Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IsValid |
TestModeAction | The TestModeAction parameter specifies the additional action to take on messages that match any of the IncreaseScoreWith or MarkAsSpam parameters that are set to the value Test. Valid values for this parameter are: None AddXHeader: The X-header value X-CustomSpam: This message was filtered by the custom spam filter option is added to the message. BccMessage: Redirect the message to the recipients specified by the TestModeBccToRecipients parameter. The default value is None. |
Group | PARAMVALUE: String |
OrganizationId |
TestModeBccToRecipients | The TestModeBccToRecipients parameter specifies the blind carbon copy recipients to add to spam messages when the TestModeAction action parameter is set to the value BccMessage. Valid input for this parameter is an email address. Separate multiple email addresses with commas. |
RegionBlockList | The RegionBlockList parameter specifies the region to block when messages are blocked based on their source region. Valid input for this parameter is a supported ISO 3166-1 uppercase two-letter country code. You can specify multiple values separated by commas. This parameter is only used when the EnableRegionBlockList parameter is set to $true. A reference for two-letter country codes is available at the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) website: ISO 3166-1 decoding table (http://www.iso.org/iso/country_codes/iso-3166-1_decoding_table.htm). Note that not all possible country codes are available as input for this parameter. |
MarkAsSpamBulkMail | The MarkAsSpamBulkMail parameter classifies the message as spam when the message is identified as a bulk email message. Valid values for this parameter are Off, On or Test. The default value is Off. |
MarkAsSpamWebBugsInHtml | The MarkAsSpamWebBugsInHtml parameter classifies the message as spam when the message contains web bugs. Valid values for this parameter are Off, On or Test. The default value is Off. |
WhenCreatedUTC |
ObjectState |
IncreaseScoreWithNumericIps | The IncreaseScoreWithNumericIps parameter increases the spam score of messages that contain links to IP addresses. Valid values for this parameter are Off, On or Test. The default value is Off. |
AdminDisplayName | The AdminDisplayName parameter specifies a description for the policy. If the value contains spaces, enclose the value in quotation marks ("). |
BlockedSenderDomains | The BlockedSenderDomains parameter specifies domains that are always marked as spam sources. Messages from senders in these domains are stamped with SFV:SKB in the X-Forefront-Antispam-Report header and receive an SCL of 9 (high confidence spam). Valid values are one or more SMTP domains. To enter multiple values, use the following syntax: <value1>,<value2>,...<valueX>. If the values contain spaces or otherwise require quotation marks, use the following syntax: "<value1>","<value2>",..."<valueX>". |
PSShowComputerName |
FalsePositiveAdditionalRecipients |
IsDefault |
Guid |
MatchSubDomains | PARAMVALUE: SwitchParameter |
ObjectClass |
MarkAsSpamJavaScriptInHtml | The MarkAsSpamJavaScriptInHtml parameter classifies the message as spam when the message contains JavaScript or VBScript. Valid values for this parameter are Off, On or Test. The default value is Off. |
PSComputerName |
MarkAsSpamFramesInHtml | The MarkAsSpamFramesInHtml parameter classifies the message as spam when the message contains HTML <frame> or <iframe> tags. Valid values for this parameter are Off, On or Test. The default value is Off. |
EnableLanguageBlockList | The EnableLanguageBlockList parameter enables or disables blocking email messages that are written in specific languages, regardless of the message contents. Valid input for this parameter is $true or $false. The default value is $false. When you enable the language block list, you may specify one or more languages by using the LanguageBlockList parameter. |
SpamAction | The SpamAction parameter specifies the action to take on messages that may be spam. Valid values for this parameter are: AddXHeader: The value specified by the AddXHeaderValue parameter is added to the message. Delete ModifySubject: The value specified by the ModifySubjectValue parameter is prepended to the subject of the message. MoveToJmf: Move the message to the user's Junk E-mail Folder. Quarantine Redirect: Redirect the message to the recipients specified by the RedirectToRecipients parameter. The default value is Quarantine. |
EnableRegionBlockList | The EnableRegionBlockList parameter enables or disables blocking email messages that are sent from specific countries or regions, regardless of the message contents. Valid input for this parameter is $true or $false. The default value is $false. When you enable the region block list, you may specify one or more regions by using the RegionBlockList parameter. |
IncreaseScoreWithImageLinks | The IncreaseScoreWithImageLinks parameter increases the spam score of messages that contain image links to remote websites. Valid values for this parameter are Off, On or Test. The default value is Off. |
