
Model: data/QuickAddGroups

Quick Add Subscriber Groups

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A Quick Add Group (QAG), also called Quick Add Subscriber Group, is a collection of configuration templates (CFTs) that configure the subscriber features.


A Quick Add Group is mandatory when adding a subscriber using Quick Add Subscriber.

Quick Add Groups allow administrators to group feature and configuration templates for use with Quick Add Subscriber and Add Subscriber. This grouping helps to quickly and easily configure subscribers.

Related Topics

Configuration Templates in the Core Feature Guide

Create a Configuration Template in the Advanced Configuration Guide

Quick Add Group Customization in the Advanced Configuration Guide

Using CFTs and Quick Add Groups to Add Subscribers

Example 1 - Two user groups with different phones and services

In this example we're adding a group of 100 back office users, and a group of 50 sales users. Each group will be assigned a specific phone type, and either has or does not have specific services:

User group? Using which phones? And which services?
Back office users All using 7965 phone with SCCP protocol No services
Sales users All using 8865 phone with SCCP protocol Single number reach service (SNR)

To configure the Example 1 scenario:

  1. Create two configuration templates (CFTs):
  2. Create two Quick Add Groups:

Example 2 - Users with phone type 6911 and SCCP protocol

In this example we're adding back office users with a 6911 phone type using SCCP protocol and a voice account.

User group? Using which phones? And which services?
Back office users Phone type 6911 using SCCP protocol Voice account

To configure the Example 2 scenario, add the Quick Add Group, and choose these configuration templates from the CUCM and Webex template group on the form:


You can also use customized CFTs to assign to a Quick Add Subscriber Group. The custom CFT can be at the same level in the hierarchy as the Quick Add Group, or higher.

Quick Add Groups Naming Convention

The best practice naming convention recommendation for Quick Add Groups may use the following pattern:

<friendly hierarchy name>-QAG-<user type>-<phone-template-name>-[description]

For example, GeoLogic-QAG_BasicUser - 69XX SIP - CallWaiting

Quick Add Groups Named Macros for Quick Add Subscriber

When using Quick Add Subscriber (for Microsoft, Cisco, Webex Teams, or Hybrid subscribers) you'll choose a Quick Add Group that assigns services and sets up the subscriber.

Quick Add Groups contain one or more configuration templates that defines how the subscriber is assigned services. Named macros are used in the configuration templates. A default named macro is associated with each of the following Add Subscriber scenarios:

Where used? Named Macro
Cisco Quick Add Subscriber macro.Default_Quick_Add_Group_Cisco_Subscriber
Microsoft Only Quick Subscriber macro.Default_Quick_Add_Group_Microsoft_Subscriber
Webex Teams Calling Only Quick Subscriber macro.Default_Quick_Add_Group_Webex_Subscriber
Hybrid Quick Add Subscriber macro.Default_Quick_Add_Group_Hybrid

By default, the values of these macros are set to be the first Quick Add Group found up in the hierarchy:

{{ fn.one data.QuickAddGroups.group_name | | direction:up }}

However, these named macros can be cloned to a hierarchy and modified in order to provide a reference to a specific default Quick Add Group to apply, as required.


See the Advanced Configuration Guide for further details on macros.

When adding subscribers (with Quick Add Subscriber or Add Subscriber), choose the appropriate Quick Add Group for the user you're provisioning.

All subscriber services use configuration templates that belong to a Quick Add Group.

Related Topics

Named Macros Overview in the Advanced Configuration Guide

Quick Add Group Functions in the Advanced Configuration Guide

Configuration Templates for Microsoft in a Quick Add Group

A group of configuration templates are available for Microsoft in the Quick Add Group form.


You can show or hide fields on a Quick Add Group form via a field display policy (FDP).

The image displays a Quick Add Group used for Microsoft offboarding, where the Microsoft Offboarding checkbox is configured via a FDP to display on this form, and the setting is enabled, which means that this Quick Add Group is available for selection when running Microsoft offboarding. The flag acts as a filter so that only Quick Add Groups with this flag enabled display on the Microsoft Offboarding page.

