
Model: device/cuc/TenantExternalService

Model Details: device/cuc/TenantExternalService

Title Description Details
Resource URI Resource URI
  • Field Name: ResourceURI
  • Type: String
Display Name A descriptive name for the external service.
  • Field Name: DisplayName
  • Type: String
Use Service Credentials A flag indicating whether to use service credentials rather than user credentials to logon to the external service.
  • Field Name: UseServiceCredentials
  • Type: Boolean
Client Id client id from azure
  • Field Name: ClientId
  • Type: String
External Service Reset URI The URI to reset external service.
  • Field Name: ExternalServiceResetURI
  • Type: String
Service Alias The unique text name (i.e., logon name) to use to logon to the external service.
  • Field Name: ServiceAlias
  • Type: String
Authentication Mode The method of authentication used when authenticating via HTTP with the server hosting the service.
  • Field Name: AuthenticationMode
  • Type: Integer
Directory ID azure active directory id
  • Field Name: DirectoryID
  • Type: String
Exch Site Name of the Exchange site to which to confine searches for domain controllers and Autodiscover servers.
  • Field Name: ExchSite
  • Type: String
Supports Mailbox Synch Capability A flag indicating whether the external service supports synchronizing mailbox contents between a Connection mailbox and an external, third-party mailbox.
  • Field Name: SupportsMailboxSynchCapability
  • Type: Boolean
Mailbox Synch Fax Action Action to take for incoming FAX messages.
  • Field Name: MailboxSynchFaxAction
  • Type: Integer
Supports Calendar Capability A flag indicating whether the external service supports the capabilities to access calendar information such as appointments, information for free/busy based PCTR rules, and for Exchange servers only, the capability to import a user's contacts from Exchange
  • Field Name: SupportsCalendarCapability
  • Type: Boolean
Is Proxy Auth Enabled A flag to determine wheather proxy server needs authentication or not.
  • Field Name: isProxyAuthEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Exch Org Domain Root of the domain to search for autodiscovery
  • Field Name: ExchOrgDomain
  • Type: String
Mailbox Synch Email Action Action to take for incoming emails
  • Field Name: MailboxSynchEmailAction
  • Type: Integer
Ldap Security Transport Type The method of encryption used for LDAP.
  • Field Name: LdapSecurityTransportType
  • Type: Integer
Exch Do Autodiscover2003 Flag indicating whether Connection is permitted to search the network for the URL to log in each Exchange 2003 mailbox. This emulates the Exchange Autodiscovery feature which was available beginning with Exchange 2007.
  • Field Name: ExchDoAutodiscover2003
  • Type: Boolean
Object Id The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier for an external service object.
  • Field Name: ObjectId
  • Type: String
Is Enabled A flag indicating whether the external service is enabled.
  • Field Name: IsEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Server Type The type of external service. Examples are MeetingPlace 7.0, Exchange 2003, and Exchange 2007.
  • Field Name: ServerType
  • Type: Integer
  • Field Name: URI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Proxy Password Pasword for proxy server authentication.
  • Field Name: ProxyPassword
  • Type: String
Server The name of the server which hosts the external service.
  • Field Name: Server
  • Type: String
Transfer Extension Dial String The number dialed by Unity Connection to access (join) the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace meeting.
  • Field Name: TransferExtensionDialString
  • Type: String
Tenant Object Id * TenantObjectId associated with External Service. - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: TenantObjectId
  • Type: ["String"]
  • Target: device/cuc/Tenant
  • Target attr: ObjectId
  • Format: uri
Client Secret client secret from azure
  • Field Name: ClientSecret
  • Type: String
Supports Meeting Capability A flag indicating whether the external service supports the capability to access meeting information from a server. For example, allowing a user to receive notification of a meeting about ready to start, providing join meeting and cancel meeting capabilities on the server, and allowing a user to schedule a meeting on the server,
  • Field Name: SupportsMeetingCapability
  • Type: Boolean
Security Transport Type The method of encryption used for HTTP sessions to/from the external service.
  • Field Name: SecurityTransportType
  • Type: Integer
Exch Do Autodiscover Flag indicating whether Connection is permitted to search the network for the URL to log in each Exchange 2007 or above mailbox. Connection may use the Exchange Autodiscovery feature (which was first available in Exchange 2007) in combination with LDAP and DNS calls to identify the URL.
  • Field Name: ExchDoAutodiscover
  • Type: Boolean
Validate Server Certificate A flag indicating whether server certificates should be validated against a trust-certificate when establishing an HTTPS connection.
  • Field Name: ValidateServerCertificate
  • Type: Boolean
Ad Authentication Endpoint URL to connect AD Authentication Endpoint
  • Field Name: AdAuthenticationEndpoint
  • Type: String
Proxy Server IP address or Hostname for Proxy Server
  • Field Name: ProxyServer
  • Type: String
Proxy Username User name for proxy server authentication.
  • Field Name: ProxyUsername
  • Type: String
Supports Tts Of Email Capability A flag indicating whether the external service supports the capability to access an email store for the purpose of playing the email via TTS.
  • Field Name: SupportsTtsOfEmailCapability
  • Type: Boolean
Service Password The password for logon to the external service.
  • Field Name: ServicePassword
  • Type: String
Ldap Validate Server Certificate A flag indicating whether server certificates should be validated against a trust-certificate when establishing an LDAPS connection.
  • Field Name: LdapValidateServerCertificate
  • Type: Boolean