length equals 24 characters; individual characters can take the values 0-9, *, #, and +. Cisco recommends that you configure the caller ID of the remote destination. If the administrator configures the Incoming Calling Party settings in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager gateway, trunk, or device pool to globalize the incoming calling party number, configure the Destination Number of the remote destination in the E.164 format. Example: For a remote destination with US area code 408 and destination number 5552222, configure the Destination Number as +14085552222. Additionally, if globalized destination numbers are in use, set the Matching Caller ID with Remote Destination service parameter to Complete Match. Note Add the necessary translation pattern or route patterns to route the destination number. You can also enter a directory URI in this field. Keep in mind that if you enter a directory URI in this field, you must also configure a domain-based SIP route pattern. Note When you place a call from a remote destination, the caller ID of the destination phone displays the directory number that is associated with the calling directory URI rather than the directory URI. |
Answer Too Soon Timer * | Enter the minimum time in milliseconds that Cisco Unified Communications Manager requires the mobile phone to ring before answering the call. This setting accounts for situations where the mobile phone is switched off or is not reachable, in which case the network may immediately divert the call to the mobile phone voice mail. If the mobile phone is answered before this timer expires, Cisco Unified Communications Manager pulls the call back to the enterprise. Range: 0 - 10,000 milliseconds Default: 1,500 milliseconds Default: 1500 |
Answer Too Late Timer * | Enter the maximum time in milliseconds that Cisco Unified Communications Manager allows for the mobile phone to answer. If this value is reached, Cisco Unified Communications Manager stops ringing the mobile phone and pulls the call back to the enterprise. Range: 0 and 10,000 - 300,000 milliseconds Default: 19,000 milliseconds If the value is set to zero, the timer is not started. Default: 19000 |
Delay Before Ringing Timer * | Enter the time that elapses before the mobile phone rings when a call is extended to the remote destination. Range: 0 - 30,000 milliseconds Default: 4,000 milliseconds Tip When a hunt group is in use, the lines ring only for a short period of time. You may need to manipulate the Delay Before Ringing Timer setting and make it zero to allow a remote destination call to be established, ring, and answer, before the hunt list timer expires and pulls the call back. Default: 4000 |
Owner User Id | From 10.5, to get proper value of this tag in get handler's response it is required to have value of todaccess, in case if user does not give any value in todaccesss tag, axl will insert a random row so that get handler response can return proper value of Owner User id |
Enable Unified Mobility | While UPDATE set it to false if you want to delete enable Unified Mobility feature.Use only while update |
Remote Destination Profile | From the drop-down list box, choose the remote destination profile that you want to use for this remote destination. |
Enable Extend And Connect | While UPDATE set it to false if you want to delete Enable Extend and Connect.Use only while update |
Client Services Framework or CTI Remote Device | ctiRemoteDeviceName tag will be used to associate either CTI Remote Device or a Cisco Spark Remote Device with a Remote Destination |
Dual Mode Device Name |
Mobile Phone | Check the check box if you want calls that the desk phone answers to be sent to your mobile phone as the remote destination. Checking this check box ensures that, if Send Call to Mobile Phone is specified (by using the Mobility softkey for remote destination pickup), the call gets extended to this remote destination. Note This check box does not apply to dual-mode phones that are running SIP nor to dual-mode phones that are running SCCP, such as the Nokia S60. |
Enable Mobile Connect | Check the check box to allow an incoming call to ring your desk phone and remote destination at the same time. For detailed task information about Cisco Unified Mobility and Extend and Connect, see the Feature Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Default: True |
Line Associations | The line association for this remote destination. The line to be associated must already be added to the remote destination profile. All directory numbers specified must already exist in the database. |
Line Association |
Pattern | The directory number to be associated. This directory number must be already associated to remote destination profile. |
Route Partition Name |
Time Zone | From the drop-down list box, choose a time zone to use for this remote destination or mobile identity. Note The time-of-day access feature uses the time zone that you choose for this remote destination or mobile identity to allow or to block calls to this remote destination or mobile identity. Default: Etc/GMT |
Tod Access Name | From 11.0 this tag will not get the precedence if ringSchedule tag is present because ring schedule of the RD will be set based on ringSchedule tag |
Mobile Smart Client Name | This tag is not applicable for dualmode phones |
Mobility Profile | From the drop-down list box, choose the mobility profile that you want to use for this remote destination. To configure a mobility profile, use the Call Routing > Mobility > Mobility Profile menu option. |
Single Number Reach Voicemail Policy | Configures how mobile device users answer calls that terminate on a remote destination (RD). This feature provides users with a single enterprise voice mail box for their enterprise mobility if the RD call reaches an external voice mail system. Available options are as follows: Use System Default Timer Control User Control Note For User Control to work, you must set the Enable Enterprise Feature Access service parameter to TRUE. Default: Use System Default |
Dial Via Office Reverse Voicemail | Configures how dual mode device users answer Dial-via-Office Reverse (DVO-R) calls that terminate on the Mobile Identity (MI). This feature provides users with a single enterprise voicemail box for their enterprise mobility if the RD call reaches an external voice mail system. Available options are as follows: Use System Default Timer Control User Control Default: Use System Default |
