
Model: data/DP_RoutePattern

Cisco Dial Plan Models

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Cisco custom dial plan models (default menu: Dial Plan Management Tool > Cisco Dial Plan Models) allow you to define the dial plan and to enter a name and type to group its elements.

The Dial Plan Type drop-down is used to tag it with its hierarchy, so that available dial plans to push or remove are filtered when using the Dial Plan Maintenance menu:


If no Dial Plan Type tag is added to a dial plan, a new "in-progress" or "staging" dial plan can be created that will not show up to be pushed or removed on the Dial Plan Maintenance menu.

A description and notes for the Dial Plan Model definition can be added on the input form.

Related Topics

Dial Plan Model Elements

The remaining list of menus manage elements of dial plans created with the feature. Individual elements such as Route Patterns, SIP Trunks, and Translation Patterns each have a menu item from which it can be associated with a Dial Plan Model and managed.

The feature provides menu items or input fields to extend schema based dial plan management functionality. When a dial plan created with the feature is pushed from the Dial Plan Maintenance menu, the transaction log can be inspected to see the extended functionality:

When managing these dial plan elements, the installed named macros can be used to refer to data added from the Dial Plan Input Data menu.

The list view from each of these menus shows the Dial Plan Name - as defined from the Dial Plan Model menu - to which the element belongs. The feature structures the elements as instances of distinct data models.

There is an additional flexibility in the Route Patterns and Translation Patterns dial plan model elements so that a Local Dialing check box can be selected here if required when using a simpler or flat dial plan.

Dial Plan elements, such as Calling Search Space, can be cloned and edited to easily add another element to the dial plan by defining an "add-on" dial plan model, associating the cloned CSS element with it and pushing it to the required Call Manager cluster using the Dial Plan Maintenance menu. In this way the dial plan can be then be updated - functionality that is not possible in a schema based approach.

Additional workflows in the feature allow for values (for example MRGL) to be added from for example the Device Pools - Regions - Locations -SRST element input form, since the workflow will push to the these to the Call Manager cluster only after the prerequisite values become available. Inspect the transaction log to see the required sequence of data carried out with these workflows.

Device Pools - Regions - Locations - SRST

The Device Pool, Region, Location and SRST Reference dial plan model have been combined into one coherent data model for ease of entry into a call manager since the elements are often related.

Time Period Model

This allows the administrator to define an unlimited number of time periods.

Time Period fields:

Time Schedule Model

This allows the administrator to define an unlimited number of time schedules.

Time Schedule fields:

Transcoder Model

The transcoder dial plan model allows the administrator to define an unlimited number of transcoders.

Transcoder fields:

Conference Bridge Model

The Conference Bridge dial plan model allows the administrator to define an unlimited number of Conference Bridges.

Conference Bridge fields:

Media Resource Group Model

The Media Resource Group dial plan model allows the administrator to define an unlimited number of Media Resource Groups.

Media Resource Group fields:

Media Resource Group List Model

The Media Resource Group List dial plan model allows the administrator to define an unlimited number of Media Resource Group Lists.

Media Resource Group List fields:

Route List Model

The Route List dial plan model allows the administrator to define an unlimited number of Route Lists.

Route List fields:

Route Group Model

The Route Group dial plan model allows the administrator to define an unlimited number of Route Groups.

Route Group fields:

SIP Trunk Model

The SIP Trunk dial plan model allows the administrator to define an unlimited number of SIP Trunks.

SIP Trunk fields:

Partition Model

The Partition dial plan model allows the administrator to define an unlimited number of Partitions.

Partition fields:

Calling Search Space Model

The Calling Search Space (CSS) dial plan model allows the administrator to define an unlimited number of CSS.

CSS fields:

Route Pattern Model

The Route Pattern dial plan model allows the administrator to define an unlimited number of Route Patterns. "Local Dialing" flag will be covered in a following section.

Route Pattern fields:

Note that more discard instructions may be added at market demand.

Translation Pattern Model

The Translation Pattern dial plan model allows the administrator to define an unlimited number of Translation Patterns. "Local Dialing" flag will be covered in the following section.

Translation Pattern fields:

Route Pattern and Translation Pattern 'Local'

The Translation/Route Pattern local designation in dial plan model allows the administrator to define patterns as local or looping patterns from the Site/Customer dial plan input sheet. The dial plan input sheets allow for creating a list of local area code/exchange that can be referenced via macro values to create site or customer level unique patterns.

