
Model: relation/HuntGroupRelation

Hunt Groups

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A hunt group is a combination of the following elements:

Element Description
Hunt Pilot A hunt pilot comprises a string of digits (an address) and a set of associated digit manipulations that route calls to a hunt list. Hunt pilots provide flexibility in network design. They work in conjunction with route filters and hunt lists to direct calls to specific devices and to include, exclude, or modify specific digit patterns.
Hunt List

A hunt list displays a set of line groups in a specific order, and then associates with one or more hunt pilots, and determines the order in which those line groups are accessed. The order defines the progress of the search for available directory numbers for incoming calls. A hunt list comprises a collection of directory numbers as defined by line groups.

A hunt list can contain only line groups. Each hunt list should have at least one line group. Each line group includes at least one directory number. A single line group can appear in multiple hunt lists.

Line Groups

Hunt groups provide a business context for the lines you choose as members of line groups. You will need to choose lines belonging to line groups, or any existing line groups that must be added to the hunt list members.

A line group allows you to define the order in which directory numbers are chosen. CUCM distributes a call to idle or available members of a line group based on a call distribution algorithm and on the Ring No Answer (RNA) Reversion Timeout setting.

The hunt pilot, hunt list, and line group combination are automatically associated via unique identifiers for the following:

Searches can be performed on any of the details of the hunt pilot.

The site defaults auto-populates some values for hunt groups. To view or update the defaults, go to (default menus) Site Management > Defaults, choose a site to view its defaults, and locate the Default CUCM Hunt Pilot Partition field on the General Defaults tab. See Site Defaults

Related Topics

Add a Hunt Group

This procedure adds a hunt group in VOSS Automate and Cisco Unified Call Manager (CUCM).


When adding a hunt group, you will specify the parameters of the hunt pilot and the hunt list, and choose one or more new or existing line groups.

If your administrator has enabled number inventory, you can choose the hunt pilot pattern from a list of available numbers. If number inventory is disabled, you will need to specify a hunt pilot pattern, or choose from a limited selection of available numbers.

To allow the successful use of call forwarding in a hunt pilot, clear the defaults for Max Callers In Queue (32) and the default for Max Wait Time In Queue (900). To use queuing instead of call forwarding, change the default values, for example, to 33 and 901.

To add a hunt group:

  1. Log in as site administrator or higher.

  2. Choose the hierarchy (if necessary) where you want to add the hunt group.


    Hunt groups can be configured at the customer level or at site level.

  3. Go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > Hunt Groups.

  4. On the Hunt Groups list view, click Add.

  5. Choose a network device list (NDL).


    For hunt groups configured at the customer level:

    • Choose a NDL that identifies the CUCM where the hunt group is defined.
    • The system supports adding duplicate hunt groups (two hunt groups with the same hunt list name), provided multi-cluster CUCM is configured and you choose a different NDL. The second hunt group and hunt list are added to the second CUCM.
  6. On the Hunt Groups/New Record page, fill out at least the required fields.

  7. Click Save.

    A workflow is triggered to add the new hunt group:

Configure a New Hunt Group

This section describes the configuration options when adding a hunt group. You will need to configure the following sections of the Hunt Groups/New Record page:

Configure Pattern Definition

For hunt groups configured at the customer level, define a unique hunt pilot pattern. The hunt pilot pattern is added to the customer-level DN inventory and is marked as in-use and unavailable.

Field Description
Hunt Pilot Pattern

Specify a hunt pilot pattern, or choose one from the the drop-down.

A hunt pilot pattern can include numbers and wildcards (no spaces). wildcards (no spaces). For example, for NANP, enter 9.@ for typical local access, or 8XXX for a typical private network numbering plan. Valid characters include uppercase characters A, B, C, D, and + (representing the international escape character +). Ensure that the directory hunt pilot, which uses the chosen partition, route filter, and numbering plan combination, is unique.

Route Partition Choose a route partition from the list if you want to use a partition to restrict access to the hunt pilot, else, leave the field blank.
Route Filter If your hunt pilot includes the '@' wildcard, choose a route filter from the drop-down. Route filters restrict some number patterns. The numbering plan you choose determines the route filters you can choose from.
Hunt List Add the hunt list name to the Name field in the Hunt List section to auto-populate this field.
Call Pickup Group

Choose a call pickup group to associate with this hunt group.

Choose a call pickup group at the same hierarchy as this hunt group or if no call pickup groups are available at this hierarchy, choose a call pickup group at the hierarchy directly above.

Call pickup group is the number that can be dialed to answer calls to this directory number (in the partition)

Alerting Name

Specify an alerting name for the hunt pilot in UNICODE format.

This name is displayed on phones that the hunt pilot dials when it receives an incoming call, along with calling party information. Phone users can use this information to answer the call This name also displays on the calling phone.

If you don't enter a name, the hunt pilot DN displays on the phones.

Provide Outside Dial Tone Enable for each hunt pilot that routes the call off the local network and provides outside dial tone to the calling device. Disable if you want to route the call in the network.

Configure Forward Hunt No Answer

  1. At Forward Hunt No Answer Action, choose the hunt call treatment action setting.

    • Choosing Forward Unanswered Calls to Destination enables these fields:

      CFNA Destination Defines the directory number where calls are to be forwarded.
      CSS CFNA Applies to all devices using this directory number. The drop-down displays all CSSs in the system. The default is the default line CSS of the site.
    • Choose Use Forward Settings of Device that Forwarded to Hunt Pilot to use the call forwarding settings of the line group member.

  2. At Maximum Hunt Timer, specify the maximum time for hunting without queueing.


    Do not use the same value for this field and for the RNA Reversion Timeout field in the associated line group.

Configure Forward Hunt Busy

At Forward Hunt Busy Action, choose the hunt call treatment action setting.

Configure Queueing

At Queueing, define whether to queue calls. Selecting this checkbox disables Forward Hunt Groups, and displays additional configuration options.


These mandatory fields are auto-populated with default values:

Configure Hunt List

Field Description
Name Maximum of 50 alphanumeric characters, and can contain combination of spaces, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscore characters (_). Ensure each hunt list name is unique to the route plan. it is recommended that you use short, descriptive names for your hunt lists. The CompanynameLocationCalltype format provides enough detail and is short enough so you can easily identify a hunt list.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group Choose a CUCM group from the list. The hunt list registers to the first node in the CUCM group. Choosing a CUCM with only one node configured triggers a system warning, so choose a group with more than one node.
Enable this Hunt List Defines whether to enable your hunt list as soon as you save. No system reset is required.
For Voice Mail Usage Define whether to use this hunt list for voicemail. Enabling this setting allows the route list control process to keep a count of the setups that are being served to the hunt list, and will not allow more setups than the number of available devices. As a result, each device in the hunt list is treated as if it has a Busy Trigger and related Maximum Number of Calls of one.

Configure Line Groups

Although you can configure an empty line group with no members (directory numbers), CUCM does not support this configuration for routing calls. If the line group contains no members, the hunt list stops hunting when the call gets routed to the empty line group. To avoid this scenario, ensure you configure at least one member in the line group.

You must define one or more directory numbers before configuring a line group. You can remove members from the line group after you configure or update the line group.


For hunt groups configured at the customer-level, include lines defined at the customer level, and at any site within the customer.

Field Description
Line Group Name

The drop-down displays all line groups available at the site. You can choose a line group from the list or enter a name for the line group in the field.

Names you add can be up to 50 alphanumeric characters and can contain any combination of spaces, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscore characters (_). Ensure that each line group name is unique to the route plan.

It is recommended that you use a short, descriptive name for your line groups. The CompanynameLocationGroup format usually provides a sufficient level of detail, and is short enough to be easily identified.

RNA Reversion Timeout

Specify a time, in seconds, after which CUCM will distribute a call to the next available or idle member of this line group or to the next line group if the call is not answered, and if the following option is chosen for Hunt Options No Answer: Try next number; then try next group in Hunt List

The RNA Reversion Timeout applies at the line-group level to all members.

Hunt Options No Answer Choose a hunt option for CUCM to use if a call is distributed to a member of a line group that does not answer. This option is applied at the member level.
Automatically Logout Hunt Member on No Answer Defines whether line members are automatically logged off the hunt list. Line members can log back in using the "HLOG" softkey or PLK.
Hunt Options Busy Choose a hunt option for CUCM to use if a call is distributed to a member of a line group that is busy.
Hunt Options Not Available Choose a hunt option for CUCM to use if a call is distributed to an unavailable line group member. The Not Available condition occurs when none of the phones that are associated with the DN in question is registered. Not Available also occurs when extension mobility is in use and the DN/user is not logged in.

