The Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) default dial plan translation patterns are deployed as part of the default dial plan translation patterns that ship with the VOSS Automate template package.
This section describes how to update these default dial plan translation patterns. For example, you may want to make your default national number translation patterns more restrictive. Or you may want to deploy additional, customer-specific translation patterns (with custom blocking plans that aren't defined in the standard country dial plan schema, for instance).
Provider deployments. The Cisco HCS default dial plan includes most common translation patterns and route patterns, which are typically added automatically when provisioning a customer dial plan, site dial plan, and voice mail service.
Ensure you have a full understanding of the Cisco HCS dial plan before using VOSS Automate to update translation patterns and route patterns. For details, see the "Provider HCS Dial Plan Management Support Guide".
Configure CUCM Translation Patterns
This procedure updates the CUCM translation patterns that are provisioned by the dial plan schema and adds new translation patterns from VOSS Automate that are not part of the standard dial plan package.
For more information on CUCM translation patterns, see the "Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide, Release 10.0(1)".
Log in as Provider, Reseller, or Customer administrator.
Choose the hierarchy where you want to add or edit the translation pattern.
Choose an option, depending on your login:
Choose an option:
On the Pattern Definition tab, from the CUCM drop-down, choose the hostname, domain name, or IP address of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) to which you want to add the translation pattern.
This drop-down displays only when you're adding a translation pattern. When adding a translation pattern at a hierarchy above the site level, the drop-down displays CUCMs located at the hierarchy node where you're adding the translation pattern, and all CUCMs in hierarchies above this hierarchy node.
When adding a translation pattern at a site, the CUCM in the CUCM drop-down list is the CUCM in the site's Network Device List (NDL). If the site does not have an NDL, or the NDL at the site does not have a CUCM, then the drop-down list is empty and a translation pattern can't be added to the site.
On the Pattern Definition tab:
Mandatory. In the Translation Pattern field, fill out a unique name for the translation pattern, (or update the name if you're editing the translation pattern).
The name must be unique, and can include numbers and wildcards. Spaces aren't allowed. For example, enter 8XXX for a typical private network numbering plan. Valid characters include the uppercase characters A, B, C, and D and \+, which represents the international escape character +.
Mandatory. In the Partition field, fill out a unique name for the route partition (or update the name if you're editing the translation pattern).
In the Description field, fill out an optional description for the translation pattern and route partition.
The description can include up to 50 characters in any language, but it can't include double-quotes ("), percentage sign (%), ampersand (&), or angle brackets (<>).
Fill out at least the mandatory fields on each tab of the Translations Patterns page.
Use the Corresponding CUCM attribute information provided in the tables to manually verify in the CUCM GUI that fields have been mapped correctly.
Save your changes.
Translation Patterns Page
This page adds and edits CUCM translation patterns.
To access this page:
You can select the following tabs on this page:
Option | Description |
MLPP Precedence * | From the drop-down menu, choose a Multilevel Precedence and Preemption (MLPP) service setting for this translation pattern:
Default: Default Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: MLPP Precedence. |
Route Class * | From the drop-down menu, choose a route class setting for this translation pattern:
The route class is a DSN code that identifies the class of traffic for a call. The route class informs downstream devices about special routing or termination requirements. The Default setting uses the existing route class of the incoming call. You can use non-default route class settings to translate an inbound T1 CAS route class digit into a Unified CM Cisco Unified Communications Manager route class value (and strip off the digit). You should not need to assign a non-default route class setting to any other inbound calls that use pattern configuration. If the route pattern points to a SIP trunk supporting G.Clear, then specify Data or Hotline as the Route Class. Default: Default Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Route Class. |
Calling Search Space | From the drop-down menu, choose the calling search space for which you are adding a translation pattern, if necessary. Default: None Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Calling Search Space. |
Option | Description |
Use Originator's Calling Search Space | To use the originator's calling search space for routing a call, select the Use Originator's Calling Search Space check box. If the originating device is a phone, the originator's calling search space is a result of device calling search space and line calling search space. Whenever a translation pattern chain is encountered, for subsequent lookups Calling Search Space is selected depending upon the value of this check box at current translation pattern. If you select the Use Originator's Calling Search Space check box at current translation pattern, then originator's Calling Search Space is used and not the Calling Search Space for the previous lookup. If you clear the Use Originator's Calling Search Space check box at current translation pattern, then Calling Search Space configured at current translation pattern is used. Default: Clear Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Use Originator's Calling Search Space. |
Block this pattern | Indicates whether you want this translation pattern to be used for routing calls (such 8[2-9]XX) or for blocking calls. Default: Clear (meaning translation pattern is used for routing calls). Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Block this pattern. |
