
Model: view/VOSSCallControlAuditPhones_VIEW

Model Details: view/VOSSCallControlAuditPhones_VIEW

Title Description Details
Audit phones help Default: The Audit will provide an estimate of the total number of eligible Phones which can be moved from Unifed CM to the VOSS Phone Server. Eligible Phones are those with either no Owner set (Owner User ID field is blank) or where the Owner of the Phone has been set but the Owner (Subscriber) does not have any other services added (Extension Mobility and Single Number Reach)
  • Field Name: help
  • Type: String
  • Default: The Audit will provide an estimate of the total number of eligible Phones which can be moved from Unifed CM to the VOSS Phone Server. Eligible Phones are those with either no Owner set (Owner User ID field is blank) or where the Owner of the Phone has been set but the Owner (Subscriber) does not have any other services added (Extension Mobility and Single Number Reach)
Audit Phones from this Hierarchy
  • Field Name: confirm
  • Type: Boolean