
Model: view/NumberInventoryRangeMgmtVIEW

Number Range Management

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Automate's number range management feature allows you to add and manage a range of internal numbers, at a customer, at a site, or at an intermediate node.


An internal number range created at an intermediate node is also available at the sites below this intermediate node.

You can add an internal number range that includes existing numbers, but in this case, it is not possible to modify the existing numbers. New, unused numbers are added only to complete the range. This means that the number range will display as complete, with unused numbers displaying along with numbers imported from CUCM.


Using bulk loader sheet or API, you can create the number inventory at the customer hierarchy only. The Details column of sub-transactions shows whether the number already exists or if it is creating a new number. If any numbers exist in the range, the sub-transaction fails and the parent transaction shows the status Success with Async Failures.

While you can delete a number range, only numbers in this range with a status of Available can be deleted. Numbers in the range with the following statuses are ignored and can't be deleted unless their status changes to Available:

Numbers with status Available and Reserved can be modified manually once they're added.

Numbers can be added, edited, or deleted. When modifying a number, you can only edit the free text fields. The usage and availability property for each number is associated with a line or taken into use by a service.

The number inventory isn't partition-aware so if the same directory number is used on a cluster but in different partitions, Automate updates the inventory when any of these instances are changed. For example, if there's a number, 1111, in the Cluster X partition, and a number, 1111, in the Cluster Y partition, this number is marked as Used. If either of these instances are deleted, Automate checks whether other instances of this line exists (based on the number only, not partition) before it clears the Used flag. If other instances exist, the number status remains as Used.

Related Topics

Manage Numbers and Number Ranges

This procedure adds, updates, and deletes numbers and number ranges.

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menus) Number Management > Number Range Management.

  2. Select the relevant hierarchy, customer or site.

  3. On the Number Range Management page, optionally, choose a target site.


    Target site may be auto-populated as a read-only field if you've chosen to open this page from the site hierarchy. If you've opened this page from the customer hierarchy, you may need to select a target site (mandatory in some dial plans, such as site code based dial plan).

  4. At Operation, choose an option:

  5. Fill out a starting and ending extension.


    The maximum allowed range is 1000 for a single action. The starting extension should always be smaller than the ending extension.

    If you're adding or deleting a single number, the starting and ending extension number will be the same. If numbers in the range already exist, they won't be affected - only non-existing numbers will be added.

  6. At Vendor, select the relevant vendor for the number range (Cisco, Microsoft, Cisco/Microsoft, or Webex Calling).

  7. Based on the vendor you chose, select an appropriate option at Internal Number Type (direct routing, calling plan, or operator connect).


    For more information for your use case, see Vendor Specific Guidance and Notes

  8. Optionally, fill out values for the additional free text fields, for example Tag, Description, Reservation notes, E164Number (if applicable), and Extra1 to Extra9.

  9. Save your changes.


    Numbers at a specific hierarchy can be viewed on the Number Inventory list view (via default menu Number Management > Number Inventory). See Number Inventory List View.

    When a line is added and selected from the drop-down list of available numbers, it has a status of Used. If the line is used by a device or service that does not allow a shared line (for example, a Hunt Pilot), it has a status of Used-Utility. See Number Status and Usage.

    Internal numbers are available when adding subscribers.

Related Topics

Number Reservation

Modify a Number in the Number Inventory

This procedure modifies an individual number via the Number Inventory list view.

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menus) Number Management > Number Inventory.
  2. Click on the relevant number in the list to view its detailed management page.
  3. Choose an available edit option:
  4. Save your changes.

Related Topics

Number Range Management Extra1 to Extra9 Fields

When editing numbers in the Number Inventory or when adding or updating number ranges in the Number Range Management page, you can modify values in additional fields called Extra1 to Extra9.

For details, see the Number Inventory Flexibility and Description Customization topic in the Advanced Configuration Guide.

Model Details: view/NumberInventoryRangeMgmtVIEW

Title Description Details
Current Hierarchy Node Type (Informational)
  • Field Name: currentHierarchyNodeType
  • Type: String
Operation Select operation Add, Modify or Delete. Default: Add
  • Field Name: operation
  • Type: String
  • Default: Add
  • Choices: ["Add", "Modify", "Delete"]
HCS Rules Enforced Default: false
  • Field Name: enforce_hcs_rules
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false
Target Site Please choose Site to Provision DNs. If site not specified, inventory will be added to the current hierarchy node if allowed.
  • Field Name: site_hn
  • Type: String
  • Choices: [" "]
Starting Extension * Starting Number for th DN Mgmt Range
  • Field Name: startNum
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^(\*|\+|\#|\\)?[0-9]*$
Ending Extension Ending Number for th DN Mgmt Range
  • Field Name: endNum
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^(\*|\+|\#|\\)?[0-9]*$
Status Initial status to apply to each Number Default: Available
  • Field Name: status
  • Type: String
  • Default: Available
  • Choices: ["Available", "Reserved"]
  • Field Name: vendor
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Cisco", "Microsoft", "Cisco, Microsoft", "Webex Calling"]
Internal Number Type
  • Field Name: internal_number_type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Direct Routing", "Calling Plan", "Operator Connect"]
Reservation duration (days)
  • Field Name: add_days
  • Type: String
Reservation Notes
  • Field Name: reservation_notes
  • Type: String
Extension Length Extension Length for the current Site
  • Field Name: extLen
  • Type: String
Site Location Code Site Location Code for the current Site
  • Field Name: slc
  • Type: String
ISP Inter-Site-Prefix (ISP) for the Customer
  • Field Name: isp
  • Type: String
Customer-Dialplan is SLC-based Site Location Code Based true or false
  • Field Name: slcBased
  • Type: Boolean
Tag Tag used for filtering INI numbers. This can be any free text to identify or comment a range of internal numbers.
  • Field Name: tag
  • Type: String
Description Description field
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
E164Number Number in E164 format
  • Field Name: e164number
  • Type: String
Extra1 Extra field 1
  • Field Name: extra1
  • Type: String
Extra2 Extra field 2
  • Field Name: extra2
  • Type: String
Extra3 Extra field 3
  • Field Name: extra3
  • Type: String
Extra4 Extra field 4
  • Field Name: extra4
  • Type: String
Extra5 Extra field 5
  • Field Name: extra5
  • Type: String
Extra6 Extra field 6
  • Field Name: extra6
  • Type: String
Extra7 Extra field 7
  • Field Name: extra7
  • Type: String
Extra8 Extra field 8
  • Field Name: extra8
  • Type: String
Extra9 Extra field 9
  • Field Name: extra9
  • Type: String
Webex Control Hub
  • Field Name: webex
  • Type: Object
  • Choices: []
Webex Configured Does the site meet the requirements for webex
  • Field Name: webex.webexConfigured
  • Type: Boolean
Push Numbers to Webex Provision Numbers in the Webex Control Hub
  • Field Name: webex.webexPush
  • Type: Boolean
Push as Active Provision Numbers in the Webex Control Hub in ACTIVE state
  • Field Name: webex.webexPush_active
  • Type: Boolean
Site Hierarchy PKID PKID of site hierarchy
  • Field Name: webex.site_hn_pkid
  • Type: String