Dial plan template model for device/msteamsonline/CsOnlinePstnGateway version 2019.1
Model ref.: data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway
The full URL would include the host-proxy name: https://[host-proxy].
Variables are enclosed in square brackets.
{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-03/schema", "type": "object", "properties": { "dpName": { "required": true, "type": "string", "title": "Dial Plan Name" }, "Identity": { "required": true, "type": "string", "description": "The parameter is mandatory when modifying an existing SBC.", "title": "Name" }, "Description": { "type": "string", "title": "Description" }, "BypassMode": { "choices": [ { "value": "None", "title": "None" }, { "value": "Always", "title": "Always" }, { "value": "OnlyForLocalUsers", "title": "OnlyForLocalUsers" } ], "type": "string", "description": "Possible values are \"None\", \"Always\" and \"OnlyForLocalUsers\". By setting \"Always\" mode you indicate that your network is fully routable. If a user usually in site \"Seattle\", travels to site \"Tallinn\" and tries to use SBC located in Seattle we will try to deliver the traffic to Seattle assuming that there is connection between Tallinn and Seattle offices. With \"OnlyForLocaUsers\" you indicate that there is no direct connection between sites. In example above, the traffic will not be send directly from Tallinn to Seattle.", "title": "Bypass Mode" }, "Enabled": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Used to enable this SBC for outbound calls. Can be used to temporarily remove the SBC from service while it is being updated or during maintenance. Note if the parameter is not set the SBC will be created as disabled (default value -Enabled $false).", "title": "Enabled" }, "FailoverResponseCodes": { "type": "string", "description": "Comma separated numbers between 400 and 599", "title": "Failover Response Codes" }, "FailoverTimeSeconds": { "type": "integer", "description": "When set to 10 (default value), outbound calls that are not answered by the gateway within 10 seconds are routed to the next available trunk; if there are no additional trunks, then the call is automatically dropped. In an organization with slow networks and slow gateway responses, that could potentially result in calls being dropped unnecessarily. The default value is 10.", "title": "Failover Time Seconds" }, "ForwardCallHistory": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Indicates whether call history information will be forwarded through the trunk. If enabled, the Office 365 PSTN Proxy sends two headers: History-info and Referred-By. The default value is False ($False).", "title": "Forward Call History" }, "ForwardPai": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Indicates whether the P-Asserted-Identity (PAI) header will be forwarded along with the call. The PAI header provides a way to verify the identity of the caller. The default value is False ($False). Setting this parameter to $true will render the from header anonymous, in accordance of RFC5379 and RFC3325.", "title": "Forward PAI" }, "Fqdn": { "type": "string", "description": "Fully qualified domain name", "title": "FQDN" }, "GatewayLbrEnabledUserOverride": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Gateway LBR Enabled User Override" }, "GatewaySiteId": { "type": "string", "description": "PSTN Gateway Site ID.", "title": "Gateway Site ID" }, "GatewaySiteLbrEnabled": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Used to enable this SBC to report assigned site location. Site location is used for Location Based Routing. When this parameter is turned on, the SBC will report the site name as defined by tenant administrator. On incoming call to a Teams user the value of the site assigned to the SBC is compared with the value of the site assigned to the user to make a routing decision. The parameter is mandatory for enabling Location Based Routing feature. The default value is False ($False).", "title": "Gateway Site LBR Enabled" }, "InboundPstnNumberTranslationRules": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array", "description": "Creates an ordered list of Teams translation rules, that apply to PSTN number on inbound direction.", "title": "Inbound PSTN Number Translation Rules" }, "InboundTeamsNumberTranslationRules": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array", "description": "This parameter assigns an ordered list of Teams translation rules, that apply to Teams numbers on inbound direction.", "title": "Inbound Teams Number Translation Rules" }, "MaxConcurrentSessions": { "type": "integer", "description": "Used by the alerting system. When any value is set, the alerting system will generate an alert to the tenant administrator when the number of concurrent session is 90% or higher than this value. If this parameter is not set, the alerts are not generated. However, the monitoring system will report the number of concurrent sessions every 24 hours.", "title": "Max Concurrent Sessions" }, "MediaBypass": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Parameter indicated of the SBC supports Media Bypass and the administrator wants to use it for this SBC.", "title": "Media Bypass" }, "MediaRelayRoutingLocationOverride": { "type": "string", "description": "This parameter is