
Model: data/AccessProfile

Access Profile Permissions and Operations

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Administrators above Provider level can maintain access profiles as a part of role management. For example, hcsadmin.

An access profile assigned to a role provides a general set of permissions and type-specific operations that are associated with specific models.

For type-specific operations, wild cards may be used in model references, for example data/*.


Type-specific permissions that are also configured as general permitted operations will override the general permissions.

The default access profiles show typical configurations, for example an Operator-type profile at a hierarchy would only require Read type-specific permissions, while the administrator profile at the same hierarchy would have Create, Update and Delete permissions for the same type.

The default access profiles of the following administrators above Provider level have full general and type-specific permissions to all models:

The lists below provide details on the types of settings.

Related Topics

Introduction to Access Profiles in the Core Feature Guide

Access profiles define model types that a user is permitted to access. Access profiles are assigned to users via Roles

Model Details: data/AccessProfile

Title Description Details
Name * The name that is given to the Access Profile.
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
Description A description for the Access Profile.
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
Full Access Enabling this flag, grants the user full system access.
  • Field Name: full_access
  • Type: Boolean
Miscellaneous Permissions The list of miscellaneous operations permitted by this Access Profile.
  • Field Name: miscellaneous_permissions.[n]
  • Type: Array
Dashboard Permissions
  • Field Name: dashboard_permissions
  • Type: Object
Dashboard Permission Groups The list of dashboard permission groups that are permitted by this Access Profile.
  • Field Name: dashboard_permission_groups.[n]
  • Type: Array
Specific Permissions The list of specific resources permissions that are permitted by this Access Profile.
  • Field Name: specific_permissions.[n]
  • Type: Array
Type Specific Permissions The list of types that are permitted by this Access Profile.
  • Field Name: type_specific_permissions.[n]
  • Type: Array
Permitted Type * The type that is permitted by this Access Profile. This field supports the use of the * wildcard.
  • Field Name: type_specific_permissions.[n].type
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Permitted Operations The operations that are permitted by this Access Profile for the given type.
  • Field Name: operations.[n]
  • Type: Array