This model stores information about a Microsoft Tenant Connection
Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name * | Microsoft Operator Connect user defined name can have a max length of 255 charactors within the following regex pattern - ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_ ]+$ |
Description | Microsoft Operator Connect defined description can have a max length of 255 charactors. |
Authentication Method | Type of authentication to use when interfacing to the external service. |
Microsoft Operator Connect sync on Create/Update | Sync Microsoft Operator Connect on Create and Update. When this checkbox is checked it will execute a full Pull Sync from the Microsoft Operator Connect. |
Client ID * | The Client ID or Application ID located in the Azure AD app registration portal. |
Tenant ID * | The Tenant ID or Directory ID located in the Azure AD app registration portal. |
Secret | A Client secret previously created in the Azure AD app registration portal. |
Tenant resource | Tenant resource |
Version * | Version Default: v1.0 |
Microsoft proxy | Specifies an outbound internet proxy server for HTTP traffic to the public Internet. The format should be (http(s)://[user:password]@host:port). Note that this is the location of the proxy and the URL scheme is not necessarily "http" just because the traffic being forwarded to it is HTTP traffic. Please consult the administrator of the proxy server for the correct URL. Special characters in either the user or password must be URL encoded. |
Microsoft secure proxy | Specifies an outbound internet proxy server for HTTPS traffic to the public Internet. The format should be (http(s)://[user:password]@host:port). Note that this is the location of the proxy and the URL scheme is not necessarily "https" just because the traffic being forwarded to it is HTTPS traffic. Please consult the administrator of the proxy server for the correct URL. Special characters in either the user or password must be URL encoded. |