
Model: relation/WebexLocation

Webex Locations

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Webex Locations allow you to organize users and workspaces based on a physical location. You can configure both calling and workspace management functions into the same location.


With Workspace Locations, the latitude and longitute of the location is also recorded.

Webex Locations are synced in from a Webex Control Hub and maintained in device/spark/Location.

Site names for a sync is determined by the Site Defaults setting Webex Location ID. See the Webex tab under Site Defaults.

Upon data sync at customer level, sites are automatically created or updated in VOSS Automate if no site exists with a matching name, in accordance with a Webex Control Hub Location.


In order to ensure that Webex data sync can be executed successfully, the Webex Location ID in the respective Site Defaults needs to exist.

Synced Cisco Webex users and numbers of synced Cisco Webex users are automatically moved to the site matching the Location. For data sync at intermediate hierarchy level, see: Webex Location Node Mapping. name of the Intermediate node according to the matching rules set up in the data/WebexLocationNodeMapping model, a site is created under this intermediate node.

Otherwise, the site will be created under the customer hierarchy.

This model needs to be exposed in the administrator's menu in order to manage the mappings. The model allows for matching to be configured between Intermediate Node and Search String values. The entered Search String should be as specific as possible to match the Intermediate Node string.

The list view of the Webex Locations menu shows the Webex location name and the corresponding VOSS Automate hierarchy name in the Located At column

Webex locations can also be added and managed from the Webex Locations menu in Automate, to be synced to the Webex Control Hub

For example, the Latitude, Longitude and Notes fields can be added or updated. Upon adding, these show as Webex Location ID on the site's site defaults, and upon sync of Webex Locations, these will then also reflect in Workspace Locations.

Webex Location Calling Settings

Synced Webex location calling details are maintained in VOSS Automate in the device/spark/LocationCallingDetails and relation/WebexCallingLocationDetails models, thereby providing access to a single interface to the manage a location's calling settings from the Webex Location Calling Details menu.


Related Topics

Relation for Webex Location

Model Details: relation/WebexLocation

Title Description Details
ID A unique identifier for the location.
  • Field Name: id
  • Type: String
Name The name of the location.
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
Organization ID The ID of the organization to which this location belongs.
  • Field Name: orgId
  • Type: String
Time Zone The time zone associated with this location.
  • Field Name: timeZone
  • Type: String
Preferred Language The preferred language of the location.
  • Field Name: preferredLanguage
  • Type: String
Address The address of the location.
  • Field Name: address
  • Type: Object
Address Line 1 The first line of the location's street address.
  • Field Name: address.address1
  • Type: String
Address Line 2 The second line of the location's street address.
  • Field Name: address.address2
  • Type: String
City The city where the location is located.
  • Field Name: address.city
  • Type: String
State The state where the location is located.
  • Field Name: address.state
  • Type: String
Postal Code The postal code or zip code of the location.
  • Field Name: address.postalCode
  • Type: String
Country The two-letter country code of the location.
  • Field Name: address.country
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: latitude
  • Type: Number
  • Field Name: longitude
  • Type: Number
  • Field Name: notes
  • Type: String
No Instance
  • Field Name: NoInstance.[n]
  • Type: Array
Name *
  • Field Name: NoInstance.[n].name
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024