
Model: data/HcsEntitlementProfileDAT


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Device Groups

A user to whom an entitlement profile is applied is limited to devices in the device groups assigned in the entitlement profile. Adding a Phone to a user in Subscriber Management fails if the added Phone is not in a device group assigned to the entitlement profile applied to the user.

Device Limits

A user to whom an entitlement profile is applied is subject to the following device limits set in the entitlement profile:

Adding a Phone to a user in Subscriber Management fails if the total number of devices limit or the total number of devices in a device group limit is exceeded.

Transaction Log

The transaction log messages contain detailed information that can be used to determine what entitlement profile limitation caused an action to fail.

Service Levels

The table describes the impact on a user when a service is disabled in the entitlement profile applied to the user.


An entitlement profile can be explicitly assigned to a user, or implicitly applied if an entitlement profile is designated as the default entitlement profile in a hierarchy node at or above the user's hierarchy node.

Service disabled Result
Default Profile (ENTERPRISE) Defines whether this entitlement profile is the default entitlement profile displayed in the Quick Add Subscriber Entitlement Profile drop-down.
Voice Adding a phone to a user in Subscriber Management fails. For an existing user with a phone with this profile (where voice is disabled), the update of the user from "Subscriber Management" fails, unless the existing phones for the user are dissociated.
Voicemail Adding Voicemail to a user in Subscriber Management fails. For an existing user with Voicemail, updates in Subscriber Management fail after an entitlement profile with Voicemail disabled is applied to the user.
Presence Enabling Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service for a user in Subscriber Management fails. For an existing user with Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service enabled, updates in Subscriber Management fail after an entitlement profile with Presence disabled is applied to the user.
Extension Mobility Adding Extension Mobility to a user in Subscriber Management fails. For an existing user with Extension Mobility, updates in Subscriber Management fail after an entitlement profile with Extension Mobility disabled is applied to the user.
Single Number Reach For a new user, adding Single Number Reach in Subscriber Management fails, and for an existing user with Enable Mobility checked, adding Single Number Reach fails after an entitlement profile with Single Number Reach disabled is applied to the user.
Conferencing Adding or assigning Conferencing feature to the subscriber fails if this field is enabled. For an existing subscriber if you enable Conferencing and an entitlement profile with Conferencing disabled is applied, the update operation fails.
Contact Center

Contact Center is not available for a new subscriber if this field is disabled.

If Contact Center is enabled for an existing subscriber, and an entitlement profile with Contact Center disabled is applied, the update operation fails.


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Device Groups

A user to whom an entitlement profile is applied is limited to devices in the device groups assigned in the entitlement profile. Adding a Phone to a user in Subscriber Management fails if the added Phone is not in a device group assigned to the entitlement profile applied to the user.

Device Limits

A user to whom an entitlement profile is applied is subject to the following device limits set in the entitlement profile:

Adding a Phone to a user in Subscriber Management fails if the total number of devices limit or the total number of devices in a device group limit is exceeded.

Transaction Log

The transaction log messages contain detailed information that can be used to determine what entitlement profile limitation caused an action to fail.

Service Levels

The table describes the impact on a user when a service is disabled in the entitlement profile applied to the user.


An entitlement profile can be explicitly assigned to a user, or implicitly applied if an entitlement profile is designated as the default entitlement profile in a hierarchy node at or above the user's hierarchy node.