Block Reason | If you click Block this pattern radio button above, you must choose the reason that you want this translation pattern to block calls. From the drop-down menu, choose one of:
Default: No Error Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: <entry box next to Block this pattern>. |
Provide Outside Dial Tone | Outside dial tone indicates that Unified CM routes the calls off the local network. Select this check box for each translation pattern that you consider to be off network. Default: Selected Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Provide Outside Dial Tone. |
Urgent Priority | If the dial plan contains overlapping patterns, Unified CM does not route the call until the interdigit timer expires (even if it is possible to dial a sequence of digits to choose a current match). Select this check box to interrupt interdigit timing when Unified CM must route a call immediately. Default: Clear Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Urgent Priority. |
Option | Description |
Do Not Wait for Interdigit Timeout on Subsequent Hopes | When you select this check box along with the Urgent Priority check box and the translation pattern matches with a sequence of dialed digits (or whenever the translation pattern is the only matching pattern), Unified CM does not start the interdigit timer after it matches any of the subsequent patterns. Note: Unified CM does not start the interdigit timer even if subsequent patterns are of variable length or if overlapping patterns exist for subsequent matches. Whenever you select the Do Not Wait For Interdigit Timeout On Subsequent Hops check box that is associated with a translation pattern in a translation pattern chain, Unified CM does not start the interdigit timer after it matches any of the subsequent patterns. Note: Unified CM does not start interdigit timer even if subsequent translation patterns in a chain have Do Not Wait For Interdigit Timeout On Subsequent Hops check box cleared. Default: Clear Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Do Not Wait for Interdigit Timeout On Subsequent Hops. |
Route Next Hop By Calling Party Number | Select this check box to enable routing based on the calling party number, which is required for call screening based on caller ID information to work between clusters. Default: Clear Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Route Next Hop By Calling Party Number. |
Option | Description |
Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask | Select the check box if you want the full, external phone number to be used for calling line identification (CLID) on outgoing calls. Default: Default Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask. |
Calling Party Transform Mask | Enter a transformation mask value. Valid entries for the National Numbering Plan include the digits 0 through 9, and the wildcard characters asterisk (*) and octothorpe (#); the international escape character +; and blank. If this field is blank and the preceding field is cleared, no calling party transformation takes place. Default: None Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Calling Party Transform Mask. |
Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls) | Enter prefix digits. Valid entries for the National Numbering Plan include the digits 0 through 9, and the wildcard characters asterisk (*) and octothorpe (#); the international escape character +. Note: The appended prefix digit does not affect which directory numbers route to the assigned device. Default: None Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls). |
Option | Description |
Calling Line ID Presentation * | Unified CM uses calling line ID presentation/restriction (CLIP/CLIR) as a supplementary service to allow or restrict the originating caller phone number on a call-by-call basis. Choose whether you want the Unified CM to allow or restrict the display of the calling party phone number on the called party phone display for this translation pattern. Choose one of:
For more information about this field, see topics related to calling party number transformations settings in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide. Note: Use this parameter and the Connected Line ID Presentation parameter, in combination with the Ignore Presentation Indicators (internal calls only) device-level parameter, to configure call display restrictions. Together, these settings allow you to selectively present or restrict calling and/or connected line display information for each call. See topics related to device profile configuration settings and phone settings for information about the Ignore Presentation Indicators (internal calls only) field, and for more information about call display restrictions, see topics related to call display restrictions in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide. Default: Default Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Calling Line ID Presentation. |
Option | Description |
Calling Name Presentation * | Unified CM uses calling name presentation (CNIP/CNIR) as a supplementary service to allow or restrict the originating caller name on a call-by-call basis. Choose whether you want the Unified CM to allow or restrict the display of the calling party name on the called party phone display for this translation pattern. Choose one of:
For more information about this field, see calling party number transformations settings in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide. Default: Default Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Calling Name Presentation. |
Calling Party Number Type * | Choose the format for the number type in calling party directory numbers. Unified CM sets the calling directory number (DN) type. Cisco recommends that you do not change the default value unless you have advanced experience with dialing plans such as NANP or the European dialing plan. You may need to change the default in Europe because Unified CM does not recognize European national dialing patterns. You can also change this setting when you are connecting to a PBX that expects the calling directory number to be encoded to a non-national numbering plan type. Choose one of:
Default: Unified CM Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Calling Party Number Type. |
Option | Description |
