
Model: device/cuc/LicenseStatus

Model Details: device/cuc/LicenseStatus

Title Description Details
Count The number of licensed items being used or NULL if not applicable
  • Field Name: Count
  • Type: Integer
Description The description for the License feature for the tag.
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
Object Id The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier for a LicenseStatus object.
  • Field Name: ObjectId
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: URI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24roDIZImHPKwQgU9A%24N7xg%2Bo7MgnYmfTGfFvxLU3BdiJ0P12mf3G4XSg9fpkqQY0aWX5aPCzi/8G8jjss0VmMnpw3Xdxxvh6vXcprCCrEu%2BW5AgLI2Ag45ALAH6k9lLmWmLUcwZTaJXcQDYt0dJiF845qkkf09u/XYGt86m5Q9L6hdghxNmaxBZWepLDt9pPO2Wc2I%2Bmm/yzjJsc%2B9KuzljfVdXscL6gkOugb9dfbqRf39vDAtc/j56HOumjdRyW0Boioxv4iLJ/pTCD%2B4qIBnCH5CoWHfbvSJwVFpUFox/Kjlc/jO6rzS9mT5EJFH6nKreGd%2B/bqgPusaXCLT/NKqsw%2ByDP1jD/SlZzjbQ8j89YXQVLOLhVJZEsmtyEBxtmP0fdzPLR6F8mFGQoyOnZD%2ByQZ3vqWChZEqs1jN1%2BQs9ixovZBvUQpBk0RV%2BD/FUNGDS0Gmd1pb6gE2TtNBD080VHsj5yekOUHGn5Ec3xE%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Feature Name Feature name for the license
  • Field Name: featureName
  • Type: String
Tag Name The tag or feature name. TagName + VmsServerObjectId is unique, and a CK on this table. - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: TagName
  • Type: String