Service disabled Result
Voice Adding a phone to a user in Subscriber Management fails. For an existing user with a phone with this profile (where voice is disabled), the update of the user from "Subscriber Management" fails, unless the existing phones for the user are dissociated.
Voicemail Adding Voicemail to a user in Subscriber Management fails. For an existing user with Voicemail, updates in Subscriber Management fail after an entitlement profile with Voicemail disabled is applied to the user.
Presence Enabling Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service for a user in Subscriber Management fails. For an existing user with Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service enabled, updates in Subscriber Management fail after an entitlement profile with Presence disabled is applied to the user.
Extension Mobility Adding Extension Mobility to a user in Subscriber Management fails. For an existing user with Extension Mobility, updates in Subscriber Management fail after an entitlement profile with Extension Mobility disabled is applied to the user.
Single Number Reach For a new user, adding Single Number Reach in Subscriber Management fails, and for an existing user with Enable Mobility checked, adding Single Number Reach fails after an entitlement profile with Single Number Reach disabled is applied to the user.
Conferencing Adding or assigning Conferencing feature to the subscriber fails if this field is enabled. For an existing subscriber if you enable Conferencing and an entitlement profile with Conferencing disabled is applied, the update operation fails.

Create an Entitlement Profile

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Entitlement profiles are used to define the services and devices a user is entitled to.

An entitlement catalog restricts the service and devices that can be assigned via an entitlement profile. An entitlement profile can further restrict the services and devices that may be assigned to a user. An entitlement profile can't give a user more services and devices than what is defined in the entitlement catalog.

You can assign an entitlement profile to users when:



The animation shows how to create an entitlement catalog and an entitlement profile. An entitlement catalog must exist at or above the hierarchy level at which you want to create the entitlement profile.

To create an entitlement profile:

  1. Log in as provider administrator.

  2. Choose the hierarchy where you want to create the entitlement profile.


    You can add multiple entitlement profiles at any hierarchy, provided each entitlement profile has a unique name at that hierarchy.

  3. Go to (default menus) Entitlement > Profiles.

  4. Click Add to open the Profiles screen.

  5. Fill out field values. Ensure you provide all mandatory values.


    The Maximum Number of Devices and Maximum Number of Devices in a Group are limitations for each individual user, not for all users in the system.

Field Description
Name Mandatory. The entitlement profile name. The name must unique within the hierarchy.
Description Optional. Provide a description of the entitlement
Default Profile Defines whether this is the default entitlement profile at this hierarchy node. Any other entitlement profile at this hierarchy node that was previously chosen as the default is now no longer the default.
Available Services

Choose the services to assign via this entitlement profile:

  • Voice
  • Voicemail
  • Presence
  • Extension Mobility
  • Single Number Reach
  • Conferencing
  • Collaboration
  • Contact Center
Maximum Number of Devices

Mandatory. Defines the maximum number of devices allowed for this entitlement profile.

The maximum number cannot exceed the total of the maximums for the entire device group included in the entitlement profile.

Device Group Mandatory. Choose a device group to include in this entitlement profile.
Maximum Number of Devices in Group

Mandatory. For the selected device group, specify the maximum number of devices allowed.

The maximum number for any device group cannot exceed the maximum number of devices for the profile.

  1. Optionally, click the Plus sign (+) adjacent to Device Groups to add more device groups to the entitlement profile.


    You can add multiple device groups to an entitlement profile, provided device types in these groups are unique across the groups.

  2. Click Save.

    The new entitlement profile can now be assigned to users.

Related Topics


Model Details: data/HcsEntitlementProfileDAT

Title Description Details
Name *
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
Default Profile
  • Field Name: defaultprofile
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: voice
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: voicemail
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: presence
  • Type: Boolean
Single Number Reach
  • Field Name: snr
  • Type: Boolean
Extension Mobility
  • Field Name: extension_mobility
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: conferencing
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: collaboration
  • Type: Boolean
Contact Center
  • Field Name: contact_center
  • Type: Boolean
Fixed Mobile Convergence
  • Field Name: fmc
  • Type: Boolean
Maximum Number of Devices *
  • Field Name: num_devices
  • Type: Integer
Device Groups
  • Field Name: device_groups.[n]
  • Type: Array
Device Group *
  • Field Name: device_groups.[n].device_group
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/HcsDeviceGroupDAT
  • Target attr: name
  • MaxLength: 1024
  • Format: uri
Maximum Number of Devices in Group *
  • Field Name: device_groups.[n].num_devices
  • Type: Integer