Ring Schedule | This tag must be used for configuring RingSchedule of RD, this tag will get precendence over todaccess and accesslist tag. Passing a blank ringSchedule tag in updateRemoteDestination request will result in setting the time schedule to All the time. |
Member |
Start Time | Default: No Office Hours |
End Time | Default: No Office Hours |
Start Day | StartDay and EndDay value should be same Default: None |
End Day | Default: None |
Blocked Access List | Click this radio button to prevent incoming calls from ringing this remote destination if the caller belongs to the access list that is specified in the drop-down list box and according to the Ring Schedule that you specify in the Ring Schedule pane. This setting applies only if the Enable Cisco Unified Mobility check box is checked for this remote destination. From the drop-down list box, choose an access list that applies to this setting. If you want to view the details of an access list, click the View Details link. (To modify an access list, you must use the Call Routing > Class of Control > Access List menu option.) Choosing an access list that contains no members equates to choosing the Always ring this destination radio button. |
Cti Remote Device |
Name | Enter a name that identifies the remote destination or mobile identity. |
Destination Number * | Enter the PSTN telephone number for the destination. Include the area code and any additional digits that are required to obtain an outside line. Maximum field length equals 24 characters; individual characters can take the values 0-9, *, #, and +. Cisco recommends that you configure the caller ID of the remote destination. If the administrator configures the Incoming Calling Party settings in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager gateway, trunk, or device pool to globalize the incoming calling party number, configure the Destination Number of the remote destination in the E.164 format. Example: For a remote destination with US area code 408 and destination number 5552222, configure the Destination Number as +14085552222. Additionally, if globalized destination numbers are in use, set the Matching Caller ID with Remote Destination service parameter to Complete Match. Note Add the necessary translation pattern or route patterns to route the destination number. You can also enter a directory URI in this field. Keep in mind that if you enter a directory URI in this field, you must also configure a domain-based SIP route pattern. Note When you place a call from a remote destination, the caller ID of the destination phone displays the directory number that is associated with the calling directory URI rather than the directory URI. |
Answer Too Soon Timer * | Enter the minimum time in milliseconds that Cisco Unified Communications Manager requires the mobile phone to ring before answering the call. This setting accounts for situations where the mobile phone is switched off or is not reachable, in which case the network may immediately divert the call to the mobile phone voice mail. If the mobile phone is answered before this timer expires, Cisco Unified Communications Manager pulls the call back to the enterprise. Range: 0 - 10,000 milliseconds Default: 1,500 milliseconds Default: 1500 |
Answer Too Late Timer * | Enter the maximum time in milliseconds that Cisco Unified Communications Manager allows for the mobile phone to answer. If this value is reached, Cisco Unified Communications Manager stops ringing the mobile phone and pulls the call back to the enterprise. Range: 0 and 10,000 - 300,000 milliseconds Default: 19,000 milliseconds If the value is set to zero, the timer is not started. Default: 19000 |
Delay Before Ringing Timer * | Enter the time that elapses before the mobile phone rings when a call is extended to the remote destination. Range: 0 - 30,000 milliseconds Default: 4,000 milliseconds Tip When a hunt group is in use, the lines ring only for a short period of time. You may need to manipulate the Delay Before Ringing Timer setting and make it zero to allow a remote destination call to be established, ring, and answer, before the hunt list timer expires and pulls the call back. Default: 4000 |
Owner User Id | From 10.5, to get proper value of this tag in get handler's response it is required to have value of todaccess, in case if user does not give any value in todaccesss tag, axl will insert a random row so that get handler response can return proper value of Owner User id |
Enable Unified Mobility | While UPDATE set it to false if you want to delete enable Unified Mobility feature.Use only while update |
Remote Destination Profile | From the drop-down list box, choose the remote destination profile that you want to use for this remote destination. |
Enable Extend And Connect | While UPDATE set it to false if you want to delete Enable Extend and Connect.Use only while update |
Client Services Framework or CTI Remote Device | ctiRemoteDeviceName tag will be used to associate either CTI Remote Device or a Cisco Spark Remote Device with a Remote Destination |
Dual Mode Device Name |
Mobile Phone | Check the check box if you want calls that the desk phone answers to be sent to your mobile phone as the remote destination. Checking this check box ensures that, if Send Call to Mobile Phone is specified (by using the Mobility softkey for remote destination pickup), the call gets extended to this remote destination. Note This check box does not apply to dual-mode phones that are running SIP nor to dual-mode phones that are running SCCP, such as the Nokia S60. |
Enable Mobile Connect | Check the check box to allow an incoming call to ring your desk phone and remote destination at the same time. For detailed task information about Cisco Unified Mobility and Extend and Connect, see the Feature Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Default: True |
Line Associations | The line association for this remote destination. The line to be associated must already be added to the remote destination profile. All directory numbers specified must already exist in the database. |
Line Association |
Pattern | The directory number to be associated. This directory number must be already associated to remote destination profile. |
Route Partition Name |
Time Zone | From the drop-down list box, choose a time zone to use for this remote destination or mobile identity. Note The time-of-day access feature uses the time zone that you choose for this remote destination or mobile identity to allow or to block calls to this remote destination or mobile identity. Default: Etc/GMT |
