
Model: view/MicrosoftNumberEmergencyLocation

Model Details: view/MicrosoftNumberEmergencyLocation

Title Description Details
Default: Microsoft number emergency location
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
  • Default: Microsoft number emergency location
Default: Operations Tool to set Microsoft number emergency location to a specific location. All unassigned numbers with the supplied number type will be updated to the supplied location id. A temporary user will be needed to assign the location but will be removed after the update.
  • Field Name: notes
  • Type: String
  • Default: Operations Tool to set Microsoft number emergency location to a specific location. All unassigned numbers with the supplied number type will be updated to the supplied location id. A temporary user will be needed to assign the location but will be removed after the update.
Number Type * Default: CallingPlan
  • Field Name: NumberType
  • Type: String
  • Default: CallingPlan
  • Choices: ["CallingPlan", "DirectRouting", "OperatorConnect"]
Temporary Identity * This is a temporary user with an appropiate license. This user will be assigned to a number and then unassigned again to get the location assigned to the number.
  • Field Name: Identity
  • Type: String
Emergency Location * The emergncy location is build up from the following data. (LocationId,Location,HouseNumber,StreetName,StateOrProvince,PostalCode,CountryOrRegion)
  • Field Name: LocationId
  • Type: String
Total numbers affected The total count of unassigned numbers that will be updated.
  • Field Name: total_count
  • Type: String