
Model: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsAppSetupPolicy

MS Teams Policies

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Microsoft Teams policies are synced between Microsoft Teams and VOSS Automate, to the customer level.

VOSS Automate provides an interface for managing Microsoft Teams policies at customer or site level. Updates in VOSS Automate are synced back to Microsoft Teams, and external changes are synced back to VOSS Automate.

You can view and choose default policies for sites in the site defaults via (default menus) Site Management > Defaults (and select the MS Teams tab).

Microsoft Teams policies are assigned automatically to subscribers via their user roles and profiles, and via quick add groups (QAG), as part of the initial sync and provisioning workflow.

Choosing a default policy for a site in the Site Defaults (SDD) automatically assigns the policy to subscribers at the site. When creating a subscriber via Quick Subscriber, the SDD is used, but you can also edit the configuration template for the Quick Add Group (QAG) to use a policy different to the SDD, or you can edit a subscriber directly to choose a different policy for that subscriber.

Policies are then also shown on for example the Teams User (CSOL) menu.

To manage Microsoft Teams policies, go to (default menu) MS Teams Policies; then, select the relevant menu, for example:


Call Hold Policy (Microsoft Music on Hold)

To create or update a Call Hold Policy from the MS Teams Policies menu, an audio file (MP3, WAV, and WMA and file size less than 5 MB) upload is required. Use the File Management menu for this task.

Thereafter, the Audio file dropdown list will show the file and can be selected to create or manage the policy.


Related Topics

Microsoft Subscribers in the Core Feature Guide

Site Defaults in the Core Feature Guide

Quick Add Subscriber Groups in the Core Feature Guide

Model Details: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsAppSetupPolicy

Title Description Details
Identity *
  • Field Name: Identity
  • Type: String