CTI Route Points

The CTI Route Point dial plan model allows the administrator to define an unlimited number of CTI Route points with an associated line.

CTI Route Point Device fields:

CTI Route Point Line Fields:

Called Party Transformation Model

The Called Party Transformation dial plan model allows the administrator to define an unlimited number of Called Party Transformations.

Called Party Transformation fields:

Note that more discard instructions may be added at market demand.

Calling Party Transformation Model

The Calling Party Transformation dial plan model allows the administrator to define an unlimited number of Calling Party Transformations.

Calling Party Transformation fields:

Note that more discard instructions may be added at market demand.

SIP Route Pattern Model

The SIP Route Pattern dial plan model allows the administrator to define an unlimited number of SIP Route Patterns.

SIP Route Pattern fields:

Dial PlanRoute Patterns

Model Details: data/DP_RoutePattern

Title Description Details
Route Pattern Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Route Pattern
  • Type: Object
Dial Plan Name Dial Plan Name
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.dpName
  • Type: String
Local Dialing Route pattern designation as local dialing built from Dial Plan Input Data Default: {{ fn.false }}
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.dpLocal
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: {{ fn.false }}
Route Pattern Route Pattern
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.pattern
  • Type: String
Route Pattern Description Route Pattern Description
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.description
  • Type: String
Route Partition Route Partition Default: Originating Device
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.routePartition
  • Type: String
  • Default: Originating Device
Numbering Plan
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.numPlan
  • Type: String
Route Filter Route Filter
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.routeFilter
  • Type: String
Route List
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.routeList
  • Type: String
Gateway Name
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.gatewayName
  • Type: String
Route Option Default: Route this pattern
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.routeOption
  • Type: String
  • Default: Route this pattern
  • Choices: ["Route this pattern", "Block this pattern"]
Release Clause If this is a blocking pattern, select the release clause when the call is blocked. Default: No Error
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.releaseClause
  • Type: String
  • Default: No Error
  • Choices: ["No Error", "Unallocated Number", "Call Rejected", "Number Changed", "Invalid Number Format", "Precedence Level Exceeded"]
Call Classification OnNet or Offnet call Default: OffNet
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.callClassification
  • Type: String
  • Default: OffNet
  • Choices: ["OffNet", "OnNet"]
Allow Device Override
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.allowDeviceOverride
  • Type: Boolean
Provide Outside Dial Tone
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.provideOutsideDialTone
  • Type: Boolean
Allow Overlap Sending
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.allowOverlapSending
  • Type: Boolean
Urgent Priority
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.urgentPriority
  • Type: Boolean
Authorization Level Default: 0
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.authLevel
  • Type: String
  • Default: 0
Require Forced Authorization Code
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.reqForcedAuthCode
  • Type: Boolean
Require Client Matter Code
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.reqClientMatterCode
  • Type: Boolean
Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask Default: Default
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.useCallingPartyExternalPhoneNumMask
  • Type: String
  • Default: Default
  • Choices: ["Default", "On", "Off"]
Calling Party Transform Mask
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.callingPartyTransformMask
  • Type: String
Calling Party Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls)
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.callingPartyPrefixDigits
  • Type: String
Called Party Discard Digits Default: None
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.calledPartyDiscardDigits
  • Type: String
  • Default: None
  • Choices: ["None", "PreDot", "PreDot Trailing-#"]
Called Party Transform Mask
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.calledPartyTransformMask
  • Type: String
Called Party Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls)
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.calledPartyPrefixDigits
  • Type: String
Calling Line Presentation Bit Default: Default
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.cgLinePresBit
  • Type: String
  • Default: Default
  • Choices: ["Default", "Allowed", "Restricted"]
Calling Name Presentation Bit Default: Default
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.cgNamePresBit
  • Type: String
  • Default: Default
  • Choices: ["Default", "Allowed", "Restricted"]
Connected Line Presentation Bit Default: Default
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.connLinePresBit
  • Type: String
  • Default: Default
  • Choices: ["Default", "Allowed", "Restricted"]
Connected Name Presentation Bit Default: Default
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.connNamePresBit
  • Type: String
  • Default: Default
  • Choices: ["Default", "Allowed", "Restricted"]
MLPP Precedence Default: Default
  • Field Name: Route Pattern.patternPrecedence
  • Type: String
  • Default: Default
  • Choices: ["Default", "Executive Override", "Flash", "Flash Override", "Immediate", "Priority", "Routine"]