Data model for dashboard Table widget.
Model ref.: data/DashboardWidgetTable
The full URL would include the host-proxy name: https://[host-proxy].
Variables are enclosed in square brackets.
{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-03/schema", "type": "object", "properties": { "title": { "title": "Title", "description": "The title to be displayed for this widget.", "type": "string", "required": true }, "description": { "title": "Description", "description": "The title to be displayed for this widget.", "type": "string" }, "datasource": { "title": "Data Source", "description": "Specify Data Source", "type": "string", "default": "LXT0", "choices": [ { "value": "LXT0", "title": "Insights" }, { "value": "Automate", "title": "Automate" } ] }, "resource_definition": { "title": "Resource Definition", "description": "Returns the resource definitions", "type": "string" }, "resource": { "title": "Resource", "description": "Specify resource", "type": "string", "format": "uri", "target": "/api/data/ReporterResource/choices/?field=name&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=[authtoken], "target_attr": "name", "target_model_type": "data/ReporterResource", "choices": [] }, "_lowerTs": { "title": "Start Timestamp", "description": "Lower timestamp bound for the data range shown in the chart", "type": "integer" }, "_upperTs": { "title": "End Timestamp", "description": "Upper timestamp bound for the data range shown in the chart", "type": "integer" }, "_outputType": { "title": "Output Type", "description": "The format in which the data will be presented in the chart", "type": "string", "default": "highcharts", "choices": [ { "value": "raw", "title": "Raw" }, { "value": "highcharts", "title": "Highcharts" } ] }, "_limit": { "title": "Number of rows", "description": "Number of rows to be displayed in the table", "type": "string", "default": "20" }, "_offset": { "title": "Starting Row", "description": "Starting row for table pagination", "type": "string", "default": "0" }, "_groupingLimit": { "title": "Series Limit", "description": "The maximum number of groups to display on the chart", "type": "string", "default": "0", "choices": [ { "value": "0", "title": "All" }, { "value": "1", "title": "1" }, { "value": "2", "title": "2" }, { "value": "3", "title": "3" }, { "value": "4", "title": "4" }, { "value": "5", "title": "5" }, { "value": "6", "title": "6" }, { "value": "7", "title": "7" }, { "value": "8", "title": "8" }, { "value": "9", "title": "9" }, { "value": "10", "title": "10" }, { "value": "15", "title": "15" }, { "value": "20", "title": "20" }, { "value": "25", "title": "25" }, { "value": "30", "title": "30" }, { "value": "40", "title": "40" }, { "value": "50", "title": "50" }, { "value": "60", "title": "60" }, { "value": "70", "title": "70" }, { "value": "80", "title": "80" }, { "value": "90", "title": "90" }, { "value": "100", "title": "100" }, { "value": "200", "title": "200" }, { "value": "300", "title": "300" }, { "value": "400", "title": "400" }, { "value": "500", "title": "500" }, { "value": "1000", "title": "1000" }, { "value": "10000", "title": "10000" }, { "value": "50000", "title": "50000" }, { "value": "100000", "title": "100000" } ] }, "interval": { "title": "Interval", "description": "The time range over which the chart is presented.", "type": "integer", "default": "3", "choices": [ { "value": 6, "title": "Per Second" }, { "value": 5, "title": "Per Minute" }, { "value": 4, "title": "Hourly" }, { "value": 3, "title": "Daily" }, { "value": 2, "title": "Weekly" }, { "value": 1, "title": "Monthly" } ] }, "type": { "title": "Type", "description": "The chart type.", "type": "integer", "default": "16", "choices": [ { "value": 0, "title": "Line" }, { "value": 1, "title": "Column" }, { "value": 2, "title": "Pie" }, { "value": 3, "title": "Gauge" }, { "value": 16, "title": "Table" } ] }, "fields": { "title": "Fields", "description": "Specify the fields from the resource to be used in the chart.