Configuration template options for Microsoft on Quick Add Group forms may include the following:


Automate ships with reference and system configuration CFTs that you can clone and customize, if required. The CFTs available for selection in the template fields on Quick Add Subscriber groups may be defaults or custom CFTs.

CFT Template Type Description
MS 365 User Template .
MS Teams User Template CFTs for MS Teams User Template can define the Microsoft Teams policies to be included. See Introduction to Microsoft Teams Policies.
MS Groups Add Template

CFTs available for MS Groups Add Template and MS Groups Remove Template can be selected to assign or unassign MS 365 group membership to a user when a Quick Add Group with this CFT selected is used during Quick Add Subscriber (for Microsoft). See Quick Add Subscriber for Microsoft Users.

This functionality allows for group licensing, typically used in large enterprises. See: Microsoft Licenses.

MS Groups Remove Template

CFTs available for MS Groups Add Template and MS Groups Remove Template can be selected to assign or unassign MS 365 group membership to a user when a Quick Add Group with this CFT selected is used during Quick Add Subscriber (for Microsoft). See Quick Add Subscriber for Microsoft Users.

This functionality allows for group licensing, typically used in large enterprises. See: Microsoft Licenses.

MS Exchange Online User Mailbox Template These CFTs are used to set default values and import of the MS Exchange user mailbox. The selected CFT then applies to the Microsoft Quick Add Subscriber (Quick Add Subscriber for Microsoft Users) and Add Subscriber from Profile (Add Subscriber from Profile). Automate also ships with a default CFT called Reference MS Exchange Online User Mailbox Template.
MS Exchange Online Convert Mailbox Template The CFT you choose for MS Exchange Online Convert Mailbox Template is used when the Quick Add Group settings are applied, for example during the Quick Offboard Subscriber process if mailbox conversion to a shared mailbox is required. In the default reference CFT for this template type (Reference MS Exchange Online Convert Mailbox Template), the Convert to Type field also allows the conversion of a mailbox to a regular mailbox. See also Quick Offboard Subscriber.


You can also use the Update Group Membership multi-vendor quick action to manage a subscriber's group membership. See Multi Vendor Subscribers and Configure Multi-vendor Subscribers.

Add a Quick Add (Subscriber) Group

This procedure adds a Quick Add Group (QAG).


You can also create a new Quick Add Group by selecting an existing one, then cloning it (making a copy), and modify as required.

  1. Log in as Provider, Reseller, Customer, or Site administrator.

  2. Go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > Quick Add Subscriber Groups.

  3. Click Add, then fill out details for the new Quick Add Group.

  4. Save your changes.

Delete a Quick Add Subscriber Group

The default Quick Add Group resides at the sys hierarchy node.


A Quick Add Group is required for the Quick Add Subscriber function to work.

  1. Go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > Quick Add Subscriber Groups.
  2. Select the checkbox at the Quick Add Subscriber Group you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Quick Add Subscriber Groups Default Model