Tod Access Name | From 11.0 this tag will not get the precedence if ringSchedule tag is present because ring schedule of the RD will be set based on ringSchedule tag |
Mobile Smart Client Name | This tag is not applicable for dualmode phones |
Mobility Profile | From the drop-down list box, choose the mobility profile that you want to use for this remote destination. To configure a mobility profile, use the Call Routing > Mobility > Mobility Profile menu option. |
Single Number Reach Voicemail Policy | Configures how mobile device users answer calls that terminate on a remote destination (RD). This feature provides users with a single enterprise voice mail box for their enterprise mobility if the RD call reaches an external voice mail system. Available options are as follows: Use System Default Timer Control User Control Note For User Control to work, you must set the Enable Enterprise Feature Access service parameter to TRUE. Default: Use System Default |
Dial Via Office Reverse Voicemail | Configures how dual mode device users answer Dial-via-Office Reverse (DVO-R) calls that terminate on the Mobile Identity (MI). This feature provides users with a single enterprise voicemail box for their enterprise mobility if the RD call reaches an external voice mail system. Available options are as follows: Use System Default Timer Control User Control Default: Use System Default |
Ring Schedule | This tag must be used for configuring RingSchedule of RD, this tag will get precendence over todaccess and accesslist tag. Passing a blank ringSchedule tag in updateRemoteDestination request will result in setting the time schedule to All the time. |
Member |
Start Time | Default: No Office Hours |
End Time | Default: No Office Hours |
Start Day | StartDay and EndDay value should be same Default: None |
End Day | Default: None |
Blocked Access List | Click this radio button to prevent incoming calls from ringing this remote destination if the caller belongs to the access list that is specified in the drop-down list box and according to the Ring Schedule that you specify in the Ring Schedule pane. This setting applies only if the Enable Cisco Unified Mobility check box is checked for this remote destination. From the drop-down list box, choose an access list that applies to this setting. If you want to view the details of an access list, click the View Details link. (To modify an access list, you must use the Call Routing > Class of Control > Access List menu option.) Choosing an access list that contains no members equates to choosing the Always ring this destination radio button. |
Cft Phone |
Phone name to form Relation |
Phone Config Template |
Device Profile |
Name * | The device name,using only URL-friendly characters |
Description | Enter a description of the device profile. For text, use anything that describes this particular user device profile. |
Product * | Product ID string. read-only except when creating a device. |
Class * | Class ID string. Class information is read-only except when creating a device. Default: Device Profile |
Protocol * | Protocol option is read-only,except when creating a device. |
Protocol Side * | Side information is read-only except when creating a device Default: User |
User Hold MOH Audio Source | To specify the audio source that plays when a user initiates a hold action, choose an audio source from the User Hold MOH Audio Source drop-down list box. If you do not choose an audio source, Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses the audio source that is defined in the device pool or the system default if the device pool does not specify an audio source ID. Note You define audio sources in the Music On Hold Audio Source Configuration window. For access, choose Media Resources > Music On Hold Audio Source. |
Vendor Config |
Trace Flag |
MLPP Domain ID | If this user device profile will be used for MLPP precedence calls, choose the MLLP Domain from the drop-down list box. Note You define MLPP domains in the MLPP Domain Configuration window. For access, choose System > MLPP Domain. |
MLPP Indication | If this user device profile will be used for MLPP precedence calls, assign an MLPP Indication setting to the device profile. This setting specifies whether a device that can play precedence tones will use the capability when it places an MLPP precedence call. From the drop-down list box, choose a setting to assign to this device profile from the following options: Default—This device profile inherits its MLPP indication setting from the device pool of the associated device. Off—This device does not handle nor process indication of an MLPP precedence call. On—This device profile does handle and process indication of an MLPP precedence call. Note Do not configure a device profile with the following combination of settings: MLPP Indication is set to Off or Default (when default is Off) while MLPP Preemption is set to Forceful. Default: Off |
MLPP Preemption | If this user device profile will be used for MLPP precedence calls, assign an MLPP Preemption setting to the device profile. This setting specifies whether a device that can preempt calls in progress will use the capability when it places an MLPP precedence call. From the drop-down list box, choose a setting to assign to this device profile from the following options: Default—This device profile inherits its MLPP preemption setting from the device pool of the associated device. Disabled—This device does not allow preemption of lower precedence calls to take place when necessary for completion of higher precedence calls. Forceful—This device allows preemption of lower precedence calls to take place when necessary for completion of higher precedence calls. Note Do not configure a device profile with the following combination of settings: MLPP Indication is set to Off or Default (when default is Off) while MLPP Preemption is set to Forceful. Default: Default |
Lines |
Line | An XLine is an entry in the DeviceNumPlanMap table. The actual directory number is referenced inside the XLine object by the "dirn" or "dirnId" element. |
Index |
Label |
Display |
Dirn | Only uuid attribute is returned in response |
Pattern * |
Route Partition Name * |
Inventory Filter |
Ring Setting | Default: Ring |
Consecutive Ring Setting | Consecutive Rings Setting. Replaces the consective ring setting on IPPhone. Default: Use System Default |
Ring Setting Idle Pickup Alert | Applicable only for IP Phones Default: Use System Default |
