
API Reference for data/ModelReport

Data model to capture Model list and instance counts under a certain hierarchy.

Model ref.: data/ModelReport

The full URL would include the host-proxy name: https://[host-proxy].

Variables are enclosed in square brackets.

For a list of available UUIDs and their dot notations:
GET /api/v0/data/HierarchyNode/?format=json

Bulk Delete

Task Call URL Parameters Payload
Bulk delete [pkid1],[pkid2]... DELETE /api/data/ModelReport/ hierarchy=[hierarchy] {"hrefs":["/api/data/ModelReport/[pkid1]", "/api/data/ModelReport/[pkid2]", ...]}
  • For the instance pkids [pkid1],[pkid2], ... that can be added to the DELETE call (the instance pkids to delete), refer to the List GET call for: data/ModelReport
    GET http://[host-proxy]/api/data/ModelReport/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]&format=json


Task Call URL Parameters Response
List GET /api/data/ModelReport/
  • hierarchy=[hierarchy]
  • format=json
  • schema=true
The data/ModelReport schema and all instances as JSON.

(The list will return 0 to 3 data/ModelReport instances)

(Show the first instance)


Task Call URL Parameters Response
Get the on-line Help for data/ModelReport. GET /api/data/ModelReport/help hierarchy=[hierarchy] On-line help of Model ref.: data/ModelReport as HTML

Instance API Reference


Task Call URL Parameters Response
Delete DELETE /api/data/ModelReport/[pkid] hierarchy=[hierarchy]


Task Call URL Parameters Response
Get GET /api/data/ModelReport/[pkid] hierarchy=[hierarchy] The data/ModelReport instance with [pkid].


Task Call URL Parameters Response
Help GET /api/data/ModelReport/[pkid]/help hierarchy=[hierarchy] The on-line Help for data/ModelReport.