
Model: view/HcsSyncUsersVIEW

Sync and Purge LDAP Users

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This procedure syncs or deletes (purges) users that were synced from an LDAP server.

  1. In the Admin Portal, select the hierarchy where the LDAP server exists.
  2. Go to (default menu) User Management > Sync & Purge > LDAP Users.
  3. Complete the following fields:
Field Description
Remove Log Messages Select the check box if you want to remove user management logs before synchronizing or purging.
Remove Log Direction Choose Local to remove logs at the hierarchy of the LDAP server. Choose Down to remove logs at and below the hierarchy of the LDAP server. This field appears only if the Remove Log Messages check box is selected.
LDAP Server * Choose the Organization Unit of the LDAP Server from which you need to sync or purge the users. This is mandatory field.
LDAP Action * Choose synchronize or purge. This field is mandatory.
  1. Click Save to trigger the transaction.

    View transaction progress and details in the Transaction Logs. See Transaction Logging and Audit

Model Details: view/HcsSyncUsersVIEW

Title Description Details
Remove Log Messages When checked, the existing User Management Log Messages get cleared prior to performing the action. Whether the existing Log Messages are removed or not, new logs may result from the action.
  • Field Name: removeLogs
  • Type: Boolean
Remove Log Direction Select Local to remove logs at the hierarchy of the LDAP server. Select Down to remove logs at and below the hierarchy of the LDAP server. Note that this will remove all User Management logs according to the selected direction regardless of what triggered the log. Default: Down
  • Field Name: removeLogsDirection
  • Type: String
  • Default: Down
  • Choices: ["Local", "Down"]
LDAP Server LDAP Server
  • Field Name: ldapServer
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["None"]
LDAP Action The action to perform.
  • Field Name: ldapAction
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Synchronize users from LDAP", "Purge local LDAP device resources"]
CUCM Action The action to perform.
  • Field Name: cucmAction
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Synchronize users, lines, and phones from CUCM"]
Network Device List The network device list to use when performing the action.
  • Field Name: ndlName
  • Type: String
  • Choices: [" "]
Note Indicates whether or not sync is possible.
  • Field Name: note
  • Type: String
User Sync Type Default: TBD
  • Field Name: userSyncType
  • Type: String
  • Default: TBD