Ring Setting Active Pickup Alert | Applicable only for IP Phones Default: Use System Default |
Display Ascii |
E164Mask |
Mwl Policy | Default: Use System Policy |
Max Num Calls | Default: 2 |
Busy Trigger | Default: 1 |
Call Info Display |
Caller Name | Default: True |
Caller Number |
Redirected Number |
Dialed Number | Default: True |
Recording Profile Name |
Monitoring Css Name |
Recording Flag | Default: Call Recording Disabled |
Audible Mwi | Not applicable for gatewayEndpointAnalogAccess and CiscoCatalyst600024PortFXSGateway Default: Default |
Speed Dial |
Partition Usage | This tag cannot be modified. It can only be specified in the add request. Default: General |
Associated Endusers |
Enduser |
User Id * |
Missed Call Logging | Default: True |
Recording Media Source | Default: Gateway Preferred |
Link To Line | Link to the line resource |
Phone Button Template * | From the Phone Button Template drop-down list, choose a phone button template. Tip If you want to configure BLF/SpeedDials for the profile for presence monitoring, choose a phone button template that you configured for BLF/SpeedDials. After you save the configuration, the Add a New BLF SD link displays in the Association Information pane. For more information on BLF/SpeedDials, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide. |
Speeddials |
Speeddial |
Dirn * |
Label |
Index |
Busy Lamp Fields |
Busy Lamp Field |
Blf Dest | Either blfDest or the combination of blfDirn and routePartition is to be mentioned in the add/update request, if both are mentioned AXL will read only the blfDest tag and ignore blfDirn and routePartition. |
Blf Dirn | Either blfDest or the combination of blfDirn and routePartition is to be mentioned in the add/update request, if both are mentioned AXL will read only the blfDest tag and ignore blfDirn and routePartition. |
Route Partition |
Label |
Index |
Call Pickup |
Blf Directed Call Parks |
Blf Directed Call Park |
Label |
Directed Call Park Dn And Partition |
Dn Pattern * |
Route Partition Name |
Index |
Add On Modules | Additional modules attached to the Phone.There can be 0,1 or 2. |
Add On Module |
Load Information * | Load Information is either the module's specific load information or the default load information.If any special load information is specified, the special attribute is set to TRUE. Otherwise, the load information is the default for the product. |
Model * | Model ID string. Default: 7914 14-Button Line Expansion Module |
Module2 | Choose the appropriate expansion module or None. |
User Locale | From the drop-down list box, choose the locale that is associated with the phone user interface. The user locale identifies a set of detailed information, including language and font, to support users. Cisco Unified Communications Manager makes this field available only for phone models that support localization. Note If no user locale is specified, Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses the user locale that is associated with the device pool. Note If the users require information to display (on the phone) in any language other than English, verify that the locale installer is installed before configuring user locale. See the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Locale Installer documentation. |
Single Button Barge | From the drop-down list box, choose from the following options: Off—This device does not allow users to use the Single Button Barge/cBarge feature. Barge—Choosing this option allows users to press the Single Button Barge shared-line button on the phone to barge into a call using Barge. Default—This device inherits the Single Button Barge/cBarge setting from the service parameter and device pool settings. Note If the server parameter and device pool settings are different, the device will inherit the setting from the service parameter setting. For more information, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide. Default: Default |
Join Across Lines | From the drop-down list box, choose from the following options: Off—This device does not allow users to use the Join Across Lines feature. On—This device allows users to join calls across multiple lines. Default—This device inherits the Join Across Lines setting from the service parameter and device pool settings. Note If the server parameter and device pool settings are different, the device will inherit the setting from the service parameter setting. For more information, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide. Default: Default |
Login User Id | From the Login User ID drop-down list box, choose a valid login user ID. Note If the device profile is used as a logout profile, specify the login user ID that will be associated with the phone. After the user logs out from this user device profile, the phone will automatically log in to this login user ID. |
Ignore Presentation Indicators (internal calls only) | To configure call display restrictions and ignore any presentation restriction that is received for internal calls, check the "Ignore Presentation Indicators (internal calls only)" check box. Tip Use this configuration in combination with the calling line ID presentation and connected line ID presentation configuration at the translation pattern level. Together, these settings allow you to configure call display restrictions to selectively present or block calling and/or connected line display information for each call. For more information about call display restrictions, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide. |
DND Option | When you enable DND on the phone, this parameter allows you to specify how the DND feature handles incoming calls: Call Reject—This option specifies that no incoming call information gets presented to the user. Depending on how you configure the DND Incoming Call Alert parameter, the phone may play a beep or display a flash notification of the call. Ringer Off—This option turns off the ringer, but incoming call information gets presented to the device, so that the user can accept the call. Use Common Phone Profile Setting—This option specifies that the DND Option setting from the Common Phone Profile window will get used for this device. Note For 7940/7960 phones that are running SCCP, you can only choose the Ringer Off option. For mobile devices and dual-mode phones, you can only choose the Call Reject option. When you activate DND Call Reject on a mobile device or dual-mode phone, no call information gets presented to the device. Default: Ringer Off |
