
Model: data/HcsVossCustomerDAT


Model Details: data/HcsVossCustomerDAT

Title Description Details
Name * Customer's name
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 64
  • Pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9_\- ]+$
Directory Domain Customer's directory domain name
  • Field Name: directoryDomain
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
Shared UC Applications Indicates whether the Customer shares UC Application instances Default: false
  • Field Name: shared_uc_apps
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false
Create Local Admin Indiates whether or not an Admin User should be created Default: true
  • Field Name: create_admin
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
Hierarchy Path Customer entity's hierarchy
  • Field Name: HierarchyPath
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
Migrate from HCM-F to CUCDM Migrate HCM-F Models to CUCDM Models Default: false
  • Field Name: migrate
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false
Disable Number Management Disables number management Default: false
  • Field Name: disableNumMgmt
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false
Public Sector Default: false
  • Field Name: publicSector
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false
Inactive Billing Default: false
  • Field Name: inactiveBilling
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false
Misc Data Miscellaneous data used at run-time
  • Field Name: misc_data
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
Custom String 1
  • Field Name: custom_string_1
  • Type: String
Custom String 2
  • Field Name: custom_string_2
  • Type: String
Custom String 3
  • Field Name: custom_string_3
  • Type: String
Custom String 4
  • Field Name: custom_string_4
  • Type: String
Custom String 5
  • Field Name: custom_string_5
  • Type: String
Custom String 6
  • Field Name: custom_string_6
  • Type: String
Custom String 7
  • Field Name: custom_string_7
  • Type: String
Custom String 8
  • Field Name: custom_string_8
  • Type: String
Custom String 9
  • Field Name: custom_string_9
  • Type: String
Custom String 10
  • Field Name: custom_string_10
  • Type: String
Custom Boolean 1
  • Field Name: custom_boolean_1
  • Type: Boolean
Custom Boolean 2
  • Field Name: custom_boolean_2
  • Type: Boolean
Custom Boolean 3
  • Field Name: custom_boolean_3
  • Type: Boolean
Custom Boolean 4
  • Field Name: custom_boolean_4
  • Type: Boolean
Custom Boolean 5
  • Field Name: custom_boolean_5
  • Type: Boolean
Custom Boolean 6
  • Field Name: custom_boolean_6
  • Type: Boolean
Custom Boolean 7
  • Field Name: custom_boolean_7
  • Type: Boolean
Custom Boolean 8
  • Field Name: custom_boolean_8
  • Type: Boolean
Custom Boolean 9
  • Field Name: custom_boolean_9
  • Type: Boolean
Custom Boolean 10
  • Field Name: custom_boolean_10
  • Type: Boolean