BulkThreshold | This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
MarkAsSpamFormTagsInHtml | The MarkAsSpamFormTagsInHtml parameter classifies the message as spam when the message contains HTML <form> tags. Valid values for this parameter are Off, On or Test. The default value is Off. |
EndUserSpamNotificationFrequency | The EndUserSpamNotificationFrequency parameter specifies the repeat interval in days that end-user spam notification messages are sent. Valid input for this parameter is an integer between 1 and 15. The default value is 3. |
LanguageBlockList | The LanguageBlockList parameter specifies the languages to block when messages are blocked based on their language. Valid input for this parameter is a supported ISO 639-1 lowercase two-letter language code. You can specify multiple values separated by commas. This parameter is only use when the EnableRegionBlockList parameter is set to $true. A reference for two-letter language codes is available at the Library of Congress website: ISO 639-2 Code (http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php). Note that not all possible language codes are available as input for this parameter. |
MarkAsSpamObjectTagsInHtml | The MarkAsSpamObjectTagsInHtml parameter classifies the message as spam when the message contains HTML <object> tags. Valid values for this parameter are Off, On or Test. The default value is Off. |
DistinguishedName |
OriginatingServer |
Name * | The Name parameter specifies a unique name for the content filter policy. |
Identity | The Identity parameter specifies the content filter policy that you want to view. You can use any value that uniquely identifies the policy. For example, you can use the name, GUID or distinguished name (DN) of the content filter policy. |
InlineSafetyTipsEnabled | PARAMVALUE: $true | $false |
IncreaseScoreWithBizOrInfoUrls | The IncreaseScoreWithBizOrInfoUrls parameter increases the spam score of messages that contain links to .biz or .info domains. Valid values for this parameter are Off, On or Test. The default value is Off. |
MarkAsSpamEmbedTagsInHtml | The MarkAsSpamEmbedTagsInHtml parameter classifies the message as spam when the message contains HTML <embed> tags. Valid values for this parameter are Off, On or Test. The default value is Off. |
MarkAsSpamSpfRecordHardFail | The MarkAsSpamFromAddressAuthFail parameter classifies the message as spam when Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record checking encounters a hard fail. Valid values for this parameter are Off, On or Test. The default value is Off. |
EndUserSpamNotificationCustomFromAddress | The EndUserSpamNotificationCustomFromAddress parameter specifies a custom From address for end-user spam notification messages. Valid input for this parameter is an SMTP email address. |
AddXHeaderValue | The AddXHeaderValue parameter specifies the X-header value to add to spam messages when an action parameter is set to the value AddXHeader. The action parameters that use the value of AddXHeaderValue are HighConfidenceSpamAction, and SpamAction. Note that when the TestModeAction parameter is set to AddXHeader, the X-header value X-CustomSpam: This message was filtered by the custom spam filter option is added to the message. An X-header is a user-defined, unofficial header field that exists in the message header. X-headers aren't specifically mentioned in RFC 2822, but the use of an undefined header field starting with X- has become an accepted way to add unofficial header fields to a message. The value you specify must contain less than 256 characters, and it can't contain spaces. |
IncreaseScoreWithRedirectToOtherPort | The IncreaseScoreWithRedirectToOtherPort parameter increases the spam score of messages that contain links that redirect to other TCP ports. Valid values for this parameter are Off, On or Test. The default value is Off. |
BulkSpamAction | PARAMVALUE: MoveToJmf | AddXHeader | ModifySubject | Redirect | Delete | Quarantine | NoAction |
ExchangeVersion |
BlockedSenders | The BlockedSenders parameter specifies senders that are always marked as spam sources. Messages from these senders are stamped with SFV:SKB in the X-Forefront-Antispam-Report header and receive an SCL of 9 (high confidence spam). Valid values are one or more SMTP email addresses. To enter multiple values, use the following syntax: <value1>,<value2>,...<valueX>. If the values contain spaces or otherwise require quotation marks, use the following syntax: "<value1>","<value2>",..."<valueX>". |
PhishSpamAction | PARAMVALUE: MoveToJmf | AddXHeader | ModifySubject | Redirect | Delete | Quarantine | NoAction |
MarkAsSpamEmptyMessages | The MarkAsSpamEmptyMessages parameter classifies the message as spam when the message is empty. Valid values for this parameter are Off, On or Test. The default value is Off. |
RedirectToRecipients | The RedirectToRecipients parameter specifies the replacement recipients in spam messages when an action parameter is set to the value Redirect. The action parameters that use the value of RedirectToRecipients are HighConfidenceSpamAction and SpamAction. Valid input for this parameter is an email address. Separate multiple email addresses with commas. |
