
Model: device/msteamsonline/CsOnlineUser

User Calling Settings

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VOSS Automate supports configuration of calling (voice) settings for Microsoft users with enabled accounts, from within the VOSS Automate Admin Portal. Configurable settings include call settings and dial out policy, such as call forward and delegation.



Call delegation allows you to assign another user to make or receive calls on your behalf, for example, when you're out of office or otherwise unable to make or receive calls from your device. In this case, VOSS Automate allows you to define user calling settings that assign the person authorized to make or receive calls on your behalf, including whether this user may change your call settings.

Related Topics

Manage User Calling Settings

This procedure adds and updates user calling settings.

  1. Go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > User Calling Settings.

    The list view displays configured user calling settings, with a default sort by user principal name.

  2. Click on a user in the list view that has the Account Enabled column set to True (green check icon), to open their calling settings configuration page.

  3. At User Dial Out Policy, select an outbound calling setting from the drop-down. Options are:

  4. At User Calling Settings, configure call answering options for this user:


    User calling settings display and can be configured only for Microsoft users with enabled accounts, that can have user calling settings (for example, resource accounts do not have user calling settings).

    The table describes configurable options, which depend on the call answering rule you choose:

Call Answering Rule Description
Ring devices

When call answering rule is Ring devices, choose one of the following Ring device settings for these Also allow options:

  • Simultaneous ring a user

    Select a person, and choose settings in case the call is unanswered, for example, send to voicemail, forward to another person or to another number, allow group call pickup, set up call delegation, or do nothing. You can also define the number of seconds to wait before the call is redirected.

  • Simultaneous ring a number

    Specify another number to ring at the same time, and define rules if the call is not answered.

  • Call delegation

    Set up call delegation (choose the user, set up permissions, and define whether the delegated user may change call settings).

  • Group call pickup

    Define how the call is redirected if no user answers the call, for example, send to voicemail, forward to a specified person or number, set up call delegation, or do nothing. Also define how many seconds to allow the device to ring before redirecting.

  • None

    If Also allow is set to None, define ring settings if the call is not answered, including the number of seconds to wait before redirecting the call.

Be immediately forwarded

When your call answering rule is to immediately forward the call, at Call forward type, choose one of the following options, and configure forwarding settings:

  • Voicemail

    The call is forwarded to your voicemail.

  • Forward to a person

    Choose the relevant alternative user to forward the call to.

  • Another number

    Specify the alternative number to forward the call to.

  • Delegate

    Set up call delegation, and define rules for how the call is handled if the call is not answered by the delegated user.

  • Group call pickup

  1. Save your changes.

    You can also view and edit a multi vendor, enabled, Microsoft user's calling settings via (default menus) User Management > User Services > Multi Vendor Subscribers.

User Voicemail Settings

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VOSS Automate supports syncing and management of Microsoft Teams user voicemail settings. Any changes you make for these settings in Automate or in the Microsoft Teams online portal are automatically and immediately synced between Automate and the Microsoft online portal.


Related Topics

Configure Voicemail

This procedure configures voicemail settings for a Microsoft subscriber in Automate.


You can also configure these settings on the Microsoft Teams online portal. Automate fetches any updates when you load the voicemail settings page.

  1. Log in to the Admin Portal, then go to User Voicemail Settings to display the list view of Microsoft subscribers with voicemail settings.


    You can navigate to the page via the default menus (Subscriber Management > User Voicemail Settings or use the toolbar Search to locate the page).

  2. Click on the relevant user in the list to open their voicemail settings management page.

  3. Update voicemail settings for this subscriber, any of the following:

  4. Click Save. Your changes are immediately and automatically updated for this user in the Microsoft Teams online portal.

