
Model: view/MsoQuickSubscriber

The Microsoft Quick Add Subscriber feature provides provides a simple interface for allocating supported Microsoft UC services to users that have been added to Microsoft Active Directory and synchronized into VOSS Automate from Microsoft Lync / Skype for Business.

The interface is for service additions and the detailed configuration is hidden from administrators delegated to perform these operations. The detailed configuration is typically managed by a customer administrator or above using the Configuration Templates specified in Microsoft Quick Add Groups.

The VOSS Automate user interface will disable the option of adding Microsoft Lync / Skype for Business if the user already has Microsoft Lync / Skype for Business.

Multi-vendor Quick Add Subscriber

The Multivendor Quick Add Subscriber feature enables administrators to add both Cisco and Microsoft UC services to subscribers.

NOTE: Cisco and Microsoft Workflows are combined without modifying the underlying Quick Add Subscriber feature of the solution that is extended by installing the applicable VOSS Automate add-on.

Microsoft Quick Add Subscriber Workflow

The workflow supports adding the following Microsoft UC services:

If the required AD User is not in the dropdown list:

If the Skype for Business check box is selected:

If the Voicemail check box is selected:

If the Office 365 check box is checked:

Below see the workflow for provisioning online services.

NOTE: If the workflow is rolled back for whatever reason and the creation of a Mailbox is reversed by disabling the mailbox then it has the effect of the AD user's email address being blanked out, which is comes from disabling the mailbox.

Microsoft Quick Add Subscriber Online

The following conditions apply when adding services to a Subscriber enabled for MS Online Services:

If the Subscriber has Voicemail or Skype for business the following options will be disabled : * Voicemail * SFB Enabled

If the Subscriber does not have Voicemail and/or Skype for Business you can choose to enable the subscriber by just checking the voicemail and/or SfB Enable check boxes. This will enable the Subscriber with on-prem services.

If the voicemail checkbox is checked and the Online Mailbox/Voicemail checkbox is checked, the Subscriber will be provisioned for online mailbox and Ummailbox services.

If the SfB Enabled checkbox and the Online Skype for Business checkbox is checked the Skype for Business service will be provisioned online.

NOTE: The Microsoft Quick Add Group selected needs to contain the MS Online Licenses required for the options selected.

Microsoft Hybrid 2-stage provisioning

In the case where Active Directory is synchronized with MS online (i.e. a Hybrid deployment) the provisioning of online service can only be completed once ADFS Dir Sync has been completed. When a Quick Add Subscriber operation is performed before a new AD user has been synchronized with MS Online, VOSS will persist the MS Online Provisioning request. Outstanding online provisioning requests can be seen in the "Services Allocated" tab of Subscribers.

A scheduled task is provided as part of sample templates that periodically synchronizes VOSS with MS Online Users. The scheduled task processes any outstanding MS Online Provisioning requests and deletes them once completed.

Microsoft Quick Add Subscriber Online Provisioning Workflow

The workflow supports adding the following Microsoft Online Services in a hybrid deployment:

If the Online Skype for Business check box is selected:

Processing Online Provisioning Requests:

Model Details: view/MsoQuickSubscriber

Title Description Details
User Details Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: User Details
  • Type: Object
Username *
  • Field Name: User Details.username
  • Type: String
First Name
  • Field Name: User Details.firstname
  • Type: String
Last Name *
  • Field Name: User Details.lastname
  • Type: String
Email Address *
  • Field Name: User Details.email
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^([^.@]+)(\.[^.@]+)*@([^.@]+\.)+([^.@]+)$
  • Format: email
Telephone Number
  • Field Name: User Details.telephoneNumber
  • Type: String
Password The corresponding CUCM, CUC and WebEx user password will be set with this password
  • Field Name: User Details.password
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
PIN The corresponding CUCM and CUC user PIN will be set with this PIN
  • Field Name: User Details.pin
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
Quick Add Group * Default: default
  • Field Name: User Details.qagroup_name
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/LyncQuickAddGroups
  • Target attr: group_name
  • Default: default
  • Format: uri
  • Field Name: lines.[n]
  • Type: Array
Directory Number
  • Field Name: User Details.lines.[n].directory_number
  • Type: String
Office365 Enabled
  • Field Name: User Details.office365
  • Type: Boolean
Microsoft Teams
  • Field Name: User Details.ms_teams
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: User Details.voicemail
  • Type: Boolean
Online Mailbox/Voicemail
  • Field Name: User Details.online_voicemail
  • Type: Boolean
SfB Enabled
  • Field Name: User Details.lync
  • Type: Boolean
Online Skype for Business
  • Field Name: User Details.online_sfb
  • Type: Boolean
SIP Address
  • Field Name: User Details.sip_address
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: lync_details
  • Type: Object
SIP Address
  • Field Name: User Details.lync_details.sip_address
  • Type: String
Phone Number
  • Field Name: User Details.lync_details.phone_number
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: User Details.lync_details.ext
  • Type: String
Phone Number
  • Field Name: User Details.phone_number
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: User Details.ext
  • Type: String