
Model: view/WebDriverCucLoadFile

View to automate manual on-boarding steps by using the Voss GUI Automation capability.

Model Details: view/WebDriverCucLoadFile

Title Description Details
Upload/Install CUC File Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Upload/Install CUC File
  • Type: Object
CUC GUI Connection *
  • Field Name: Upload/Install CUC File.gui_cuc_bkey
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/GuiCuc
  • Format: uri
Source * Remote Filesystem Default: Remote Filesystem
  • Field Name: Upload/Install CUC File.source
  • Type: String
  • Default: Remote Filesystem
Directory * For remote file systems, enter the path to the patch file on the remote system.
  • Field Name: Upload/Install CUC File.directory
  • Type: String
File Name * Enter the file name on the remote system.
  • Field Name: Upload/Install CUC File.filename
  • Type: String
Server * For remote file systems, enter the FTP or SFTP server name.
  • Field Name: Upload/Install CUC File.server
  • Type: String
User Name * Enter the username for the remote node.
  • Field Name: Upload/Install CUC File.username
  • Type: String
Password * Enter the password for the remote node.
  • Field Name: Upload/Install CUC File.password
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
Transfer Protocol * Choose the transfer protocol, for example, SFTP. Default: SFTP
  • Field Name: Upload/Install CUC File.transfer_protocol
  • Type: String
  • Default: SFTP
  • Choices: ["SFTP", "FTP"]
SMTP Server Enter the IP address of your SMTP server. You will receive an email notification upon successful completion of the upgrade.
  • Field Name: Upload/Install CUC File.smtp_server
  • Type: String
Email Destination Enter your email address along with the SMTP server above. You will receive an email notification upon successful completion of the upgrade.
  • Field Name: Upload/Install CUC File.email_destination
  • Type: String