Configure Line Group Members

To configure line group members:

Edit a Hunt Group

It is possible to edit hunt groups, for example, to add or delete line groups, or to add or delete line group members.

When modifying a hunt group, the following workflow is executed (depending on the changes you made):

Delete a Hunt Group

When deleting a hunt group, the following workflow is executed:

Hunt Groups

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A hunt group is a combination a hunt pilot, hunt list, and line groups.

The table describes each of the elements of a hunt group:

Element Description
Hunt Pilot A hunt pilot comprises a string of digits (an address) and a set of associated digit manipulations that route calls to a hunt list. Hunt pilots provide flexibility in network design. They work in conjunction with route filters and hunt lists to direct calls to specific devices and to include, exclude, or modify specific digit patterns.
Hunt List

A hunt list displays a set of line groups in a specific order, and then associates with one or more hunt pilots, and determines the order in which those line groups are accessed. The order defines the progress of the search for available directory numbers for incoming calls. A hunt list comprises a collection of directory numbers as defined by line groups.

A hunt list can contain only line groups. Each hunt list should have at least one line group. Each line group includes at least one directory number. A single line group can appear in multiple hunt lists.

Line Groups

Hunt groups provide a business context for the lines you choose as members of line groups. You will need to choose lines belonging to line groups, or any existing line groups that must be added to the hunt list members.

A line group allows you to define the order in which directory numbers are chosen. CUCM distributes a call to idle or available members of a line group based on a call distribution algorithm and on the Ring No Answer (RNA) Reversion Timeout setting.

The hunt pilot, hunt list, and line group combination are automatically associated via unique identifiers for the following:

Searches can be performed on any of the details of the hunt pilot.

The site defaults auto-populates some values for hunt groups. To view or update the defaults, go to (default menus) Site Management > Defaults, choose a site to view its defaults, and locate the Default CUCM Hunt Pilot Partition field on the General Defaults tab. See Site Defaults

Related Topics

Add a Hunt Group

This procedure adds a hunt group in Automate and Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM).


When adding a hunt group, you'll specify the parameters of the hunt pilot and the hunt list, and choose one or more new or existing line groups.

If your administrator has enabled number inventory, you can choose the hunt pilot pattern from a list of available numbers. If number inventory is disabled, you'll need to specify a hunt pilot pattern, or choose from a limited selection of available numbers.

To allow the successful use of call forwarding in a hunt pilot, clear the defaults for Max Callers In Queue (32) and the default for Max Wait Time In Queue (900). To use queuing instead of call forwarding, change the default values, for example, to 33 and 901.

To add a hunt group:

  1. Log in as site administrator or higher.

  2. Choose the hierarchy (if necessary) where you want to add the hunt group.


    Hunt groups can be configured at the customer level or at site level.

  3. Go to (default menus) Cisco Subscriber Management > Hunt Groups to open the summary list of existing hunt groups.

  4. On the Hunt Groups list view, click Add.

  5. Customer level only. If you're adding the hunt group at the customer level, choose a network device list (NDL).


    • Choose a NDL that identifies the CUCM where the hunt group is defined.
    • The system supports adding duplicate hunt groups (two hunt groups with the same hunt list name), provided multi-cluster CUCM is configured and you choose a different NDL. The second hunt group and hunt list are added to the second CUCM.
  6. On the Hunt Groups/New Record page, fill out at least the required fields to configure the new hunt group.

  7. Save your changes.

    Saving triggers a workflow to add the new hunt group. This workflow:

Related Topics

Edit a Hunt Group

It is possible to edit hunt groups, for example, to add or delete line groups, or to add or delete line group members.

When modifying a hunt group, the following workflow is executed (depending on the changes you made):

Related Topics

Delete a Hunt Group

When deleting a hunt group, the following workflow is executed:

Hunt Group Configuration

Details for hunt groups are added or updated on the Hunt Groups/New Record [hunt group name] page in Automate.


You can toggle the layout on this page via a toolbar button that allows you to view the page content as either tabs or panels.

Content is added or updated in the following tabs/panels:

Pattern Definition

For hunt groups configured at the customer level, the Pattern Definition tab/panel defines a unique hunt pilot pattern.

The hunt pilot pattern is added to the customer-level DN inventory and is marked as in-use and unavailable.

The table describes the fields on the Pattern Definition tab/panel:

Field Description
Hunt Pilot Pattern Mandatory. A hunt pilot pattern can include numbers and wildcards (no spaces). For example, for NANP, enter 9.@ for typical local access, or 8XXX for a typical private network numbering plan. Valid characters include uppercase characters A, B, C, D, and + (representing the international escape character +). Ensure that the directory hunt pilot, which uses the chosen partition, route filter, and numbering plan combination, is unique.
Route Partition Choose a route partition from the list if you want to use a partition to restrict access to the hunt pilot, else, leave the field blank.
Route Filter If your hunt pilot includes the '@' wildcard, choose a route filter from the drop-down. Route filters restrict some number patterns. The numbering plan you choose determines the route filters you can choose from.
Hunt List Add the hunt list name to the Name field in the Hunt List section to auto-populate this field.
Call Pickup Group

The call pickup group to associate with this hunt group.

Choose a call pickup group at the same hierarchy as this hunt group or if no call pickup groups are available at this hierarchy, choose a call pickup group at the hierarchy directly above.

Call pickup group is the number that can be dialed to answer calls to this directory number (in the partition)

Alerting Name

Specify an alerting name for the hunt pilot in UNICODE format.

This name is displayed on phones that the hunt pilot dials when it receives an incoming call, along with calling party information. Phone users can use this information to answer the call This name also displays on the calling phone.

If you don't enter a name, the hunt pilot DN displays on the phones.

Provide Outside Dial Tone Enable for each hunt pilot that routes the call off the local network and provides outside dial tone to the calling device. Disable if you want to route the call in the network.

Forward Hunt Busy

The table describes the hunt group configuration options on the Forward Hunt Busy tab/panel:

Field Description
Forward Hunt Busy Action

The hunt call treatment action. Options:

  • Do Not Forward Busy Calls

  • Use Forward Settings of Device that Forwarded to Hunt Pilot

    Uses the call forwarding settings of the line group member.

  • Forward Busy Calls to Destination

CFB Destination

The directory number where calls are to be forwarded.

Enabled only when the selected Forward Hunt Busy Action is Forward Busy Calls to Destination.


The line CSS, which applies to all devices using this directory number. The default is the default line CSS of the site.

Enabled only when the selected Forward Hunt Busy Action is Forward Busy Calls to Destination.

Forward Hunt No Answer

The table describes the hunt group configuration options on the Forward Hunt No Answer tab/panel:

Field Description
Forward Hunt No Answer Action

Options for hunt call treatment:

  • Do Not Forward Unanswered Calls

  • Use Forward Settings of Device that Forwarded to Hunt Pilot

    Choose this option to use the call forwarding settings of the line group member.

  • Forward Unanswered Calls to Destination

CFNA Destination

The directory number where calls are to be forwarded.

Enabled only when the selected Forward Hunt No Answer Action is Forward Unanswered Calls to Destination.


The line CSS, which applies to all devices using this directory number. The default is the default line CSS of the site.

Enabled only when the selected Forward Hunt No Answer Action is Forward Unanswered Calls to Destination.

Maximum Hunt Timer

The maximum time for hunting without queueing.

Do not use the same value for this field and for the RNA Reversion Timeout field in the associated line group.


The Queueing tab/panel defines whether to queue calls.


Forward Hunt No Answer settings and Forward Hunt Busy settings define how calls are moved through the route list. On the other hand, Queuing settings are used to hold callers in a route list. Thus:

The table describes the hunt group configuration options on the Queueing tab/panel:

Field Description
Queue Calls

Select this checkbox to enable call queueing for hunt groups.

Enabling call queueing disables Forward Hunt Groups, and enables additional queueing configuration fields on the tab/panel.

Network Hold MOH Source & Announcements The Music On Hold (MoH) source that will be used to play announcements and to provide queue hold treatments. If nothing is selected (default), the default Network Hold MoH/MoH Source and Announcements configured on service parameter is used. The MoH source can be configured as unicast or multicast. Caller side's MRGL takes precedence for multicast or unicast. The MoH source announcement locale is used to determine the language used for the announcement. Only one type of language announcement can be played per hunt pilot. When any of the MoH settings are changed, the existing callers in queue are not affected. All future queued callers will listen to MoH and announcements as per the updated settings.
Maximum Number of Callers Allowed in Queue

Auto-populated with default value, 32.