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "guid": { "title": "GUID", "description": "Unique identifier for the field.", "type": "string" }, "ruleName": { "title": "Field Name", "description": "This is the field name.", "type": "string", "choices": [] }, "headerName": { "title": "Friendly Name", "description": "Specify a friendly name to be used in the chart.", "type": "string" }, "ruleTypeString": { "title": "Field Type", "description": "This is the field type", "type": "string", "readonly": true }, "ruleType": { "title": "Field Type", "description": "This is the field type", "type": "integer" }, "valueType": { "title": "Value Type", "description": "This is the operation value type", "type": "integer" }, "operation": { "title": "Operation", "description": "Select the operation to be performed on the field.", "type": "string", "choices": [] }, "value_mapping": { "title": "Value Mapping", "description": "Select the value mapping to display user-friendly values. This will override the resource value mapping if one exists. To use the raw value, select 'NO MAPPING'.", "type": "string" } } } }, "filters": { "title": "Filters", "description": "Specify filters to be applied to the data.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "guid": { "title": "GUID", "description": "Unique identifier for the filter field.", "type": "string" }, "ruleName": { "title": "Field Name", "description": "Specify Field Name", "type": "string", "choices": [] }, "operation": { "title": "Operation", "description": "Specify operation", "type": "string", "choices": [] }, "filterValue": { "title": "Filter Value", "description": "Specify filter value", "type": "string" }, "ignore_case": { "title": "Ignore Case", "type": "boolean", "required": false, "readonly": false }, "type": { "title": "Filter Type", "description": "Specify type", "type": "integer" } } } }, "sorts": { "title": "Sorts", "description": "Specify sorts to be applied to the fields.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "guid": { "title": "GUID", "description": "Unique identifier for the sort field.", "type": "string" }, "ruleName": { "title": "Field Name", "description": "Select the field name to sort by.", "type": "string", "choices": [] }, "sort": { "title": "Sort Type", "description": "Select the sort type", "type": "integer", "choices": [ { "value": 0, "title": "Ascending" }, { "value": 1, "title": "Descending" } ] } } } }, "automate_table_resource": { "title": "Automate Resource", "type": "object", "properties": { "model_type": { "title": "Type", "description": "The select the model type for this table.", "type": "string", "format": "uri", "target": "/api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=[authtoken], "target_model_type": "", "choices": [] }, "field_display_policy": { "title": "Field Display Policy", "description": "The selected Field Display Policy that is associated with the Menu Item.", "type": "string", "format": "uri", "target": "/api/data/FieldDisplayPolicy/template_choices/?field=name&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=[authtoken], "target_attr": "name", "target_model_type": "data/FieldDisplayPolicy", "choices": [] }, "configuration_template": { "title": "Configuration Template", "description": "The selected Configuration Template that is associated with the Menu Item.", "type": "string", "format": "uri", "target": "/api/data/ConfigurationTemplate/template_choices/?field=name&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=[authtoken], "target_attr": "name", "target_model_type": "data/ConfigurationTemplate", "choices": [] }, "filter_options": { "title": "Filters", "description": "Filters that can't be removed by end user. Applicable to display as = 'list'", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "filter_by": { "title": "Field Name", "type": "string" }, "operation": { "title": "Operation", "type": "string", "choices": [ { "value": "contains", "title": "Contains" }, { "value": "notcontain", "title": "Does Not Contain" }, { "value": "startswith", "title": "Starts With" }, { "value": "endswith", "title": "Ends With" }, { "value": "equals", "title": "Equals" }, { "value": "notequal", "title": "Not Equal" } ] }, "filterValue": { "title": "Filter Value", "type": "string" }, "ignore_case": { "title": "Ignore Case", "type": "boolean" } } } } } }, "settings": { "title": "Table Settings", "description": "Table Settings", "type": "object", "properties": { "description": { "title": "Description", "description": "Specify description", "type": "string" }, "overTime": { "title": "Over Time", "description": "Specify overTime", "type": "boolean" }, "hidePaging": { "title": "Hide