DND Incoming Call Alert | When you enable the DND Ringer Off or Call Reject option, this parameter specifies how a call displays on a phone. From the drop-down list, choose one of the following options: None—This option specifies that the DND Incoming Call Alert setting from the Common Phone Profile window will get used for this device. Disable—This option disables both beep and flash notification of a call but for the DND Ringer Off option, incoming call information still gets displayed. For the DND Call Reject option, no call alerts display and no information gets sent to the device. Beep Only—For an incoming call, this option causes the phone to play a beep tone only. Flash Only—For an incoming call, this option causes the phone to display a flash alert. |
Do Not Disturb | Check this check box to enable Do Not Disturb. |
Extension Mobility Cross Cluster CSS | From the drop-down list box, choose an existing Calling Search Space (CSS) to use for this device profile for the Extension Mobility Cross Cluster feature. (To configure a new CSS or modify an existing CSS, choose Call Routing > Class of Control > Calling Search Space in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.) Default value specifies None. The home administrator specifies this CSS, which gets used as the device CSS that gets assigned to the phone when the user logs in to this remote phone. For more information, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide. |
Always Use Prime Line | From the drop-down list box, choose one of the following options: Off—When the phone is idle and receives a call on any line, the phone user answers the call from the line on which the call is received. On—When the phone is idle (off hook) and receives a call on any line, the primary line gets chosen for the call. Calls on other lines continue to ring, and the phone user must select those other lines to answer these calls. Default— Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses the configuration from the Always Use Prime Line service parameter, which supports the Cisco CallManager service. Default: Default |
Always Use Prime Line For Voice Message | From the drop-down list box, choose one of the following options: On—If the phone is idle, the primary line on the phone becomes the active line for retrieving voice messages when the phone user presses the Messages button on the phone. Off—If the phone is idle, pressing the Messages button on the phone automatically dials the voice-messaging system from the line that has a voice message. Cisco Unified Communications Manager always selects the first line that has a voice message. If no line has a voice message, the primary line gets used when the phone user presses the Messages button. Default— Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses the configuration from the Always Use Prime Line for Voice Message service parameter, which supports the Cisco CallManager service. Default: Default |
Softkey Template | From the Softkey Template drop-down list box, choose the softkey template from the list that displays. |
Privacy | From the Privacy drop-down list box, choose On for each phone on which you want privacy. For more information, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide. Default: Default |
Services |
Service |
Telecaster Service Name * |
Name * |
Url |
Url Button Index |
Url Label |
Service Name Ascii |
Feature Control Policy | This tag is valid only for RT Phones. |
Type | Device profile Type string. Read Only |
Remote Destination Profile |
Name * | Enter a text name for the remote destination profile. This name can comprise up to 50 characters. Valid characters include letters, numbers, dashes, dots (periods), spaces, and underscores. |
Description | Enter a text description of the remote destination profile. This field can comprise up to 128 characters. You can use all characters except quotes (“), close angle bracket (>), open angle bracket (<), backslash (\), ampersand (&), and percent sign (%). |
Product * | Product ID string. read-only except when creating a device. |
Class * | Class ID string. Class information is read-only except when creating a device. |
Protocol * | Protocol option is read-only,except when creating a device. |
Protocol Side * | Side information is read-only except when creating a device Default: User |
Calling Search Space | Choose the calling search space to be used for routing Mobile Voice Access or Enterprise Feature Access calls. Note This calling search space setting applies only when you are routing calls from the remote destination, which specifies the outbound call leg to the dialed number for Mobile Voice Access and Enterprise Feature Access calls. |
Device Pool * | Choose the device pool that applies to this profile. The device pool defines sets of common characteristics for devices, such as region, date/time group, softkey template, and MLPP information. |
Network Hold MOH Audio Source | Choose the audio source from the IOS gateway that provides multicasting audio source for Cisco Unified Mobility and Mobile Voice Access calls. |
User Hold Audio Source | Choose the audio option for users on hold for Cisco Unified Mobility and Mobile Voice Access calls. |
Lines |
Line | An XLine is an entry in the DeviceNumPlanMap table. The actual directory number is referenced inside the XLine object by the "dirn" or "dirnId" element. |
Index |
Label |
Display |
Dirn | Only uuid attribute is returned in response |
Pattern * |
Route Partition Name * |
Inventory Filter |
Ring Setting | Default: Ring |
Consecutive Ring Setting | Consecutive Rings Setting. Replaces the consective ring setting on IPPhone. Default: Use System Default |
Ring Setting Idle Pickup Alert | Applicable only for IP Phones Default: Use System Default |
Ring Setting Active Pickup Alert | Applicable only for IP Phones Default: Use System Default |
Display Ascii |
E164Mask |
Mwl Policy | Default: Use System Policy |
Max Num Calls | Default: 2 |
Busy Trigger | Default: 1 |
Call Info Display |
Caller Name | Default: True |
Caller Number |
Redirected Number |
Dialed Number | Default: True |
Recording Profile Name |
Monitoring Css Name |
Recording Flag | Default: Call Recording Disabled |
Audible Mwi | Not applicable for gatewayEndpointAnalogAccess and CiscoCatalyst600024PortFXSGateway Default: Default |
Speed Dial |
Partition Usage | This tag cannot be modified. It can only be specified in the add request. Default: General |
Associated Endusers |
Enduser |
User Id * |
Missed Call Logging | Default: True |