Range value is from 1 to 100. When the maximum number of callers in the queue is reached, and if subsequent calls need to be disconnected, select "Disconnect the call". When the maximum number of callers in the queue is reached, and if subsequent calls need to be routed to a secondary destination, select the "Route the call to this destination" radio button. Provide a specific device DN, shared line DN, or another Hunt Pilot DN. You may also select the "Full Queue Calling Search Space" from the drop-down (optional).

Maximum Wait Time in Queue Auto-populated with default value,``900``.
Queue Full Destination Where to route calls when the maximum number of callers in the queue is reached. If you don't configure this secondary destination then calls are disconnected if the queue is full.

Hunt List

Field Description
Name Maximum of 50 alphanumeric characters, and can contain combination of spaces, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscore characters (_). Ensure each hunt list name is unique to the route plan. it is recommended that you use short, descriptive names for your hunt lists. The CompanynameLocationCalltype format provides enough detail and is short enough so you can easily identify a hunt list.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group Choose a CUCM group from the list. The hunt list registers to the first node in the CUCM group. Choosing a CUCM with only one node configured triggers a system warning, so choose a group with more than one node.
Enable this Hunt List Defines whether to enable your hunt list as soon as you save. No system reset is required.
For Voice Mail Usage Define whether to use this hunt list for voicemail. Enabling this setting allows the route list control process to keep a count of the setups that are being served to the hunt list, and will not allow more setups than the number of available devices. As a result, each device in the hunt list is treated as if it has a Busy Trigger and related Maximum Number of Calls of one.

Line Groups

It is recommended that you configure at least one line group member (directory number) for every line group you add. Before configuring the line group, you will need to add one or more directory numbers.


Although it is possible to configure an empty line group (no members), CUCM does not support empty line groups for routing calls. If the line group has no members the hunt list stops hunting when the call is routed to the empty line group.


For hunt groups configured at the customer-level, include lines defined at the customer level, and at any site within the customer.

The Line Groups tab/panel displays the line groups configured for the hunt group, with the following detail available for each line group:

The Line Group Configuration dialog allows you to add details for a new line group or to update an existing line group. Click on a line group in the table, or click the Plus (+) icon to open the Line Group configuration dialog to add the new record.

The table describes the line group configuration options:

Field Description
Line Group Name

The drop-down displays all line groups available at the site. You can choose a line group from the list or enter a name for the line group in the field.

Names you add can be up to 50 alphanumeric characters and can contain any combination of spaces, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscore characters (_). Ensure that each line group name is unique to the route plan.

It is recommended that you use a short, descriptive name for your line groups. The CompanynameLocationGroup format usually provides a sufficient level of detail, and is short enough to be easily identified.

RNA Reversion Timeout

Specify a time, in seconds, after which CUCM will distribute a call to the next available or idle member of this line group or to the next line group if the call is not answered, and if the following option is chosen for Hunt Options No Answer: Try next number; then try next group in Hunt List

The RNA Reversion Timeout applies at the line-group level to all members.

Distribution Algorithm Applies at line group level, either top-down, circular, longest time, or broadcast.
Hunt Options No Answer Choose a hunt option for CUCM to use if a call is distributed to a member of a line group that does not answer. This option is applied at the member level.
Automatically Logout Hunt Member on No Answer Defines whether line members are automatically logged off the hunt list. Line members can log back in using the "HLOG" softkey or PLK.
Hunt Options Busy Choose a hunt option for CUCM to use if a call is distributed to a member of a line group that is busy.
Hunt Options Not Available Choose a hunt option for CUCM to use if a call is distributed to an unavailable line group member. The Not Available condition occurs when none of the phones that are associated with the DN in question is registered. Not Available also occurs when extension mobility is in use and the DN/user is not logged in.
Member Line group members. For each member, choose a directory number, a partition, and specify a position.

Add, Edit, and Delete Hunt Groups

Add a Hunt Group

This procedure adds a hunt group in VOSS Automate and Cisco Unified Call Manager (CUCM).


When adding a hunt group, you will specify the parameters of the hunt pilot and the hunt list, and choose one or more new or existing line groups.

If your administrator has enabled number inventory, you can choose the hunt pilot pattern from a list of available numbers. If number inventory is disabled, you will need to specify a hunt pilot pattern, or choose from a limited selection of available numbers.

To allow the successful use of call forwarding in a hunt pilot, clear the defaults for Max Callers In Queue (32) and the default for Max Wait Time In Queue (900). To use queuing instead of call forwarding, change the default values, for example, to 33 and 901.

To add a hunt group:

  1. Log in as site administrator or higher.

  2. Choose the hierarchy (if necessary) where you want to add the hunt group.


    Hunt groups can be configured at the customer level or at site level.

  3. Go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > Hunt Groups.

  4. On the Hunt Groups list view, click Add.

  5. Choose a network device list (NDL).


    For hunt groups configured at the customer level:

    • Choose a NDL that identifies the CUCM where the hunt group is defined.
    • The system supports adding duplicate hunt groups (two hunt groups with the same hunt list name), provided multi-cluster CUCM is configured and you choose a different NDL. The second hunt group and hunt list are added to the second CUCM.
  6. On the Hunt Groups/New Record page, fill out at least the required fields.

  7. Click Save.

    A workflow is triggered to add the new hunt group:

Configure the New Hunt Group

This section describes the configuration options when adding a hunt group. You will need to configure the following sections of the Hunt Groups/New Record page:

Configure Pattern Definition

For hunt groups configured at the customer level, define a unique hunt pilot pattern. The hunt pilot pattern is added to the customer-level DN inventory and is marked as in-use and unavailable.

Field Description
Hunt Pilot Pattern

Specify a hunt pilot pattern, or choose one from the the drop-down.

A hunt pilot pattern can include numbers and wildcards (no spaces). wildcards (no spaces). For example, for NANP, enter 9.@ for typical local access, or 8XXX for a typical private network numbering plan. Valid characters include uppercase characters A, B, C, D, and + (representing the international escape character +). Ensure that the directory hunt pilot, which uses the chosen partition, route filter, and numbering plan combination, is unique.

Route Partition Choose a route partition from the list if you want to use a partition to restrict access to the hunt pilot, else, leave the field blank.
Route Filter If your hunt pilot includes the '@' wildcard, choose a route filter from the drop-down. Route filters restrict some number patterns. The numbering plan you choose determines the route filters you can choose from.
Hunt List Add the hunt list name to the Name field in the Hunt List section to auto-populate this field.
Call Pickup Group

Choose a call pickup group to associate with this hunt group.

Choose a call pickup group at the same hierarchy as this hunt group or if no call pickup groups are available at this hierarchy, choose a call pickup group at the hierarchy directly above.

Call pickup group is the number that can be dialed to answer calls to this directory number (in the partition)

Alerting Name

Specify an alerting name for the hunt pilot in UNICODE format.

This name is displayed on phones that the hunt pilot dials when it receives an incoming call, along with calling party information. Phone users can use this information to answer the call This name also displays on the calling phone.

If you don't enter a name, the hunt pilot DN displays on the phones.

Provide Outside Dial Tone Enable for each hunt pilot that routes the call off the local network and provides outside dial tone to the calling device. Disable if you want to route the call in the network.

Configure Forward Hunt No Answer

  1. At Forward Hunt No Answer Action, choose the hunt call treatment action setting.

    • Choosing Forward Unanswered Calls to Destination enables these fields:

      CFNA Destination Defines the directory number where calls are to be forwarded.
      CSS CFNA Applies to all devices using this directory number. The drop-down displays all CSSs in the system. The default is the default line CSS of the site.
    • Choose Use Forward Settings of Device that Forwarded to Hunt Pilot to use the call forwarding settings of the line group member.

  2. At Maximum Hunt Timer, specify the maximum time for hunting without queueing.


    Do not use the same value for this field and for the RNA Reversion Timeout field in the associated line group.

Configure Forward Hunt Busy

At Forward Hunt Busy Action, choose the hunt call treatment action setting.

Configure Queueing

At Queueing, define whether to queue calls. Selecting this checkbox disables Forward Hunt Groups, and displays additional configuration options.


These mandatory fields are auto-populated with default values:

Configure Hunt List

Field Description
Name Maximum of 50 alphanumeric characters, and can contain combination of spaces, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscore characters (_). Ensure each hunt list name is unique to the route plan. it is recommended that you use short, descriptive names for your hunt lists. The CompanynameLocationCalltype format provides enough detail and is short enough so you can easily identify a hunt list.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group Choose a CUCM group from the list. The hunt list registers to the first node in the CUCM group. Choosing a CUCM with only one node configured triggers a system warning, so choose a group with more than one node.
Enable this Hunt List Defines whether to enable your hunt list as soon as you save. No system reset is required.
For Voice Mail Usage Define whether to use this hunt list for voicemail. Enabling this setting allows the route list control process to keep a count of the setups that are being served to the hunt list, and will not allow more setups than the number of available devices. As a result, each device in the hunt list is treated as if it has a Busy Trigger and related Maximum Number of Calls of one.