Paging Control", "description": "When this option is selected, the paging control will be hidden if the number of data records returned on the first page is less than the minimum display set (25).", "type": "boolean" }, "hideCount": { "title": "Hide Count Column", "description": "Hide the count column in the table", "type": "boolean" }, "hideIndex": { "title": "Hide Index Column", "description": "Hide the index column in the table", "type": "boolean" }, "tableAlign": { "title": "Table Alignment", "description": "Specify the 'Table Alignment' to establish the default alignment for all columns in the table. Please note, this global setting can be individually overridden for each column through the 'Field Renderer' settings, if required.", "type": "integer", "choices": [ { "value": 0, "title": "Left align" }, { "value": 1, "title": "Center align" }, { "value": 2, "title": "Right align" } ] }, "selectionType": { "title": "Selection Type", "description": "Specify selectionType", "type": "integer", "default": "0", "choices": [ { "value": 0, "title": "Row" }, { "value": 1, "title": "Column" } ] }, "defaultValue": { "title": "Default Text", "description": "Specify the default text to be displayed when no data is available.", "type": "string" }, "emptyGroupText": { "title": "Empty Group Text", "description": "Text will be used when group name is empty.", "type": "string" }, "timeFormat": { "title": "Time Format", "description": "Specify timeFormat", "type": "string" }, "sorting": { "title": "Sorting", "description": "Specify sorting", "type": "integer", "default": "0", "choices": [ { "value": 0, "title": "Ascending" }, { "value": 1, "title": "Descending" }, { "value": 2, "title": "None" } ] }, "autoAdjustColumns": { "title": "Auto Adjust Columns", "description": "Specify autoAdjustColumns", "type": "integer", "default": "0", "choices": [ { "value": 0, "title": "Fit Data" }, { "value": 1, "title": "Fit Columns" } ] }, "showCalc": { "title": "Show Calc", "description": "Specify showCalc", "type": "boolean" }, "renderers": { "title": "Renderers", "description": "Specify renderers", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "guid": { "title": "GUID", "description": "Unique identifier for the renderers.", "type": "string" }, "ruleName": { "title": "Field Name", "description": "Specify field name", "type": "string", "readonly": true }, "formatType": { "title": "Format Type", "description": "Specify Format Type", "type": "integer", "choices": [] }, "numType": { "title": "Number Type", "description": "Specify number type", "type": "integer", "default": "0", "choices": [ { "value": 0, "title": "Default" }, { "value": 1, "title": "Abbreviation" }, { "value": 3, "title": "Bandwidth" }, { "value": 4, "title": "Throughput" }, { "value": 5, "title": "No Format" } ] }, "align": { "title": "Column Alignment", "description": "Specify Column alignment. This will override Table alignment if it is different.", "type": "integer", "choices": [ { "value": 0, "title": "Left align" }, { "value": 1, "title": "Center align" }, { "value": 2, "title": "Right align" } ] }, "prefix": { "title": "Prefix", "description": "Specify prefix", "type": "string" }, "suffix": { "title": "Suffix", "description": "Specify suffix", "type": "string" }, "numberBase": { "title": "Number Base", "description": "Specify number base", "type": "string", "default": "Base 10 (1000)", "choices": [ { "value": "Base 10 (1000)", "title": "Decimal" }, { "value": "Base 2 (1024)", "title": "Binary" } ] }, "bbType": { "title": "Bit/Byte Type", "description": "Specify bit type", "type": "integer", "default": "0", "choices": [ { "value": 0, "title": "Bit" }, { "value": 1, "title": "Byte" } ] }, "dateType": { "title": "Date Type", "description": "Specify date type", "type": "integer", "default": "0", "choices": [ { "value": 0, "title": "UTC" }, { "value": 1, "title": "Local" }, { "value": 2, "title": "Epoch" } ] }, "floatPrecision": { "title": "Float Precision", "description": "Specify float precision", "type": "integer" }, "factor": { "title": "Factor", "description": "Specify factor", "type": "integer" }, "region": { "title": "Region", "description": "Specify region (used for date type)", "type": "string" }, "city": { "title": "City", "description": "Specify city (used for date