Recording Media Source | Default: Gateway Preferred |
Privacy * | Choose a privacy option for the remote destination profile. If you choose the Default value for this field, the setting matches the value of the Privacy Setting service parameter. Note If you change and save the value of the Privacy Setting service parameter, you must return to the Remote Destination Profile Configuration window for a remote destination profile that specifies Default and click Save for the service parameter change to take effect. Note You cannot transfer a call from a cell phone to a desk phone if the Remote Destination Profile Privacy specifies On, and the "Enforce Privacy Setting on Held Calls" service parameter specifies True. Default: Default |
User ID * | Choose the user to whom this profile is assigned. The selection must match the ID of a user in the End User Configuration window where Enable Mobility is checked. |
Ignore Presentation Indicators (internal calls only) | Check the check box if you want to ignore the connected line ID presentation. Use this configuration for internal calls. |
Rerouting Calling Search Space | Choose a calling search space to be used to route Cisco Unified Mobility calls. Note Ensure that the gateway that is configured for routing mobile calls is assigned to the partition that belongs to the Rerouting Calling Search Space. Cisco Unified Communications Manager determines how to route calls based on the remote destination number and the Rerouting Calling Search Space. Note The Rerouting Calling Search Space setting applies only when you are routing calls to the remote destination or mobility identity, which specifies the outbound call leg toward the remote destination or mobility identity when a call comes in to the user enterprise number. Note Cisco Unified Mobility calls do not get routed to the dual-mode mobility identity number that corresponds to the dual-mode mobile phone number if the device associates with the enterprise WLAN and registers with Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Cisco Unified Mobility calls get routed to the dual-mode mobility identity number only when the device is outside the enterprise. |
Calling Party Transformation CSS | Choose the calling search space for transformations. This setting allows you to localize the calling party number on the device. Make sure that the Calling Party Transformation CSS that you choose contains the calling party transformation pattern that you want to assign to this device. Note The partitions in the calling search space should contain only calling party transformations. Note Ensure the calling search space is not null because no transformations can apply to null partitions. Note The device takes on the attributes of the Calling Party Transformation Pattern because you assign the pattern to a partition where the Calling Party Transformation CSS exists. For example, when you configure the Calling Party Transformation CSS under Call Routing > Class of Control > Calling Search Space, you assign the CSS to a partition; when you configure the Calling Party Transformation CSS under Call Routing > Transformation Pattern > Calling Party Transformation Pattern, you choose the partition where the Calling Party Transformation CSS is assigned. |
Calling Search Space AAR | Choose a calling search space to be used to route Cisco Unified Mobility calls. Note Ensure that the gateway that is configured for routing mobile calls is assigned to the partition that belongs to the Rerouting Calling Search Space. Cisco Unified Communications Manager determines how to route calls based on the remote destination number and the Rerouting Calling Search Space. Note The Rerouting Calling Search Space setting applies only when you are routing calls to the remote destination or mobility identity, which specifies the outbound call leg toward the remote destination or mobility identity when a call comes in to the user enterprise number. Note Cisco Unified Mobility calls do not get routed to the dual-mode mobility identity number that corresponds to the dual-mode mobile phone number if the device associates with the enterprise WLAN and registers with Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Cisco Unified Mobility calls get routed to the dual-mode mobility identity number only when the device is outside the enterprise. |
Use Device Pool Calling Party Transformation CSS | To use the Calling Party Transformation CSS that is configured in the device pool that is assigned to this device, check this check box. If you do not check this check box, the device uses the Calling Party Transformation CSS that you configured in the Remote Destination Profile Configuration window. Default: True |
User Locale | From the drop-down list box, choose the locale that is associated with the phone user interface. The user locale identifies a set of detailed information, including language and font, to support users. Cisco Unified Communications Manager makes this field available only for phone models that support localization. Note If the users require information to display (on the phone) in any language other than English, verify that the locale installer is installed before you configure user locale. See the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Locale Installer documentation. |
Network Locale |
Primary Phone Name |
Dnd Option | This Call Reject option specifies that no incoming call information gets presented to the user. Note For mobile devices, dual-mode phones, and phones that are running SCCP, you can only choose the Call Reject option. When you activate DND Call Reject on a mobile device or dual-mode phone, no call information gets presented to the device. Default: Ringer Off |
Dnd Status | Check this check box to enable Do Not Disturb on the phone. |
Mobile Smart Client Profile Name |
Remote Destination Rdp |
Name | Enter a name that identifies the remote destination or mobile identity. |
