. Skype for Business User Bulk Migration Tool =========================================== This tool is used to move CsUsers in Skype for Business from Microsoft Skype for Business Server to Microsoft Skype for Business online or vice versa. Select the menu option **Bulk Migration Tools > Skype for Business > Migrate Users**. Select one of the following Migrate Actions: * Online to On-Prem * On-Prem to Online The users that need to be moved can be specified by selecting a list of users (by UserPrincipalName) to move. When the selected Migration Action changes, the users available to be moved is populated as follows: * When the "Online to On-Prem" migrate action is selected, the list of users shows current Skype for Business Online users in the selected hierarchy. * When the "On-Prem to Online" migrate action is selected, the list of users shows current Skype for Business users in the selected hierarchy. The following settings are derived from the Microsoft Defaults of the VOSS site the user is allocated to: * The Hosted Migration Override URL is the URL for the hosted migration service used when moving a user to Skype for Business Online. * The Target is the FQDN (for example, atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com) of the Registrar pool where the user account should be moved. In addition to a Registrar pool, the Target can also be the FQDN of a legacy Office Communications Server Front End Server or a hosting provider. Any accounts moved to a hosting provider will lose all their associated user data. For example, any conferences the user has scheduled will be deleted and will not be available in Skype for Business Online. The Quick Add Group is used to specify the details of the services activated for the user. Logic for determining the Licenses and Service Plans assigned to the user: * **On-prem to online**: The user's existing licenses and enabled service plans are merged with the service plans specified under Skype for Business in the Quick Add Group selected. * **Online to on-prem**: Service plans related to Skype for Business online are subtracted from the user's existing licenses if present. Quick Add Groups are not taken into account. **NOTE**: In order for the the migration to be completed the Multi-stage provisioning workflow needs to be executed to process users in each of the steps in the workflow. The amount of time and frequency with with the multi-stage provisioning workflow needs to be executed is dependant on the size of the migration, the types of licenses used for each user group, the amount of Microsoft Skype Front End Pools, Exchange On-Prem servers and connections to Microsoft Online. Refer to the best practices recommended by VOSS Global Services. User Migration Workflow ----------------------- The workflow supports the following steps: * **On-prem to online**: * Determine the licenses/service plans to be assigned to the user from the Quick Add Group and existing licenses/service plans of the user. * Update the user's licenses in Microsoft Online portal. * Wait for the user's license provisioning to completed. * Move the user from on-prem to online. * **Online to on-prem**: * Move the user from online to on-prem. * Determine the licenses/service plans to be assigned to the user by subtracting service plans related to Skype for Business online from the user's existing licenses if present. * Update the user's licenses in Microsoft Online portal. .. |VOSS-4-UC| replace:: VOSS-4-UC
Model ref.: view/Move_CsUser_view
The full URL would include the host-proxy name: https://[host-proxy].
Variables are enclosed in square brackets.