
Model: device/exchangehybrid/MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus

Model Details: device/exchangehybrid/MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus

Title Description Details
InstanceStartTime *
  • Field Name: InstanceStartTime
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
ContentIndexSeedingSource *
  • Field Name: ContentIndexSeedingSource
  • Type: String
IncomingLogCopyingNetwork *
  • Field Name: IncomingLogCopyingNetwork
  • Type: String
DiskFreeSpace *
  • Field Name: DiskFreeSpace
  • Type: String
ExchangeVolumeMountPoint *
  • Field Name: ExchangeVolumeMountPoint
  • Type: String
LatestDifferentialBackupTime *
  • Field Name: LatestDifferentialBackupTime
  • Type: String
SnapshotLatestDifferentialBackup *
  • Field Name: SnapshotLatestDifferentialBackup
  • Type: String
ContentIndexBacklog *
  • Field Name: ContentIndexBacklog
  • Type: Integer
  • Field Name: PSShowComputerName
  • Type: Boolean
ContentIndexRetryQueueSize *
  • Field Name: ContentIndexRetryQueueSize
  • Type: Integer
LatestAvailableLogTime *
  • Field Name: LatestAvailableLogTime
  • Type: String
ContentIndexErrorMessage *
  • Field Name: ContentIndexErrorMessage
  • Type: String
MaximumSupportedDatabaseSchemaVersion *
  • Field Name: MaximumSupportedDatabaseSchemaVersion
  • Type: String
LastLogInspected *
  • Field Name: LastLogInspected
  • Type: Integer
DatabaseVolumeName *
  • Field Name: DatabaseVolumeName
  • Type: String
LastLogGenerated *
  • Field Name: LastLogGenerated
  • Type: Integer
IsLastCopyAvailabilityChecksPassed *
  • Field Name: IsLastCopyAvailabilityChecksPassed
  • Type: Boolean
ContentIndexVersion *
  • Field Name: ContentIndexVersion
  • Type: Integer
LogCopyQueueIncreasing *
  • Field Name: LogCopyQueueIncreasing
  • Type: Boolean
SeedingNetwork *
  • Field Name: SeedingNetwork
  • Type: String
LatestCopyBackupTime *
  • Field Name: LatestCopyBackupTime
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: RunspaceId
  • Type: String
LogsReplayedSinceInstanceStart *
  • Field Name: LogsReplayedSinceInstanceStart
  • Type: Integer
ReplayLagStatus *
  • Field Name: ReplayLagStatus
  • Type: String
DiskTotalSpace *
  • Field Name: DiskTotalSpace
  • Type: String
OutgoingConnections *
  • Field Name: OutgoingConnections
  • Type: String
ActivationPreference *
  • Field Name: ActivationPreference
  • Type: Integer
LastStatusTransitionTime *
  • Field Name: LastStatusTransitionTime
  • Type: String
ResumeBlocked *
  • Field Name: ResumeBlocked
  • Type: Boolean
ContentIndexState *
  • Field Name: ContentIndexState
  • Type: String
LastLogCopied *
  • Field Name: LastLogCopied
  • Type: Integer
DatabasePathIsOnMountedFolder *
  • Field Name: DatabasePathIsOnMountedFolder
  • Type: Boolean
SuspendComment *
  • Field Name: SuspendComment
  • Type: String
ActiveCopy *
  • Field Name: ActiveCopy
  • Type: Boolean
ActivationSuspended *
  • Field Name: ActivationSuspended
  • Type: Boolean
MinimumSupportedDatabaseSchemaVersion *
  • Field Name: MinimumSupportedDatabaseSchemaVersion
  • Type: String
ExtendedErrorInfo * The ExtendedErrorInfo switch specifies whether to return an output object containing any exception details.