AllowedSenders | The AllowedSenders parameter specifies a list of trusted senders that aren't processed by the spam filter. Messages from these senders are stamped with SFV:SKA in the X-Forefront-Antispam-Report header and receive an SCL of -1, so the messages are delivered to the recipient's inbox. Valid values are one or more SMTP email addresses. To enter multiple values, use the following syntax: <value1>,<value2>,...<valueX>. If the values contain spaces or otherwise require quotation marks, use the following syntax: "<value1>","<value2>",..."<valueX>". |
HighConfidenceSpamAction | The HighConfidenceSpamAction parameter specifies the action to take when a message is very likely to be spam. Valid values for this parameter are: AddXHeader: The value specified by the AddXHeaderValue parameter is added to the message. Delete ModifySubject: The value specified by the ModifySubjectValue parameter is prepended to the subject of the message. MoveToJmf: Move the message to the user's Junk E-mail Folder. Quarantine: Move the message to the quarantine. Redirect: Redirect the message to the recipients specified by the RedirectToRecipients parameter. The default value is Quarantine. |
EndUserSpamNotificationCustomSubject | The EndUserSpamNotificationCustomSubject parameter specifies a custom subject for end-user spam notification messages. If the value includes spaces, enclose the value in quotation marks ("). |
EnableEndUserSpamNotifications | The EnableEndUserSpamNotification parameter enables for disables sending end-user spam quarantine notification messages. Valid input for this parameter is $true or $false. The default value is $false. End-user spam notification messages periodically alert users when they have messages in the quarantine. When you enable end-user spam notifications, you may also specify values for the EndUserSpamNotificationCustomFromAddress, EndUserSpamNotificationCustomFromName, and EndUserSpamNotificationCustomSubject parameters. |
EndUserSpamNotificationCustomFromName | The EndUserSpamNotificationCustomFromName parameter specifies a custom display name in the From field for end-user spam notification messages. If the value includes spaces, enclose the value in quotation marks ("). |
ObjectCategory |
DownloadLink | The DownloadLink parameter shows or hides a link in end-user spam notification messages to download the Junk E-mail Reporting Tool plugin for Microsoft Outlook. Valid input for this parameter is $true or $false. The default value is $false. This parameter is only useful if the EnableEndUserSpamNotifications parameter is set to $true. |
EndUserSpamNotificationLimit | This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
WhenChanged |
WhenChangedUTC |
EndUserSpamNotificationLanguage | The EndUserSpamNotificationLanguage parameter specifies the language of end-user spam notification messages. The default value is Default. This means the default language of end-user spam notification messages is the default language of the cloud-based organization. |
AllowedSenderDomains | The AllowedSenderDomains parameter specifies trusted domains that aren't processed by the spam filter. Messages from senders in these domains are stamped with SFV:SKA in the X-Forefront-Antispam-Report header and receive a spam confidence level (SCL) of -1, so the messages are delivered to the recipient's inbox. Valid values are one or more SMTP domains. To enter multiple values, use the following syntax: <value1>,<value2>,...<valueX>. If the values contain spaces or otherwise require quotation marks, use the following syntax: "<value1>","<value2>",..."<valueX>". |
MarkAsSpamFromAddressAuthFail | The MarkAsSpamFromAddressAuthFail parameter classifies the message as spam when Sender ID filtering encounters a hard fail. Valid values for this parameter are Off, On or Test. The default value is Off. |
ZapEnabled | PARAMVALUE: $true | $false |
WhenCreated |
MarkAsSpamNdrBackscatter | The MarkAsSpamNdrBackscatter parameter classifies the message as spam when the message is a non-delivery report (NDR) to a forged sender. Valid values for this parameter are Off, On or Test. The default value is Off. |
QuarantineRetentionPeriod | The QuarantineRetentionPeriod parameter specifies the length of time in days that spam messages remain in the quarantine. Valid input for this parameter is an integer between 1 and 15. The default value is 15. |
RunspaceId |
ModifySubjectValue | The ModifySubjectValue parameter specifies the text to prepend to the existing subject of spam messages when an action parameter is set to the value ModifySubject. The action parameters that use the value of ModifySubjectValue are HighConfidenceSpamAction and SpamAction. The value you specify must contain less than 256 characters If the value contains spaces, enclose the value in quotation marks ("). |
Id |
MarkAsSpamSensitiveWordList | The MarkAsSpamSensitiveWordList parameter classifies the message as spam when the message contains words from the sensitive words list. Valid values for this parameter are Off, On or Test. The default value is Off. |