
Model: relation/SystemUser

User Relation including data, SSO and LDAP users.

Model Details: relation/SystemUser

Title Description Details
User Details Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: User Details
  • Type: Object
User Name * User's Username.
  • Field Name: User Details.username
  • Type: String
First Name The User first name.
  • Field Name: User Details.first_name
  • Type: String
Last Name The User last name.
  • Field Name: User Details.last_name
  • Type: String
Email Address The User email address.
  • Field Name: User Details.email
  • Type: String
Password The User password.
  • Field Name: User Details.password
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
  • Store Encrypted: True
  • Pattern: .{8,}
Role * The role to which the user belongs. See: Role.
  • Field Name: User Details.role
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/data/Role/choices/?field=name&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24I7V1gEnlLYT7emUF%24VCmTEJoZACWqEcSVu6jn%2BHgqCs0aXf0S2qC8RECoJQJG76GOnl9DNe4D7VuIc7b61CWh6f9wbinEr%2B6dttepwtlAkfiLC89XKZotlm%2Bcq86ebgLa185JomUbCSCW%2BLNkrOLXZsfjaO1ax/fr1Yv2zpXYecKEHat/U9oX3E7bcZe6k5PmJh27e/V4pOw0ufiQMvVOOyaR/5bypXQUodggJSl21n%2BKChiDyhSwyg6eEiPZFf6sQWV%2BDN7p%2B599OZl/jXg/yti/M53sHarZvSybqEGyx3LjaXU%2BCQJvf9TjGFRJ6JLPoz9pE8R/DFlHjJB9P21qMejZmpm/yNJGTPLiJ1qaDZJ0CFmu428xG/P9j/Cew8sCgLYwBb6pi7TOFXc475axy/rYr%2BeyrKeFC7BNN06A7HC6O4XdOcJYtk0jFdXzzjYlqpVf/xAf%2BDUhEq5oQm7iubiWLTyhG8xZIvpDpT2GCJXeJ%2BhhQ%2Bv%2BRxnYu33K%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: name
  • Target Model Type: data/Role
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Sso User
  • Field Name: SSOUser.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
SSO Identity Provider * The entity id of the SSO Identity Provider.
  • Field Name: User Details.SSOUser.[n].sso_idp
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/data/SsoIdentityProvider/choices/?field=entity_id&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24ZT9wUtGXyt5d8URZ%24S0Y1Wcd8yjpbweVivQx6BJ%2BfGK2qr7VsCgot1DtFvKNgKhKk65ueY6LcjASTSbGy9vSKUP2NpvrsP2Fq3LoEqbEBkaA5ZXmolAG6WLgilbhjNnecj%2BwJQTummuQD9%2B1mTFT/slVNv21aC4yh4FDkiRzMDHEkaxkjkD2ORmZ%2Bj4GluZ/lRSf8JbfiFnpip7YSnmZZIJcMez23MIj2bTn9yAd9W9NWQu2qGH1Hke8sb/nhiXbEO//vUPFXXTQZngZ1IzR7hAv7qMjmuSeXU3CixBxHRG30U/hOsi6vftiUjLgMw2v2jFHy5n1ebJolHZwFCF6AepiK6e4GtcHC9zzATp0wXpc0NEf4u3gaV7ziqrdCqj8yFGDfPLbCS/M5HeQfMfbnaV0LubejQKrMUNKDbyETZn5Sv7iXP7rKqpCvqgwOVoStuzTg8uoNe3rgOZZjM0VpZNR8VRPUlXs4rO900h5hfPpAO9u9pjPQ5Kr54GPOuoIcJWMNc0lBzrona1Li7ER91lc%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: entity_id
  • Target Model Type: data/SsoIdentityProvider
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
SSO Username * The name identifier that is used for an SSO authenticated user.
  • Field Name: User Details.SSOUser.[n].sso_username
  • Type: String
Ldap User
  • Field Name: LDAPUser.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
LDAP Username * The login attribute of the associated LDAP device model instance
  • Field Name: User Details.LDAPUser.[n].ldap_username
  • Type: String
LDAP Server A reference to the LDAP server which this user must authenticate against.
  • Field Name: User Details.LDAPUser.[n].ldap_server
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/data/Ldap/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24gjIzCos0kRFOiyjD%24kOQRbgrAaY/aibpJKa6QBO6wZZL1YPVBi2UR/bkNA7l%2BDxPpTrAi4LICHoidoftdz3YzmJA/84kJCO0Q97A4vJ4M/R8a2o0ARxOEmNpzSI0HSwfcVuSeZ1yQ8Ur700mRStRujDIDfT%2BX91KdcUFbkRvIAjaRhV9BcgvNkB0nnozrat8Wxd/hcYl1F14Q1ZUgQpODb94F9N2Lpwqs4YVi63vGW9g9xE2s0Z6NtB%2BDsIxycfnJkSqZZW%2BLDUsYA82THxZy/s8LU1JMM%2Bee/EfEPvLvvwFbFjI41UHSxXVAfP498sXHtFM9OMNU%2BOYEDTT/LWOsYIWJEhhC8%2B7vjwGU1AIhvEXKOxGW4b9eJAYdaGGaKe8ZPVUvtE34KnXetOrjX/eIN7YKDnjqNS4dELxPg54pYuLojYORNyTnbU8UQ7767IZK5hZ/Vn54PAHUpTlTku5pK2TMVfTnCItDmhJDjXCzVZYOQg%3D%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Target Model Type: data/Ldap
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
User Authentication Method The type of authorization that our user would be using. Typically this would be choices between a Standard VOSS Automate user, an LDAP user or an SSO user. Default: standard
  • Field Name: User Details.auth_method
  • Type: String
  • Default: standard
  • Choices: ["Standard", "LDAP", "SSO"]
Auth Method
