
Model: device/cuc/TemplateGreeting

Model Details: device/cuc/TemplateGreeting

Title Description Details
Play What The source for the greeting when this greeting is active.
  • Field Name: PlayWhat
  • Type: Integer
Ignore Digits A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection takes action in response to touchtone keys pressed by callers during the greeting.
  • Field Name: IgnoreDigits
  • Type: Boolean
Play Record Message Prompt A flag indicating whether the ?Record your message at the tone?? prompt prior to recording a message.
  • Field Name: PlayRecordMessagePrompt
  • Type: Boolean
After Greeting Target Conversation The name of the conversation to which the caller is routed.
  • Field Name: AfterGreetingTargetConversation
  • Type: String
Call Handler Object Id * The unique identifier of the CallHandler object to which this greeting rule belongs. - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: CallHandlerObjectId
  • Type: ["String"]
  • Target: /api/device/cuc/CallhandlerTemplate/choices/?field=ObjectId&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24bAIvczOu5x88gS1p%24bJp7G7lq4pjWnzu13SfMolDx0uSYzCubKza5GEauIbuthzxMbgsthJChXg680bcWeTcdrx9DW9sV7JhUp8X%2BvFPXbDcHNoiPRbmEQlkwpI28Ksq%2BhBQm8aIX48sfTsZS/OlEM946fGRuRhUO4PXeLzgLvgNG4l2NlAt%2BxiKiDrBOk/Q4kyHIIX20nhjJRVe1CyrDiXIZcwFUPmvQSTcbbUjXKkdCaNmHfQomqWxlZZTZl7uC8NVRrEZ2irMXJ3nJqz1KxvaKkQH8vMa2JkXXDSQtqDJc6akHAl3E3PHPzdKIxPwvntOsig%2BFkCFpTg6OOnkguyZanu0ZJ2FsHsN/hCS/4QAn5UDc5mtOEz7RDm1ZccNurjd0anSGj2Ae7lAwDSV0R7Ugb6jOe%2B5zldnXR1Nom4GBR46QyFubYRCMOjS0mHfZ6umYD5FwsD9ZdAL6KV0ih1iSgQ0%2BNfP86GMNBYbe9aOTjgf/hUMh9%2BPUtmpvSR7NfmcBWuJxfsBeDZWm4J5wHjap2BIyegPyjdzJ3304%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: ObjectId
  • Target Model Type: device/cuc/CallhandlerTemplate
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Enabled If TimeExpires is set, this field is ignored.
  • Field Name: Enabled
  • Type: Boolean
After Greeting Action The type of call action to take, e.g., hang-up, goto another object, etc.
  • Field Name: AfterGreetingAction
  • Type: Integer
After Greeting Target Handler Object Id The unique identifier of the specific object to send along to the target conversation.
  • Field Name: AfterGreetingTargetHandlerObjectId
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: URI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24BIWpQsqyc1lKOiC6%24JuqKs8XOw5IV/EjjamFrk8JxiBv2HdxaSXqpDsv9AkE%2BHkCFdKMAAdT/d%2BboOfwuXBJbGUKbACo9Mtn4pgvWOYPu0VYV0ZPI5GuL4HVdSvK2DpCry6PQars6OkAsI2/lIntOqb%2BxP2V4/IYlN/ahqCk6rQaeEkRG/87l1Fd6tyk%2B7OKIqoAQTOyVDrhUvHwZ8yYbJin3/MrNHRdc1Kfg5CgU88UOVKB6HP17c5WZRYYIzYg56DAH3MgR4S09d%2BcKCniW1PxZcSFYGxn0DV0Jnv3N6vIBMddwz3N%2BK6zVE7mFft%2Bbnsu0BTm01gkMNedLrWBSz2P%2BsMRPFUpSMVtjDplHRQ9k%2BXHPVT%2BX/BVN4CK%2BaVjVAP%2Bwz6Lca4dtE1%2BEvVLoaqi/GCYPC4KMIE0/SOKpQaB%2BcgSVFJn7htHjqueif%2BrKIt/VAc3ZPCH299KDvvgDYBdg%2BVk%2BxnnGHqQzHNlPDwg%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Reprompt Delay The amount of time (in seconds) that Cisco Unity Connection waits without receiving any input from a caller before Cisco Unity Connection prompts the caller again.
  • Field Name: RepromptDelay
  • Type: Integer
Reprompts The number of times to reprompt a caller. After the number of times indicated here, Cisco Unity Connection performs the after-greeting action.
  • Field Name: Reprompts
  • Type: Integer
Greeting Type The type of greeting, e.g. "Standard," "Off Hours," "Busy," etc. - template parameter [2]
  • Field Name: GreetingType
  • Type: String
Enable Transfer A flag indicating when an extension is dialed at the greeting and the extension is not available whether to transfer to another extension.
  • Field Name: EnableTransfer
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Personal Video Recording It will Enable the Personal video Recording in CUCA.
  • Field Name: EnablePersonalVideoRecording
  • Type: Boolean
Play Record Video Message Prompt A flag indicating whether the ?Record your message at the tone?? prompt prior to Video recording a message.
  • Field Name: PlayRecordVideoMessagePrompt
  • Type: Boolean
Callhandler URI
  • Field Name: CallhandlerURI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24BIWpQsqyc1lKOiC6%24JuqKs8XOw5IV/EjjamFrk8JxiBv2HdxaSXqpDsv9AkE%2BHkCFdKMAAdT/d%2BboOfwuXBJbGUKbACo9Mtn4pgvWOYPu0VYV0ZPI5GuL4HVdSvK2DpCry6PQars6OkAsI2/lIntOqb%2BxP2V4/IYlN/ahqCk6rQaeEkRG/87l1Fd6tyk%2B7OKIqoAQTOyVDrhUvHwZ8yYbJin3/MrNHRdc1Kfg5CgU88UOVKB6HP17c5WZRYYIzYg56DAH3MgR4S09d%2BcKCniW1PxZcSFYGxn0DV0Jnv3N6vIBMddwz3N%2BK6zVE7mFft%2Bbnsu0BTm01gkMNedLrWBSz2P%2BsMRPFUpSMVtjDplHRQ9k%2BXHPVT%2BX/BVN4CK%2BaVjVAP%2Bwz6Lca4dtE1%2BEvVLoaqi/GCYPC4KMIE0/SOKpQaB%2BcgSVFJn7htHjqueif%2BrKIt/VAc3ZPCH299KDvvgDYBdg%2BVk%2BxnnGHqQzHNlPDwg%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Time Expires The date and time when the greeting rule expires. The greeting rule is considered not expired (enabled), if the value is NULL or a future date. The greeting rule is considered expired (disabled), the value is in the past.
  • Field Name: TimeExpires
  • Type: String