
Model: relation/WebexLocationCallingDetails


Model Details: relation/WebexLocationCallingDetails

Title Description Details
ID A unique identifier for the location.
  • Field Name: id
  • Type: String
Name The name of the location.
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
Announcement Language Location's phone announcement language.
  • Field Name: announcementLanguage
  • Type: String
Calling Line ID Location calling line information.
  • Field Name: callingLineId
  • Type: Object
Name Group calling line ID name. By default the Org nam
  • Field Name: callingLineId.name
  • Type: String
Main Number Directory Number / Main number in E.164 Format.
  • Field Name: callingLineId.phoneNumber
  • Type: String
Connection Connection details are only returned for local PSTN types of TRUNK or ROUTE_GROUP.
  • Field Name: connection
  • Type: Object
Type Webex Calling location only suppports TRUNK and ROUTE_GROUP connection type.
  • Field Name: connection.type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["ROUTE_GROUP", "TRUNK"]
ID A unique identifier of route type.
  • Field Name: connection.id
  • Type: String
External Caller ID Name External Caller ID Name value. Unicode characters.
  • Field Name: externalCallerIdName
  • Type: String
User Limit Limit on the number of people at the location, Read-Only.
  • Field Name: userLimit
  • Type: Integer
PSTN Access Network Info Emergency Location Identifier for a location. Set this field to provide the SIP access network information to the provider which will be used to populate the SIP P-Access-Network-Info header. This is helpful to establish the location of a device when you make an emergency call.
  • Field Name: pAccessNetworkInfo
  • Type: String
Outside Dial Digit Must dial to reach an outside line, default is None.
  • Field Name: outsideDialDigit
  • Type: String
Routing Prefix Must dial a prefix when calling between locations having same extension within same location.
  • Field Name: routingPrefix
  • Type: String
Default Domain IP Address, hostname, or domain. Read-Only.
  • Field Name: defaultDomain
  • Type: String
Charge Number Chargeable number for the line placing the call. When this is set, all calls placed from this location will include a P-Charge-Info header with the selected number in the SIP INVITE.
  • Field Name: chargeNumber
  • Type: String
Music On Hold Location's music on hold settings.
  • Field Name: musicOnHold
  • Type: Object
Call Hold Enabled If enabled, music will be played when call is placed on hold.
  • Field Name: musicOnHold.callHoldEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Call Park Enabled If enabled, music will be played when call is parked.
  • Field Name: musicOnHold.callParkEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Greeting Greeting type for the location.
  • Field Name: musicOnHold.greeting
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["SYSTEM", "CUSTOM"]
Audio File Announcement Audio File details when greeting is selected to be CUSTOM.
  • Field Name: audioFile
  • Type: Object
ID A unique identifier for the announcement.
  • Field Name: musicOnHold.audioFile.id
  • Type: String
File Name Audio announcement file name.
  • Field Name: musicOnHold.audioFile.fileName
  • Type: String
Media File Type Audio announcement file type
  • Field Name: musicOnHold.audioFile.mediaFileType
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["WAV", "WMA", "3GP"]
Level Audio announcement file type location.
  • Field Name: musicOnHold.audioFile.level
  • Type: String
Location Outgoing Calling Permissions A location's outgoing call settings allow you to determine the types of calls the people/workspaces at the location are allowed to make, as well as configure the default calling permission for each call type at the location.
  • Field Name: callingPermissions
  • Type: Object
Calling Permissions Location's calling permissions settings.
  • Field Name: callingPermissions.[n]
  • Type: Array
Call Type Call Type Values
  • Field Name: callingPermissions.callingPermissions.[n].callType
  • Type: String
Action Allows to configure settings for each call type.
  • Field Name: callingPermissions.callingPermissions.[n].action
  • Type: String
Transfer Enabled If enabled, allow the person to transfer or forward internal calls.
  • Field Name: callingPermissions.callingPermissions.[n].transferEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Internal Dialing Internal Dialing settings for a location
  • Field Name: internalDialing
  • Type: Object
Enable Unknown Extension Route Policy When enabled, calls made by users at the location to an unknown extension (between 2-6 digits) are routed to the selected route group/trunk as premises calls.
  • Field Name: internalDialing.enableUnknownExtensionRoutePolicy
  • Type: Boolean
Unknown Extension Route Identity The selected route group/trunk as premises calls.
  • Field Name: unknownExtensionRouteIdentity
  • Type: Object
ID ID of the route type.
  • Field Name: internalDialing.unknownExtensionRouteIdentity.id
  • Type: String
Name A unique name for the route identity.
  • Field Name: internalDialing.unknownExtensionRouteIdentity.name
  • Type: String
Type Type associated with the identity.
  • Field Name: internalDialing.unknownExtensionRouteIdentity.type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["ROUTE_GROUP", "TRUNK"]
Intercept Location's intercept settings.
  • Field Name: intercept
  • Type: Object
Enabled Enable/disable location intercept. Enable this feature to override any Location's Call Intercept settings that person configures.
  • Field Name: intercept.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Incoming Inbound call details.
  • Field Name: incoming
  • Type: Object
Type Select inbound call options.
  • Field Name: intercept.incoming.type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["INTERCEPT_ALL", "ALLOW_ALL"]
Voicemail Enabled Enable/disable to route voice mail.