Model Details: device/msteamsonline/CsOnlineUser

Title Description Details
Account Enabled
  • Field Name: AccountEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: Alias
  • Type: String
Caller ID Policy
  • Field Name: CallingLineIdentity
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsCallingLineIdentity
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
  • Field Name: City
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Company
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Country
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Department
  • Type: String
Display Name
  • Field Name: DisplayName
  • Type: String
Is SIP Enabled
  • Field Name: IsSipEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Enterprise Voice Enabled
  • Field Name: EnterpriseVoiceEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
External Access Policy
  • Field Name: ExternalAccessPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsExternalAccessPolicy
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Feature Types
  • Field Name: FeatureTypes.[n]
  • Type: Array
Given Name
  • Field Name: GivenName
  • Type: String
Hosting Provider
  • Field Name: HostingProvider
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Identity
  • Type: String
Interpreted User Type Internal diagnostic property
  • Field Name: InterpretedUserType
  • Type: String
Line Type
  • Field Name: LineURIType
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Direct Routing", "Calling Plan", "Operator Connect"]
Line URI
  • Field Name: LineURI
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
Line URI TEL portion
  • Field Name: LineURItel
  • Type: String
Line URI EXT portion
  • Field Name: LineURIext
  • Type: String
Object ID *
  • Field Name: ObjectId
  • Type: String
Voicemail Policy
  • Field Name: OnlineVoicemailPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsOnlineVoicemailPolicy
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Voice Routing Policy
  • Field Name: OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Postal Code
  • Field Name: PostalCode
  • Type: String
SAM Account Name
  • Field Name: SamAccountName
  • Type: String
SIP Address
  • Field Name: SipAddress
  • Type: String
SIP Proxy Address
  • Field Name: SipProxyAddress
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Street
  • Type: String
App Permission Policy
  • Field Name: TeamsAppPermissionPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsAppPermissionPolicy
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
App Setup Policy
  • Field Name: TeamsAppSetupPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsAppSetupPolicy
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Audio Conferencing Policy
  • Field Name: TeamsAudioConferencingPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsAudioConferencingPolicy
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Call Hold Policy
  • Field Name: TeamsCallHoldPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsCallHoldPolicy
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Call Park Policy
  • Field Name: TeamsCallParkPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsCallParkPolicy
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Calling Policy
  • Field Name: TeamsCallingPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsCallingPolicy
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Teams Policy
  • Field Name: TeamsChannelsPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsChannelsPolicy
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Emergency Calling Policy
  • Field Name: TeamsEmergencyCallingPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsEmergencyCallingPolicy
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Emergency Call Routing Policy
  • Field Name: TeamsEmergencyCallRoutingPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsEmergencyCallRoutingPolicy
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Enhanced Encryption Policy
  • Field Name: TeamsEnhancedEncryptionPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsEnhancedEncryptionPolicy
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Live Events Policy
  • Field Name: TeamsMeetingBroadcastPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsMeetingBroadcastPolicy
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Meeting Policy
  • Field Name: TeamsMeetingPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsMeetingPolicy
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Messaging Policy
  • Field Name: TeamsMessagingPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsMessagingPolicy
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Update Policy
  • Field Name: TeamsUpdateManagementPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsUpdateManagementPolicy
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Teams Upgrade Effective Mode
  • Field Name: TeamsUpgradeEffectiveMode
  • Type: String
Teams Upgrade Notifications Enabled
  • Field Name: TeamsUpgradeNotificationsEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Upgrade Policy
  • Field Name: TeamsUpgradePolicy
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsUpgradePolicy
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Teams Upgrade Policy Is ReadOnly
  • Field Name: TeamsUpgradePolicyIsReadOnly
  • Type: String
Video Interop Service Policy
  • Field Name: TeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsTeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Dial Plan
  • Field Name: TenantDialPlan
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/msteamsonline/CsTenantDialplan
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Usage Location