type)", "type": "string" }, "allowEmpty": { "title": "Allow Empty", "description": "Specify allow empty", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "allowTruthy": { "title": "Allow Truthy", "description": "Specify allow truthy", "type": "boolean", "default": false } } } } } }, "drilldowns": { "title": "Drilldown Settings", "description": "Drilldown Settings", "type": "object", "properties": { "filterOption": { "title": "Filter Options", "description": "Specify Filter option", "type": "string", "default": "IN", "choices": [ { "value": "IN", "title": "IN" }, { "value": "REGEX", "title": "REGEX" } ] }, "drilldownOption": { "title": "Drilldown Options", "description": "Specify Drilldown option", "type": "integer", "default": "0", "choices": [ { "value": 0, "title": "None" }, { "value": 1, "title": "Filter Other Widgets" }, { "value": 2, "title": "Link to Another Dashboard" }, { "value": 3, "title": "Link to Automate Resource" }, { "value": 4, "title": "Launch Third-Party URL" }, { "value": 5, "title": "Conditional Drilldown" } ] }, "dashboardId": { "title": "Dashboards", "description": "Specify Dashboard ID", "type": "string", "choices": [] }, "modelType": { "title": "Type", "description": "Specify Automate model type", "type": "string" }, "url": { "title": "Third-Party URL", "description": "Specify Third-Party URL", "type": "string" }, "jsonConf": { "title": "Conditional Drilldown", "description": "Specify Json Conditional Drilldown Configuration", "type": "string" }, "drilldownFields": { "title": "Drilldown Fields", "description": "Specify Drilldown Fields", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "ruleName": { "title": "Field Name", "description": "Specify field name", "type": "string", "choices": [] } } } } } } }, "schema_version": "0.3" }
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Get the GUI Add form. | GET | /api/data/DashboardWidgetTable/add/ |
The GUI Add form of data/DashboardWidgetTable as JSON |
The API call to the /add/ URL can only be made from a hierarchy that allows the model type to be added. The actions in the response shows the url for the POST API call to create an instance.
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Payload |
Create | POST | /api/data/DashboardWidgetTable | hierarchy=[hierarchy] |
tool/Transaction/[trans pkid]to inspect the created resource and its instance pkid.
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
List | GET | /api/data/DashboardWidgetTable/ |
The data/DashboardWidgetTable schema and all instances as JSON. |
(The list will return 0 to 3 data/DashboardWidgetTable instances)
{ "pagination": { "skip": 0, "limit": 3, "maximum_limit": 2000, "total": 0, "total_limit": null, "order_by": "title", "direction": "asc", "current": "/api/data/DashboardWidgetTable/?skip=0&limit=3&order_by=title&direction=asc&traversal=fulltree" }, "operations": [ "help", "bulk_update_form", "update", "add", "export", "get", "list", "export_bulkload_template", "migration", "remove", "move", "transform", "configuration_template", "field_display_policy" ], "meta": { "model_type": "data/DashboardWidgetTable", "summary_attrs": [ { "name": "title", "title": "Title" }, { "name": "resource", "title": "Resource" }, { "name": "description", "title": "Description" }, { "name": "hierarchy_friendly_name", "title": "Located At", "allow_filtering": true } ], "tagged_versions": [], "tags": [], "title": "", "business_key": {}, "api_version": "21.2", "cached": true, "references": { "children": [], "parent": [ { "href": "/api/data/HierarchyNode/6t0ggef2c0deab00hb595101", "pkid": "6t0ggef2c0deab00hb595101" } ], "device": [ { "href": "", "pkid": "" } ], "foreign_key": [] }, "model_specific_actions": [ "get", "add", "list" ], "schema_version": "0.3", "actions": [ { "add": { "method": "GET", "class": "add", "href": "/api/data/DashboardWidgetTable/add/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "support_async": false, "title": "Add" } }, { "list": { "method": "GET", "class": "list", "href": "/api/data/DashboardWidgetTable/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "support_async": false, "title": "List" } } ] }, "resources": [] }
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Get | GET | /api/data/DashboardWidgetTable/[pkid] | hierarchy=[hierarchy] | The data/DashboardWidgetTable instance with [pkid]. |