
Model: data/CustomerBuild_CustomerData_DAT

Data for Customer build automation

Model Details: data/CustomerBuild_CustomerData_DAT

Title Description Details
CustomerBuild Name * * Structured name of Customer (using naming convention)
  • Field Name: CustomerBuild_Name
  • Type: String
CustomerBuild Action * AddDataOnly, Validate, Add, Modify, Delete
  • Field Name: CustomerBuild_Action
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["AddDataOnly", "Validate", "Add", "Modify", "DeleteCustomer", "DeletecustomerData", "DeleteCustomerAndcustomerData", "ReprovisionCustomer"]
CustomerBuild Type * Select: StandardCustomer, LinkedCustomer-Parent, LinkedCustomer-Child
  • Field Name: CustomerBuild_Type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["CiscoCustomer", "MicrosoftCustomer", "HybridCustomer", "MicrosoftOperatorConnectOnlyCustomer", "CallRedirectionOnlyCustomer", "Generic"]
Customer Activation Status Select: Pending, Partially Loaded, Loaded, Operational
  • Field Name: CustomerBuild_Status
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Pending", "Partially Loaded", "Loaded", "Build Started", "Build Completed", "Operational"]
Customer Build Configuration Template * Select: From available CFTs starting with CustomerBuild_CFT
  • Field Name: CustomerBuild_CFT
  • Type: String
Customer Build Notes (Text Box) Text field for general notes
  • Field Name: CustomerBuild_Notes
  • Type: String
Other Customer Build Settings 1 Optional data field for use by CustomerBuild CFTs
  • Field Name: CustomerBuild_Custom1
  • Type: String
Other Customer Build Settings 2 Optional data field for use by CustomerBuild CFTs
  • Field Name: CustomerBuild_Custom2
  • Type: String
Customer Build Valid? Result of CustomerBuild Validation Check
  • Field Name: CustomerBuild_ValidData
  • Type: Boolean
Customer Build Validation Messages Result of CustomerBuild Validation Check
  • Field Name: CustomerBuild_ValidationMessages
  • Type: String
Customer Build Steps Template Steps to execute
  • Field Name: CustomerBuildSteps.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [1..n]
Customer Build Step Name * Name of Customer Build Step Template
  • Field Name: CustomerBuildSteps.[n].StepName
  • Type: String
Description Function of this step
  • Field Name: CustomerBuildSteps.[n].StepDescription
  • Type: String
Loop Through Loop through input data
  • Field Name: CustomerBuildSteps.[n].loopThrough
  • Type: String
Customer Build Step Status Result of Customer Build Step Execution
  • Field Name: CustomerBuildSteps.[n].StepStatus
  • Type: String
Update Steps Update Mappings
  • Field Name: updateSteps.[n]
  • Type: Array
Step Name * Name of Customer Build Step Template
  • Field Name: updateSteps.[n].StepName
  • Type: String
Description Function of this step
  • Field Name: updateSteps.[n].StepDescription
  • Type: String
Changed Attribute * Changed Attribute
  • Field Name: updateSteps.[n].attribute
  • Type: String
Action Action
  • Field Name: updateSteps.[n].action
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Add", "Update", "Delete"]
Delete Steps Delete Mappings
  • Field Name: deleteSteps.[n]
  • Type: Array
Delete Step Name * Name of Delete Step Template
  • Field Name: deleteSteps.[n].StepName
  • Type: String
Description Function of this step
  • Field Name: deleteSteps.[n].StepDescription
  • Type: String
Loop Through Loop through input data
  • Field Name: deleteSteps.[n].loopThrough
  • Type: String
Delete Step Status Result of Delete Step Execution
  • Field Name: deleteSteps.[n].StepStatus
  • Type: String
Description Customer Description
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
Display Name Customer Display Name
  • Field Name: displayName
  • Type: String
Short Name Customer Short Name
  • Field Name: shortName
  • Type: String
Extended Name Customer Long Name
  • Field Name: extendedName
  • Type: String
External ID Customer External ID
  • Field Name: externalID
  • Type: String
Internal ID Customer Internal ID
  • Field Name: internalID
  • Type: String
Account ID Customer Account ID
  • Field Name: accountID
  • Type: String
Contact Name Customer Contact Name
  • Field Name: contactName
  • Type: String
Contact Email Customer Contact Email
  • Field Name: contactEmail
  • Type: String
Address 1 * Customer Address Line 1
  • Field Name: streetAddress1
  • Type: String
Address 2 Customer Address Line 2
  • Field Name: streetAddress2
  • Type: String
Address 3 Customer Address Line 3
  • Field Name: streetAddress3
  • Type: String
City Customer City
  • Field Name: city
  • Type: String
State Customer State or County
  • Field Name: state
  • Type: String
Postal Code Customer ZIP Code or Postal Code
  • Field Name: postalCode
  • Type: String
Country Select: From data/countries
  • Field Name: Country
  • Type: String
Customer Number Customer Phone Number
  • Field Name: CustomerNumber
  • Type: String
Number Ranges E164 Number Ranges
