
Model: view/AddExtensionMobility

View to add an Extension Mobility Profile for an existing Subscriber.

Model Details: view/AddExtensionMobility

Title Description Details
Cisco UCM Server Business Key of the CUCM. If not specified the workflow will attempt to find the correct UCM server based on Customer or Site.
  • Field Name: cucm_bkey
  • Type: String
Username Username of the subscriber.
  • Field Name: username
  • Type: String
Device Type * Device type of the Extension Mobility Profile.
  • Field Name: device_type
  • Type: String
Profile Template Phone template to use for feature configuration settings.
  • Field Name: template_name
  • Type: String
Profile Name * Name of the phone.
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: lines.[n]
  • Type: Array
Line Template Line template to use for configuration settings.
  • Field Name: lines.[n].template_name
  • Type: String
Directory Number * Directory Number of line to assign.
  • Field Name: lines.[n].directory_number
  • Type: String
Label Label to use for this line.
  • Field Name: lines.[n].label
  • Type: String
Display Display to use for this line.
  • Field Name: lines.[n].display
  • Type: String