Configure Line Groups

Although you can configure an empty line group with no members (directory numbers), CUCM does not support this configuration for routing calls. If the line group contains no members, the hunt list stops hunting when the call gets routed to the empty line group. To avoid this scenario, ensure you configure at least one member in the line group.

You must define one or more directory numbers before configuring a line group. You can remove members from the line group after you configure or update the line group.


For hunt groups configured at the customer-level, include lines defined at the customer level, and at any site within the customer.

Field Description
Line Group Name

The drop-down displays all line groups available at the site. You can choose a line group from the list or enter a name for the line group in the field.

Names you add can be up to 50 alphanumeric characters and can contain any combination of spaces, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscore characters (_). Ensure that each line group name is unique to the route plan.

It is recommended that you use a short, descriptive name for your line groups. The CompanynameLocationGroup format usually provides a sufficient level of detail, and is short enough to be easily identified.

RNA Reversion Timeout

Specify a time, in seconds, after which CUCM will distribute a call to the next available or idle member of this line group or to the next line group if the call is not answered, and if the following option is chosen for Hunt Options No Answer: Try next number; then try next group in Hunt List

The RNA Reversion Timeout applies at the line-group level to all members.

Hunt Options No Answer Choose a hunt option for CUCM to use if a call is distributed to a member of a line group that does not answer. This option is applied at the member level.
Automatically Logout Hunt Member on No Answer Defines whether line members are automatically logged off the hunt list. Line members can log back in using the "HLOG" softkey or PLK.
Hunt Options Busy Choose a hunt option for CUCM to use if a call is distributed to a member of a line group that is busy.
Hunt Options Not Available Choose a hunt option for CUCM to use if a call is distributed to an unavailable line group member. The Not Available condition occurs when none of the phones that are associated with the DN in question is registered. Not Available also occurs when extension mobility is in use and the DN/user is not logged in.

Configure Line Group Members

To configure line group members:

Edit a Hunt Group

It is possible to edit hunt groups, for example, to add or delete line groups, or to add or delete line group members.

When modifying a hunt group, the following workflow is executed (depending on the changes you made):

Delete a Hunt Group

When deleting a hunt group, the following workflow is executed:

Relation for Hunt Group elements (including Pilot, List)

