
Model: data/HcsIOSConsolidatedCommandDAT

Command Builder

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You can build a repository of IOS commands to be run when certain events, such as adding an IOS device, occur. Each set of IOS commands and associated event is known as a Command Builder.

For a list of events with default set of IOS commands and available variables, see Local Break Out and Analog Gateway Events, IOS Commands, and Variables.

The default Command Builders exist at the sys.hcs hierarchy level.

You can define customized Command Builders at any hierarchy node. When an event occurs, Command Builders nearest (at or above) the hierarchy node of the event are checked first. For instance, if an event occurs at a customer hierarchy level, Command Builders at the customer level are checked before Command Builders at the provider or sys.hcs level. Command Builders at a higher level are checked only if no builders match at a nearer hierarchy level. If no customized Command Builders are defined, the default Command Builders at sys.hcs are checked. Multiple Command Builders may be run for the same event at the same hierarchy node.

Set up a Command Builder

This procedure sets up a Command Builder that contains an IOS Commands template for an event.


One event can trigger multiple Command Builders.

To set up a Command Builder:

  1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.
  2. Set the hierarchy path to the level where you want to define your Command Builder.
  3. Choose Apps Management > IOS > Command Builder.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Provide the following information:
Field Description
Name Enter a unique name for the builder. This field is mandatory.
Event Name Select the event that triggers the builder. This field is mandatory
Description Enter a description for the builder.
Command Template Enter the IOS Commands template for the event, one command per line. You can use macros in the IOS Commands template for variable substitution.
Enabled Clear the Enabled check box to create a builder but not have it available to run.
Applicable Device Type Select the device type that the commands can run on. This field is mandatory.
  1. Click Save.

Clone a Command Builder

This procedure clones a Command Builder that contains an IOS Commands template for an event. For instance, use this procedure to modify one of the default Command Builders to suit your needs.


One event can trigger multiple Command Builders.

To clone a command builder:

  1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.
  2. Set the hierarchy path to the level where you want to clone an existing Command Builder.
  3. Choose Apps Management > IOS > Command Builder.
  4. Click the Command Builder name you want to clone.
  5. Choose Action > Clone.
  6. Modify the following information as needed:
Field Description
Name Enter a unique name for the builder. This field is mandatory.
Event Name Select the event that triggers the builder. This field is mandatory
Description Enter a description for the builder.
Command Template Enter the IOS Commands template for the event, one command per line. You can use macros in the IOS Commands template for variable substitution.
Enabled Clear the Enabled check box to create a builder but not have it available to run.
Applicable Device Type Select the device type that the commands can run on. This field is mandatory.
  1. Click Save.

View IOS Commands Log

Using the IOS Commands log, an administrator can see a list of command sets that were triggered by different events. An administrator can copy the IOS Commands template and paste it into the IOS device CLI to be executed.

By default, the command sets are listed with the most recent at the top.


Deleting a hierarchy node, such as a site, deletes all IOS Command Builders and associated IOS Commands templates configured at the hierarchy node.

Perform these steps:

  1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.
  2. Set the hierarchy path to the level for which you want to view IOS Commands.
  3. Choose Apps Management > IOS > Commands. A table containing the Command Builders that have been triggered is displayed. The table contains this information:
Column Description
Timestamp The time of the event that triggered the Command Builder.
Device Name The IOS device associated with the event that fired the Command Builder.
Gateway Name The SIP Local Gateway or Analog Gateway associated with the event that fired the Command Builder.
Command Builder

The name of the Command Builder that was triggered.

To view the IOS Commands template associated with a Command Builder, click the Command Builder name. The Command Builder configuration is displayed, including the IOS Commands template.

Description The description of the Command Builder that was triggered.
Device Deleted Select this check box if the associated device has been deleted.
Hierarchy The hierarchy level of the event that triggered the Command Builder.

Consolidate IOS Commands

To copy IOS commands to an IOS device CLI that is generated by multiple events, follow these steps:

To copy IOS commands:

  1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.

  2. Set the hierarchy path to the customer or site for which you want to consolidate IOS commands.

  3. Choose Apps Management > IOS > Consolidate Commands.

  4. Click Add.

  5. On the Consolidate Commands screen, complete at minimum, the mandatory Consolidate Commands Fields.

  6. Click the required command templates listed in the Available list, and click Select to move them to the Selected list.

    Click Remove to unselect a command template.


    You can change the order of the command templates by clicking Move Up and Move Down. However, the consolidated commands are generated in chronological order regardless of the order of the selected command templates.

  7. Click Save. The new command consolidation instance appears in the list.

  8. Click the command consolidation instance you created.

    In the Command Template field, all the commands from the command templates you selected appear in one window. Comments are used to separate and identify the source command templates. You can edit the consolidated commands.