  • Field Name: intercept.incoming.voicemailEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Announcements Announcements details.
  • Field Name: announcements
  • Type: Object
Greeting Greeting type for location intercept.
  • Field Name: intercept.incoming.announcements.greeting
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["DEFAULT", "CUSTOM"]
File Name If set to CUSTOM for greeting, filename of previously uploaded file.
  • Field Name: intercept.incoming.announcements.fileName
  • Type: String
New Number Settings for new number announcement.
  • Field Name: newNumber
  • Type: Object
Enabled Enable/disable to play new number announcement.
  • Field Name: intercept.incoming.announcements.newNumber.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Destination Incoming destination phone number to be announced.
  • Field Name: intercept.incoming.announcements.newNumber.destination
  • Type: String
Zero Transfer Transfer number details.
  • Field Name: zeroTransfer
  • Type: Object
Enabled Enable/disable to transfer to phone number.
  • Field Name: intercept.incoming.announcements.zeroTransfer.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Destination Transfer phone number to be called when '0' is dialed.
  • Field Name: intercept.incoming.announcements.zeroTransfer.destination
  • Type: String
Outgoing Outbound Call details
  • Field Name: outgoing
  • Type: Object
Type Outbound call modes
  • Field Name: intercept.outgoing.type
  • Type: String
Transfer Enabled Enable/disable to route all outbound calls to phone number.
  • Field Name: intercept.outgoing.transferEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Destination If enabled, set outgoing destination phone number.
  • Field Name: intercept.outgoing.destination
  • Type: String
Emergency Callback Number Location's Emergency Callback Number settings.
  • Field Name: emergencyCallbackNumber
  • Type: Object
Location Info Data relevant to this location.
  • Field Name: locationInfo
  • Type: Object
Phone Number The location DN.
  • Field Name: emergencyCallbackNumber.locationInfo.phoneNumber
  • Type: String
Name The name of the location.
  • Field Name: emergencyCallbackNumber.locationInfo.name
  • Type: String
Effective Level The source from which the emergency calling line ID (CLID) is selected for an actual emergency call, applying fallback rules as necessary.
  • Field Name: emergencyCallbackNumber.locationInfo.effectiveLevel
  • Type: String
Effective Value Location calling line ID (CLID) number. Avaliable only when number is present and quality would be invalid.
  • Field Name: emergencyCallbackNumber.locationInfo.effectiveValue
  • Type: String
Quality Used to represent whether a number is a recommended ECBN.
  • Field Name: emergencyCallbackNumber.locationInfo.quality
  • Type: String
Location Member Info Data relevant to the user/place (member) selected for ECBN.
  • Field Name: locationMemberInfo
  • Type: Object
Phone Number The member DN.
  • Field Name: emergencyCallbackNumber.locationMemberInfo.phoneNumber
  • Type: String
First Name The member first name.
  • Field Name: emergencyCallbackNumber.locationMemberInfo.firstName
  • Type: String
Last Name The member last name. Always contains . if the member is a place
  • Field Name: emergencyCallbackNumber.locationMemberInfo.lastName
  • Type: String
Member ID Member ID of user/place within the location.
  • Field Name: emergencyCallbackNumber.locationMemberInfo.memberId
  • Type: String
Member Type Member Type.
  • Field Name: emergencyCallbackNumber.locationMemberInfo.memberType
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["PEOPLE", "PLACE"]
Quality Used to represent whether a number is a recommended ECBN.
  • Field Name: emergencyCallbackNumber.locationMemberInfo.quality
  • Type: String
Effective Level The source from which the emergency calling line ID (CLID) is selected for an actual emergency call, applying fallback rules as necessary.
  • Field Name: emergencyCallbackNumber.locationMemberInfo.effectiveLevel
  • Type: String
Effective Value Location CLID number. Avaliable only when number is present and quality would be invalid.
  • Field Name: emergencyCallbackNumber.locationMemberInfo.effectiveValue
  • Type: String
Voicemail Transcription Enabled Voicemail Transcription settings.
  • Field Name: voicemailTranscriptionEnabled
  • Type: Object
Voicemail Transcription Enabled Voicemail Transcription Enabled
  • Field Name: voicemailTranscriptionEnabled.voicemailTranscriptionEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Voice Portal Location's Voice Portal settings.
  • Field Name: voicePortal
  • Type: Object
ID Voice Portal ID
  • Field Name: voicePortal.id
  • Type: String
Name Voice Portal Name.
  • Field Name: voicePortal.name
  • Type: String
Language Language for audio announcements.
  • Field Name: voicePortal.language
  • Type: String
Language Code Language code for voicemail group audio announcement.
  • Field Name: voicePortal.languageCode
  • Type: String
Extension Extension of incoming call.
  • Field Name: voicePortal.extension
  • Type: String
Phone Number Phone Number of incoming call.
  • Field Name: voicePortal.phoneNumber
  • Type: String
First Name Caller ID First Name.
  • Field Name: voicePortal.firstName
  • Type: String
Last Name Caller ID Last Name.
  • Field Name: voicePortal.lastName
  • Type: String
No Instance
  • Field Name: NoInstance.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Name *
  • Field Name: NoInstance.[n].name
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024