Model Details: relation/HuntGroupRelation

Title Description Details
Base Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Base
  • Type: Object
Hunt Pilot Pattern * Enter the Hunt Pilot pattern, including numbers and wildcards. Do not use spaces. For example, for NANP, enter 9.@ for typical local access or 8XXX for a typical private network numbering plan. Valid characters include the uppercase characters A, B, C, and D and \+, which represents the international escape character +. Note: Ensure that the directory hunt pilot, which uses the chosen partition, route filter, and numbering plan combination, is unique. Check the hunt pilot, translation pattern, directory number, call park number, call pickup number, message waiting on/off, or meet me number if you receive an error that indicates duplicate entries. You can also check the route plan report.
  • Field Name: Base.pattern
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
Route Partition If you want to use a partition to restrict access to the hunt pilot, choose the desired partition from the drop-down list box. All route partitions in the Unified CM are provided in the drop-down. The default value is the default line partition of the site.
  • Field Name: Base.routePartitionName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/RoutePartition
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Format: uri
Description Enter a description of the hunt pilot. The description can include up to 50 characters in any language, but it cannot include double-quotes ("), percentage sign (%), ampersand (&), or angle brackets (<>).
  • Field Name: Base.description
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Numbering Plan Choose a numbering plan.
  • Field Name: Base.dialPlanName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/DialPlan
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Format: uri
Route Filter If your hunt pilot includes the @ wildcard, you may choose a route filter. The optional act of choosing a route filter restricts certain number patterns. The route filters that display depend on the numbering plan that you choose from the Numbering Plan drop-down list box. You can configure the number of items that display in this drop-down list box by using the Max List Box Items enterprise parameter. If more route filters exist than the Max List Box Items enterprise parameter specifies, the Find button displays next to the drop-down list box. Click the Find button to display the Find and List Route Filters window, then find and choose a route filter name. Note    To set the maximum list box items, choose System > Enterprise Parameters and choose Unified CMAdmin Parameters.
  • Field Name: Base.routeFilterName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/RouteFilter
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Format: uri
MLPP Precedence Choose an MLPP precedence setting for this hunt pilot from the drop-down list box: Executive Override—Highest precedence setting for MLPP calls. Flash Override—Second highest precedence setting for MLPP calls. Flash—Third highest precedence setting for MLPP calls. Immediate—Fourth highest precedence setting for MLPP calls. Priority—Fifth highest precedence setting for MLPP calls. Routine—Lowest precedence setting for MLPP calls. Default—Does not override the incoming precedence level but rather lets it pass unchanged. Default: Default
  • Field Name: Base.patternPrecedence
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Default: Default
  • Choices: ["Flash Override", "Flash", "Immediate", "Priority", "Routine", "Default", "Executive Override"]
Hunt List * The value is automatically populated with the hunt list name entered on the 'Hunt List' tab.
  • Field Name: Base.huntListName
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cucm/HuntList
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Format: uri
Call Pickup Group Choose the number that can be dialed to answer calls to this directory number (in the specified partition). Note    The Call Pickup Group setting has been moved to this section from the Forward settings section.
  • Field Name: Base.callPickupGroupName
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Alerting Name Enter an alerting name for the hunt pilot in UNICODE format. This name gets displayed on phones that the hunt pilot dials when it receives an incoming call, along with calling party information. The phone users can use this information to answer the call accordingly. This name also gets displayed on the calling phone. If you do not enter a name, the hunt pilot DN displays on the phones.
  • Field Name: Base.alertingName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 50
ASCII Alerting Name Enter an alerting name for the hunt pilot in ASCII format. This name gets displayed on phones that the hunt pilot dials when it receives an incoming call, along with calling party information. The phone users can use this information to answer the call accordingly. This name also gets displayed on the calling phone. If you do not enter a name, the hunt pilot DN displays on the phones.
  • Field Name: Base.asciiAlertingName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 32
Block this pattern If the checkbox is checked, then block this pattern. Also choose the required Release Clause. If the checkbox is unchecked, then route this pattern.
  • Field Name: Base.blockEnable
  • Type: Boolean
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
Release Clause Replaces the 'Route this pattern' and 'Block this pattern' radio buttons in Unified CM. Default: No Error
  • Field Name: Base.releaseClause
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Default: No Error
  • Choices: ["No Error", "Unallocated Number", "Call Rejected", "Number Changed", "Invalid Number Format", "Precedence Level Exceeded"]
Provide Outside Dial Tone Provide Outside Dial Tone indicates that Cisco Unified Communications Manager routes the calls off the local network. Check this check box for each hunt pilot that routes the call off the local network and provides outside dial tone to the calling device. To route the call in the network, leave the check box unchecked. Default: True
  • Field Name: Base.provideOutsideDialtone
  • Type: Boolean
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Default: True
Urgent Priority If the dial plan contains overlapping hunt lists, Cisco Unified Communications Manager would not route the call until the interdigit timer expires (even if it is possible to dial a sequence of digits to choose a current match). Check this check box to interrupt interdigit timing when Cisco Unified Communications Manager must route a call immediately.
  • Field Name: Base.patternUrgency
  • Type: Boolean
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Forward Hunt No Answer Action
  • Field Name: Base.cfna_action
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Do Not Forward Unanswered Calls", "Use Forward Settings of Device that Forwarded to Hunt Pilot", "Forward Unanswered Calls to Destination"]
  • Field Name: HF
  • Type: Object
Forward Hunt No Answer Action
  • Field Name: Base.HF.cfna_action
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Do Not Forward Unanswered Calls", "Use Forward Settings of Device that Forwarded to Hunt Pilot", "Forward Unanswered Calls to Destination"]
Forward Hunt Busy Action
  • Field Name: Base.HF.cfb_action
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Do Not Forward Busy Calls", "Use Forward Settings of Device that Forwarded to Hunt Pilot", "Forward Busy Calls to Destination"]
Queue Calls
  • Field Name: Base.HF.queue_calls_checkbox
  • Type: Boolean
Forward Hunt No Answer
  • Field Name: forwardHuntNoAnswer
  • Type: ["Object", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Use Forward Settings of Device that Forwarded to Hunt Pilot Use Forward Settings of Line Group Member
  • Field Name: Base.forwardHuntNoAnswer.usePersonalPreferences
  • Type: Boolean
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
CFNA Destination This setting indicates the directory number to which calls are forwarded.
  • Field Name: Base.forwardHuntNoAnswer.destination
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
CSS CFNA This drop-down lists all the CSSs on the system. The default is the default line CSS of the site.
  • Field Name: Base.forwardHuntNoAnswer.callingSearchSpaceName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/Css
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Format: uri
Use Forward Settings of Device that Forwarded to Hunt Pilot Use Forward Settings of Line Group Member
  • Field Name: Base.usePersonalPreferences
  • Type: Boolean
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Destination This setting specifies the directory number to which a parked call is forwarded when the service parameter Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Timer expires. Use any dialable phone number, including an outside destination.
  • Field Name: Base.destination
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 50
Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Calling Search Space This drop-down lists all the CSSs on the system. This CSS is used when the Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Destination is configured.
  • Field Name: Base.callingSearchSpaceName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/Css
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Format: uri
Maximum Hunt Timer Enter a value (in seconds) that specifies the maximum time for hunting without queuing. Valid values specify 1 to 3600. The default value specifies 1800 seconds (30 minutes).
  • Field Name: Base.maxHuntduration
  • Type: ["Integer", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Forward Hunt Busy Action
  • Field Name: Base.cfb_action
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Do Not Forward Busy Calls", "Use Forward Settings of Device that Forwarded to Hunt Pilot", "Forward Busy Calls to Destination"]
Forward Hunt Busy This drop-down lists all the CSSs on the system. The default is the default line CSS of the site.
  • Field Name: forwardHuntBusy
  • Type: ["Object", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Use Forward Settings of Device that Forwarded to Hunt Pilot Use Forward Settings of Line Group Member
  • Field Name: Base.forwardHuntBusy.usePersonalPreferences
  • Type: Boolean
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
CFB Destination This setting indicates the directory number to which calls are forwarded.
  • Field Name: Base.forwardHuntBusy.destination
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
CSS CFB This drop-down lists all the CSSs on the system. The default is the default line CSS of the site.
  • Field Name: Base.forwardHuntBusy.callingSearchSpaceName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/Css
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Format: uri
Queue Calls
  • Field Name: Base.queue_calls_checkbox
  • Type: Boolean
Queueing Forward Hunt No Answer or Forward Hunt Busy settings are designed to move calls through the route list. Queuing, on the other hand, is used to hold callers in a route list. Therefore, if queuing is enabled, both Forward Hunt No Answer and Forward Hunt Busy are automatically disabled. Conversely, if Forward Hunt No Answer or Forward Hunt Busy are enabled, queuing is automatically disabled.
  • Field Name: queueCalls
  • Type: ["Object", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Maximum Number of Callers Allowed in Queue * Enter an integer value for the number of callers allowed in the queue for this hunt pilot. The default value is 32. The field range is from 1 to 100. When the maximum number of callers in queue has been reached, and if subsequent calls need to be disconnected, select the “Disconnect the call” radio button. When the maximum number of callers in queue has been reached, and if subsequent calls need to be routed to a secondary destination, select the “Route the call to this destination” radio button. Provide a specific device DN, shared line DN, or another Hunt Pilot DN. You may also select the “Full Queue Calling Search Space” from the drop-down list (optional).
  • Field Name: Base.queueCalls.maxCallersInQueue
  • Type: Integer
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
Queue Full Destination When the maximum number of callers in queue has been reached, and if subsequent calls need to be routed to a secondary destination then configure this field. Calls are disconnected if the destination field is not configured.
  • Field Name: Base.queueCalls.queueFullDestination
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 50
Full Queue Calling Search Space This drop-down lists all the CSSs on the system. This CSS is used when the Queue Full Destination is configured.
  • Field Name: Base.queueCalls.callingSearchSpacePilotQueueFull
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/Css
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Format: uri
Maximum Wait Time in Queue * Enter an integer value to set the maximum wait time, in seconds, in a queue. The default value is 900 seconds. The field range is from 10 to 3600 seconds. When the maximum wait time in queue has been reached, and if the queued caller needs to be disconnected, select the “Disconnect the call” radio button. When the maximum wait time in queue has been reached, and if the queued caller needs to be routed to a secondary destination, select the “Route the call to this destination” radio button. Provide a specific device DN, shared line DN, or another Hunt Pilot DN. You may also select the “Maximum Wait Time Calling Search Space” from the drop-down list (optional).
  • Field Name: Base.queueCalls.maxWaitTimeInQueue
  • Type: Integer
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
Max Wait Time Destination When the maximum wait time in queue has been reached, and if the queued caller needs to be routed to a secondary destination configured then configure this field. Calls are disconnected if the destination field is not configured.
  • Field Name: Base.queueCalls.maxWaitTimeDestination
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 50