    Any modifications to the Command consolidation, displays the entire list of commands in a single instance. The commands present earlier to the modification cannot be viewed separately as the commands from the earlier events are treated as a single instance.

Next Steps

After you have consolidated the IOS commands you want, copy them from the Commands Template field to the IOS device CLI.

Consolidate Commands Fields

Field Description
Name * Enter a unique name for the command consolidation. This field is mandatory.
Description Enter an optional description for the command consolidation.
IOS Device * Choose the IOS device from which you want to consolidate commands.
Device Type *

Choose the device types for which you want to consolidate commands.

IOS Device

Choose this to get commands for the IOS device and any SIP Local Gateway or Analog Gateway hosted on that device.

SIP Local Gateway

Choose this to get commands only for the SIP Local Gateway.

Analog Gateway

Choose this to get commands only for the Analog Gateway.

You do not get commands for devices that have been deleted.


If you select site hierarchy, only specific commands such as IOS Device or SIP Local gateway are displayed. To view both the IOS and Analog gateway commands, choose the customer hierarchy path.

Regenerate IOS Commands

This procedure regenerates IOS commands for events that occurred for the selected device, and removes all old IOS commands for the selected device.

Because the variables that are used in generating IOS commands may change, you may want to regenerate IOS commands with the latest configuration. IOS commands can be regenerated for the following devices:

Regenerating commands for an IOS Device also regenerates commands for any SIP Local gateway or Analog Gateway hosted on the IOS Device.

To regenerate IOS commands:

  1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.

  2. Choose one of the following depending on the device for which you want to regenerate IOS commands:

    • Apps Management > IOS > IOS Devices for an IOS Device and any gateways it hosts.
    • Apps Management > IOS > SIP Local Gateways for a SIP Local Gateway.
    • Apps Management > IOS > Analog Gateways for an Analog Gateway.
  3. Click the device for which you want to regenerate commands.

  4. Choose Action > Regenerate IOS Commands.

    IOS commands for the events that had occurred for the selected device are regenerated. All old IOS commands for the selected device are removed.

Next Steps

Consolidate Commands

To access the latest documentation, go to Documentation and Resources at: https://voss.portalshape.com

To copy IOS commands to an IOS device CLI that is generated by multiple events, follow these steps:


  1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.

  2. Set the hierarchy path to the customer or site for which you want to consolidate IOS commands.

  3. Choose Apps Management > IOS > Consolidate Commands.

  4. Click Add.

  5. On the Consolidate Commands screen, complete at minimum, the mandatory Consolidate Commands Fields.

  6. Click the required command templates listed in the Available list, and click Select to move them to the Selected list.

    Click Remove to unselect a command template.


    You can change the order of the command templates by clicking Move Up and Move Down. However, the consolidated commands are generated in chronological order regardless of the order of the selected command templates.

  7. Click Save.

    The new command consolidation instance appears in the list.

  8. Click the command consolidation instance you created.

    In the Command Template field, all the commands from the command templates you selected appear in one window. Comments are used to separate and identify the source command templates. You can edit the consolidated commands.

    Any modifications to the Command consolidation, displays the entire list of commands in a single instance. The commands present earlier to the modification cannot be viewed separately as the commands from the earlier events are treated as a single instance.

What to Do Next

After you have consolidated the IOS commands you want, copy them from the Commands Template field to the IOS device CLI.

Consolidate Commands Fields

Field Description
Name * Enter a unique name for the command consolidation. This field is mandatory.
Description Enter an optional description for the command consolidation.
IOS Device * Choose the IOS device from which you want to consolidate commands.
Device Type *

Choose the device types for which you want to consolidate commands.

IOS Device

Choose this to get commands for the IOS device and any SIP Local Gateway or Analog Gateway hosted on that device.

SIP Local Gateway

Choose this to get commands only for the SIP Local Gateway.

Analog Gateway

Choose this to get commands only for the Analog Gateway.

You do not get commands for devices that have been deleted.


If you select site hierarchy, only specific commands such as IOS Device or SIP Local gateway are displayed. To view both the IOS and Analog gateway commands, choose the customer hierarchy path.


Model Details: data/HcsIOSConsolidatedCommandDAT

Title Description Details
Name * Command Name
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
Description A description for the command set
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 4096
IOS Device * IOS Device the gateway runs on
  • Field Name: iosDevice
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
Device Type * Applicable Device Type
  • Field Name: applicableDevType
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
  • Choices: ["IOS Device", "SIP Local Gateway", "Analog Gateway"]
  • Field Name: commands.[n]
  • Type: Array
Command Template Command template triggered by the event
  • Field Name: consolidatedCmdTemplate
  • Type: String
Timestamp Indicates when the event occured
  • Field Name: timestamp
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024