  • Field Name: UsageLocation
  • Type: String
User Principal Name
  • Field Name: UserPrincipalName
  • Type: String
Outbound calling
  • Field Name: OnlineDialOutPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Any destination", "In the same country or region as the organizer", "Don't allow"]
User calling settings
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings
  • Type: ["Object", "Null"]
Call Answering Rules
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.CallAnsweringRuleOption
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Ring devices", "Be immediately forwarded"]
Is Forwarding Enabled
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.IsForwardingEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Is Unanswered Enabled
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.IsUnansweredEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Forwarding Type
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.ForwardingType
  • Type: String
Forwarding Target Type
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.ForwardingTargetType
  • Type: String
Unanswered Target Type
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.UnansweredTargetType
  • Type: String
Group Notification Override
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.GroupNotificationOverride
  • Type: String
Call Group Targets
  • Field Name: CallGroupTargets.[n]
  • Type: Array
Manage call group If you want to make sure calls for this user never go unanswered, add people to the table below. The people in this table will all receive or make calls at the same time on this user's behalf.
  • Field Name: CallGroupTargetsEnhanced
  • Type: ["Array", "Null"]
Call Group Owner
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.CallGroupTargetsEnhanced.CallGroupOwnerId
  • Type: String
Notification Setting Default: Ring
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.CallGroupTargetsEnhanced.NotificationSetting
  • Type: String
  • Default: Ring
  • Choices: ["Ring", "Mute", "Banner"]
Order of the call group
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.CallGroupOrder
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["In order of table of rows", "Simultaneous ringing"]
Call Group Detail Delay
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.CallGroupDetailDelay
  • Type: String
Group Membership Details
  • Field Name: GroupMembershipDetails
  • Type: ["Array", "Null"]
Call Group Owner
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.GroupMembershipDetails.CallGroupOwnerId
  • Type: String
Notification Setting Default: Ring
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.GroupMembershipDetails.NotificationSetting
  • Type: String
  • Default: Ring
  • Choices: ["Ring", "Mute", "Banner"]
Sip Uri
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.SipUri
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Delegators
  • Type: ["Array", "Null"]
Display name
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.Delegators.Id
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.Delegators.Permission
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Make calls", "Receive calls", "Make and receive calls", "Can't make or receive calls"]
Allow changing call settings
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.Delegators.ManageSettings
  • Type: Boolean
Ring device settings
  • Field Name: SimultaneousSettings
  • Type: ["Object", "Null"]
Also allow
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.SimultaneousSettings.SimultaneousOption
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Simultaneous ring a user", "Simultaneous ring a number", "Call delegation", "Group call pickup", "None"]
If unanswered
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.SimultaneousSettings.SimultaneousUnansweredOption
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Send to voicemail", "Forward to a person", "Forward to a number", "Group call pickup", "Call delegation", "None"]
Select a person
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.SimultaneousSettings.ForwardingTargetPerson
  • Type: String
Ring another number
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.SimultaneousSettings.ForwardingTargetNumber
  • Type: String
Select a person
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.SimultaneousSettings.UnansweredTargetPerson
  • Type: String
Ring another number
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.SimultaneousSettings.UnansweredTargetNumber
  • Type: String
Ring for this many seconds before redirecting
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.SimultaneousSettings.UnansweredDelay
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["10 seconds", "20 seconds (default)", "30 seconds", "40 seconds", "50 seconds", "60 seconds"]
Call delegation
  • Field Name: Delegates
  • Type: ["Array", "Null"]
Display name
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.SimultaneousSettings.Delegates.Id
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.SimultaneousSettings.Delegates.Permission
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Make calls", "Receive calls", "Make and receive calls", "Can't make or receive calls"]
Allow changing call settings
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.SimultaneousSettings.Delegates.ManageSettings
  • Type: Boolean
Unanswered call delegation
  • Field Name: UnansweredDelegates
  • Type: ["Array", "Null"]
Display name
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.SimultaneousSettings.UnansweredDelegates.Id
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.SimultaneousSettings.UnansweredDelegates.Permission