  • Field Name: ExtendedErrorInfo
  • Type: Boolean
LastCopyNotificationedLogTime *
  • Field Name: LastCopyNotificationedLogTime
  • Type: String
LogVolumeName *
  • Field Name: LogVolumeName
  • Type: String
ContentIndexErrorCode *
  • Field Name: ContentIndexErrorCode
  • Type: Integer
SnapshotLatestCopyBackup *
  • Field Name: SnapshotLatestCopyBackup
  • Type: String
SinglePageRestore *
  • Field Name: SinglePageRestore
  • Type: Integer
ContentIndexMailboxesToCrawl *
  • Field Name: ContentIndexMailboxesToCrawl
  • Type: String
ReplayQueueLength *
  • Field Name: ReplayQueueLength
  • Type: Integer
ErrorEventId *
  • Field Name: ErrorEventId
  • Type: String
ReplaySuspended *
  • Field Name: ReplaySuspended
  • Type: Boolean
SnapshotLatestFullBackup *
  • Field Name: SnapshotLatestFullBackup
  • Type: String
ObjectState *
  • Field Name: ObjectState
  • Type: String
DatabaseName *
  • Field Name: DatabaseName
  • Type: String
DiskFreeSpacePercent *
  • Field Name: DiskFreeSpacePercent
  • Type: Integer
LastLogInfoIsStale *
  • Field Name: LastLogInfoIsStale
  • Type: Boolean
RequestedDatabaseSchemaVersion *
  • Field Name: RequestedDatabaseSchemaVersion
  • Type: String
StatusRetrievedTime *
  • Field Name: StatusRetrievedTime
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
LastLogInfoFromClusterTime *
  • Field Name: LastLogInfoFromClusterTime
  • Type: String
LastLogReplayed *
  • Field Name: LastLogReplayed
  • Type: Integer
ContentIndexServerSource *
  • Field Name: ContentIndexServerSource
  • Type: String
ReseedBlocked *
  • Field Name: ReseedBlocked
  • Type: Boolean
Status *
  • Field Name: Status
  • Type: String
IsLastCopyRedundancyChecksPassed *
  • Field Name: IsLastCopyRedundancyChecksPassed
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: PSComputerName
  • Type: String
LatestIncrementalBackupTime *
  • Field Name: LatestIncrementalBackupTime
  • Type: String
LatestFullBackupTime *
  • Field Name: LatestFullBackupTime
  • Type: String
RequiredLogsPresent *
  • Field Name: RequiredLogsPresent
  • Type: String
Identity * The Identity parameter specifies the name of the database copy for which the command should gather information. The Identity parameter can be specified in the form of <database>\<server>. Specifying just <database> returns information for all copies of the database. This parameter can't be combined with the Server parameter.
  • Field Name: Identity
  • Type: String
MaxLogToReplay *
  • Field Name: MaxLogToReplay
  • Type: Integer
LastReplayedLogTime *
  • Field Name: LastReplayedLogTime
  • Type: String
LogVolumeMountPoint *
  • Field Name: LogVolumeMountPoint
  • Type: String
LastLogInfoFromClusterGen *
  • Field Name: LastLogInfoFromClusterGen
  • Type: Integer
VolumeInfoError *
  • Field Name: VolumeInfoError
  • Type: String
LastDatabaseVolumeNameTransitionTime *
  • Field Name: LastDatabaseVolumeNameTransitionTime
  • Type: String
IsValid *
  • Field Name: IsValid
  • Type: Boolean
LogReplayQueueIncreasing *
  • Field Name: LogReplayQueueIncreasing
  • Type: Boolean
LastCopyAvailabilityChecksPassedTime *
  • Field Name: LastCopyAvailabilityChecksPassedTime
  • Type: String
ErrorMessage *
  • Field Name: ErrorMessage
  • Type: String
AutoActivationPolicy *
  • Field Name: AutoActivationPolicy
  • Type: String
LastDatabaseVolumeName *
  • Field Name: LastDatabaseVolumeName
  • Type: String
ActivationDisabledAndMoveNow *
  • Field Name: ActivationDisabledAndMoveNow
  • Type: Boolean
MailboxServer *
  • Field Name: MailboxServer
  • Type: String
LowestLogPresent *
  • Field Name: LowestLogPresent
  • Type: Integer
SnapshotLatestIncrementalBackup *
  • Field Name: SnapshotLatestIncrementalBackup
  • Type: String
LastLogCopyNotified *
  • Field Name: LastLogCopyNotified
  • Type: Integer
LastCopiedLogTime *
  • Field Name: LastCopiedLogTime
  • Type: String
WorkerProcessId *
  • Field Name: WorkerProcessId
  • Type: Integer
LastLogInfoFromCopierTime *
  • Field Name: LastLogInfoFromCopierTime
  • Type: String
SnapshotBackup *
  • Field Name: SnapshotBackup
  • Type: String
Name *
  • Field Name: Name
  • Type: String
ActionInitiator *
  • Field Name: ActionInitiator
  • Type: String
LogsCopiedSinceInstanceStart *
  • Field Name: LogsCopiedSinceInstanceStart
  • Type: Integer
OutstandingDumpsterRequests *
  • Field Name: OutstandingDumpsterRequests
  • Type: String
LastCopyRedundancyChecksPassedTime *
  • Field Name: LastCopyRedundancyChecksPassedTime
  • Type: String
LastInspectedLogTime *
  • Field Name: LastInspectedLogTime
  • Type: String
ActiveDatabaseCopy *
  • Field Name: ActiveDatabaseCopy
  • Type: String
ContentIndexSeedingPercent *
  • Field Name: ContentIndexSeedingPercent
  • Type: String
LogPathIsOnMountedFolder *
  • Field Name: LogPathIsOnMountedFolder
  • Type: Boolean
DatabaseVolumeMountPoint *
  • Field Name: DatabaseVolumeMountPoint
  • Type: String
DatabaseSeedStatus *
  • Field Name: DatabaseSeedStatus
  • Type: String
CopyQueueLength *
  • Field Name: CopyQueueLength
  • Type: Integer
ReplicationIsInBlockMode *
  • Field Name: ReplicationIsInBlockMode
  • Type: Boolean
Id *
  • Field Name: Id
  • Type: String