
Model: view/MicrosoftSubscriber

Model Details: view/MicrosoftSubscriber

Title Description Details
Name Name
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
User status User status
  • Field Name: user_status
  • Type: String
User Hybrid service Hybrid Service Name
  • Field Name: user_hybrid_service
  • Type: String
Phone System flag Phone System flag
  • Field Name: is_phone_system
  • Type: String
License type User License type (Group or Direct)
  • Field Name: license_type
  • Type: String
Groups List of groups a user belongs to in Microsoft
  • Field Name: groups
  • Type: String
Hybrid Status Message
  • Field Name: mvs_hybrid_status_message
  • Type: String
Hybrid Status
  • Field Name: mvs_hybrid_status
  • Type: Boolean
Has Voicemail
  • Field Name: has_voicemail
  • Type: Boolean