reserved for use with managed carriers. Allows selecting path for media manually. Direct Routing assigns a datacenter for media path based on the public IP of the SBC. We always select closest to the SBC datacenter. However, in some cases a public IP from for example a US range can be assigned to an SBC located in Europe. In this case we will be using not optimal media path. This parameter allows manually set the preferred region for media traffic. We only recommend setting this parameter if the call logs clearly indicate that automatic assignment of the datacenter for media path does not assign the closest to the SBC datacenter", "title": "Media Relay Routing Location Override" }, "OutboundPstnNumberTranslationRules": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array", "description": "Assigns an ordered list of Teams translation rules, that apply to PSTN number on outbound direction.", "title": "Outbound PSTN Number Translation Rules" }, "OutboundTeamsNumberTranslationRules": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array", "description": "Assigns an ordered list of Teams translation rules, that apply to Teams numbers on outbound direction.", "title": "Outbound Teams Number Translation Rules" }, "PidfLoSupported": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Enables PIDF-LO support on the PSTN Gateway. If turned on the .xml body payload is sent to the SBC with the location details of the user.", "title": "PIDF-LO Supported" }, "ProxySbc": { "type": "string", "title": "Proxy SBC" }, "SendSipOptions": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Defines if an SBC will or will not send the SIP options. If disabled, the SBC will be excluded from Monitoring and Alerting system. We highly recommend that you enable SIP options. Default value is True.", "title": "Send SIP Options" }, "SipSignalingPort": { "required": true, "type": "integer", "description": "Listening port used for communicating with Direct Routing services by using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. The value must be between 1 and 65535.", "title": "SIP Signaling Port" } }, "schema_version": "0.1" }
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Get the GUI Add form. | GET | /api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/add/ |
The GUI Add form of data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway as JSON |
The API call to the /add/ URL can only be made from a hierarchy that allows the model type to be added. The actions in the response shows the url for the POST API call to create an instance.
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Payload |
Create | POST | /api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway | hierarchy=[hierarchy] |
tool/Transaction/[trans pkid]to inspect the created resource and its instance pkid.
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Payload |
Bulk delete [pkid1],[pkid2]... | DELETE | /api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/ | hierarchy=[hierarchy] | {"hrefs":["/api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/[pkid1]", "/api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/[pkid2]", ...]} |
GET http://[host-proxy]/api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]&format=json
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Payload |
Get a selected [export_format] of the schema and instances [pkid1], [pkid2],... of data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway; optionally with tag_version at [version] and Configuration Template as [configtemplate]. | POST | /api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/export/ |
{ "hrefs":["/api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/[pkid1]", "/api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/[pkid2]",...]}} |
For export_format=json, the response is a time stamped zip file of data in JSON as in the system database. Item properties such as strings that are empty or Boolean values that are not set, are not included. The filename in the response is of the format as the example:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export_2013-05-17_14:20:19.186444.json.zip Content-Language:en Content-Type:application/x-zip
For export_format=raw_xlsx, the response is a MS Excel spreadsheet with columns corresponding to the JSON format export and a response filename format:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=<resource_type>_<resource_name>_exportedsheet_CCYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.xlsx Content-Language:en Content-Type:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
For export_format=xlsx, the response is a MS Excel spreadsheet, arranged by any Field Display Policies that apply. The columns correspond with those of a Bulk Load Template export sheet. The response filename format is:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=<resource_type>_<resource_name>_exportedsheet_formatted_CCYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.xlsx Content-Language:en Content-Type:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
The XLSX format can be used to bulk load instances of data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway and the JSON format can be used to import instances of data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway.