Destination Number * | Enter the PSTN telephone number for the destination. Include the area code and any additional digits that are required to obtain an outside line. Maximum field length equals 24 characters; individual characters can take the values 0-9, *, #, and +. Cisco recommends that you configure the caller ID of the remote destination. If the administrator configures the Incoming Calling Party settings in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager gateway, trunk, or device pool to globalize the incoming calling party number, configure the Destination Number of the remote destination in the E.164 format. Example: For a remote destination with US area code 408 and destination number 5552222, configure the Destination Number as +14085552222. Additionally, if globalized destination numbers are in use, set the Matching Caller ID with Remote Destination service parameter to Complete Match. Note Add the necessary translation pattern or route patterns to route the destination number. You can also enter a directory URI in this field. Keep in mind that if you enter a directory URI in this field, you must also configure a domain-based SIP route pattern. Note When you place a call from a remote destination, the caller ID of the destination phone displays the directory number that is associated with the calling directory URI rather than the directory URI. |
Answer Too Soon Timer * | Enter the minimum time in milliseconds that Cisco Unified Communications Manager requires the mobile phone to ring before answering the call. This setting accounts for situations where the mobile phone is switched off or is not reachable, in which case the network may immediately divert the call to the mobile phone voice mail. If the mobile phone is answered before this timer expires, Cisco Unified Communications Manager pulls the call back to the enterprise. Range: 0 - 10,000 milliseconds Default: 1,500 milliseconds Default: 1500 |
Answer Too Late Timer * | Enter the maximum time in milliseconds that Cisco Unified Communications Manager allows for the mobile phone to answer. If this value is reached, Cisco Unified Communications Manager stops ringing the mobile phone and pulls the call back to the enterprise. Range: 0 and 10,000 - 300,000 milliseconds Default: 19,000 milliseconds If the value is set to zero, the timer is not started. Default: 19000 |
Delay Before Ringing Timer * | Enter the time that elapses before the mobile phone rings when a call is extended to the remote destination. Range: 0 - 30,000 milliseconds Default: 4,000 milliseconds Tip When a hunt group is in use, the lines ring only for a short period of time. You may need to manipulate the Delay Before Ringing Timer setting and make it zero to allow a remote destination call to be established, ring, and answer, before the hunt list timer expires and pulls the call back. Default: 4000 |
Owner User Id | From 10.5, to get proper value of this tag in get handler's response it is required to have value of todaccess, in case if user does not give any value in todaccesss tag, axl will insert a random row so that get handler response can return proper value of Owner User id |
Enable Unified Mobility | While UPDATE set it to false if you want to delete enable Unified Mobility feature.Use only while update |
Remote Destination Profile | From the drop-down list box, choose the remote destination profile that you want to use for this remote destination. |
Enable Extend And Connect | While UPDATE set it to false if you want to delete Enable Extend and Connect.Use only while update |
Client Services Framework or CTI Remote Device | ctiRemoteDeviceName tag will be used to associate either CTI Remote Device or a Cisco Spark Remote Device with a Remote Destination |
Dual Mode Device Name |
Mobile Phone | Check the check box if you want calls that the desk phone answers to be sent to your mobile phone as the remote destination. Checking this check box ensures that, if Send Call to Mobile Phone is specified (by using the Mobility softkey for remote destination pickup), the call gets extended to this remote destination. Note This check box does not apply to dual-mode phones that are running SIP nor to dual-mode phones that are running SCCP, such as the Nokia S60. |
Enable Mobile Connect | Check the check box to allow an incoming call to ring your desk phone and remote destination at the same time. For detailed task information about Cisco Unified Mobility and Extend and Connect, see the Feature Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Default: True |
Line Associations | The line association for this remote destination. The line to be associated must already be added to the remote destination profile. All directory numbers specified must already exist in the database. |
Line Association |
Pattern | The directory number to be associated. This directory number must be already associated to remote destination profile. |
Route Partition Name |
Time Zone | From the drop-down list box, choose a time zone to use for this remote destination or mobile identity. Note The time-of-day access feature uses the time zone that you choose for this remote destination or mobile identity to allow or to block calls to this remote destination or mobile identity. Default: Etc/GMT |
Tod Access Name | From 11.0 this tag will not get the precedence if ringSchedule tag is present because ring schedule of the RD will be set based on ringSchedule tag |
Mobile Smart Client Name | This tag is not applicable for dualmode phones |
Mobility Profile | From the drop-down list box, choose the mobility profile that you want to use for this remote destination. To configure a mobility profile, use the Call Routing > Mobility > Mobility Profile menu option. |
Single Number Reach Voicemail Policy | Configures how mobile device users answer calls that terminate on a remote destination (RD). This feature provides users with a single enterprise voice mail box for their enterprise mobility if the RD call reaches an external voice mail system. Available options are as follows: Use System Default Timer Control User Control Note For User Control to work, you must set the Enable Enterprise Feature Access service parameter to TRUE. Default: Use System Default |
Dial Via Office Reverse Voicemail | Configures how dual mode device users answer Dial-via-Office Reverse (DVO-R) calls that terminate on the Mobile Identity (MI). This feature provides users with a single enterprise voicemail box for their enterprise mobility if the RD call reaches an external voice mail system. Available options are as follows: Use System Default Timer Control User Control Default: Use System Default |
Ring Schedule | This tag must be used for configuring RingSchedule of RD, this tag will get precendence over todaccess and accesslist tag. Passing a blank ringSchedule tag in updateRemoteDestination request will result in setting the time schedule to All the time. |
Member |
Start Time | Default: No Office Hours |
End Time | Default: No Office Hours |
Start Day | StartDay and EndDay value should be same Default: None |
End Day | Default: None |
