
Model: view/WebexBulkActions

Webex Bulk Actions

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VOSS Automate provides the ability to replicate operations from a source reference to selected target Webex locations.


When schedules (default) is selected as Model value, a Reference Schedule serves as the source to carry out an Operation on selected Webex locations.

To carry out an operation on selected Webex locations:


Add (replicate across Webex Locations)

Schedules will be added to all selected locations, with schedule names in accordance with the configuration template.

  1. Select the add Operation is selected.

  2. Provide the name of the Reference Schedule to apply to the selected Webex locations.

  3. Select the created Configuration Template option.

  4. In the Target Webex Locations transfer boxes, select Webex locations to which the action should apply.

    Use the search boxes inside the transfer boxes if needed.

  5. Click Save.

The Transactions menu can be used to inspect the actions.

Modify (replicate across Webex Locations)

Selected Webex locations are modified in accordance with the modified reference configuration template.

  1. Modify the Reference Schedule to change the values in events or to add a new event; and save the schedule.

  2. Select the modify Operation.

  3. Select the name of the modified Reference Schedule to apply to the selected Webex locations.

  4. In the Target Webex Locations transfer boxes, select Webex locations to which the action should apply.

    Use the search boxes inside the transfer boxes if needed.

  5. Click Save.

The Transactions menu can be used to inspect the actions.


Selected Webex locations are deleted.

  1. Select delete Operation.

  2. In the Delete Schedules transfer boxes, select Webex locations to which the action should apply.

    Use the search boxes inside the transfer boxes if needed.

  3. Click Save.

The Transactions menu can be used to inspect the actions.

A view to make changes to different kinds of models within Webex

Model Details: view/WebexBulkActions

Title Description Details
Model Default: schedules
  • Field Name: model
  • Type: String
  • Default: schedules
  • Choices: ["schedules"]
Operation * Default: add
  • Field Name: operation
  • Type: String
  • Default: add
  • Choices: ["add (Replicate across chosen Webex Locations)", "modify specific schedules", "delete"]
Reference Schedule
  • Field Name: referenceSchedule
  • Type: String
Configuration Template (Optional) This template will allows an admin to make structural naming changes to the schedules built at Webex locations.
  • Field Name: scheduleCft
  • Type: String
Delete Schedules
  • Field Name: deleteSchedules.[n]
  • Type: Array
Target Schedules
  • Field Name: targetSchedules.[n]
  • Type: Array
Target Webex Locations
  • Field Name: targetLocations.[n]
  • Type: Array