Max Wait Time Calling Search Space This drop-down lists all the CSSs on the system. This CSS is used when the Max Wait Time Destination is configured.
  • Field Name: Base.queueCalls.callingSearchSpaceMaxWaitTime
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/Css
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Format: uri
No Hunt Members Answer/Available Destination When no line members are logged in or registered at the time of an incoming call, and if that call needs to be routed to a secondary destination then configure this field.
  • Field Name: Base.queueCalls.noAgentDestination
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 50
No Hunt Members Answer/Available Calling Search Space This drop-down lists all the CSSs on the system. This CSS is used when the No Hunt Members Answer/Available Destination is configured.
  • Field Name: Base.queueCalls.callingSearchSpaceNoAgent
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/Css
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Format: uri
Network Hold MOH Source & Announcements Choose a Music On Hold (MoH) source from the drop-down list box, which will be used to play announcements and provide queue hold treatments. The default value is NULL. If nothing is selected, the default Network Hold MoH/MoH Source and Announcements configured on service parameter is used. The MoH source can be configured as unicast or multicast. Caller side's MRGL takes precedence for multicast or unicast. The MoH source announcement locale is used to determine the language used for the announcement. Only one type of language announcement can be played per hunt pilot. When any of the MoH settings are changed, the existing callers in queue are not affected. All future queued callers will listen to MoH and announcements as per the updated settings.
  • Field Name: Base.queueCalls.networkHoldMohAudioSourceID
  • Type: ["String", "Null", "Integer"]
  • Target: device/cucm/MohAudioSource
  • Target attr: sourceId
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Format: uri
Network Hold MOH Source & Announcements Choose a Music On Hold (MoH) source from the drop-down list box, which will be used to play announcements and provide queue hold treatments. The default value is NULL. If nothing is selected, the default Network Hold MoH/MoH Source and Announcements configured on service parameter is used. The MoH source can be configured as unicast or multicast. Caller side's MRGL takes precedence for multicast or unicast. The MoH source announcement locale is used to determine the language used for the announcement. Only one type of language announcement can be played per hunt pilot. When any of the MoH settings are changed, the existing callers in queue are not affected. All future queued callers will listen to MoH and announcements as per the updated settings.
  • Field Name: Base.networkHoldMohAudioSourceID
  • Type: ["String", "Null", "Integer"]
  • Target: device/cucm/MohAudioSource
  • Target attr: sourceId
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Format: uri
Maximum Number of Callers Allowed in Queue * Enter an integer value for the number of callers allowed in the queue for this hunt pilot. The default value is 32. The field range is from 1 to 100. When the maximum number of callers in queue has been reached, and if subsequent calls need to be disconnected, select the “Disconnect the call” radio button. When the maximum number of callers in queue has been reached, and if subsequent calls need to be routed to a secondary destination, select the “Route the call to this destination” radio button. Provide a specific device DN, shared line DN, or another Hunt Pilot DN. You may also select the “Full Queue Calling Search Space” from the drop-down list (optional).
  • Field Name: Base.maxCallersInQueue
  • Type: Integer
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
Queue Full Destination When the maximum number of callers in queue has been reached, and if subsequent calls need to be routed to a secondary destination then configure this field. Calls are disconnected if the destination field is not configured.
  • Field Name: Base.queueFullDestination
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 50
Full Queue Calling Search Space This drop-down lists all the CSSs on the system. This CSS is used when the Queue Full Destination is configured.
  • Field Name: Base.callingSearchSpacePilotQueueFull
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/Css
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Format: uri
Maximum Wait Time in Queue * Enter an integer value to set the maximum wait time, in seconds, in a queue. The default value is 900 seconds. The field range is from 10 to 3600 seconds. When the maximum wait time in queue has been reached, and if the queued caller needs to be disconnected, select the “Disconnect the call” radio button. When the maximum wait time in queue has been reached, and if the queued caller needs to be routed to a secondary destination, select the “Route the call to this destination” radio button. Provide a specific device DN, shared line DN, or another Hunt Pilot DN. You may also select the “Maximum Wait Time Calling Search Space” from the drop-down list (optional).
  • Field Name: Base.maxWaitTimeInQueue
  • Type: Integer
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
Max Wait Time Destination When the maximum wait time in queue has been reached, and if the queued caller needs to be routed to a secondary destination configured then configure this field. Calls are disconnected if the destination field is not configured.
  • Field Name: Base.maxWaitTimeDestination
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 50
Max Wait Time Calling Search Space This drop-down lists all the CSSs on the system. This CSS is used when the Max Wait Time Destination is configured.
  • Field Name: Base.callingSearchSpaceMaxWaitTime
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/Css
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Format: uri
No Hunt Members Answer/Available Destination When no line members are logged in or registered at the time of an incoming call, and if that call needs to be routed to a secondary destination then configure this field.
  • Field Name: Base.noAgentDestination
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 50
No Hunt Members Answer/Available Calling Search Space This drop-down lists all the CSSs on the system. This CSS is used when the No Hunt Members Answer/Available Destination is configured.
  • Field Name: Base.callingSearchSpaceNoAgent
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/Css
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Format: uri
Park Monitoring
  • Field Name: parkMonForwardNoRetrieve
  • Type: ["Object", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Use Personal Preferences
  • Field Name: Base.parkMonForwardNoRetrieve.usePersonalPreferences
  • Type: Boolean
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Destination This setting specifies the directory number to which a parked call is forwarded when the service parameter Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Timer expires. Use any dialable phone number, including an outside destination.
  • Field Name: Base.parkMonForwardNoRetrieve.destination
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 50
Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Calling Search Space This drop-down lists all the CSSs on the system. This CSS is used when the Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Destination is configured.
  • Field Name: Base.parkMonForwardNoRetrieve.callingSearchSpaceName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/Css
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Format: uri
Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask * Check the check box if you want the full, external phone number to be used for calling line identification (CLID) on outgoing calls. You may also configure an External Phone Number Mask on all phone devices. Note    The calling party transformation settings that are assigned to the line groups in a hunt list override any calling party transformation settings that are assigned to a hunt pilot that is associated with that hunt list. Default: Default
  • Field Name: Base.useCallingPartyPhoneMask
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Default: Default
  • Choices: ["Off", "On", "Default"]
Calling Party Transform Mask Enter a transformation mask value. Valid entries include the digits 0 through 9, the wildcard character X, asterisk (*), and octothorpe (#); the international escape character +; and blank. If this field is blank and the preceding field is not checked, no calling party transformation takes place.
  • Field Name: Base.callingPartyTransformationMask
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Prefix Digits Enter prefix digits in the Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls) field. Valid entries include the digits 0 through 9; the wildcard characters asterisk (*) and octothorpe (#); the international escape character +; and blank. Note    The appended prefix digit does not affect which directory numbers route to the assigned device.
  • Field Name: Base.callingPartyPrefixDigits
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 50
Calling Line ID Presentation Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses calling line ID presentation (CLIP/CLIR) as a supplementary service to allow or restrict the originating caller phone number on a call-by-call basis. Choose whether you want the Cisco Unified Communications Manager to allow or restrict the display of the calling party phone number on the called party phone display for this hunt pilot. Choose Default if you do not want to change calling line ID presentation. Choose Allowed if you want your system to allow the display of the calling number. Choose Restricted if you want your system to block the display of the calling number. Default: Default
  • Field Name: Base.callingLinePresentationBit
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Default: Default
  • Choices: ["Default", "Allowed", "Restricted"]
Calling Name Presentation Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses calling name presentation (CNIP/CNIR) as a supplementary service to allow or restrict the originating caller name on a call-by-call basis. Choose whether you want the your system to allow or restrict the display of the calling party name on the called party phone display for this hunt pilot. Choose Default if you do not want to change calling name presentation. Choose Allowed if you want your system to display the calling name information. Choose Restricted if you want your system to block the display of the calling name information. Default: Default
  • Field Name: Base.callingNamePresentationBit
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Default: Default
  • Choices: ["Default", "Allowed", "Restricted"]
Calling Party Number Type Choose the format for the number type in calling party directory numbers. Cisco Unified Communications Manager sets the calling directory number (DN) type. Cisco recommends that you do not change the default value unless you have advanced experience with dialing plans such as NANP or the European dialing plan. You may need to change the default in Europe because your system does not recognize European national dialing patterns. You can also change this setting when you are connecting to a PBX that expects the calling directory number to be encoded to a non-national numbering plan type. Choose one of the following options: Cisco Unified Communications Manager—The Cisco Unified Communications Manager sets the directory number type. Unknown—The dialing plan is unknown. National—Use when you are dialing within the dialing plan for your country. International—Use when you are dialing outside the dialing plan for your country. Subscriber—Use when you are dialing a subscriber by using a shortened subscriber number. Default: Cisco CallManager
  • Field Name: Base.callingPartyNumberType
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Default: Cisco CallManager
  • Choices: ["Cisco CallManager", "Unknown", "National", "International", "Subscriber"]
Calling Party Numbering Plan Choose the format for the numbering plan in calling party directory numbers. Cisco Unified Communications Manager sets the calling DN numbering plan. We recommend that you do not change the default value unless you have advanced experience with dialing plans such as NANP or the European dialing plan. You may need to change the default in Europe because your system does not recognize European national dialing patterns. You can also change this setting when you are connecting to PBXs by using routing as a non-national type number. Choose one of the following options: Cisco Unified Communications Manager—Use when the Cisco Unified Communications Manager sets the Numbering Plan in the directory number. ISDN—Use when you are dialing outside the dialing plan for your country. National Standard—Use when you are dialing within the dialing plan for your country. Private—Use when you are dialing within a private network. Unknown—Use when the dialing plan is unknown. Default: Cisco CallManager
  • Field Name: Base.callingPartyNumberingPlan
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Default: Cisco CallManager
  • Choices: ["Cisco CallManager", "ISDN", "National Standard", "Private", "Unknown"]
Connected Line ID Presentation Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses connected line ID presentation (COLP/COLR) as a supplementary service to allow or restrict the called party phone number on a call-by-call basis. Choose whether you want Cisco Unified Communications Manager to allow or restrict the display of the connected party phone number on the calling party phone display for this hunt pilot. Choose Default if you do not want to change the connected line ID presentation. Choose Allowed if you want to display the connected party phone number. Choose Restricted if you want Cisco Unified Communications Manager to block the display of the connected party phone number. If a call that originates from an IP phone on your system encounters a device, such as a trunk, gateway, or route pattern, that has the Connected Line ID Presentation set to Default, the presentation value is automatically set to Allowed. Default: Default
