
Model: device/cuc/PhoneNumber

Model Details: device/cuc/PhoneNumber

Title Description Details
Partition Object Id The unique identifier of the Partition to which the PhoneNumber is assigned.
  • Field Name: PartitionObjectId
  • Type: String
Partition URI
  • Field Name: PartitionURI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Owner Contact Object Id The object to which this phone number belongs. If the phone number belongs to a Contact, the unique identifier of the Contact object to which this phone number belongs. Otherwise, this attribute is set to NULL.
  • Field Name: OwnerContactObjectId
  • Type: String
Object Id The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier for a PhoneNumber object. - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: ObjectId
  • Type: String
Is Primary Fax A flag indicating whether this instance of a PhoneNumber is the primary Fax number.
  • Field Name: IsPrimaryFax
  • Type: Boolean
Call Pickup Timeout The number of rings that Cisco Unity Connection will wait for a subscriber destination to answer before the call is forwarded to the next destination in the destination group.
  • Field Name: CallPickupTimeout
  • Type: Integer
Searchable Phone Number Phone number without formatting or any dial codes. A basic form suitable for searching on.
  • Field Name: SearchablePhoneNumber
  • Type: String
Owner Contact URI
  • Field Name: OwnerContactURI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
  • Field Name: URI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Owner Global User URI
  • Field Name: OwnerGlobalUserURI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Dialable Phone Number A dialable version of the PhoneNumber column.
  • Field Name: DialablePhoneNumber
  • Type: String
Phone Number A phone number.
  • Field Name: PhoneNumber
  • Type: String
Phone Type A well-defined name for the phone number, such as "Home," "Business," "Mobile," etc.
  • Field Name: PhoneType
  • Type: Integer
Owner User URI
  • Field Name: OwnerUserURI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Client Matter Code The client matter code to transmit to Call Manger when the phone number is dialed on an outbound call. The CMC is entered after a phone number is dialed so that the customer can assigning account or billing codes to the call.
  • Field Name: ClientMatterCode
  • Type: String
Display Name The preferred text name of the phone number to be used when displaying entries in the administrative console, e.g. Cisco Unity Connection Administration.
  • Field Name: DisplayName
  • Type: String
Owner User Object Id The object to which this phone number belongs. If the phone number belongs to a User, the unique identifier of the User object to which this phone number belongs. Otherwise, this attribute is set to NULL.
  • Field Name: OwnerUserObjectId
  • Type: String
Owner Global User Object Id The object to which this phone number belongs. If the phone number belongs to a User, the unique identifier of the User object to which this phone number belongs. Otherwise, this attribute is set to NULL.
  • Field Name: OwnerGlobalUserObjectId
  • Type: String
Transmit Forced Authorization Code A flag indicating whether an authorization code should be transmitted to Call Manager after this number is dialed during an outbound call.
  • Field Name: TransmitForcedAuthorizationCode
  • Type: Boolean
Auto Logon A flag indicating whether the phone number can be used for automatically logging on the caller.
  • Field Name: AutoLogon
  • Type: Boolean