Blocked Access List | Click this radio button to prevent incoming calls from ringing this remote destination if the caller belongs to the access list that is specified in the drop-down list box and according to the Ring Schedule that you specify in the Ring Schedule pane. This setting applies only if the Enable Cisco Unified Mobility check box is checked for this remote destination. From the drop-down list box, choose an access list that applies to this setting. If you want to view the details of an access list, click the View Details link. (To modify an access list, you must use the Call Routing > Class of Control > Access List menu option.) Choosing an access list that contains no members equates to choosing the Always ring this destination radio button. |
Hcs User Provisioning Status Dat |
Username * |
LDAP Server |
LDAP Device User PKID |
CUCM Server |
CUCM Device User PKID |
Synced To |
Entitlement Profile |
Normalized User |
Username * | Login in username. |
Building | Building name or number. |
User Type |
Country | Country name. |
Department | Department names and numbers. |
Directory URI | Alphanumeric Directory URI (e.g. SIP URI) |
Display Name |
Employee Number |
Employee Type |
Facsimile Telephone Number |
Given Name | Contains strings that are part of the person's name excluding surnames. |
Home Phone | Contains strings that represent the user's home phone number(s). |
IP Phone | Contains strings that represent the user's IP phone number(s). |
Jabber ID |
City | Contains the name of a person's locality. |
Email Address |
Manager |
Member Of | The user can be a member of a variety of groups. |
Mobile |
Organization | The name of the person's organization. |
Object Class |
Other Mailbox |
Organizational Unit | The name of the person's organization unit. |
Photo URL |
Physical Delivery Office Name |
Postal Code | Contains codes used by a Postal Service to identify postal service zones. |
Preferred Language |
Surname | Contains strings for the family names of a person. |
State | Contains full names of states or provinces. |
Street | Contains site information from a postal address. |
Telephone Number |
Timezone |
Title |
Userid | Contains computer login names for the user. |
Unverified Mail Box |
Custom String 1 | Custom String |
Custom String 2 | Custom String |
Custom String 3 | Custom String |
Custom String 4 | Custom String |
Custom String 5 | Custom String |
Custom List of Strings 1 | Custom List of Strings |
Custom List of Strings 2 | Custom List of Strings |
Custom List of Strings 3 | Custom List of Strings |
Custom List of Strings 4 | Custom List of Strings |
Custom List of Strings 5 | Custom List of Strings |
Subscriber Data |
userid |
Entitlement Profile |
Warning | Warning Status Field Default: No Call Manager has been configured. |
Spark User |
Id |
First Name |
Last Name |
Email Address * |
Webex Calling - Professional |
Work Number | Work number for the person. e.g. +1 408 526 7209. This is only settable for a person with a Webex Calling license. |
Extension | Webex Calling extension of the person. This is only settable for a person with a Webex Calling license. |
Phone Numbers | Phone numbers for the person. Not settable. |
Type | The type of phone number. |
Number | The phone number e.g. +1 408 526 7209 |
SIP Addresses | The users sip addresses. |
Type | The type of SIP address. |
Number | The SIP address |
Primary |
Addresses | The users addresses. |
Type | The type of address. |
Country | The user's country. Example value: US |
Locality | The user's locality, often city. Example value: Milpitas |
Region | The user's region, often state. Example value: California |
Street Address | The user's street. Example value: 1099 Bird Ave. |
Postal Code | The user's postal or zip code. Example value: 99212 |
Display Name * |
Nickname |
Department |
Manager |
Manager ID |
Title |
Time Zone |
Location |
Date Created |
Status |
User Type | Default: person |
Invite Pending |
Login Enabled |
Field to pass selected number from QAS workflow |
Roles |
No administrator privileges | Default: true |
Full administrator privileges | - User Management - Company Policy & Templates - Analytics & Reports - Support Metrics & Notifications - Licenses & Upgrades - Assign Roles |
Read-only administrator privileges | Read-only view of the portal. No changes will be accepted. |
Support Administrator | - Analytics & Reports - Support Metrics & Notifications |
User and Device Administrator | - User Management - Device Management - Licenses & Upgrades |
Device Administrator | - Device Management |
Assigned Licenses |
License | Select the license to assign to this user. |
Settings |
Calling |
Calling Behaviour | This determines how a user makes calls in Webex App. |
Use Organization's Domain | Enabling this will use the Webex App organization domain for Calling in Webex App (Unified CM) |
UC Manager Profile |
Create iPhone Device | Default: true |
Create Android Device | Default: true |
Create Tablet Device | Default: true |
Create CSF Device | Default: true |
Uccx Agent |
ID |
User ID | User ID of this Agent. |
First Name | First name of this Agent. |
Last Name | Last name of this Agent. |
Extension | IPCC extension of this Agent. |
Type | User type i.e. either an Agent or Supervisor. |
Alias | Alias for this Agent. |
Team | The team this Agent is assigned to. |
Resource Group | Resource group this Agent belongs to. |
Automatic Available | Is this Agent automatically available. |
Skills | Skills that this Agent has. |
Competence Level | Agent's competency level for this skill. Default: 5 |
Skill | Skill name. |
Device |
Username * |
Contact Centre App User ID |
Device Type | Default: Phone |
Phone Name |
Profile Name |
Spark Services |
name |
configuredCallingBehaviour |
Custom |
custom_string_1 | custom_string_1 |
custom_string_2 | custom_string_2 |
custom_string_3 | custom_string_3 |
custom_string_4 | custom_string_4 |
custom_string_5 | custom_string_5 |
custom_string_6 | custom_string_6 |
custom_string_7 | custom_string_7 |
custom_string_8 | custom_string_8 |
custom_string_9 | custom_string_9 |
custom_string_10 | custom_string_10 |
custom_boolean_1 | custom_boolean_1 |
custom_boolean_2 | custom_boolean_2 |
custom_boolean_3 | custom_boolean_3 |
custom_boolean_4 | custom_boolean_4 |
custom_boolean_5 | custom_boolean_5 |
custom_boolean_6 | custom_boolean_6 |
custom_boolean_7 | custom_boolean_7 |
custom_boolean_8 | custom_boolean_8 |
custom_boolean_9 | custom_boolean_9 |
custom_boolean_10 | custom_boolean_10 |
ipcc_trigger | IPCC Extension visibility trigger |