Calling Party Numbering Plan * | Choose the format for the numbering plan in calling party directory numbers. Unified CM sets the calling DN numbering plan. Cisco recommends that you do not change the default value unless you have advanced experience with dialing plans such as NANP or the European dialing plan. You may need to change the default in Europe because Unified CM does not recognize European national dialing patterns. You can also change this setting when you are connecting to PBXs by using routing as a non-national type number. Choose one of:
Default: Unified CM Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Calling Party Numbering Plan. |
Option | Description |
Connected Line ID Presentation * | Unified CM uses connected line ID presentation (COLP/COLR) as a supplementary service to allow or restrict the called party phone number on a call-by-call basis. Choose whether you want Unified CM to allow or restrict the display of the connected party phone number on the calling party phone display for this translation pattern. Choose one of:
If a call that originates from an IP phone on Unified CM encounters a device, such as a trunk, gateway, or route pattern, that has the Connected Line ID Presentation set to Default, the presentation value is automatically set to Allowed. For more information about this field, see topics related to connected party presentation and restriction settings in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide. Default: Default Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Connected Line ID Presentation. |
Connected Name Presentation * | (CONP/CONR) as a supplementary service to allow or restrict the called party name on a call-by-call basis. Choose whether you want Unified CM to allow or restrict the display of the connected party name on the calling party phone display for this translation pattern. Choose one of:
For more information about this field, see topics related to connected party presentation and restriction settings in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide. Default: Default Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Connected Name Presentation. |
Option | Description |
Discard Digits | Choose the discard digits instructions that you want to be associated with this translation pattern. See topics related to discard digits instructions in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide for more information. Default: None Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Discard Digits. |
Called Party Transform Mask | Enter a transformation mask value. Valid entries for the National Numbering Plan include the digits 0 through 9, and the wildcard characters asterisk (*) and octothorpe (#); the international escape character +; and blank. If the field is blank, no transformation takes place. The dialed digits get sent exactly as dialed. Default: None Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Called Party Transform Mask. |
Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls) | Enter prefix digits. Valid entries for the National Numbering Plan include the digits 0 through 9, and the wildcard characters asterisk (*) and octothorpe (#);the international escape character +; and blank. Note: The appended prefix digit does not affect which directory numbers route to the assigned device. Default: None Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls). |
Called Party Number Type * | Choose the format for the number type in called party directory numbers. Unified CM sets the called directory number (DN) type. Cisco recommends that you do not change the default value unless you have advanced experience with dialing plans such as NANP or the European dialing plan. You may need to change the default in Europe because Unified CMUnified CM does not recognize European national dialing patterns. You can also change this setting when you are connecting to a PBX that expects the called directory number to be encoded to a non-national type numbering plan. Choose one of:
Default: Unified CM Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Called Party Number Type. |
Option | Description |
Called Party Numbering Plan * | Choose the format for the numbering plan in called party directory numbers. Unified CM sets the called DN numbering plan. Cisco recommends that you do not change the default value unless you have advanced experience with dialing plans such as NANP or the European dialing plan. You may need to change the default in Europe because Unified CM does not recognize European national dialing patterns. You can also change this setting when you are connecting to PBXs by using routing as a non-national type number. Choose one of:
Default: Unified CM Corresponding Unified CM Attribute: Called Party Numbering Plan. |
This relation wraps the default CUCM Translation Pattern element to allow for targeted network device addition.
Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pattern * |
Description |
Usage * | For Intercom DN and Intercom Translation patterns the usage tag value needs to be specified explicitly as Device Intercom and Translation Intercom respectively. For all other patterns it is a Read-only tag. |
Route Partition Name * |
Block Enable |
Called Party Transformation Mask |
Calling Party Transformation Mask |
Use Calling Party Phone Mask | Default: Default |
Calling Party Prefix Digits |
Dial Plan Name |
Digit Discard Instruction Name |
Pattern Urgency |
Prefix Digits Out |
Route Filter Name |
Calling Line Presentation Bit | Default: Default |
Calling Name Presentation Bit | Default: Default |
Connected Line Presentation Bit | Default: Default |
Connected Name Presentation Bit | Default: Default |
Pattern Precedence | Default: Default |
Provide Outside Dialtone | Default: True |
Calling Party Numbering Plan | Default: Cisco CallManager |
Calling Party Number Type | Default: Cisco CallManager |
Called Party Numbering Plan | Default: Cisco CallManager |
Called Party Number Type | Default: Cisco CallManager |
Calling Search Space Name |
Resource Priority Namespace Name |
Route Next Hop By Cgpn |
Route Class | Default: Default |
Call Intercept Profile Name |
Release Clause | Default: No Error |
Use Originator Css |
Dont Wait For IDT On Subsequent Hops |
Is Emergency Service Number |
Network Device |
Network Device | Select the network device for which you would like to add this element. |