
Model: data/ReporterModelTrend

Configures the list of model types to sync to Reporter.

Model Details: data/ReporterModelTrend

Title Description Details
Name *
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
Reporter Resource *
  • Field Name: resource
  • Type: String
Fixed Filters Filters that can't be removed by end user. Applicable to display as = 'list'
  • Field Name: filter_options.[n]
  • Type: Array
Field Name
  • Field Name: filter_options.[n].filter_by
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: filter_options.[n].operation
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Contains", "Does Not Contain", "Starts With", "Ends With", "Equals", "Not Equal"]
Filter Value
  • Field Name: filter_options.[n].filterValue
  • Type: String
Ignore Case
  • Field Name: filter_options.[n].ignore_case
  • Type: Boolean