
Model: relation/WebexHuntGroup

Webex Calling hunt groups

Model Details: relation/WebexHuntGroup

Title Description Details
  • Field Name: hg_id
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: id
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: locationId
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: locationName
  • Type: String
Name *
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Phone Number
  • Field Name: phoneNumber
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: extension
  • Type: String
Alternate Number Settings Alternate Number Settings
  • Field Name: alternateNumberSettings
  • Type: Object
Alternate Numbers
  • Field Name: alternateNumbers.[n]
  • Type: Array
Phone Number phoneNumber
  • Field Name: alternateNumberSettings.alternateNumbers.[n].phoneNumber
  • Type: String
Ring Pattern * ringPattern
  • Field Name: alternateNumberSettings.alternateNumbers.[n].ringPattern
  • Type: String
TollFree Number tollFreeNumber
  • Field Name: alternateNumberSettings.alternateNumbers.[n].tollFreeNumber
  • Type: Boolean
Distinctive Ring Enabled distinctiveRingEnabled
  • Field Name: alternateNumberSettings.distinctiveRingEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: language
  • Type: String
Language Code
  • Field Name: languageCode
  • Type: String
First Name
  • Field Name: firstName
  • Type: String
Last Name
  • Field Name: lastName
  • Type: String
Time Zone
  • Field Name: timeZone
  • Type: String
Call Policies Call Policy settings
  • Field Name: callPolicies
  • Type: Object
Policy * policy
  • Field Name: callPolicies.policy
  • Type: String
Waiting Enabled waitingEnabled
  • Field Name: callPolicies.waitingEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
No Answer No Answer
  • Field Name: noAnswer
  • Type: Object
Next Agent Enabled nextAgentEnabled
  • Field Name: callPolicies.noAnswer.nextAgentEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Next Agent Rings nextAgentRings
  • Field Name: callPolicies.noAnswer.nextAgentRings
  • Type: Integer
Forward Enabled forwardEnabled
  • Field Name: callPolicies.noAnswer.forwardEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Destination destination
  • Field Name: callPolicies.noAnswer.destination
  • Type: String
Number Of Rings numberOfRings
  • Field Name: callPolicies.noAnswer.numberOfRings
  • Type: Integer
System Max Number Of Rings systemMaxNumberOfRings
  • Field Name: callPolicies.noAnswer.systemMaxNumberOfRings
  • Type: Integer
Destination Voicemail Enabled destinationVoicemailEnabled
  • Field Name: callPolicies.noAnswer.destinationVoicemailEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Business Continuity Redirect Business Continuity Redirect
  • Field Name: businessContinuityRedirect
  • Type: Object
Enabled enabled
  • Field Name: callPolicies.businessContinuityRedirect.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Destination destination
  • Field Name: callPolicies.businessContinuityRedirect.destination
  • Type: String
Destination Voicemail Enabled destinationVoicemailEnabled
  • Field Name: callPolicies.businessContinuityRedirect.destinationVoicemailEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Agents Agents
  • Field Name: agents.[n]
  • Type: Array
id id
  • Field Name: agents.[n].id
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/spark/User
  • Target attr: email
  • Format: uri
Phone Number Phone Number
  • Field Name: agents.[n].phoneNumber
  • Type: String
Extension Extension
  • Field Name: agents.[n].extension
  • Type: String
Type type
  • Field Name: agents.[n].type
  • Type: String
First Name First Name
  • Field Name: agents.[n].firstName
  • Type: String
Last Name Last Name
  • Field Name: agents.[n].lastName
  • Type: String
Weight Weight
  • Field Name: agents.[n].weight
  • Type: String
Call Forwarding Settings Call Forwarding Settings
  • Field Name: callForwarding
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: always
  • Type: Object
Enabled enabled
  • Field Name: callForwarding.always.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Ring Reminder Enabled ringReminderEnabled
  • Field Name: callForwarding.always.ringReminderEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Send To Voicemail Enabled destinationVoiceMailEnabled
  • Field Name: callForwarding.always.destinationVoiceMailEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Destination destination
  • Field Name: callForwarding.always.destination
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: selective
  • Type: Object
Enabled enabled
  • Field Name: callForwarding.selective.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Ring Reminder Enabled ringReminderEnabled
  • Field Name: callForwarding.selective.ringReminderEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Send To Voicemail Enabled destinationVoiceMailEnabled
  • Field Name: callForwarding.selective.destinationVoiceMailEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Destination destination
  • Field Name: callForwarding.selective.destination
  • Type: String
Rules rules
  • Field Name: rules.[n]
  • Type: Array
Name name
  • Field Name: callForwarding.rules.[n].name
  • Type: String
Enabled enabled
  • Field Name: callForwarding.rules.[n].enabled
  • Type: Boolean
id id
  • Field Name: callForwarding.rules.[n].id
  • Type: String
Holiday Schedule holidaySchedule
  • Field Name: callForwarding.rules.[n].holidaySchedule
  • Type: String
Business Schedule businessSchedule
  • Field Name: callForwarding.rules.[n].businessSchedule
  • Type: String
Forward To forwardTo
  • Field Name: forwardTo
  • Type: Object
Selection selection
  • Field Name: callForwarding.rules.[n].forwardTo.selection
  • Type: String
Phone Number phoneNumber
  • Field Name: callForwarding.rules.[n].forwardTo.phoneNumber
  • Type: String
Calls From callsFrom
  • Field Name: callsFrom
  • Type: Object
selection selection
  • Field Name: callForwarding.rules.[n].callsFrom.selection
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["ANY", "CUSTOM"]
Custom Numbers customNumbers
  • Field Name: customNumbers
  • Type: Object
Any Private Numbers privateNumberEnabled
  • Field Name: callForwarding.rules.[n].callsFrom.customNumbers.privateNumberEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Any Unavailable Numbers unavailableNumberEnabled
  • Field Name: callForwarding.rules.[n].callsFrom.customNumbers.unavailableNumberEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: numbers.[n]
  • Type: Array
Calls To callsTo
  • Field Name: callsTo
  • Type: Object
Calls To Numbers Array of numbers to be matched against the calling destination number
  • Field Name: numbers.[n]
  • Type: Array
Type Indicates that the given phoneNumber or extension associated with this rule's containing object is a primary or alternate number
  • Field Name: callForwarding.rules.[n].callsTo.numbers.[n].type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["PRIMARY", "ALTERNATE"]
Phone Number Only return call queues with matching primary phone number or extension
  • Field Name: callForwarding.rules.[n].callsTo.numbers.[n].phoneNumber
  • Type: String
Extension Primary phone extension of the call queue.
  • Field Name: callForwarding.rules.[n].callsTo.numbers.[n].extension
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: noinstance.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Name *
  • Field Name: noinstance.[n].name
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024