  • Field Name: Base.connectedLinePresentationBit
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Default: Default
  • Choices: ["Default", "Allowed", "Restricted"]
Display Line Group Member DN as Connected Party Check this check box to display the directory number of the answering phone as the connected party when a call is routed through a hunt list. Uncheck this check box to display the hunt pilot number as the connected party when a call is routed through a hunt list.
  • Field Name: Base.displayConnectedNumber
  • Type: Boolean
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Connected Name Presentation Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses connected name presentation (CONP/CONR) as a supplementary service to allow or restrict the called party name on a call-by-call basis. Choose whether you want your system to allow or restrict the display of the connected party name on the calling party phone display for this hunt pilot. Choose Default if you do not want to change the connected name presentation. Choose Allowed if you want to display the connected party name. Choose Restricted if you want your system to block the display of the connected party name. Default: Default
  • Field Name: Base.connectedNamePresentationBit
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Default: Default
  • Choices: ["Default", "Allowed", "Restricted"]
Discard Digits Select the discard digits instructions that you want to associate with this hunt pilot. The discard digits that display depend on the numbering plan that you choose from the Numbering Plan drop-down list box.
  • Field Name: Base.digitDiscardInstructionName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/DiscardDigitInstruction
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Format: uri
Called Party Transform Mask Enter a transformation mask value. Valid entries include the digits 0 through 9; the wildcard characters X, asterisk (*), and octothorpe (#); the international escape character +; and blank. If the field is blank, no transformation takes place. Cisco Unified Communications Manager sends the dialed digits exactly as dialed.
  • Field Name: Base.calledPartyTransformationMask
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Called Party Prefix Digits Enter prefix digits in the Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls) field. Valid entries include the digits 0 through 9; the wildcard characters asterisk (*) and octothorpe (#); the international escape character +; and blank. Note    The appended prefix digit does not affect which directory numbers route to the assigned device.
  • Field Name: Base.prefixDigitsOut
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Called Party Number Type Choose the format for the number type in called party directory numbers. Cisco Unified Communications Manager sets the called directory number (DN) type. Cisco recommends that you do not change the default value unless you have advanced experience with dialing plans such as NANP or the European dialing plan. You may need to change the default in Europe because your system does not recognize European national dialing patterns. You can also change this setting when you are connecting to a PBX that expects the called directory number to be encoded to a non-national type numbering plan. Choose one of the following options: Cisco Unified Communications Manager—Use when the Cisco Unified Communications Manager sets the directory number type. Unknown—Use when the dialing plan is unknown. National—Use when you are dialing within the dialing plan for your country. International—Use when you are dialing outside the dialing plan for your country. Subscriber—Use when you are dialing a subscriber by using a shortened subscriber number. Default: Cisco CallManager
  • Field Name: Base.calledPartyNumberType
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Default: Cisco CallManager
  • Choices: ["Cisco CallManager", "Unknown", "National", "International", "Subscriber"]
Called Party Numbering Plan Choose the format for the numbering plan in called party directory numbers. Cisco Unified Communications Manager sets the called DN numbering plan. Cisco recommends that you do not change the default value unless you have advanced experience with dialing plans such as NANP or the European dialing plan. You may need to change the default in Europe because your system does not recognize European national dialing patterns. You can also change this setting when you are connecting to PBXs by using routing as a non-national type number. Choose one of the following options: Cisco Unified Communications Manager—Use when the Cisco Unified Communications Manager sets the Numbering Plan in the directory number. ISDN—Use when you are dialing outside the dialing plan for your country. National Standard—Use when you are dialing within the dialing plan for your country. Private—Use when you are dialing within a private network. Unknown—Use when the dialing plan is unknown. Default: Cisco CallManager
  • Field Name: Base.calledPartyNumberingPlan
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Default: Cisco CallManager
  • Choices: ["Cisco CallManager", "ISDN", "National Standard", "Private", "Unknown"]
AAR Group Choose an Automated Alternate Routing (AAR) group from the drop-down list box.
  • Field Name: Base.aarNeighborhoodName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/AarGroup
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Format: uri
External Number Mask Unified CM uses this mask to format calling line identification for external (outbound) calls. When AAR initiates a reroute, the system applies this external number mask to the hunt pilot number to form a fully qualified DN of the called party, which allows AAR to reroute properly in out-of-bandwidth conditions.
  • Field Name: Base.e164Mask
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Hunt List Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Hunt List
  • Type: Object
Name * A name for the Hunt List. This name is used to populate the Hunt List Name field on the 'Hunt Pilot' tab.
  • Field Name: Hunt List.name
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
Hunt List
  • Field Name: HuntList
  • Type: Object
Name * A name for the Hunt List. This name is used to populate the Hunt List Name field on the 'Hunt Pilot' tab.
  • Field Name: Hunt List.HuntList.name
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
Description Enter a description to help you identify further details about the hunt list that do not fit into the name.
  • Field Name: Hunt List.HuntList.description
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group * The default is Default.
  • Field Name: Hunt List.HuntList.callManagerGroupName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/CallManagerGroup
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Format: uri
Enable this Hunt List Enabled (checked) by default.
  • Field Name: Hunt List.HuntList.routeListEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
For Voice Mail Usage If this hunt list is to be used for voicemail, check this check box. If you this check box, the route list control process keeps a count of the setups that are being served to the hunt list, and will not allow more setups than the number of available devices. As a result, each device in the hunt list is treated as if it has a Busy Trigger and related Maximum Number of Calls of one.
  • Field Name: Hunt List.HuntList.voiceMailUsage
  • Type: Boolean
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Description Enter a description to help you identify further details about the hunt list that do not fit into the name.
  • Field Name: Hunt List.description
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group * The default is Default.
  • Field Name: Hunt List.callManagerGroupName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/CallManagerGroup
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Format: uri
Enable this Hunt List Enabled (checked) by default.
  • Field Name: Hunt List.routeListEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
For Voice Mail Usage If this hunt list is to be used for voicemail, check this check box. If you this check box, the route list control process keeps a count of the setups that are being served to the hunt list, and will not allow more setups than the number of available devices. As a result, each device in the hunt list is treated as if it has a Busy Trigger and related Maximum Number of Calls of one.
  • Field Name: Hunt List.voiceMailUsage
  • Type: Boolean
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Line Groups Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Line Groups
  • Type: Object
Line Group
  • Field Name: LineGroup.[n]
  • Type: Array
Line Group Name * A name for the Line Group.
  • Field Name: Line Groups.LineGroup.[n].name
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
RNA Reversion Timeout * Enter a time, in seconds, after which Cisco Unified Communications Manager will distribute a call to the next available or idle member of this line group or to the next line group if the call is not answered and if the first hunt option, Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List, is chosen. The RNA Reversion Timeout applies at the line-group level to all members. Default: 10
  • Field Name: Line Groups.LineGroup.[n].rnaReversionTimeOut
  • Type: Integer
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Default: 10
Distribution Algorithm * Choose a distribution algorithm, which applies at the line-group level, from the options in the drop-down list box: Top Down—If you choose this distribution algorithm, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call to idle or available members starting from the first idle or available member of a line group to the last idle or available member. Circular—If you choose this distribution algorithm, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call to idle or available members starting from the (n+1)th member of a route group, where the nth member is the next sequential member in the list who is either idle or busy but not "down." If the nth member is the last member of a route group, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call starting from the top of the route group. Longest Idle Time—If you choose this distribution algorithm, Cisco Unified Communications Manager only distributes a call to idle members, starting from the longest idle member to the least idle member of a line group. Broadcast—If you choose this distribution algorithm, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call to all idle or available members of a line group simultaneously. See the Note in the description of the Selected DN/Route Partition field for additional limitations in using the Broadcast distribution algorithm. The default value specifies Longest Idle Time. Default: Longest Idle Time
  • Field Name: Line Groups.LineGroup.[n].distributionAlgorithm
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Default: Longest Idle Time
  • Choices: ["Top Down", "Circular", "Longest Idle Time", "Broadcast"]
Hunt Options No Answer * For a given distribution algorithm, choose a hunt option for Cisco Unified Communications Manager to use if a call is distributed to a member of a line group that does not answer. This option gets applied at the member level. Choose from the options in the drop-down list box: Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call to idle or available members starting from the first idle or available member of a line group to the last idle or available member. If unsuccessful, Cisco Unified Communications Manager then tries the next line group in a hunt list. Try next member, but do not go to next group—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call to idle or available members starting from the first idle or available member of a line group to the last idle or available member. Cisco Unified Communications Manager stops trying upon reaching the last member of the current line group. Skip remaining members, and go directly to next group—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager skips the remaining members of this line group when the RNA reversion timeout value elapses for the first member. Cisco Unified Communications Manager then proceeds directly to the next line group in a hunt list. Stop hunting—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager stops hunting after trying to distribute a call to the first member of this line group and the member does not answer the call. Default: Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List
  • Field Name: Line Groups.LineGroup.[n].huntAlgorithmNoAnswer
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Default: Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List
  • Choices: ["Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List", "Try next member, but do not go to next group", "Skip remaining members, and go directly to next group", "Stop hunting"]
Automatically Logout Hunt Member on No Answer If this check box is checked, line members will be logged off the hunt list automatically. Line members can log back in using the "HLOG" softkey or PLK.
  • Field Name: Line Groups.LineGroup.[n].autoLogOffHunt
  • Type: Boolean
