
Model: view/WebexTeamsSubscriberQas

Quick Subscriber (Cisco Webex App)

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This topic describes how to add a Webex App user via the Webex App Quick Subscriber menu.


You can find this page via (default menus), Cisco Webex App > Quick Subscriber (view/WebexTeamsSubscriberQas), or use the toolbar search to locate the page.

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Add Cisco Webex App User via Quick Subscriber

This procedure adds a Webex Teams user via a standalone view called view/WebexTeamsSubscriberQas.

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menus) Cisco Webex App > Quick Subscriber.


    You can also access Quick Subscriber for Webex App users via the following multi vendor subscribers quick action, Quick Subscriber (Webex App). See Quick Actions for Multi Vendor Subscriber. In this case, the username is populated automatically.

  2. At Username, select the relevant username (existing user) from the drop-down, or fill out a username (new user).


    • To choose an existing user above the current site level, select Include users at higher hierarchy, then select a username.

    • In a non-directory synced scenario (non-LDAP customer), users with the administrator role are excluded from the Username drop-down.

    • If you're adding or updating a Webex Control Hub user, some fields are read-only.

    • If you're adding a new user, fill out their first name, last name, email address, and other user details.

      You can't add a new user for a directory-synced Webex Control Hub, that is, when the associated Spark Customer details have the Directory Synchronization Enabled checkbox selected.

      A Webex Calling License is required for phone number type, but note that the Webex API (used for syncing with the Webex Control Hub) only supports add or update for phone number type Work.

    • If a Webex Control Hub is directory synced, only an existing user can be configured by selecting the user's Email address and then for example update the phone number or Quick Add Group.

    • Display Name auto-populates as a read-only value when selecting an existing user's email address that has a first name and last name. Else, Display Name is not populated and is not mandatory.

  3. Mandatory. Select an option for Quick Add Group.


    • Available Quick Add Groups are filtered by vendor (see Quick Add Subscriber Groups Vendor Filtering) and restricted according to the Global Settings (General tab, Quick Add Group lookup level, see Global Settings).

    • You can provide Cisco Webex settings via the Quick Add Group.

    • Cisco Quick Add Subscriber can be used for adding CUCM-based services, including Webex, where the user requires UCM calling or where UCM calling is not required (such as free calling or Webex calling services).

    • Choosing a Webex Calling group allows a user to be assigned a Webex Calling - Professional license, enabling management of their calling settings.

      In this Quick Add Group, the configuration template selected in the Default Webex App Calling Template is "Default Webex Teams User Calling Template".

      If this Quick Add Group is available in a subscriber profile, then the Add Subscriber from Profile subscriber management option also allows management of calling settings.

  1. Select a phone number, or select the Use next available line checkbox.


    If the user is LDAP-synced, updated phone number details are written back to the LDAP user.

  2. Save your changes.

    An email notification may be sent to the user (provided the required email setup is configured).

Model Details: view/WebexTeamsSubscriberQas

Title Description Details
User Details Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: User Details
  • Type: Object
Username *
  • Field Name: User Details.username
  • Type: String
Include users at higher hierarchy Includes users above site level when searching Default: True
  • Field Name: User Details.lookUpForUser
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: True
User status
  • Field Name: User Details.webex_user_status
  • Type: String
First name
  • Field Name: User Details.first_name
  • Type: String
Last name
  • Field Name: User Details.last_name
  • Type: String
Display Name
  • Field Name: User Details.display_name
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: User Details.department
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: User Details.title
  • Type: String
Email address *
  • Field Name: User Details.email
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^([^.@]+)(\.[^.@]+)*@([^.@]+\.)+([^.@]+)$
  • Format: email
Mobile phone
  • Field Name: User Details.mobile_phone
  • Type: String
Use next available line Use the next available line from the inventory.
  • Field Name: User Details.automatic_line
  • Type: Boolean
Phone number
  • Field Name: User Details.phone_number
  • Type: String
Send welcome email Send Email to user using predefined HTML Email Template. Email template used is 'Quick Add Subscriber'. To enable email feature set 'Allow welcome email to be sent to user after Quick Add Subscriber' in Global Settings.
  • Field Name: User Details.send_email
  • Type: Boolean
Quick Add Group *
  • Field Name: User Details.qagroup_name
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/QuickAddGroups
  • Target attr: group_name
  • Format: uri