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Make calls", "Receive calls", "Make and receive calls", "Can't make or receive calls"]
Allow changing call settings
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.SimultaneousSettings.UnansweredDelegates.ManageSettings
  • Type: Boolean
Immediately forwarded settings
  • Field Name: ImmediateSettings
  • Type: ["Object", "Null"]
Call forward type
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.ImmediateSettings.ImmediateOption
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Voicemail", "Forward to a person", "Another number", "Delegate", "Group call pickup"]
If unanswered
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.ImmediateSettings.ImmediateUnansweredOption
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Send to voicemail", "Forward to a person", "Forward to a number", "Group call pickup", "None"]
Select a person
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.ImmediateSettings.ForwardingTargetPerson
  • Type: String
Ring another number
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.ImmediateSettings.ForwardingTargetNumber
  • Type: String
Select a person
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.ImmediateSettings.UnansweredTargetPerson
  • Type: String
Ring another number
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.ImmediateSettings.UnansweredTargetNumber
  • Type: String
Ring for this many seconds before redirecting
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.ImmediateSettings.UnansweredDelay
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["10 seconds", "20 seconds (default)", "30 seconds", "40 seconds", "50 seconds", "60 seconds"]
Call delegation
  • Field Name: Delegates
  • Type: ["Array", "Null"]
Display name
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.ImmediateSettings.Delegates.Id
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.ImmediateSettings.Delegates.Permission
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Make calls", "Receive calls", "Make and receive calls", "Can't make or receive calls"]
Allow changing call settings
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.ImmediateSettings.Delegates.ManageSettings
  • Type: Boolean
Unanswered call delegation
  • Field Name: UnansweredDelegates
  • Type: ["Array", "Null"]
Display name
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.ImmediateSettings.UnansweredDelegates.Id
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.ImmediateSettings.UnansweredDelegates.Permission
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Make calls", "Receive calls", "Make and receive calls", "Can't make or receive calls"]
Allow changing call settings
  • Field Name: UserCallingSettings.ImmediateSettings.UnansweredDelegates.ManageSettings
  • Type: Boolean
User voicemail settings
  • Field Name: UserVoicemailSettings
  • Type: ["Object", "Null"]
Call answering mode
  • Field Name: UserVoicemailSettings.CallAnswerRule
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Caller can leave a voicemail", "Play an outgoing message to the caller", "Service declines the call with no message"]
Call transferring
  • Field Name: UserVoicemailSettings.CallTransferring
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Off", "Transfer to a user", "Transfer to a number"]
Transfer to user
  • Field Name: UserVoicemailSettings.TransferTargetUser
  • Type: String
Transfer to PSTN number
  • Field Name: UserVoicemailSettings.TransferTargetNumber
  • Type: String
Default greeting prompt
  • Field Name: UserVoicemailSettings.DefaultGreetingPromptOverwrite
  • Type: String
Default out of office prompt
  • Field Name: UserVoicemailSettings.DefaultOofGreetingPromptOverwrite
  • Type: String
Always play out-of-office greetings
  • Field Name: UserVoicemailSettings.OofGreetingEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
When sending automatic replies
  • Field Name: UserVoicemailSettings.OofGreetingFollowAutomaticRepliesEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
When calendar shows out-of-office
  • Field Name: UserVoicemailSettings.OofGreetingFollowCalendarEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: UserVoicemailSettings.ShareData
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: UserVoicemailSettings.VoicemailEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Prompt language
  • Field Name: UserVoicemailSettings.PromptLanguage
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Arabic (Egypt)", "Arabic (Saudi Arabia)", "Bulgarian (Bulgaria)", "Catalan (Catalan)", "Chinese (Simplified, PRC)", "Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong S.A.R.)", "Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)", "Croatian (Croatia)", "Czechia", "Danish (Denmark)", "Dutch (Begium)", "Dutch (Netherlands)", "English (Australia)", "English (Canada)", "English (India)", "English (Ireland)", "English (Philippines)", "English (South Africa)", "English (United Kingdom)", "English (United States)", "Estonian (Estonia)", "Finnish (Finland)", "French (Belgium)", "French (Canada)", "French (France)", "French (Switzerland)", "German (Austria)", "German (Germany)", "German (Switzerland)", "Greek (Greece)", "Hebrew (Israel)", "Hindi (India)", "Hungarian (Hungary)", "Indonesian (Indonesia)", "Italian (Italy)", "Japanese (Japan)", "Korean (Korea)", "Latvian (Latvia)", "Lithuanian (Lithuania)", "Norwegian, BokmÃ¥l (Norway)", "Polish (Poland)", "Portuguese (Brazil)", "Portuguese (Portugal)", "Romanian (Romania)", "Russian (Russia)", "Slovak (Slovakia)", "Slovenian (Slovenia)", "Spanish (Mexico)", "Spanish (Spain, International Sort)", "Swedish (Sweden)", "Thai (Thailand)", "Turkish (Turkey)", "Vietnamese (Vietnam)", "Welsh (United Kingdom)"]