
Model: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsCallHoldPolicy

Model Details: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsCallHoldPolicy

Title Description Details
AudioFileId * Supported file types MP3, WAV, and WMA. Files must be less than 5 MB. The 'PKID' value indicates that an audio file has been configured for the policy using the Microsoft portal. In this case, VOSS Automate does not have visibility of the file. However, the policy is still available for assignment in VOSS Automate.
  • Field Name: AudioFileId
  • Type: String
  • Format: db_filename
  • Field Name: Description
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
Identity *
  • Field Name: Identity
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: StreamingSourceUrl
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: StreamingSourceAuthType
  • Type: String