Default Group Model for Quick Add Subscriber and Add Subscriber Wizard Functions

Title Field Name Configuration Template Name
Group Name* group_name N/A
CUCM and WebEx    
CUCM User Template* default_cucm_user_template Default CUCM User Template Also used for vendor filtering. [1]
Phone Template default_cucm_phone_template Default CUCM Phone Template
Extension Mobility Template default_cucm_device_profile_template Default CUCM Extension Mobility Template
Line Template default_cucm_line_template Default CUCM Line Template
Remote Destination Template default_cucm_rd_template Default CUCM Remote Destination Template
Remote Destination Profile Template default_cucm_rdp_template Default CUCM Remote Destination Profile Template
Webex User Template default_webex_user_template Default Webex User Template
Jabber and Dual-Mode    
Jabber Android Template default_cucm_jabber_android_template Default CUCM Jabber Android Template
Jabber CSF Template default_cucm_jabber_csf_template Default CUCM Jabber CS Template
Jabber iPad Template default_cucm_jabber_ipad_template Default CUCM Jabber iPad Template
Jabber iPhone Template default_cucm_jabber_iphone_template Default CUCM Jabber iPhone Template
Carrier Integrated Mobile Device Template default_cucm_jabber_cim_template Default Carrier Integrated Mobile Device Template
CTI Remote Device Template default_cucm_jabber_ctird_template Default CTI Remote Device Template
CUC User Template default_cuc_user_template Default CUC User Template
CUC User Password Template default_cuc_user_password_template Default CUC User Password Template. Quick Add Subscriber applies this template and overrides CUC user template settings on CUC.
CUC User PIN Template default_cuc_user_pin_template Default CUC User PIN Template. Quick Add Subscriber applies this template and overrides CUC user template settings on CUC.
WebEx App    
Default Webex App User Template default_spark_user_template Default Webex App User Template
Default Webex App Calling Template default_spark_calling_template Default Webex Teams Calling Settings Template Also used for vendor filtering. [1]
Default Webex App User CTI Device Template default_spark_user_cti_device_template Default Webex App User CTI Device Template
Default Webex App User iPhone Device Template default_spark_user_iphone_device_template Default Webex App User iPhone Template
Default Webex App User Android Device Template default_spark_user_android_device_template Default Webex App User Android Template
Default Webex App User Tablet Device Template default_spark_user_tablet_device_template Default Webex App User iPad Template
Default Webex App User CSF Device Template default_spark_user_csf_device_template Default Webex App User CSF Template
Pexip Conference    
Pexip Conference Template default_pexip_conference_template Reference Pexip Conference Template
MS 0365 User Template   Also used for vendor filtering. [1]
MS Teams User Template   Also used for vendor filtering. [1]
MS Groups Add Template   Add one or more entries to the Group list to provide group membership to a user. [2]
MS Groups Remove Template   Add one or more entries to the Group list to remove group membership from a user. [2]
MS Exchange Online User Mailbox Template   Used for default MS Exchange user mailbox settings.
Additional Services    
VOSS Phone User Template    
[1](1, 2, 3, 4) See: Quick Add Subscriber Groups Vendor Filtering.
[2](1, 2) See: Licensing Users for MS Teams and Teams Phone by Group Membership.

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Quick Add Subscriber Groups Vendor Filtering

Quick Add Group selection in the VOSS Automate portal takes place for Quick Subscriber management. In these cases, the list of available Quick Add Groups to select will be filtered in accordance with populated entries in the Quick Add Groups themselves

The following list shows the corresponding Quick Add Groups fields to allow filtering for each activity:

Quick Add Subscriber Groups

To access the latest documentation, go to Documentation and Resources at: https://voss.portalshape.com

Quick Add Subscriber Groups allow administrators to group feature and configuration templates for use with the Quick Add Subscriber and Add Subscriber Wizard functions. This grouping helps to quickly and easily configure subscribers.

For example, if you want to add 100 back-office users and 50 sales users:

To quickly configure these two groups, create two Configuration Templates:

You also create two Quick Add Groups:

You can manage Quick Add Group templates from the QAG Settings menu. To easily identify a Quick Add Group from the drop-down when managing Quick Add Subscriber Groups, a best practice naming convention here could include a pattern:

<friendly hierarchy name>-QAG-<user type>-<phone-template-name>-[description]

For example, GeoLogic-QAG_BasicUser - 69XX SIP - CallWaiting

For details on selecting these templates for a Quick Add Subscriber Group, see: Workflow for Creating Quick Add Subscriber Groups.

When adding subscribers with the Quick Add Subscriber and Add Subscriber Wizard functions, choose the appropriate Quick Add Group for the user you are provisioning.

All subscriber services use configuration templates that belong to a Quick Add Group.

This is a data Model to Store Groups of templates used by the Quick Add Subscriber Feature