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Hunt Options Busy * For a given distribution algorithm, choose a hunt option for Cisco Unified Communications Manager to use if a call is distributed to a member of a line group that is busy. Choose from the options in the drop-down list box: Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call to idle or available members starting from the first idle or available member of a line group to the last idle or available member. If unsuccessful, Cisco Unified Communications Manager then tries the next line group in a hunt list. Try next member, but do not go to next group—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call to idle or available members starting from the first idle or available member of a line group to the last idle or available member. Cisco Unified Communications Manager stops trying upon reaching the last member of the current line group. Skip remaining members, and go directly to next group—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager skips the remaining members of this line group upon encountering a busy member. Cisco Unified Communications Manager proceeds directly to the next line group in a hunt list. Stop hunting—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager stops hunting after trying to distribute a call to the first busy member of this line group. Default: Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List
  • Field Name: Line Groups.LineGroup.[n].huntAlgorithmBusy
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Default: Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List
  • Choices: ["Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List", "Try next member, but do not go to next group", "Skip remaining members, and go directly to next group", "Stop hunting"]
Hunt Options Not Available * For a given distribution algorithm, choose a hunt option for Cisco Unified Communications Manager to use if a call is distributed to a member of a line group that is not available. The Not Available condition occurs when none of the phones that are associated with the DN in question is registered. Not Available also occurs when extension mobility is in use and the DN/user is not logged in. Choose from the options in the drop-down list box: Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call to idle or available members starting from the first idle or available member of a line group to the last idle or available member. If unsuccessful, Cisco Unified Communications Manager then tries the next line group in a hunt list. Try next member, but do not go to next group—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call to idle or available members starting from the first idle or available member of a line group to the last idle or available member. Cisco Unified Communications Manager stops trying upon reaching the last member of the current line group. Skip remaining members, and go directly to next group—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager skips the remaining members of this line group upon encountering the first unavailable member. Cisco Unified Communications Manager proceeds directly to the next line group in a hunt list. Stop hunting—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager stops hunting after trying to distribute a call to the first unavailable member of this line group. Default: Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List
  • Field Name: Line Groups.LineGroup.[n].huntAlgorithmNotAvailable
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Default: Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List
  • Choices: ["Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List", "Try next member, but do not go to next group", "Skip remaining members, and go directly to next group", "Stop hunting"]
  • Field Name: members
  • Type: ["Object", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Field Name: member.[n]
  • Type: Array
Directory Number The uuid attribute is read here
  • Field Name: directoryNumber
  • Type: ["Object", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
Directory Number * Select from the drop-down list. This list includes any patterns that are available from the associated route partition.
  • Field Name: Line Groups.LineGroup.[n].members.member.[n].directoryNumber.pattern
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cucm/Line
  • Target attr: pattern
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Format: uri
Partition * Select from the drop-down list. The drop-down list includes any route partitions to which the associated pattern belongs, and must match the route partition name for the directory number when it was originally created.
  • Field Name: Line Groups.LineGroup.[n].members.member.[n].directoryNumber.routePartitionName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/RoutePartition
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Format: uri
  • Field Name: Line Groups.LineGroup.[n].members.member.[n].lineSelectionOrder
  • Type: Integer
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
Hunt List
  • Field Name: HuntList
  • Type: Object
Line Group
  • Field Name: LineGroup.[n]
  • Type: Array
Line Group Name * A name for the Line Group.
  • Field Name: Line Groups.HuntList.LineGroup.[n].name
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
RNA Reversion Timeout * Enter a time, in seconds, after which Cisco Unified Communications Manager will distribute a call to the next available or idle member of this line group or to the next line group if the call is not answered and if the first hunt option, Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List, is chosen. The RNA Reversion Timeout applies at the line-group level to all members. Default: 10
  • Field Name: Line Groups.HuntList.LineGroup.[n].rnaReversionTimeOut
  • Type: Integer
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Default: 10
Distribution Algorithm * Choose a distribution algorithm, which applies at the line-group level, from the options in the drop-down list box: Top Down—If you choose this distribution algorithm, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call to idle or available members starting from the first idle or available member of a line group to the last idle or available member. Circular—If you choose this distribution algorithm, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call to idle or available members starting from the (n+1)th member of a route group, where the nth member is the next sequential member in the list who is either idle or busy but not "down." If the nth member is the last member of a route group, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call starting from the top of the route group. Longest Idle Time—If you choose this distribution algorithm, Cisco Unified Communications Manager only distributes a call to idle members, starting from the longest idle member to the least idle member of a line group. Broadcast—If you choose this distribution algorithm, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call to all idle or available members of a line group simultaneously. See the Note in the description of the Selected DN/Route Partition field for additional limitations in using the Broadcast distribution algorithm. The default value specifies Longest Idle Time. Default: Longest Idle Time
  • Field Name: Line Groups.HuntList.LineGroup.[n].distributionAlgorithm
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Default: Longest Idle Time
  • Choices: ["Top Down", "Circular", "Longest Idle Time", "Broadcast"]
Hunt Options No Answer * For a given distribution algorithm, choose a hunt option for Cisco Unified Communications Manager to use if a call is distributed to a member of a line group that does not answer. This option gets applied at the member level. Choose from the options in the drop-down list box: Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call to idle or available members starting from the first idle or available member of a line group to the last idle or available member. If unsuccessful, Cisco Unified Communications Manager then tries the next line group in a hunt list. Try next member, but do not go to next group—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call to idle or available members starting from the first idle or available member of a line group to the last idle or available member. Cisco Unified Communications Manager stops trying upon reaching the last member of the current line group. Skip remaining members, and go directly to next group—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager skips the remaining members of this line group when the RNA reversion timeout value elapses for the first member. Cisco Unified Communications Manager then proceeds directly to the next line group in a hunt list. Stop hunting—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager stops hunting after trying to distribute a call to the first member of this line group and the member does not answer the call. Default: Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List
  • Field Name: Line Groups.HuntList.LineGroup.[n].huntAlgorithmNoAnswer
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Default: Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List
  • Choices: ["Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List", "Try next member, but do not go to next group", "Skip remaining members, and go directly to next group", "Stop hunting"]
Automatically Logout Hunt Member on No Answer If this check box is checked, line members will be logged off the hunt list automatically. Line members can log back in using the "HLOG" softkey or PLK.
  • Field Name: Line Groups.HuntList.LineGroup.[n].autoLogOffHunt
  • Type: Boolean
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Hunt Options Busy * For a given distribution algorithm, choose a hunt option for Cisco Unified Communications Manager to use if a call is distributed to a member of a line group that is busy. Choose from the options in the drop-down list box: Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call to idle or available members starting from the first idle or available member of a line group to the last idle or available member. If unsuccessful, Cisco Unified Communications Manager then tries the next line group in a hunt list. Try next member, but do not go to next group—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call to idle or available members starting from the first idle or available member of a line group to the last idle or available member. Cisco Unified Communications Manager stops trying upon reaching the last member of the current line group. Skip remaining members, and go directly to next group—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager skips the remaining members of this line group upon encountering a busy member. Cisco Unified Communications Manager proceeds directly to the next line group in a hunt list. Stop hunting—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager stops hunting after trying to distribute a call to the first busy member of this line group. Default: Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List
  • Field Name: Line Groups.HuntList.LineGroup.[n].huntAlgorithmBusy
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Default: Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List
  • Choices: ["Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List", "Try next member, but do not go to next group", "Skip remaining members, and go directly to next group", "Stop hunting"]
Hunt Options Not Available * For a given distribution algorithm, choose a hunt option for Cisco Unified Communications Manager to use if a call is distributed to a member of a line group that is not available. The Not Available condition occurs when none of the phones that are associated with the DN in question is registered. Not Available also occurs when extension mobility is in use and the DN/user is not logged in. Choose from the options in the drop-down list box: Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call to idle or available members starting from the first idle or available member of a line group to the last idle or available member. If unsuccessful, Cisco Unified Communications Manager then tries the next line group in a hunt list. Try next member, but do not go to next group—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager distributes a call to idle or available members starting from the first idle or available member of a line group to the last idle or available member. Cisco Unified Communications Manager stops trying upon reaching the last member of the current line group. Skip remaining members, and go directly to next group—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager skips the remaining members of this line group upon encountering the first unavailable member. Cisco Unified Communications Manager proceeds directly to the next line group in a hunt list. Stop hunting—If you choose this hunt option, Cisco Unified Communications Manager stops hunting after trying to distribute a call to the first unavailable member of this line group. Default: Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List
  • Field Name: Line Groups.HuntList.LineGroup.[n].huntAlgorithmNotAvailable
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Default: Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List
  • Choices: ["Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List", "Try next member, but do not go to next group", "Skip remaining members, and go directly to next group", "Stop hunting"]
  • Field Name: members
  • Type: ["Object", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Field Name: member.[n]
  • Type: Array
Directory Number The uuid attribute is read here
  • Field Name: directoryNumber
  • Type: ["Object", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
Directory Number * Select from the drop-down list. This list includes any patterns that are available from the associated route partition.
  • Field Name: Line Groups.HuntList.LineGroup.[n].members.member.[n].directoryNumber.pattern
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cucm/Line
  • Target attr: pattern
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Format: uri
Partition * Select from the drop-down list. The drop-down list includes any route partitions to which the associated pattern belongs, and must match the route partition name for the directory number when it was originally created.
  • Field Name: Line Groups.HuntList.LineGroup.[n].members.member.[n].directoryNumber.routePartitionName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/RoutePartition
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Format: uri
  • Field Name: Line Groups.HuntList.LineGroup.[n].members.member.[n].lineSelectionOrder
  • Type: Integer
  • Cardinality: [1..1]