
Model: view/DataSettings

Transaction Log Level

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Administrators at provider level as well as hcsadmin administrators have access to a System Settings menu under Administration Tools.

Transaction Log Level

Provider level and hcsadmin administrators can modify the Transaction Log Level - the level of verbosity of transaction logs.

The setting is available as a global setting to high level administrators who have access to the data/Settings model. When an administrator first opens System Settings, the displayed value (default: Info) for the Transaction Log Level is the default in the global setting.

For a description of the available log levels, see: Transaction Log Levels

The settings are:

The purpose of the setting is so that the log level can be changed according to need, for example to Verbose so that more details are available for immediate troubleshooting and customization work.


A Notes section and warning is shown if the level is set to Verbose or Debug, reminding administrators that the retention period of such logs is shorter due to their increased size, which consequently reduces the date range of available logs for troubleshooting.

A typical use of this setting would be for troubleshooting: when a problem is encountered on a system and detailed logs need to be obtained. The steps could then be:

  1. Toggle the log level to Verbose.
  2. Reproduce the issue causing the problem.
  3. Export the logs and forward them to VOSS support.
  4. Toggle the log level back to Info.

Transaction Log Levels

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Automate users with access to the data/Settings model or view/DataSettings can manage global transaction logging levels. These logging messages display below a selected transaction on the Transactions page, and have no impact on the transaction or sub-transaction action or detail information.

Log levels are cumulative, that is, more detailed levels include all details from less detailed levels.

The table describes the transaction log levels and their severity values:

Level Description Severity
Disabled Disables all transaction log messages 999
Error Only displays error messages 40
Warning Also adds warning messages to above 30
Info Also adds informational messages to above 20
Verbose Also adds messages used for diagnostic purposes to above 15
Debug Also adds advanced diagnostic messages - for future use 10

For details, refer to the Create a Custom Data Sync topic in the Core Feature Guide.

Transaction log levels are configurable based on your needs, for example, set to Verbose to include greater details for immediate troubleshooting and customization work:

  1. Toggle the log level to Verbose.
  2. Reproduce the issue causing the problem.
  3. Export the logs and forward them to VOSS support.
  4. Toggle the log level back to Info.


When setting transaction log level to Verbose or Debug, notes and warnings are shown to remind admins that the retention period of such logs is due to their increased size, which consequently reduces the date range of available logs for troubleshooting.

A view that enables users below sys level to modify data/Settings

Model Details: view/DataSettings

Title Description Details
Transaction Log Level The level of verbosity of transaction logs.
  • Field Name: transaction_log_level
  • Type: Integer
  • Choices: ["Debug", "Verbose", "Info", "Warning", "Error", "Disabled"]
Transaction Log Level Notes Additional notes to convey warnings regarding the value of Transaction Log Level.
  • Field Name: transaction_log_level_notes
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024