
Model: view/ModelReportVIEW

Create Model Report

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System admins and and advanced admins can create and display reports on the data under a selected site hierarchy. The purpose of such a report is to show the model types: device and data models at a site as well as the number of instances of each model type.

You can create, list, view, and delete reports for a hierarchy.


The relation data type is not displayed, but component data models are reported on.

  1. Log in as system administrator.

  2. Navigate to the hierarchy for which the report is to be created.

  3. Go to (default menus) Advanced Tools > Model Report > Create Model Report

  4. Verify that the hierarchy level value is the required hierarchy.

  5. Choose the model types to be reported on:

  6. Click Save to create the report.

    The time stamp of the report at the hierarchy is recorded. To see the progress of the report creation, choose Advanced Tools > Model Report > Model Reports and from the list of reports, either inspect the value in the Status column or choose the report to see the status. The report is available when the status is Done.

Model Details: view/ModelReportVIEW

Title Description Details
Default: Model Instance Count Report
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
  • Default: Model Instance Count Report
Default: This View creates a report of all selected model types with instance counts under the current hierarchy. Select the target hierarchy to run the report from. Please note that the LDAP model types will only be visible at the hierarchy where the LDAP server exists.
  • Field Name: notes
  • Type: String
  • Default: This View creates a report of all selected model types with instance counts under the current hierarchy. Select the target hierarchy to run the report from. Please note that the LDAP model types will only be visible at the hierarchy where the LDAP server exists.
Hierarchy level Default: {{ fn.hierarchy_friendly_path }}
  • Field Name: hierarchy_level
  • Type: String
  • Default: {{ fn.hierarchy_friendly_path }}
Target Hierarchy Default: {{ fn.hierarchy_friendly_path }}
  • Field Name: target_hierarchy
  • Type: String
  • Default: {{ fn.hierarchy_friendly_path }}
DATA Models Include DATA Models in the report.
  • Field Name: data_models
  • Type: Boolean
CUCM Models Include CUCM Models in the report.
  • Field Name: cucm_models
  • Type: Boolean
CUC Models Include CUC Models in the report.
  • Field Name: cuc_models
  • Type: Boolean
LDAP Models Include LDAP Models in the report.
  • Field Name: ldap_models
  • Type: Boolean