  • Field Name: numberRanges.[n]
  • Type: Array
Number Range E164 Number or Range using X wildcards
  • Field Name: numberRanges.[n].numberRange
  • Type: String
Translated Number Number to translate to
  • Field Name: numberRanges.[n].translatedNumber
  • Type: String
Operator Connect Usage Template Microsoft Operator connect usage template
  • Field Name: numberRanges.[n].ocUsageTemplate
  • Type: String
CUCM Instances CUCM Instances
  • Field Name: cucmInstances.[n]
  • Type: Array
Name CUCM Name
  • Field Name: cucmInstances.[n].name
  • Type: String
Is UC Publisher Is UC Publisher
  • Field Name: cucmInstances.[n].isUCPublisher
  • Type: String
Cluster Name CUCM Cluster Name
  • Field Name: cucmInstances.[n].clusterName
  • Type: String
Version CUCM Version
  • Field Name: cucmInstances.[n].version
  • Type: String
Host CUCM Host
  • Field Name: cucmInstances.[n].host
  • Type: String
Port CUCM Port
  • Field Name: cucmInstances.[n].port
  • Type: String
Username CUCM Username
  • Field Name: cucmInstances.[n].username
  • Type: String
Password CUCM Password
  • Field Name: cucmInstances.[n].password
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
CUC Instances CUC Instances
  • Field Name: cucInstances.[n]
  • Type: Array
Name CUC Name
  • Field Name: cucInstances.[n].name
  • Type: String
Cluster Name CUC Cluster Name
  • Field Name: cucInstances.[n].clusterName
  • Type: String
Version CUC Version
  • Field Name: cucInstances.[n].version
  • Type: String
Host CUC Host
  • Field Name: cucInstances.[n].host
  • Type: String
Username CUC Username
  • Field Name: cucInstances.[n].username
  • Type: String
Password CUC Password
  • Field Name: cucInstances.[n].password
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
UCCX Instances UCCX Instances
  • Field Name: uccxInstances.[n]
  • Type: Array
Name UCCX Name
  • Field Name: uccxInstances.[n].name
  • Type: String
Version UCCX Version
  • Field Name: uccxInstances.[n].version
  • Type: String
Host UCCX Host
  • Field Name: uccxInstances.[n].host
  • Type: String
Username UCCX Username
  • Field Name: uccxInstances.[n].username
  • Type: String
Password UCCX Password
  • Field Name: uccxInstances.[n].password
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
Webex App Name Webex App Name
  • Field Name: webexAppName
  • Type: String
Webex App Account Number Webex App Account Number
  • Field Name: webexAppAccountNumber
  • Type: String
Customer Dialplan CFT Customer Dialplan CFT
  • Field Name: cb_dp_cft
  • Type: String
extPrefix Required Control Field for extPrefix requirement
  • Field Name: extPrefixRequired
  • Type: Boolean
ISP Required Control Field for ISP requirement
  • Field Name: ispRequired
  • Type: Boolean
Dial Plan - Inter-Site Prefix Inter-site prefix if ISP required for inter-site dialing.
  • Field Name: isp
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1
  • Pattern: ^$|^[0-9]+$
Dial Plan - Extension prefix Specify an optional extension prefix for this customer. Each site can select whether this extension prefix will be required.
  • Field Name: extPrefix
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1
  • Pattern: ^$|^[0-9#*]+$
Microsoft Tenant Name Microsoft Tenant Name
  • Field Name: msTenantName
  • Type: String
Microsoft Tenant Description Microsoft Tenant Description
  • Field Name: tenant_description
  • Type: String
Microsoft Powershell Proxy Address IP Address/FQDN of the Powershell proxy
  • Field Name: msPsProxyAddress
  • Type: String
Microsoft Powershell Proxy Username Powershell proxy username
  • Field Name: msPsProxyUsername
  • Type: String
Microsoft Powershell Proxy password Powershell proxy password
  • Field Name: msPsProxyPassword
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
Azure Online username Azure Online (O365) username
  • Field Name: azureUsername
  • Type: String
Azure Online password Azure Online (O365) password
  • Field Name: azurePassword
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
MS Teams Online username MS teams username
  • Field Name: msTeamsUsername
  • Type: String
MS Teams Online password MS teams password
  • Field Name: msTeamsPassword
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
MS Teams Online Admin Domain MS teams Admin Domain
  • Field Name: msTeamsAdminDomain
  • Type: String
Client ID
  • Field Name: client_id
  • Type: String
Tenant ID
  • Field Name: tenant_id
  • Type: String
Secret A Client (application) Secret, either a password or a public/private key pair (certificate).
  • Field Name: client_secret
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
SBC Instances SBC Instances
  • Field Name: sbcInstances.[n]
  • Type: Array
SBC Instance SBC Instance
  • Field Name: sbcInstances.[n].sbcInstance
  • Type: String
ECB Instances ECB Instances
  • Field Name: ecbInstances.[n]
  • Type: Array
ECB Instance ECB Instance
  • Field Name: ecbInstances.[n].ecbInstance
  • Type: String