  • Field Name: AuthMethod
  • Type: Object
User Authentication Method The type of authorization that our user would be using. Typically this would be choices between a Standard VOSS Automate user, an LDAP user or an SSO user. Default: standard
  • Field Name: User Details.AuthMethod.auth_method
  • Type: String
  • Default: standard
  • Choices: ["Standard", "LDAP", "SSO"]
Account Information Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Account Information
  • Type: Object
Account Information Additional account information for the given user.
  • Field Name: account_information
  • Type: Object
Change Password on Next Login Indicates if the user must be forced to change their password the next time that login.
  • Field Name: Account Information.account_information.change_password_on_login
  • Type: Boolean
Locked Indicates if the account has been locked to prevent the user from logging in.
  • Field Name: Account Information.account_information.locked
  • Type: Boolean
Disabled Indicates if the account has been disabled to prevent the user from logging in until an administrator enables the account again.
  • Field Name: Account Information.account_information.disabled
  • Type: Boolean
Reason for Disabled A description of why the account is disabled.
  • Field Name: Account Information.account_information.reason_for_disabled
  • Type: String
Credential Policy Specifies the policy with the rules used to govern this user's credentials.
  • Field Name: Account Information.account_information.credential_policy
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/data/CredentialPolicy/choices/?field=name&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24rc4UcLpu0XOdUDHa%24lqnlPvSX%2BDvWLQvZyWpOjX%2B9yyA1y8wRNbMmkWWG6bz6tkE4pjGltVKyMtJ8XDrgtXZSK0Sy04AXnVmcYG8b/7to8yY3RW2n%2BWAX7wSf1wz6JZIDMrWnzddxWq9PR9M%2BpT8dXQGArRiOZayLNrb78bvhXnMi6poBBqZH1n5H2SlSoWUFhyJBrpxRY6MDr6grR9AsK2u/k6hFp5JLpKaaMADprEcpfMnSVvztMq/wDi4beZ1XwJEKUAt7hNeRC%2BFu1ipUjw3LrjFnP/AQrd%2Bc15EcJ/le5p8BpUh2OG1nwj7aADWtNthp4Q1eBzUAMkt3rx71zFJ1nWqAactjvfygmC838o3FaLI1htxNtDu%2Bo8iHZAEYaO1ugoVuHoHHjjxfOfbLHu4%2BCpyFnLRRbSAKg%2BnYd/PVwZQheF%2BCwZY2nmlfP6REERVgJsLL/wmcydmKpI9OePGyBrLsYjk5PGbotD9Py43oHhJYZy%2BVSJKbbtFHFNIERs8uKVrmaJaN%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: name
  • Target Model Type: data/CredentialPolicy
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Time Locked Due to Failed Login Attempts The time when the user account was locked as result of the number of failed login attempts exceeding the permitted thresholds.
  • Field Name: Account Information.account_information.failed_login_lock_date
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
Time of Last Password Change The time when the password was last changed.
  • Field Name: Account Information.account_information.password_last_change_time
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
Time of Last Password Change By User The time when the password was last changed by the user.
  • Field Name: Account Information.account_information.password_last_change_time_by_user
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
Time of Last Successful Login The time the user last logged in successfully.
  • Field Name: Account Information.account_information.last_login_time
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
Number of Failed Login Attempts Since Last Successful Login The total number of failed login attempts since last successful login. Default: 0
  • Field Name: Account Information.account_information.num_of_failed_login_attempts
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 0
Security Questions
  • Field Name: security_questions.[n]
  • Type: Array
Question *
  • Field Name: Account Information.account_information.security_questions.[n].question
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 128
Answer *
  • Field Name: Account Information.account_information.security_questions.[n].answer
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 128
Used Passwords List of passwords that have been used by user.
  • Field Name: used_passwords.[n]
  • Type: Array
Password Used password
  • Field Name: Account Information.account_information.used_passwords.[n].password
  • Type: String
Time Created Time when password was created.
  • Field Name: Account Information.account_information.used_passwords.[n].time_created
  • Type: String