Model Details: data/QuickAddGroups

Title Description Details
Group Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Group
  • Type: Object
Group Name *
  • Field Name: Group.group_name
  • Type: String
Description A description for the Quick Add Group
  • Field Name: Group.description
  • Type: String
CUCM and WebEx Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: CUCM and WebEx
  • Type: Object
CUCM User Template
  • Field Name: CUCM and WebEx.default_cucm_user_template
  • Type: String
Phone Template
  • Field Name: CUCM and WebEx.default_cucm_phone_template
  • Type: String
Extension Mobility Template
  • Field Name: CUCM and WebEx.default_cucm_device_profile_template
  • Type: String
Line Template
  • Field Name: CUCM and WebEx.default_cucm_line_template
  • Type: String
Remote Destination Template
  • Field Name: CUCM and WebEx.default_cucm_rd_template
  • Type: String
Remote Destination Profile Template
  • Field Name: CUCM and WebEx.default_cucm_rdp_template
  • Type: String
WebEx Meetings User Template
  • Field Name: CUCM and WebEx.default_webex_user_template
  • Type: String
Jabber and Dual-Mode Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Jabber and Dual-Mode
  • Type: Object
Jabber Android Template
  • Field Name: Jabber and Dual-Mode.default_cucm_jabber_android_template
  • Type: String
Jabber CSF Template
  • Field Name: Jabber and Dual-Mode.default_cucm_jabber_csf_template
  • Type: String
Jabber iPad Template
  • Field Name: Jabber and Dual-Mode.default_cucm_jabber_ipad_template
  • Type: String
Jabber iPhone Template
  • Field Name: Jabber and Dual-Mode.default_cucm_jabber_iphone_template
  • Type: String
Carrier Integrated Mobile Device Template
  • Field Name: Jabber and Dual-Mode.default_cucm_jabber_cim_template
  • Type: String
CTI Remote Device Template
  • Field Name: Jabber and Dual-Mode.default_cucm_jabber_ctird_template
  • Type: String
CUC (Unity) Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: CUC (Unity)
  • Type: Object
CUC User Template
  • Field Name: CUC (Unity).default_cuc_user_template
  • Type: String
CUC User Password Template
  • Field Name: CUC (Unity).default_cuc_user_password_template
  • Type: String
CUC User PIN Template
  • Field Name: CUC (Unity).default_cuc_user_pin_template
  • Type: String
Webex App Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Webex App
  • Type: Object
Default Webex App User Template
  • Field Name: Webex App.default_spark_user_template
  • Type: String
Default Webex App Calling Template
  • Field Name: Webex App.default_spark_calling_template
  • Type: String
Default Webex App User CTI Device Template
  • Field Name: Webex App.default_spark_user_cti_device_template
  • Type: String
Default Webex App User iPhone Device Template This template is used for provisioning an iPhone device for a Webex Teams user with CUCM calling behaviour.
  • Field Name: Webex App.default_spark_user_iphone_device_template
  • Type: String
Default Webex App Android Device Template This template is used for provisioning an Android device for a Webex Teams user with CUCM calling behaviour.
  • Field Name: Webex App.default_spark_user_android_device_template
  • Type: String
Default Webex App User Tablet Device Template This template is used for provisioning a tablet (iPad) device for a Webex Teams user with CUCM calling behaviour.
  • Field Name: Webex App.default_spark_user_tablet_device_template
  • Type: String
Default Webex App User CSF Device Template This template is used for provisioning a CSF device for a Webex Teams user with CUCM calling behaviour.
  • Field Name: Webex App.default_spark_user_csf_device_template
  • Type: String
Pexip Conference Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Pexip Conference
  • Type: Object
Pexip Conference Template
  • Field Name: Pexip Conference.default_pexip_conference_template
  • Type: String
Microsoft Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Microsoft
  • Type: Object
MS 365 User Template
  • Field Name: Microsoft.default_ms_365_user_template
  • Type: String
MS Teams User Template
  • Field Name: Microsoft.default_ms_teams_user_template
  • Type: String
MS Groups Add Template
  • Field Name: Microsoft.default_ms_groups_add_template
  • Type: String
MS Groups Remove Template
  • Field Name: Microsoft.default_ms_groups_remove_template
  • Type: String
MS Exchange Online User Mailbox Template
  • Field Name: Microsoft.default_ms_exchange_online_user_mailbox_template
  • Type: String
MS Exchange Online Convert Mailbox Template
  • Field Name: Microsoft.default_ms_exchange_online_convert_mailbox_template
  • Type: String
Additional Services Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Additional Services
  • Type: Object
VOSS Phone User Template
  • Field Name: Additional Services.default_prs_user_template
  • Type: String