GET http://[host-proxy]/api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Get a compressed format of the Bulk Load spreadsheet template for data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway | POST | /api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/export_bulkload_template/ |
The response is an attachment of the format: filetype_bulkloadsheet.xlsx.gz |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Tag | PATCH | /api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/+tag/ |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Configuration Template | GET | /api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/configuration_template/ | hierarchy=[hierarchy] |
POST http://[host-proxy]/api/data/ConfigurationTemplate/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Field Display Policy | GET | /api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/field_display_policy/ | hierarchy=[hierarchy] |
POST http://[host-proxy]/api/data/FieldDisplayPolicy/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
List | GET | /api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/ |
The data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway schema and all instances as JSON. |
(The list will return 0 to 3 data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway instances)
{ "pagination": { "skip": 0, "limit": 3, "maximum_limit": 2000, "total": 0, "total_limit": null, "order_by": "Identity", "direction": "asc", "current": "/api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/?skip=0&limit=3&order_by=Identity&direction=asc&traversal=fulltree" }, "operations": [ "help", "bulk_update_form", "update", "add", "export", "get", "list", "export_bulkload_template", "migration", "remove", "move", "transform", "configuration_template", "field_display_policy" ], "meta": { "model_type": "data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway", "summary_attrs": [ { "name": "Identity", "title": "Name" }, { "name": "dpName", "title": "Dial Plan Name" }, { "name": "hierarchy_friendly_name", "title": "Located At", "allow_filtering": true } ], "tagged_versions": [], "tags": [], "title": "? - ?", "business_key": { "hierarchy": true, "unique": [ "Identity", "dpName" ] }, "api_version": "21.2", "cached": true, "references": { "children": [], "parent": [ { "href": "/api/data/HierarchyNode/6t0ggef2c0deab00hb595101", "pkid": "6t0ggef2c0deab00hb595101" } ], "device": [ { "href": "", "pkid": "" } ], "foreign_key": [] }, "model_specific_actions": [ "add", "clone", "configuration_template", "export", "export_bulkload_template", "field_display_policy", "get", "help", "list", "remove", "tag", "update" ], "schema_version": "0.1", "actions": [ { "add": { "method": "GET", "class": "add", "href": "/api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/add/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "support_async": false, "title": "Add" } }, { "remove": { "method": "DELETE", "class": "delete", "href": "/api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "support_async": true, "title": "Delete" } }, { "export": { "method": "POST", "class": "export", "href": "/api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/export/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "support_async": false, "title": "Export", "view": "/api/view/ExportData/add/?auth_token=[authtoken], "submit": "payload" } }, { "export_bulkload_template": { "method": "POST", "class": "bulkload_template", "href": "/api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/export_bulkload_template/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "support_async": false, "title": "Export Bulk Load Template" } }, { "tag": { "method": "PATCH", "class": "tag", "href": "/api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/+tag/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "support_async": true, "title": "Tag", "view": "/api/view/TagNameForm/add/?auth_token=[authtoken] } }, { "configuration_template": { "method": "GET", "class": "config", "href": "/api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/configuration_template/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "support_async": false, "title": "Configuration Template" } }, { "field_display_policy": { "method": "GET", "class": "display_policy", "href": "/api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/field_display_policy/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "support_async": false, "title": "Field Display Policy" } }, { "list": { "method": "GET", "class": "list", "href": "/api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "support_async": false, "title": "List" } }, { "help": { "method": "GET", "class": "help", "href": "/api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/help?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "support_async": false, "title": "Help" } } ] }, "resources": [] }
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Get the on-line Help for data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway. | GET | /api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/help | hierarchy=[hierarchy] | On-line help of Model ref.: data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway as HTML |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Payload |
Modify | PUT | /api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/[pkid] | hierarchy=[hierarchy] | (For payload specification) |
For Bulk modification, refer to the Bulk Modify section.
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Delete | DELETE | /api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/[pkid] | hierarchy=[hierarchy] |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Clone instance with [pkid]. The schema rules are applied. | GET | /api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/[pkid]/clone/?schema=&schema_rules=true |
A JSON payload with:
GET http://[host-proxy]/api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]&format=json
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Get a selected [export_format] of the schema and a single instance with [pkid] of data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway; optionally with tag_version at [version] and Configuration Template as [configtemplate]. | GET | /api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/[pkid]/export |
The response is an attachment. Refer to the list below. |
For export_format=raw_xlsx, the response is a "raw" MS Excel spreadsheet with columns corresponding to the JSON format export and a response format:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=<resource_type>_<resource_name>_exportedsheet_CCYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.xlsx Content-Language:en Content-Type:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
For export_format=xlsx, the response is a MS Excel spreadsheet, formatted to show all columns and a response format:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=<resource_type>_<resource_name>_exportedsheet_formatted_CCYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.xlsx Content-Language:en Content-Type:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
For export_format=json, the response is a time stamped zip file of data in JSON and a response format:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export_2013-05-17_14:20:19.186444.json.zip Content-Language:en Content-Type:application/x-zip
The XLSX format can be used to bulk load instances of data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway and the JSON format can be used to import instances of data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway.
For Bulk Export, refer to the Bulk Export section.
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Payload |
Tag | PATCH | /api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/[pkid]/+tag | hierarchy=[hierarchy] | If payload required: |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Get | GET | /api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/[pkid] | hierarchy=[hierarchy] | The data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway instance with [pkid]. |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Help | GET | /api/data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway/[pkid]/help | hierarchy=[hierarchy] | The on-line Help for data/DP_msteamsonline_CsOnlinePstnGateway. |