
Model: device/cuc/PhoneDevice

Model Details: device/cuc/PhoneDevice

Title Description Details
Display Name * The preferred text name of the notification device to be used when displaying entries in the administrative console, e.g. Cisco Unity Connection Administration. For example, "Home Phone," Pager 2," "Work Phone, " etc.
  • Field Name: DisplayName
  • Type: String
After Dial Digits The extra digits (if any) that Cisco Unity Connection will dial after the phone number.
  • Field Name: AfterDialDigits
  • Type: String
User URI
  • Field Name: UserURI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Initial Delay The amount of time (in minutes) from the time when a message is received until message notification triggers.
  • Field Name: InitialDelay
  • Type: Integer
Phone System URI
  • Field Name: PhoneSystemURI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Max Subject The maximum number of characters allowed in the 'subject' of a notification message.
  • Field Name: MaxSubject
  • Type: Integer
Max Body The maximum number of characters allowed in the 'body' of a notification message.
  • Field Name: MaxBody
  • Type: Integer
Subscriber Object Id * The unique identifier of the Subscriber object to which this notification device belongs. - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: SubscriberObjectId
  • Type: ["String"]
  • Target: device/cuc/User
  • Target attr: ObjectId
  • Format: uri
Schedule Set Object Id ObjectId of the ScheduleSet for when the notification rule is active.
  • Field Name: ScheduleSetObjectId
  • Type: String
Active A flag indicating whether the device is active or inactive (enabled/disabled).
  • Field Name: Active
  • Type: Boolean
Rna Retry Interval The amount of time (in minutes) Cisco Unity Connection will wait between tries if the device does not answer.
  • Field Name: RnaRetryInterval
  • Type: Integer
Retries On Busy The number of times Cisco Unity Connection will retry the notification device if it is busy.
  • Field Name: RetriesOnBusy
  • Type: Integer
Repeat Interval The amount of time (in minutes) Cisco Unity Connection will wait before re-notifying a subscriber of new messages.
  • Field Name: RepeatInterval
  • Type: Integer
Object Id The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier for a NotificationDeviceConversation object. - template parameter [2]
  • Field Name: ObjectId
  • Type: String
Device Name The "DeviceName" of the notification device.
  • Field Name: DeviceName
  • Type: String
Event List Comma separated list of events that trigger notification rules to be evaluated.
  • Field Name: EventList
  • Type: String
Detect Transfer Loop A flag indicating whether Unity can do a loop detect transfer to this device.
  • Field Name: DetectTransferLoop
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: URI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Dial Delay The amount of time (in seconds) Cisco Unity Connection will wait after detecting a successful call before dialing specified additional digits (if any). Additional digits are contained in AfterDialDigits.
  • Field Name: DialDelay
  • Type: Integer
Conversation The name of the Conversation Cisco Unity Connection will use when calling the subscriber to notify of new messages. This maps to one of the conversations in tbl_Conversation.
  • Field Name: Conversation
  • Type: String
Prompt For Id A flag indicating whether to prompt a subscriber for their Cisco Unity Connection ID, or just their password.
  • Field Name: PromptForId
  • Type: Boolean
Phone Number The phone number to dial, including the trunk access code (if any), of the device.
  • Field Name: PhoneNumber
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
Undeletable Notification device is undeletable.
  • Field Name: Undeletable
  • Type: Boolean
Rings To Wait The number of rings Cisco Unity Connection will wait before hanging up if the device does not answer.
  • Field Name: RingsToWait
  • Type: Integer
Fail Device Object Id ObjectId of the NotificationDevice that Cisco Unity Connection will use if attempted notification to this device fails.
  • Field Name: FailDeviceObjectId
  • Type: String
Wait Connect A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection waits until it detects a connection before dialing the digits in AfterDialDigits.
  • Field Name: WaitConnect
  • Type: Boolean
Busy Retry Interval The amount of time (in minutes) Cisco Unity Connection will wait between tries if the device is busy.
  • Field Name: BusyRetryInterval
  • Type: Integer
Retries On Rna The number of times Cisco Unity Connection will retry the notification device if the device does not answer.
  • Field Name: RetriesOnRna
  • Type: Integer
Repeat Notify A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection begins a notification process immediately upon the arrival of each message that matches the specified critera.
  • Field Name: RepeatNotify
  • Type: Boolean
Media Switch Object Id * The unique identifier of the MediaSwitch object to use for notification.
  • Field Name: MediaSwitchObjectId
  • Type: ["String"]
  • Target: device/cuc/PhoneSystem
  • Target attr: ObjectId
  • Format: uri
Transmit Forced Authorization Code A flag indicating whether an authorization code should be transmitted to Cisco Call Manager after this number is dialed during an outbound call.
  • Field Name: TransmitForcedAuthorizationCode
  • Type: Boolean